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Nooby question (Solo Quests/ looking for people)

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Hello, I got my Jurnal accepted yesterday and I thought to do some quest in SP (Solo), but it isn't explained how to play/wright in SP. Also, I would appreciate if someone could show me the ropes and go on some quests with me. First time on RP form. Please help.

Edited by Taka
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Howdy, I'm your friendly neighborhood Jade Hunter, Hirru.  I can definitely help you out, when you have the time.  I'll give you a practice session that will teach you everything that you need to know about our current system, and basic roleplaying on the site.  If you have any questions, or would like to get right into it, just send me a PM

Also, a bit of advice: don't go solo as a level one.  We lose players easily to the boars that way.


Welcome to SAO-RPG!  Stay alive out there, soldier!

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