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[F01-PP] "Might as well start somewhere..." {TFFLAF}

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Hours after Akihiko's opening ceremony, most new players were shivering in fear , screaming or crying of the news. But, like in every story , there were people who weren't scared, in fact , they started to get determined to survive the game, to live.An inner voice resonated in Rin's head: T'ese damned twats will loose e'rything if they overthink too much... She already knew after hours of exploring and looking around the Town of the Beginning that she had to start quests to improve. I mean , that's the point of a RPG, right? What was the point of a MMORPG if you couldn't progress. She needed some easy starting quests , to get a feeling of the game's mechanics at first. Luckily for her , she had heard what was probably a beta tester explaining to some newer players that there's was that quest... 'The first few were free'? She wasn't Exactly sure of the name , but that wasn't exactly what mattered , what mattered was the location of the quest. 

After looking around a bit more , this time to find the quest giver , a man named
Zackariah. After twenty minutes of running around trying to find the place where the NPC lived. Unsurprisingly , it was a workshop.  As she entered the building , an old man's voice could be heard resonating on the walls. Welcome, welcome dear! You arrive just in time, I was heading out but how about a little deal? I am currently in need of Tier One Materials, if you could go an fetch me some without fighting, I would reward you with some extremely useful knowledge of this world. Of course, You wouldn't only have knowledge for your efforts! The old man finishes with a smile has the quest's accept and decline buttons appears in front of Rin. Letting a deep, bored sigh, she pressed the 'Accept' button then quickly head to the outside of the Town's secure place... She'd suddenly stop. The voice of the old man came back in her head: Fetch me some without fighting... She'd need some protection... She could ask to some random group but... they'd probably ask way too much in return... She could always ask to the guy that was standing in front of her that seemed a bit.. better than her... Ugh... she just hoped that this tall guy wasn't some kind of douchebag or spoiled brat... Taking a deep breath , she'd poke the guy's shoulder , immediately asking: Since ya' seem not to be have an ass like 63% of e'rybody else, could I ask to use your... -Ahem-... Talent to protect me for a quick quest? I need pick up some stuff laying around wit'out bashing random ass mobs... I just looked at you and realized that you actually might not be bad for today's standards... I promis' ya'll get some reward after that. So... Waddaya say? She sounded half serious , half mocking him. Though she first needed to have him.. she didn't want to go get some random other guy... He seemed somewhat capable in this world.

Edited by Iizyl
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 Pinball was staring off into space, daydreaming about nothing in particular. Something touched his shoulder. Involuntarily, he jumped, his first thought being, cockroach! Exclaiming, "Jesus!" the boy whipped around, swiping his shoulder in a frenzied attempt to get the roach off. There was a girl standing behind him, trying to talk to him. Pinball froze, stopping dead in his tracks. The girl explained she needed some help with her quest, and that he had been today's lucky winner. Pinball nodded absently, his face bright red from his first reaction. The girl gave off the aura of being extremely competent, and so he didn't quite understand why she was talking to him. "Y-yeah, sure. Whatever you need, yeah," he droned, his self awareness not entirely having returned. The roach thing had really done a number on him. "Wha- uhh, what quest is it now?" His face went red, and he kept rubbing his hands through his hair for some reason. He didn't even know the girl, and he was already agreeing to help her out. She knows you're scared of cockroaches. The thought creeped into his mind, sending goose bumps down his back. He knew very well he hadn't said anything out loud about cockroaches, but, an irrational part of him believed she could read minds. Besides, if he refused the girl, she could very well die, and, well, quite frankly, Pinball didn't want anybody dying because he was scared they knew he was afraid of bugs. "It- it sounds like it's that uhh, that beginner quest. With the old dude? I- I'll help, sure, sure. You... you know where to go, right? Or do I have to like... lead. Or... Yeah.

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The girl would simply look at him , questioning herself of her choice... What was he afraid of? Her? She might be a bit rude , but she didn't think of herself to be scary. Though as he mentioned the old man's quest and... where she had to go... Christ , she didn't have any idea where to go. Yeah, outside the town , but where outside?  Plants? Mining? Where would she even find a pick axe in the first place!? Anyhow... She needed him now.. There was no choice. Plus , by the way he was speaking , he had probably already done the quest.   The NPC that's nearly dying of ol' age?  I guess that's the one ya're talking about... And nah, don't have any f'ing idea where to go do his gardening job... And just by the way ya're speaking, ya've done it already.  I might as well use your 'nowledge and follow ya. That talk hadn't been the smoothest she'd done, but It'd probably do the job. At least she hoped so. If worse came to worse , she'd run away as the victim, making her a bit more known throughout this place. Plus , she wondered how long she could make this fool work 'with' her. She'd put a hand behind is back and make a sign to be the leader. At the same time , a group invite would appear on his side. Let's get start'd then... They'll prob'bly be cockroaches, insects or something along the lines of that to you anyways...

Edited by Iizyl
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She certainly has a way with words, he noted, accepting the party invite. The girl's blunt way of speaking was something Pinball respected. He appreciated honesty, and hated sugar coating. But... Pinball felt that the girl's bluntness was going to cause her a lot of trouble in the future. Already, she was coming off as pushy and rude. Pinball himself didn't mind, hell, he thought it was kind of funny, but, eventually, there was going to be someone who took major offense to one of her japes. He looked her up and down, studying her. Pinball had seen her type before, back in the real world. She seemed to want him to take the lead. Is... is she trying to get me to do the work for her? He couldn't quite tell, though he felt as if there was a bit of an intent to manipulate him in the girl. If she is, she's certainly subtle about it. Blunt, and intelligent. Damn it. Pinball was going to have to be more cautious around her than he had originally intended. 

"We can go this way, I think," he said to her, pointing in the directions of the plains. "There's probably some materials over there." Pinball started walking, checking behind him every so often to make sure she was still following. God, I hope there aren't any bugs. As he walked, he tried to make conversation. "So, uhh.. what's your name?

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The plains? Meh... I guess ya 'now better than lil' me...  She started to follow him seemingly adaptive to his speed. Rin looked at him , every time he eyed her. Was he making sure she followed or was he trying to keep an eye on her, thinking she would pay him what she had promised him? She sure was an asshole , but she respected most of her promises. Sure , there was some times were people were asshats about not reading correctly or not hearing what she swiftly said, but that wasn't her problems.
Wait... now he was asking her name? Couldn't he simply read it just under his?  Christ...he maybe wasn't as 'talented' as she first thought... Well, now she was stuck with him , even if she didn't like it.
I dunno if ya've already been in a group, but if ya look under your name, ya'll see mine. And if ya can read , ya'll also realize that its Iizyl. [Pronounced like EaselYa're not makin' the greates' impression, but ya still seem better than the other cheese sticks... She'd then trot up to him , her short hair bouncing a bit in the process.Any idea how long that stupid quest is supposed to take? T'inkin' about how much i gotta pay you up for the body guardin'.

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She was right. Pinball wasn't making a good impression. His attempt to make conversation had crashed and burned, though it was his fault for asking her name of all things. It was literally the one thing that was seperating his health bar from hers on the HUD. "Oh. Right," he said, slapping his sides nervously, "I... I didn't see that." He needed to do something. Something that fixed the things he was messing up already. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Pinball's head darted from side to side, and stopped on a player that was just finishing fighting a boar. The player was within ear shot, but far enough away that he could get away with it if things got heated. Casting a quick glance at Iizyl, he cupped his hands over his mouth, and shouted to the swordsman, "Hey buddy! Yeah, you! Look out for the bear! The bear!" He accentuated his shouting by jumping up and down, and waving his hands, trying to convey the urgency of the situation to the player. The random guy who was suddenly convinced there was a bear behind him panicked, and spun around, swiping his sword around frantically. Long story short, the panicked fighter fell on his rump, dropping his sword. Suddenly realizing there was in fact no bear, the player stood, angrily retrieved his sword, and spun around without looking back. Pinball was bent over double, dying laughing. "There's not even bears on this floor," he wheezed. 

After a few moments, the boy was able to calm himself. Wiping a tear from his eye, Pinball said, "There's really materials all around us, you just gotta look for 'em." Pinball yawned. "It'll take as long as it takes. Just depends on how lucky you get. Technically, it can last forever.

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