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[F21 - PP] - Familiar Play Date and Looking for Loot

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ID# 91864 results: Loot: 16+5=21 - Success! Found chest!

It was not that Shield had no sense of wonder, but he had been through so many of Aincrad's landscapes, and particularly in dangerous areas, that his eyes instinctively sought out the points of interest. This was not even the first chandelier structure he had seen on this floor. He scanned for exits, monsters, and loot. The latter was absent, which was good, but as he took in the room, he noticed that the other two also seemed absent.

"Hmm... I wonder..." he strode across to the bank of the underground lake, looking carefully. "Hey, Calypso," he called back, eyeing the surface. Eventually, he spotted what he was looking for. Just below the rippling surface, there were stepping stoned. He took one step and then another, working his way towards that which he assumed to be the place where their quarry might be hidden in plain sigh - the waterfall. "Calypso?" he called again, unsure why she had not responded.

He continued across until the stones led him through the mist surrounding the base of the waterfall. Now he had to feel rather than see his next step. Each stone though brought him deeper into the enshrouding mists until they cleared behind the falls. There, in the dim light of the luminous algae that clung to the walls, was a chest.

"Pay dirt!" he whooped, kneeling down to get a better look. It was a simple wooden frame with a convex lid and iron bands holding both the hinges and the body in place. "I knew there had to be a point to all of this."

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Callie's eyes were practically sparkling as she took in the scenery laid out before her. Compared to the dark caverns and tunnels that they had traversed up to this point, everything before her seemed to glow with a natural beauty that caused her to forget the whole thing was simply a projection in their minds.

Her gaze eventually lowered from the fantastic sights above to spot Shield making his way past the base of the waterfall. She blinked, as if her mind was working to catch up with her. At the realization that the man had been calling her, Callie rushed to follow after him. "S-sorry!" She called back, a bit flustered from realizing how she had spaced out. She moved to the edge of the water, taking hurried steps to try and follow the path he had used.

When she caught up to him, she leaned to the side to spot the chest he was occupied with. She hesitated a moment before reasoning with herself that it could have been much worse if he had been trying to warn her of some kind of danger. "Um, Callie is fine." She brought up a hand to the back of her neck before twisting her torso and looking over her should at the back of the water that fell behind them. She pulled the hand from her neck and reached out, letting the water catch on her fingertips. "You...said you haven't been in these areas before, right?" She prompted.

ID#: 91867 | LD: 12 - nothing

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Shield scrolled through his inventory and pulled out a golden key, holding it just in front of the lock. With a click, the top of the chest popped open and slowly lifted. A dialog box appeared in front of him, listing out its contents. He nodded with approval as he scanned over them, closing the window and straightening back up.

"Callie?" he said, repeating the name she had given for him to use. "That works for me. We got some decent loot out of tha-"

The wall behind the chest creaked and slid to the side, rumbling out of sight to reveal a staircase up. It wound around and out of sight, bending back towards what Shield assumed would be the room from which they first fell.

"Sneaky bastards," he snorted. "They made it a one-way door. You can only find it if you fall into their oubliette." He shook his head but eventually turned to Callie and shrugged. "I guess in the end it was worth it. You got a nice view out of it, and I got to find something that could be useful in my shop. You're more than welcome to a cut of the Col. We found quite a bit."


Opening chest

-1 Golden Key

ID# 91872 LD:13+5=18 CD:5 3,150 Col, 8 T3 Materials, 2 T3 Rare Consumables, 1 T3 Perfect Armor


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Her attention was pulled back to her front when the sound of rumbling reached her ears, and she spotted the new passage that had been hidden away from them. A frown pulled down at the corners of her mouth at Shield's response. "A nice view? A cut?" She repeated, turning back around and placing careful steps to return back to the massive room beyond the other side of the falls.

She retreated back to the bank where they had emerged from, turning to face the center of the wide cavern and spreading her arms out at her sides as she projected her voice to be heard over the roar of the crashing water. "Are you kidding? This is amazing!" She took on a wide smile before moving again, a step and a half forward to lean slightly forward over the water's edge as she gazed at the clear pool. In between the ripples that disturbed the surface, she could catch sight of the impressive crystal cluster hanging overhead, and her chin subsequently lifted towards it while she found herself taking in the sights all over again.

ID#: 91897 | LD: 9 - nothing

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ID# 91898 results: Loot: 6+5=11 - No mats [5 total]

Shield glanced back over his shoulder, realizing that Callie was no longer present. He doubled back to the other side of the falls. Not too far away from the stepping stones nearest the falls, there was a large, broken stalagmite that made a convenient stool. He took a seat, more amused at Callie's amusement than with the room itself. He wondered if he had ever been that starry-eyed since entering SAO. He knew for a fact that Beat had. Shield remembered him taking off for the second floor as soon as they set out from the town of beginnings.

He didn't speak. They had already pushed through darkness and fallen through floors. He could stand back and let her enjoy herself for a little while. He would have been lying if he said he didn't enjoy the view as well. The dull roar of the waterfall that filled the chamber was also soothing in a way. In a game where death was always around the corner and there was no real escape, the droning drowned out Shield's thoughts and brought him back to the moment. He rested his hands on one knee and drew it in close to his chest.

Hm. To be low level and not have to worry about pushing the front lines forward.

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Callie decided to be a bit selfish. She sat down, crossing her legs and leaning forward to  run her fingers over the cool surface of the small lake. Maybe someday she would get the chance to see places like this whenever she wanted to. When the players had pushed forward to the highest of floors, and maybe after she had plenty more levels under her own belt, she could come back to this same exact place and spend as much time as she wanted marveling at the artificial beauty. But for now, with those scenarios just far-off chances in her mind, she took her time here.

Danesh hadn't followed after either of the players when they had ventured too close to the falls. With Callie in much better spirits than their last  interaction, the dragon deemed it safe to approach her now, gliding through the air and taking his usual perch on her shoulder. She looked over at the familiar, greeting him with a few strokes of his head with her other hand. "Have you been taking good care of Lilith?" She asked in a soft voice, her eyes moving to the viper that still rested on his back.

ID#: 91899 | LD: 4 - nothing

Thread Summary:

Shield: +1 SP, +3,350 col, +(13) T3 materials, +(2) T3 Rare Consumables, +(1) T3 Perfect Armor
Calypso: +1 SP, +200 col, +(1) T3 material

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