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[PP - F2] Masked Figures << Long Live the Queen >>

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Invi had snapped back into reality when he had held out his arm handing her the quest reward. Invi shook her head keeping her hand on her mask as she felt like it had almost flew off, and said to him looking up to him "T-thank you, I don't know if it would be of much use to me, however I still appreciate it." she said with a shy smile taking the potion into her hands and into her inventory. Invi had nodded in response to Jomei saying to get back to Urbus Invi had said out "Lead the way." she had smiled and followed behind Jomei. Eventually he had spoke out noticing that she had continuously said that she took her time in her shop, he then asked what kind of shop she owns, Invi had said out "Oh I just make clothing, right now I haven't fully gotten the job, I have been mostly just been designing vanity clothing. Nothing too special. Some even like being able to get Vanity clothing, it makes for good business."


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Jomei chuckled as he looked back to the masked woman one last time before leading the way back to Urbus, "Well, in case you get stuck and need to defend yourself.. its a good thing to hold onto." Turning front again, Jomei started his path back to Urbus with Invious right behind him. The trail back to the stone settlement was simple enough, being able to follow the paved path that led straight to the town's main gate. Most of the mobs had been hunted recently, so their short journey was, luckily, before any of them had the chance to respawn and attack the two. 

The conversation shifted to Invious' line of work, since she had mentioned to Jomei about never leaving her shop much. The idea of being a tailor, yet one that merely sold clothing for its looks to players seemed like a good idea. Jomei chuckled, "Well then I have a friend who would love to visit your shop.. though I'm pretty sure she has a place she usually frequents for that kind of stuff." 

Finally, the two had entered the safe zone of Urbus once again, keeping them safe from the monsters that roamed the city's walls. The Irishman turned to the robed woman with a smile, "Well, I'm glad I was able to help.. I take it you'll be returning to your shop?" 


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Invious had shook her head when he had said a friend would love to visit her shop, she had said after a giggle "Thank you, but ill pass from having any visitors right now. I'd like to stay a little private for now. I am just trying to get my life back together. Is all." they had eventually made their way back to the main settlement then had said out that he was glad to help and she would be returning back to her shop. Invious had nodded her head and said out to him "Thank you for helping me, and yes I will be heading back to my store as there is no where else I need to be or should go. So I appreciate your help." she had sent a friend request to Jomei and turned around not saying anything else from there. She had faced away from Jomei at all times and took off her mask and placed it into her inventory as she had let out a few tears as she had stepped through the teleporter to floor 8 where she would head back to her store.

Thread Complete - 

Invious - 4 SP, 1x Matriarch's Stinger

Jomei - 1 SP, 400 Col

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