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SP: First Floor First Few Lessons are Free

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<<The First Few Lessons Are Free>>

This quest takes place on Floor 1

Players over level 15 are ineligible for SP rewards.
This quest is non-repeatable, however any player may participate in a thread to accompany the quest-taker.

Image result for D&D innkeeper

Background Information - An old NPC man, dubbed 'Zackariah', is in the Town of Beginnings. He plans on helping the new players of SAO by helping them understand the basic's of Sword Art Online.

Quest Objective
-Go fetch five(5) Tier one materials and give them to Zakariah.

(Go into the wild and gain materials though non-combat gathering and by rolling the LD, and linking it to a post. These materials are then given to the NPC)

-Help Zakariah in his workshop by crafting a Healing Potion.

(Roll the CD by linking it to a post.)1-3 fail, try again| 4-6 (Good Quality- Success)| 7-9(Rare Quality-Success)| 10-12(Perfect Quality-Success)
[Zackariah will give players materials until they roll a success, but the player is helping him, so he keeps the crafted potion(s).] [Zackariah is kind hearted, and will not berate the player should they fail, merely try to talk them through to process and help them]

-Zakariah asks you to deliver a package to Lyle Tealeaf, a local Blacksmith

-The Blacksmith, Lyle Tealeaf, thanks you and says he could use your help on another matter 



-At least one [1] Pages (20 or more posts)
-Players can find Materials by rolling the LD(11+)
-Must RP traveling to his workshop and from Zackariah's place to Lyle's workshop
-Maximum Party size of 2.

(Please note, this only works for quest materials. If you find more than you needed this way, you do not get to keep them because this LR roll amount is reduced for the quest only. All other non-combat gathering needs to conform to the standard rules. You CANNOT selectively choose whether it's a quest material or not. )


  1. Questers will be rewarded the following items
    - 5 Tier One Health Potions of Uncommon Quality (+40HP)
    - 1 Tier One Damage Potion. (+1 Damage)
    -1 Tier One Over-Health Potion (+50 Temp. HP)

  2. 2 Additional Skill Points

If a party of players undertakes this quest together, each must succeed on their own task list (e.g. each must gather 5 materials)

Recommended Level: 1

Regaining my bearing's after spending a day in the town of beginnings, I came to the conclusion that I could either sit here and wait to die. Or I could seek out an answer to being trapped here for myself. I came here to escape the real world and hiding in the town of beginnings is worse than being stuck IRL. I met Zackariah who was offering help to everyone in the town of beginnings. Unfortunately Zackariah was quickly running out of resources as I sat and watched him selflessly give away everything he could to the players. I approached Zackariah in an attempt to gain a few potions before I headed out on my own. Zackariah looked at me regretfully and informed me he was out of potions, but he quickly smiled and offered to make me potions if I went and got the materials he needed for him. I nervously accepted his offer. This was my first quest and I was going to make the best of it. BUT WAIT, I need a weapon! 

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After I received my 2H Assault Spear from Macradon's shop, I headed out to the fields. Taking the first step out of the town of beginnings was almost as liberating as it was terrifying. I could die. I could really die out here. I quickly glanced around for any enemies as I headed out in the direction that Zackariah recommended to gather materials. No materials were immediately apparent out in the area of the field I was in. I kept having to remind myself to breath as there were no monsters around. Yet I kept getting the feeling that someone was watching me. It was unsettling. Yet I had to press on. If I could not over come this, how could I actually face a monster, let along survive. I came across a grove of trees on the outskirts of the field. It looked promising and I had to continue. 

Rolling Loot ID# 92261 Loot: 10. 

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Rolling ID# 92264 results,  Loot: 6

As I approached the grove of trees, I immediately realized this was not going to be a fruitful adventure. There were a collection of boars gathered in the trees. One of the boars turned to face my direction and for a moment I saw the red gleam in its eyes as I quickly darted out of sight behind a tree. I tried to hide behind the tree as I quietly as I could. I could hear the boars sniffing around me. I didn't have much time, it was either run or fight. Then another idea came to mind when I saw a rock on the ground. I picked up the rock and threw it past the boars. With a loud *Crack* it made connection with one of the trees. This was enough to get the boars off of my location as they ran away. I had to collect myself for a few minutes before continuing on. 

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Rolling ID# 92265 results, Loot: 1

After I was certain the boars were gone, I quickly rose to my feet and headed off in a different direction. One with hopefully less monsters. As I was crossing the fields, I thought to myself how I ended up in this place. Maybe I didn't need an escape from my family. Perhaps things weren't so bad ya know? But then memories of my father came rushing back vividly.  Whatever this place is and whatever it holds, I'm certain I made the correct choice. No longer lost in my ponders i began to truly take in the field for the first time. The details in this virtual environment are astounding. I had never experienced anything like it before. The flowers seemed so real. I went to pick one up and for the first time took a deep inhale. Not to keep my calm, but to actually enjoy something. The flower smelled wonderful.

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Rolling ID# 92267 results: Loot: 4

The flowers I smelled were the first thing I had actually stopped to enjoy in this game of life or death. Maybe begin on my own isn't such a bad idea. Maybe I can do this. If people are going to be around me, they have to know what its like to . . . well I guess they have to know what its like to stop and smell the flowers. At this I fell to the ground giggling to myself. Imagine that I, of all times, where I could die at any moment, had a moment of wittiness that perhaps even only I could appreciate. Laying in the field I didn't feel scared or worried. I felt empowered. This is my time to become who I need to be. It doesn't matter if Kayaba trapped me here, because the way I see it, the prisons I form in my own mind can be far more formidable. 

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Rolling ID# 92268 results: Loot: 8

For all my wonderings, this thought would not go away. Why had Kayaba trapped us all here in the first place? This is suppose to be a game isn't? I doubt there is anything to gain from the mass murder of ten thousand people. Maybe he was just lonely? I heard he had created this entire online world that I am immersed in for the benefit of online players. Why trap them here? Why trap people in a fate they didn't choose? For just a moment Kayaba started to sound like my father. Who knows, maybe I am just trying to understand the rantings of a sociopath. Which, in all probability, could only be understood by another sociopath. But then again, everyone starts out somewhere. I slowly got up from my bed of flowers and decided that maybe my time will be better spent actually looking for answers. As I looked down at my bed of flowers . . . I smiled. Life is to short to be constantly afraid of dying. 

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Rolling ID# 92270 results: Loot: 11

And that's when saw something in the ground. I noticed something catching just a glint of light from the sun. I brushed some of the grass and flowers to the side and found some Izzet glass. This is some of the material that could be used by Zackariah to make potions for me and other players! I grabbed the Izzet glass and placed it in my pocket. It is ironic that through all my searching, laying in a field of flowers was by far the most productive thing I had done. This day was far from over but it was finally starting to look up. Looking back to my ever fading print in the field, I decided to rearrange some of the flowers. It felt weird to not leave things the way nature had them first before I just came over and decided to plop myself down. So I did. 

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Rolling ID# 92272 results:  Loot: 20

As I was rearranging the flowers, I noticed another piece of Izzet glass slightly off from where I was laying. What luck, I went from not being able to find any materials and being hunted down by a pack of boars, to finding 2 pieces of glass that could be used by Zachariah for the good of everyone. I placed that Izzet glass in the same bag as the other pieces and continued to clean up the area so my impact was minimal. I felt a little bit better after I had done so. Though I may not be as liberal about the environment as my IRL mother, I certainly knew she had rubbed off on me at some point in that department. I couldn't help but take quick showers or recycle the milk tab, unlike 99% of the people on planet earth. Guess it could be worse than not caring. 

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Rolling ID# 92273 results: Loot: 13

I walked away from the flowers and towards another out grove of trees at the other end of the field. It was more a collection of small little trees than anything but it was nice to have something on the plains to look at besides a vast array of field. The flowers are nice, don't get me wrong, but there is something about being in an open space that is unsettling to me. Perhaps its because there are more possibilities of things being there with me than in a closed space where I more easily watch my surroundings. Yet I still loved the outdoors. As I approached the trees, I begin searching around them at the roots for anything that Zackariah could use. Fortunately I was able to find some serum powder. Zackariah told me to be particular careful with serum power so I placed it in a separate pouch away from the izzet glass for safe measure. 

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Rolling ID# 92274 results: Loot: 9

With the serum powder in tow, I decided to climb up one of the trees to see if I could get a better view of the field. I grabbed one of the branches of what appeared to be the sturdiest branch, but as I put all my wait on it, it began to snap. I quickly hoped off the branch before It completely broke off. So much for that idea. Those trees were definitely not strong enough if I had thought about it more carefully. I would of looked like a real smart cookie had I hurt myself out here. I stepped back from the trees and decided that I had searched enough over here. The field is still far to large for me to search through all in one day. But I am certain that I could find the materials I was looking for if I kept getting lucky. 

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Rolling ID# 92275 results: Loot: 7

I left the tiny trees and kept on my way. The part of the fields I was walking towards were pretty far away from where the gate back into the town of beginnings. Luckily it was not far away enough that I could easily lose my way. After my lucky spur of finding materials, things were starting to feel pretty sparse. Maybe there was a trick to finding these materials that I was just not employing. Now was not the time time for such ponderings, as I had a mission. I felt like Zackariah was counting on me, and in a way, other travelers in the town of beginnings. Other travelers needed potions just like I did and the only way to get them was from Zackariah. I wonder if all NPC's are this nice. At least I hope they are. At that point I came across a stream that ran on the outskirts of the field. 

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Rolling ID# 92276 results: Loot: 3

I looked upstream and noticed that I could not see the source of where the water was coming from. This stream appeared to go on for miles. And this was just the first floor of one hundred. Aincrad appears to be a place you could spend not just one lifetime, but multiple life times exploring and still not discover all of its secrets. I placed my hands in the stream to wash them. The water felt cool and refreshing on my skin. Spending over half a day by this point digging through brush and attempting to climb trees certainly can make your hands feel more callused than usually. I cupped my hands together and took a few gulps of the water. It felt very cool going down my throat. I wiped away the remaining water from my mouth. I shook off the water from my hands as best I could and continued to look through the water for some materials. 

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Rollings ID# 92277 results: Loot: 11

As I waved my hands through the water, I saw fish coming down the stream. These fish were breathtakingly beautiful. As the fished continued to head downstream, they leaped into mid air, making slight splashes in the water. The water shimmered a sky blue and a deep emerald green between the two fish that appeared to be competing for my attention. I watched them until they disappeared from my view. I focused my attention back to the task at hand. I slid off my boots and socks so i could continue to search a little deeper in the stream. As I waded out into the water, I was able to get a clearer view of bottom of the stream. There, in the middle of the stream was so more Izzet glass. I quickly and carefully went over to retrieve it. The current was not to powerful but finding this material had taken the better part of a day. Better to be safe than sorry. 

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Rolling ID# 92278 results: Loot: 3

I placed the 3rd piece of izzet glass in my bag and continued to wade in the water. I was careful not to wonder off to far from my boots and other equipment. After all, this is still life or death. But I was feeling more more at ease than I originally thought possible. The water felt good, the sunlight was beginning to fade into what I'm sure would be a beautiful sunset, and my stress levels were at an all time low. I continued to search for izzet glass with little success. Maybe I need the sun to shine off them in just the right way, I tried moving around paying attention to similar spots so I could see it with multiple angles of light. But it was to no avail, it looks like this piece of izzet glass was the only one to be found in the stream. 

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Rolling ID# 92279 results: Loot: 3

I splashed some water up in the air with my feet as I bounced back to the bank of the stream where my equipment and boots were waiting. I walked over to my boots and sat down next to them. I dried out my feet and placed on my socks and boots. There was a butterfly lying on my left boot so I waited for it to fly off. When a butterfly lands on something that is yours, it is supposedly good luck. Though I can't be sure because I can't remember when the last time that had happened to me. I'm also not sure if it counts in this virtual world. Is the luck a virtual butterfly the same as the luck that a real butterfly would give? Perhaps thats the thing about superstitions, they don't have to be real for them to affect you. I walked on towards the next area. 

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Rolling ID# 92280 results: Loot: 6

As I was walking away from the stream, I noticed my left boot was untied. The laces didnt seem to come up all the way. "That's odd" I thought to myself. Why didn't the laces come all the way up? I was certain that I laid them in a certain order so they could maximize their effectiveness at staying attached to my feet. I knelt down and begin to re tie my laces when suddenly it noticed it was not my laces that were the problem. There was a caterpillar on boots! Grosssss! I hate bugs. I mean I hate bugs. Like, more than E. L. James hates the English language. I flicked the caterpillar off with my spear and it flew into the stream. I took off both boots and put them back on extra carefully just to keep the heebie jeebie's from returning. It unfortunately did not work. :/ 


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Rolling ID# 92281 results: Loot: 10

Here I was, so close to finding all the materials I need, yet so far away. I walked away from the stream and headed off towards the direction of the tree line. Surely I can find some materials over there nestled in among the trees. The sun was now beginning to set. I needed to get back to the town of beginnings before it got dark out. The odd thing is I didn't feel tired or sleepy. This was new to me. I always felt some form of exhaustion in real life but it just occurred to me that I had not felt tired at all for the all the activities I had done for the day. Maybe that is part of being in a virtual reality? Whatever the case I needed to pick up the pace if I was ever going to find that last material. The day was starting to run out. 

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Rolling ID# 92356 results: Loot: 9

I walked over to the trees and low and behold there was something there, waiting for me. For the second time today i looked into the red gleaming eyes of a boar and had to make a choice. Quickly rush towards him in an attempt to get the first blow? Or make a scramble to avoid being seen. The latter had already been successful one today so for now I'll stick with that approach. I knelt down besides the first line of trees that I came up to. Luckily, it appeared the boar had yet to notice my presence. I was surprisingly much calmer this time. My breathing was steady. I could hear the boars grunts and squeals as it was moving in between bushes and trees. The boar seemed rather intimidating regardless of how calm i was. It was a thick coat of brown and had a visible breathe in front of nostrils every time it breathed. 

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Rolling ID 92356 , Loot 9

The Boar really was a horrifying monster in the secluded forest. The sunset was fast approaching at this point. I was not sure how well I would be able to search for materials in the night. The wind picked up and it made a gentle rustling noise as it pushed it way through the trees. The wind slowly tickled the back of my neck. This made my hair stand on end as it was as if someone was blowing on the back of my neck. The Boar apparently reacted the same way as I heard him squeal as what I can only assume was shock. I stayed behind the tree and attempted another peak. The Boar seemed like it was not going to move, almost as if it was guarding something that it did not want anyone else to see. I could not get close enough to find out what that was without startling the boar. 

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Rolling ID# 92358 results: Loot: 14

I picked up a branch that was laying next to me an tossed it on the other side of the boar. The boar ran towards the branch and I seized my opportunity to move further into the forest. I'll be damned if I was not going to find all the materials I needed before the day was up! And like magic the last piece of izzet glass was right there waiting for me. But as I went to pick up the glass, I heard the Boar bellow as it came tumbling out of the brush after me. I picked up my spear in a panic. All I could do was hold it in the boars direction as it charged at me. I closed my eyes and held my breathe. The boar squealed as it ran into my spear. It glanced off and slowly trotted as it hit the ground. I opened my eyes to it being shattered like broken glass. I did it. I defeated the boar and now had to find my way back to the town of beginnings to get these materials to Zackariah. 

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