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Name: Erin's Protection
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: 92864
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Evasion
Description: A small, round silver charm featuring the symbol of a Celtic shield knot. The center hosts a tiny smooth, opaque gem that resembles a heart.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633


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41 minutes ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Erin's Protection
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: 92864
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Evasion
Description: A small, round silver charm featuring the symbol of a Celtic shield knot. The center hosts a tiny smooth, opaque gem that resembles a heart.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633



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Name: Celestial Blessing
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: N/A - Used T2 Candy Cane material
Roll Result: N/A - Used T2 Candy Cane material
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 EVA / +1 ACC
Description: A small sapphire charm in the shape of a heart. A silver band set with white, blue, and clear round gemstones loops around the back and ends with two tiny stars shooting past each other in the front.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633

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3 hours ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Celestial Blessing
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: N/A - Used T2 Candy Cane material
Roll Result: N/A - Used T2 Candy Cane material
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 2
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 EVA / +1 ACC
Description: A small sapphire charm in the shape of a heart. A silver band set with white, blue, and clear round gemstones loops around the back and ends with two tiny stars shooting past each other in the front.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633

approved telly

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Name: Kismet's Bloom
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Roll Result: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A gold-band ring that features multiple small cuts of rubies and emeralds set in a way to resemble a rose. A single small diamond sits at the center of the design.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=534239

Edited by Telrenya
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2 minutes ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Kismet's Bloom
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 1
Roll ID: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Roll Result: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A gold-band ring that features multiple small cuts of rubies and emeralds set in a way to resemble a rose. A single small diamond sits at the center of the design.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=534239

Approved @Telrenya

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Name: Willow
Your Profession: N/A
Your Rank: N/A
Roll ID: 93701
Roll Result: 20 (+7 buffs) = 27 LD
Item Type: Familiar (Will-o-Wisp)
Tier: 1
Quality: N/A
Enhancements: Protector (Rank 1)
Description: An ethereal creature about six inches in height with a semi-translucent body. Its eyes have an oval shape and appear bright white, and two thin appendages fall from its sides to resemble arms. It cannot be touched, and will vanish when it would come into contact with something solid, only to reappear moments later. In combat, it protects the player by blessing them with a thin 'shield' that coats the avatar. While this blessing is active, Willow's typical form is no longer present and the player's avatar will take on a soft blue aura when it would protect them from oncoming damage.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15728-pp-f8-double-trouble/?do=findComment&comment=535143


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1 minute ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Willow
Your Profession: N/A
Your Rank: N/A
Roll ID: 93701
Roll Result: 20 (+7 buffs) = 27 LD
Item Type: Familiar (Will-o-Wisp)
Tier: 1
Quality: N/A
Enhancements: Protector (Rank 1)
Description: An ethereal creature about six inches in height with a semi-translucent body. Its eyes have an oval shape and appear bright white, and two thin appendages fall from its sides to resemble arms. It cannot be touched, and will vanish when it would come into contact with something solid, only to reappear moments later. In combat, it protects the player by blessing them with a thin 'shield' that coats the avatar. While this blessing is active, Willow's typical form is no longer present and the player's avatar will take on a soft blue aura when it would protect them from oncoming damage.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15728-pp-f8-double-trouble/?do=findComment&comment=535143


Approved! :3

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Finder's Lens +2
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 94885
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +2 LD
Description: A magnifying glass. The lens is held in place by a bronze rim while the handle is a smooth teak wood with a slight curve.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633

Using an Essence of Steel obtained from Ryo on the above craft to make it:

Name: Finder's Lens +2
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 94885
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A magnifying glass. The lens is held in place by a bronze rim while the handle is a smooth teak wood with a slight curve.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633

Edited by Telrenya
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2 minutes ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Finder's Lens +2
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 94885
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: +2 LD
Description: A magnifying glass. The lens is held in place by a bronze rim while the handle is a smooth teak wood with a slight curve.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633

Using an Essence of Steel obtained from Ryo on the above craft to make it:

Name: Finder's Lens +2
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 94885
Roll Result: 11
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: A magnifying glass. The lens is held in place by a bronze rim while the handle is a smooth teak wood with a slight curve.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=533633


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Name: Accuracy Charm
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Roll Result: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A tiny metal square decorated with kanji. Helps boost ACC.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=538469

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5 hours ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Accuracy Charm
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Roll Result: N/A - Used T1 Candy Cane material
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 ACC
Description: A tiny metal square decorated with kanji. Helps boost ACC.
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=538469


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Telrenya said:

Name: Finder's Feather
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 2
Roll ID: 95911
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 LD
Description: [Image]
Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/15070-f3-artisan-r1-crystal-clear/?do=findComment&comment=540079


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  • 7 years later...
  • Shop Post: here
  • Transaction Date: 02/16/2025
  • Cost of Transaction: 2 materials
  • Crafter's Profession: Artisan
  • Crafter's Rank: 3
  • Item Name: Sahelanthropus
  • Item Tier: 3
  • Item Type: Trinket
  • Item Rarity:  Perfect
  • Item Enhancements: EVA III
  • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 241169
  • Item Description: A pair of seemingly ordinary, rugged-brown shoes, capped with black leather. They are purely utilitarian in design, meant not to take away from the significance of one's ability to stand on their own two feet. 
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4 hours ago, Telrenya said:
  • Shop Post: here
  • Transaction Date: 02/16/2025
  • Cost of Transaction: 2 materials
  • Crafter's Profession: Artisan
  • Crafter's Rank: 3
  • Item Name: Sahelanthropus
  • Item Tier: 3
  • Item Type: Trinket
  • Item Rarity:  Perfect
  • Item Enhancements: EVA III
  • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 241169
  • Item Description: A pair of seemingly ordinary, rugged-brown shoes, capped with black leather. They are purely utilitarian in design, meant not to take away from the significance of one's ability to stand on their own two feet. 


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  • Shop Posthere
  • Transaction Date: 02/18/2025
  • Cost of Transaction: 4 materials
  • Crafter's Profession: Artisan
  • Crafter's Rank: 3
  • Item Name: Silver Token
  • Item Tier: 1
  • Item Type: Trinket
  • Item Rarity:  Perfect
  • Item Enhancements: ACC II / EVA I
  • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 241266
  • Item Description: A large coin made from silver that shines in the sunlight. The design on the Heads side appears to be of a Western Dragon of four legs and a set of wings, while the Tails side's design appears to be of an Eastern Lungwyrm. Furthermore, a small hole exists in the outer ring of the coin, allowing it to be strung onto some other piece, such as a bracelet or necklace.
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14 minutes ago, Telrenya said:
  • Shop Posthere
  • Transaction Date: 02/18/2025
  • Cost of Transaction: 4 materials
  • Crafter's Profession: Artisan
  • Crafter's Rank: 3
  • Item Name: Silver Token
  • Item Tier: 1
  • Item Type: Trinket
  • Item Rarity:  Perfect
  • Item Enhancements: ACC II / EVA I
  • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 241266
  • Item Description: A large coin made from silver that shines in the sunlight. The design on the Heads side appears to be of a Western Dragon of four legs and a set of wings, while the Tails side's design appears to be of an Eastern Lungwyrm. Furthermore, a small hole exists in the outer ring of the coin, allowing it to be strung onto some other piece, such as a bracelet or necklace.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Fusing two Rare T1 Jewelrys [ID#: 242895 & ID#: 242909] into:

  • Shop Post: [Here] and [Here]
  • Transaction Date: 03/06/2025 and 03/07/2025
  • Cost of Transaction: 4 Mats and 7 Mats
  • Crafter's Profession: Artisan
  • Crafter's Rank: 4
  • Item Name: Sun Spot
  • Item Tier: 1
  • Item Type: Jewelry
  • Item Rarity: Perfect
  • Item Enhancements: Quality II / Loot Die I
  • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 242912
  • Item Description: A black starburst earring with a blue center gem connects to two uneven-length chains with a cuff to attach to the outer ear. Pairs with a single matching starburst stud for the other side.

Separate crafting evaluation:

  • Shop Post: [Here]
  • Transaction Date: 03/07/2025
  • Cost of Transaction: 7 Mats
  • Crafter's Profession: Artisan
  • Crafter's Rank: 4
  • Item Name: Moondrop
  • Item Tier: 4
  • Item Type: Jewelry
  • Item Rarity: Perfect
  • Item Enhancements: REC II / EVA I
  • Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 242910
  • Item Description: A pair of simple pearl drop earrings. Their findings are made of a polished gold.


Edited by Telrenya
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