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Worn out Welcome and New Introductions <PP-F3>

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-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
-Defeat Dark Elf

Dark Elf Information:
<<Dark Elf>> is a mob and has the following statistics:
HP: 12
Damage per Attack: 9


  1. Leather Coat/Dragon Bone Cuirass (Light/Heavy): An uncommon armor with any standard armor enhancement chosen by the earner of the weapon which fits the armor type chosen. Only one person may earn this armor per thread.
  2. 1 Skill Point

Eatos wasn't, well, she wasn't hugely for, or against, the 3rd floor. More like, unused to it? That would be much more of a apt description. She stood at the blacksmiths, the start of the 'Worn out Welcome' quest. It wasn't too hard and if she was honest with herself, she could probably solo the quest herself. However, why solo the quest when she could do it with another. Fae, the youngest member of the guild. She had a soft spot for the girl, honestly who didn't? 

'Hey Fae. I know we haven't spent too much time hanging out, i'm wondering if you wanna do a quick quest down on the 3rd floor? It's just a short combat one'

After sending it, the girl sat down. She'd been spending a lot more time in her black suit, she was really enjoying having a separate set of clothes to wear that wasn't her combat gear. 


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Fae was on her usual Snowfrost Stroll, skipping along when Eatos sent her a message to do a quick quest on the 3rd floor with her. Fae liked seeing Eatos, and it would be another chance to get to know her one on one. Since it was the 3rd floor, Fae was thinking about just climbing down off of the side, but it was way too dangerous to even attempt that, so Fae got the idea out of her head immediately and headed over to the floor teleporter.

Fae found her way to the blacksmiths, where the quest started and saw Eatos in her black suit and immediately recognized her. It just looked so formal. Fae was still only wearing her undies underneath her cloak, which was her usual combat gear. Ever since she had gotten it, Fae never took off her cloak. It was just that comfy.

Fae ran up to Eatos and hugged her tightly, looking up at her with a big smile. "Hi miss Eatos! You ready for the quest? It's good to see you again, Fae is excited for this quest." Fae said as she stepped back out of the hug and gave Eatos a quick salute.

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As the girl waited, she looked around the area. She knew Angel was nearby, her Husky was seen the open field and ran off the instant she saw it. She wouldn't prevent it, after all, Angel was her own being, despite being offically a familiar. She was a pet, and a member of her family. The only real one who lived within SAO. But, that didn't mean her family couldn't be made. Experience was just an able force, as blood. 

In her suit, sitting down, she did feel slightly overdressed. She looked over as Fae approaches, and despite the awkward look when the small girl hugged her, she returned the hug. "It's a pleasure to see you Fae. The quest itself shouldn't be too hard. I'll confess, it's in hard because i want to test something out" Accessing her inventory, the girl pulled out a Katana. The design itself was rather simple. A silver blade, black handle and golden hilt. She placed it on her back after a short display "I acquired the ability to use a Katana last night. I wish to...test it out" There was another reason all-together, but that was personal. It was her job to be a symbol for those in the guild, a leader at the front. This was, her test...to herself. 

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Fae noticed that Angel wasn't beside Eatos and started to look around for her, finding it a bit odd that Angel wasn't being her usual protective self with Eatos. Fae spotted her out in the open field and just dismissed it as Angel just simply being a dog and wanting to wander around a field.

Eatos said that the quest shouldn't be too hard, and Fae nodded. "Fae is fine with hard quests. What do you think Fae is? A little kid? Besides, Fae loves going on quests, they're super fun!" Fae said cheerfully as she put her hands on her hips, trying to look heroic. Eatos then went on to explain that she specifically wanted to test out her new katana abilities, which Fae was perfectly on board with. "That's fine miss Eatos. So, do you want Fae to hold back when we fight monsters so you can test out your katana?" Fae asked.

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Eatos knew she was treating Fae different to everyone else, being more careful as she was a young child. But, she couldn't help herself. Fae was 9, but more so, didn't speak in the first person. She knew that, of everything, was the warning flag she had to be aware of. Shock, fear. The girls mind was possibly so damage from the experience...She hated to be more of a burden to Fae, than Fae was to herself.

"We'll be fine. From what i'm aware, there are some monsters in the quest. There will be no need to hold back, take out the monsters as you see fit. I'll probably get a few of them on my face, but, well, i'll be fine. I have my Angel to look after me"" The girl looked over at the field where Angel was simply rolling in the grass. She smiled, it was almost like Gluts back home, who did the same thing in the snow... "Are you ready to get going Fae?"

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