Spencer 0 Posted January 5, 2018 #1 Share Posted January 5, 2018 "Noooooooooooo, why am I doing this noooooooooow." He complained to himself as he brought up the quest and walked around the main city of the first floor. He knew that he had to get this done, and soon, but he really really really did not want to do it. He hated these quests, and he was happy to get a little break from this quest line with Ruby, Jomei, Kimi, and Erin.... someone that is apart of his guild and he doesn't understand why they are. He shrugged at the thought of Erin, it was a strange night that was for sure. He continued to walk towards the docks with a sad look on his face, it was obvious to onlookers that he was not in the mood for what he was about to do. He was following the directions to the man he had to see, with the parcel in his hands that he had to deliver to said man. Okay lets just get this quest done in record time. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #2 Share Posted January 6, 2018 Spencer walked and approached the dock. He sighed a bit and held up the package. It was a long and slim one, so he had no idea what could be in it. I don't think a fishermen would need a fishing rod, you know, because they are already fishing, but I mean hey, who knows, maybe his broke. He rolled his eyes a bit and stepped on to the wooden dock, the water slowly expanding out in front of him. Good thing I like water, but I do not want to get on a boat. He sighed a bit and walked further in, not really seeing anyone as he walked. There were a lot of access boats, like no one was actually going on and doing things for the town. They are NPCs Spencer, of course they aren't what do you expect. He shrugged and turned, seeing a man standing off to the side with a fishing rod, with a NPC marker above him. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #3 Share Posted January 6, 2018 Spencer walked up to the man, and he turned to him, the automated conversation started. The NPC's AI saw the package and the man's lips turned into the smile. "I see the woman gave it to you to deliver to me? I thank you greatly for helping get that package to me, but I must ask for some help. Would you be able to ?" Spencer groaned silently and nodded, telling the man that he would be able to. "Yeah no problem, I can help you." The man smiled widely and handed him the fishing rod that he was using. "Thank you, you need to follow me, the fish we are getting is out deep in the water." Spencer looked at the boat and gulped, knowing that there was probably going to be some combat happening on the water, he was not in the mood for that. He groaned inwardly and walked towards the boats. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #4 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) Spencer stepped on to the boat, it was pretty rocky, he looked at the man, who gave him a smile, and with that the two of them set off on the boat towards the middle of the lake. The man started to talk about fishing, giving a very long out explanation on fishing and every that it entails. Spencer sighed a bit and sat there, looking at the water as it passed. He let his hand trail in the water as he stared at his reflection, not knowing if he liked what he was looking at or not. He looked up into the sky and sat there, a slight, not very content moment for Spencer. He hadn't felt sadness a lot recently. He felt accepted by a guild, and he was finally working on leveling more and becoming stronger, but the thoughts of not being good enough were still coming into his mind, strong like ever. Edited January 6, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #5 Share Posted January 6, 2018 Spencer looked up, and unfortunately the two of them were still not where they were going. He had an icon on his map that showed they still had a little bit to og in order to actually get to the mark. He sighed a bit and looked around, wanting to distract himself. Hey, meeting Erin was weird, that's for sure. He is guy, a douche, but for some reason Jomei thought he was girl, and he even met her a couple times... I wonder what exactly is going on there. If this Erin person is transgender that's fine and all, but what if its something else... hmmm. I think Jomei will get to the bottom of it, shouldn't be anything bad though which is nice. He shrugged to himself and checked the map. He groaned a bit more when he realized that they weren't that much closer to the point. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #6 Share Posted January 6, 2018 Spencer saw the point start to get closer and closer to the boat, and he smiled a tad bit. Finally, they were going to get more of this quest done, and he could finally move on with everything and get this quest line hopefully done. He was hoping to any god above that there wasn't going to be a fifth quest in this quest line, if there was, he didn't think he was going to do it for a very long time. He sighed for a moment and looked up at the lake. The middle of the lake was coming closer, and his buried deep fear of drowning was slowly starting to come back up to the surface. Here we go, I do not want to be afraid of this any more, I hate being afraid of drowning, I don't even know why I am, but here I am, afraid I'm going to fall to the bottom of the lake, ugh me. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #7 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) Spencer looked up to see the boat was nearing the center of the lake, almost there in fact. He smiled a bit and stood up, the boat rocking slightly in the calm water as he did. He looked over at the fisherman who was no longer talking, he was staring intently into the water where they were, like he was almost waiting for something to swallow him whole deep from the water itself. He looked concerned at the older man, but he didn't say anything. He stood there and began to take the fishing rod, haven't fished in a very, very long time. He looked down into the water and swung the fishing line out into the lake, hoping that possibly he would get the fish first try. After a while of waiting, it was obvious that he would not be getting this fish first try, which was a tad bit irritating to Spencer. ID: 93554 CD: 5 Edited January 6, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #8 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) Spencer waited a moment before he pulled up the bobber, wondering if he was fishing in the right spot at all. He pulled up his map to look at the quest directive icon, and he showed that the two of them were in fact on top of the correct spot. He shrugged a bit and closed it, not knowing how long this fishing was going to take. He almost asked the fisherman, but he really didn't want to deal with another long, drawn out speech about fishing and the perils of it, so he decided to keep his mouth shut and stare into the water. He casted the line out once again, hoping that this time it might be a bit different and catch the dang fish. What kind of fish am I even getting, I think he told me but I'm guessing I was completely ignoring him.. not surprised to be honest. ID: 93555 CD: 4 Edited January 6, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #9 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) So Spencer's luck was not going his way at all, and it was starting to irritate him just a tad. He watched as his bobber floated in the water for a bit, then sunk underneath the water. Spencer gasped and started to reel it in, hoping that he got the fish and he could get out of the water. Spencer dragged the line to him and saw that, in fact, he had caught nothing. The fish had bitten off the bait that he was using and swam off with it. He grumbled silently and put more bait on, and casted the line out once again. Great, come on fish. You technically don't even exist so it shouldn't matter if you just come along with me and end this quest. I wish the AI worked like that, knowing it was AI and being okay with the fact of what it is. ID: 93556 CD: 2 Edited January 6, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #10 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) So what am I going to be even doing after I catch this fish, will I just be handing it over to the man then he will be taking me back to the shore? I feel like that is way to easy, even for a low level quest. Please don't tell me that I have to fight something, I'm not the best fighter so I would rather not fight something. He shrugged to himself in defeat and felt the line tug twice, very hard. Spencer's eyes went wide and started to grip it tighter, not wanting the rod to go flying out of his hand. He looked at the line and saw a shadow underneath the water. He smiled a bit and started to reel harder and harder, getting some traction in the line. Before knew it though, the fish flew out of the water and came right at him, ready to attack him. Crap ID: 93557 CD: 11 Edited January 6, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #11 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) The fish was coming right at him, a swordfish. Great, I'm fighting a fish that has the name of a weapon. He rolled his eyes and unsheathed is mace, swinging upwards fast. The swordfish was caught off guard, and Spencer was able to strike the stomach of the fish. It made a strange noise and flew into the air and landed with its back against the water, then started to swim around in the water, getting ready to strike again. Spencer looked at the fisherman, and he had a shocked and scarred look on his face. Man, my reflexes were actually pretty okay during that, I'm pretty happy. Didn't expect to move that fast, but also didn't expect a sword fish to be flying towards my face to attack me on a boat in the middle of a pond. ID: 93558 BD: 6 MD: 4 (4x3 = 12 Damage) Spencer:HP: 240/240 Energy: 21/24 Fish:HP: 23/35 Damage: 50 (First Hit) 5 (Every Other Hit, no Mitigation) Edited January 6, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 6, 2018 Author #12 Share Posted January 6, 2018 (edited) Spencer readied his mace as the fish began to swim around, he was ready for it. He stared at it and gripped his mace tighter, and the fish came quickly at him, flying out of the water. The fish's nose struck him in the shoulder, and Spencer gasped and hit the bottom of the ship. He groaned and stood back up, the fishermen looking concerned for the wellbeing of Spencer. He glared at the fish and swung his mace quickly, striking the fish hard on his its head and sending it turning on its back on to the boat. The fisherman cheered for him and Spencer sighed, sitting down on to the boat and looking up into the sky. "Ugh, that was a bad fish." He mumbled and holstered his mace on his side. Now for the docks, yay. ID: 93681 BD: 5+1=6 MD: 9 (50+1 = 51 - 16 = 25) (3x4 = 12, + 14 Thorns = 26) Spencer:HP: 215/240 Energy: 19/24 Fish:HP: -3/35 Damage: 50 (First Hit) 5 (Every Other Hit, no Criticals) Edited January 8, 2018 by Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 8, 2018 Author #13 Share Posted January 8, 2018 Spencer sat on the boat as it slowly started to move towards the shore. He smiled a bit and looked around. He had finished this quest and he was happy about it, he just had to get to the shore, get the item he was guessing he was going to get, and move on with his life and actually do something. He had already hung out with a few people, so he was wondering what he was actually going to do after this was over. He sighed a bit and looked up into the sky. The fisherman was now talking about god knows what, and he was just ignoring it all the way he could. He didn't really like this NPC character monologues, they get pretty boring and it doesn't really pertain to any sort of plot. The truth is there really isn't any plot in the game now that he thought of it. He just did quests and hung with his guild a lot. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 8, 2018 Author #14 Share Posted January 8, 2018 Spencer checked the map, and saw his icon slowly start to go towards the shore. He felt the water slowly start to rock him back and forth on the pond. He yawned a tad bit and closed his eyes for a moment. His mind wandered from place to place, much like the water he is on at the moment. He kept going back between the depressing thoughts he was having, then to how happy that he was with the guild and feeling wanted and welcomed with them. He shrugged to himself and laid on the boat, slowly starting to drift off. Even the fisherman's words were fading away into the background so far that he wasn't even listening to him anymore. He yawned and curled up, his cloak was bunched under his head and snuggled a bit closer to his cloak, feeling very tired. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 8, 2018 Author #15 Share Posted January 8, 2018 He couldn't remember his dreams when he woke up, all he knows is that he woke up slightly sad and upset that the dream was horrible. He didn't know what the hell he was dreaming about, but he doesn't want to dream about it again. Also, the way he woke up was not the best. The boat hit the shore and Spencer shot up, giving himself a bit of whiplash and making his vision blur for a little bit before he got used to his vision. He groaned a bit and slowly stood up, trying to walk off the boat and find his way back to where he was going to go for the finishing of the quest. He was concerned that there was going to be another quest after this, and he was not hoping for it at all, because he hated this quest line with a burning passion, so he was ready to get even more of it done. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 8, 2018 Author #16 Share Posted January 8, 2018 Spencer started to walk down the docks,, where the fisherman was standing with the new fish that he had gotten from the player helping him get it. He smiled and brought out a different, smaller fish that was in a crate next to him. "Here, you deserve this. You need something for your troubles for helping me get a swordfish. I hope you come by and visit sometime, and have a good day with the travels that you may come across." An icon appeared over Spencer's head, alerting him that he was done with the quest, and there was nothing that said for him to go on to another quest in the story line. Spencer gave a big sigh of relief and walked away, more like skipping away from the dock into the main area of the city. Finally! I'm so glad to be god damn done with those quests, I hated them! Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 9, 2018 Author #17 Share Posted January 9, 2018 Spencer thought for a moment, he didn't really know what to do now. He had finished that quest line, something he didn't want to touch again, and now he was bored, very truly bored. He sighed and sat on a bench near him, running a hand through his blonde hair. The fact that he was bored was a good and bad thing. He was happy to know that the quest was done, but now he was bored because he really had nothing to do, no more quest line to do. He almost missed it, almost. But he was damn happy that it was over, he couldn't place the reason why he didn't like the quest line, but he knew for a fact that he hated it. He leaned back on the bench and closed his eyes, his favorite past time was napping after all. He sighed and curled up close to his body, letting sleep slowly come for him, until he jerked awake by falling over on to the bench itself. ID: 95290 LD: 11 Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 5, 2018 Author #18 Share Posted February 5, 2018 Spencer stood up and groaned, walking away from the bench, he didn't want to fall over on to the bench again. He walked towards the forest, he was happy to be doing something else again, but he was still bored. He grumbled to himself internally and walked through the forest, letting the branches slowly go over his head and the wind pass by him. Spencer sighed and almost tripped over a patch or hard mushrooms, almost falling to the ground. Spencer threw his arms out to hold himself up and looked down at the ground, a small mushroom was glowing out of the rest of them. He looked down and plucked it, he smiled a bit at it, he had found some materials, it had been a while since he had found one, it was nice to have something else happening during this day. Spencer put it into his inventory and kept walking, thinking that maybe he actually could find some stuff now. ID: 95291 LD: 19 +1 Material Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 5, 2018 Author #19 Share Posted February 5, 2018 After finding the first mushroom on the ground of the first floor, he decided to start looking for some more materials, considering the fact he didn't really have anything to do, and he was hella bored. He started to search the ground for some more mushrooms, he was a cook after all. He didn't know if he was going to actually stay a cook or more to something else, but he was hoping he would at least stick with something to get everything going and done, as in a shop. I really need to open my shop, like soon soon. But I don't have much of a push for that, maybe in the future I will. After I have more of my levels and more of my quests done I will go for that later. Maybe when I can start equipping higher tier armor and consumables, that would be when I get to a decent level and actually move forward in my push to be a better level than I already am, I'm pretty low right now. ID: 95294 LD: 4 Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 6, 2018 Author #20 Share Posted February 6, 2018 Spencer sat down on the ground and cracked his knuckles, and started to Sign. He never really did this in public, he didn't know why, but he decided to start practicing now. Spencer had always loved Sign Language, for different reason than he really talks about. Spencer started out with the alphabet, then slowly delved into more and more difficult phrases. He sighed and kept going, until he had like a ghost pain in his hands. He shook his hand and laid back on to the ground. He sighed a tiny bit and closed his eyes slowly. He knew he always napped during these things, it was annoying for him, but it was what he was going to do today. He yawned a bit and laid closer to curling up, wrapping his cloak around his body. He couldn't figure out why exactly he was so tired all the time, he heard that mental instability could affect it, but he was in a VR game so he didn't think that could actually exist. He sighed a bit and shrugged, letting the sleep consume him. Link to post Share on other sites
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