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Patches' Marks and Explorations (Trusty_Patches Journal)

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Username: Trusty_Patches 

Real Name: Alexander Graham

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"


Patches is a wanderer, and a collector of odds and ends. Initially he traveled with another player named Creighton, but after an argument over items that devolved into fighting, they parted ways. Or rather, Creighton took a rather nasty fall and was killed. Patches decided to travel alone after that, less people meant less chances of trouble after all. Whenever he does meet other, Patches remains polite and often points others towards interesting things he's noticed in his travels.

IRL, he's relatively normal. He was born into a relatively poor family. Growing up he had two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. His parents doted on his younger siblings. He was often forced to give up whatever toys he happened to own to them. This, along with his families lack of amenities, grew a desire in him. He wanted more than what he had, more money, more knowledge, anything he could call his own. His avarice eventually developed into a minor case of kleptomania, initially he was caught whenever he attempted to take even small things. He eventually improved to the point that it was hardly noticeable that he was taking anything, for small objects at least. He developed an interest in videogames when he was about 14. He had heard about them from a friend of his at school.

The idea that he could escape from his dreary life into a much brighter one intrigued him. The only problem was that he lacked the means to get any. Fortunately, his friend had a handheld gaming system that he was allowed to borrow. He fell in love with them from that point on. Patches continued to excel in school, to the point that he received several scholarships. He had decided to take up the study of programming, in the hopes that he could escape from poverty. He graduated near the top of his class. He went on to be hired by a new, booming company. He had finally achieved more than he could have ever expected. But life still felt empty. Eventually he heard of new development in technology, the Nerve Gear. It allowed one to put themselves into a virtual world. His interest piqued, Patches bought one of the Gears, along with a copy of Sword Art Online. 


Honest: When his parents had given him any attention they had taught him to be honest. Those lessons in honesty have been with him throughout his entire life, but not in the way it was originally intended. Patches has learned to be selectively honest with anyone he meets.

Smart: To get more things, one often has to be much more clever than others. Patches desire for more lead to him studying to an almost absurd extent. This lead to him scoring near the top of his class in school.

Knowledgeable: Thanks to his thirst for knowledge, Patches knows quite a bit information. While it has helped him in the past, it sometimes gets jumbled together. Unfortunately (for others), this tends to happen when he's describing a location or an enemy.


Honest: While he was raised to be honest, his greed somewhat changed it. While he will tell the truth, if he can cheat someone out of something he will. This often caused friction with others before he started SAO.

Greed: Growing up in a poor family, Patches didn't have much to his name. What he did have, he was forced to share with his younger siblings. Patches didn't particularly like sharing what little he had. He often tricked his siblings into giving things to him. His avarice often got him into trouble with his parents and others, when he was caught that is.

Polite: While he always strives to be polite, sometimes some rudeness will slip out. Particularly if someone keeps him from getting a particular item. Sometimes he can even come across as condescending.







Weapon Skills:

Beginning Set A: Basic Equipment:

Basic Spear : ×1 Damage

Patchwork Leather Armor : ×1 Evasion 


(5) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)

2,500 Col and (10) Tier 1 materials


Edited by Trusty_Patches
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