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[F-11] 'Katanas & Katsu Grill'

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Photo Credits: Sumiya Pleasure House

Upon floor eleven there stands out an odd building in Taft, the signage marking a restaurant of all things. Despite the floor being entirely a fantasy version of medieval England, the exterior of the building has been modified to look like a feudal Japanese building. A bright red awning standing out among the vibrant white of the bricks. The building seems to be avoided by NPC's, not part of their programmed walking paths. Meaning this odd building out is player owned. The smell when you get closer is delectable, and as you approach you see the door has been retrofitted with a sliding wood door which stands open. Stepping in you meet a small counter adorned with a small hand bell. -Ring for Service-. Behind the counter is a doorway, which would lead into the main kitchen. The counter extends around to the side creating a 'L' shape with several stools in paper booths. Hungry, you ring the bell. A few seconds pass before a man with long violet hair steps out from the kitchen, wiping his hands with a cloth. "Aha~ Welcome. What can I do for you today?"  He places the rag into a pocket on the apron he's wearing. His violet hair tied away in a tight bun, a loose strand of hair invading his face as he smiles at you. Asking to see the menu, he happily takes a small piece of paper and hands it to you. Prompting you to take a seat around the corner, he ushers you in. "Please, have a seat. Take your time, and order when you're ready." He says, before giving a bow and heading back around to the kitchen.

You look at the menu...



The Prices

Good Food item (vanity, no buffs just filling)...............................................(depending on complexity of dish)
Uncommon Food Item(Tier 1)..................................................250 Col
Rare Food Item (Tier 1).......................................400 Col
Perfect Food Item (Tier 1)...........................................550 Col

~These are tier 1 prices, there is an increase of 200 Col per additional Tier~

~Envoys Of The Empyrean eat free~



On the other side of the menu pamphlet, you find...



Custom Dishes!
Same as listed price, but make sure to use the following submission form!
*attached is a small note card for your convenience*
Enhancements: [>>]

Custom dishes will only allow the following enhancements to be commissioned:

  • Non-scaling
    • Accuracy | Evasion | Protein
    • Loot Die | Prosperity
    • Antioxidants | Over-Health
  • Scaling
    • Mitigation | Probiotics | Vitality

Name: Ryo
Your Profession: Cook
Your Rank: 3
Roll ID: (leave this blank)
Roll Result: (also leave this blank
Item Type: (What food item you want)
Tier: (What tier the food is)
Quality: (Number of enhancement slots)
Enhancements: (What you want your food to do)
Description: (what you want your food, to....food.)
Post Link: (leave this empty)




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Current Rank and Title
Rank 4 - Experienced Cook: Able to craft Tier 4 food. 5 crafts per day

Rolls and Experience Table
[1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
[2-3] = Fail (Lose materials)
[4-6] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
[7-9] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
[10-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
[12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

[1-15] = No additional items.
[16-20] = Yields 1 additional item.

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  • 6 years later...
Posted (edited)

Crafts for 1/4/25

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 239747 4 9 Fail (Lose materials) +1 EXP
2 239748 6 1 Fail (Lose materials) +1 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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  • 1 month later...

This wasn't his usual type of spot. Kindling wasn't all that personally pulled in by the typical Japanese style, and cared little for it compared to his preferred Han-Era Chinese interests. Still, someone had recommended this restaurant in Taft, and it was hard to deny that it was really nice. All of it was so neat, the atmosphere a lot more quiet, compared to the busy city outside. The door was open, so hopefully the Player-Cook was here, though the man understood that those like him were busy. Trying to always keep up with getting enough resources, experience, or just outright glory. Only way to tell, Kindling took it. Reaching his hand out to ring the bell. Letting the sound ring out, and then - only because he couldn't help himself - ringing it again a lot more softly. Again, again. Enjoying the sound of it tinging off the close by walls. The purple man appeared from behind a door somewhere in the middle of him going for another ringing, causing Kindling to immediately place his hand on the bell in slight social uneasiness. 

"-To go. I have somewhere that is calling my name."
As much as he'd like to stay, meet and laugh with anyone else who walked in and chose this place for lunch, the consumable was important for his current destiny. Surely another player could sympathize with that. 


Name: @Kindling
Your Profession: N/A
Your Rank: N/A
Roll ID: (leave this blank)
Roll Result: (also leave this blank
Item Type: Surprise me!
Tier: 4(?)
Quality: Best(?)
Enhancements: Prosperity
Description: Surprise me!
Post Link: (leave this empty)


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Posted (edited)

Crafts for 3/5/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 242809 7 17  Salvage  +3 EXP
2 242810 12 18 Perfect +9 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Posted (edited)

Crafts for 3/7/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 242927 6 10 Salvage - Fail  +3 EXP
2 ?????? 8 10 Salvage - Fail +3 EXP
3 ?????? 3 4 Fail +2 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Posted (edited)

Crafts for 3/11/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 243035 3 12 Fail +3 EXP
2 243036 3 13 Fail +3 EXP
3 243037 9 2 Uncommon +4 EXP
4 243046 2 9 Fail +3 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Posted (edited)

Crafts for 3/12/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 243115 10 8 Uncommon +4 EXP
2 243116 12 18 Perfect (double up) +9 EXP
3 243117 4 13 Fail +2 EXP
4 243118 2 8 Fail +2 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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Crafts for 3/25/25 - Custom Ambition Tool Used

  ID CD LD Result EXP
1 243545 3 7 Fail (lose materials) +2 EXP
2 243546 12 14 Perfect +9 EXP
3 243547 8 8 Uncommon +4 EXP
4 243548 7 12 Fail (Salvage) +3 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
- - - - - +0 EXP
  Fused Items Fused ID Result
1 - - -
2 - - -
3 - - -
4 - - -
5 - - -
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