Spencer 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #1 Share Posted January 21, 2018 "I. Am. Very. Bored. Oh. My. GOD!" He groaned in his inn room. He had done a lot recently, but it seemed as though nothing would quell his need for interesting things to do. He was someone who constantly wanted to do something, and today was a day that he didn't have anything to do. Luckily for him, he had hung out with basically everyone in the guild, except Kairi of course. Who even is she, all I know is that apparently the way she looks is very surprising, so that should be fun... this doesn't help me become un-bored. He groaned and laid on his bed, the room was very quiet, and lonely. His thoughts traveled back to the idea that everyone is kind of finding people to be with, and Spencer wasn't. Telrenya had Jomei. Ruby had Jevi. Hestia had Kairi, and Kimi seems to be fully content without a relationship. Ryo, he has no idea if that would ever happen, so he was stuck being forever alone. He let those thoughts crowd his mind of a moment, before he ignored them and sat up, a great idea popped into his mind. "Wait! I could get a familiar! That actually sounds like fun!" He smiled and quickly looked for the quest. He had accepted it a long time ago, but never actually went for it, but he thought that maybe now would be a good time to crack open that dusty quest and actually get to doing it. Seems kind of boring, I'd like to do it with someone. Maybe I'll ask Kimi, haven't seen her since the Christmas Party. Maybe someone else as well, that way the conversation isn't slow and slightly boring- Hestia! I'll ask those two, sounds fun! He smiled and opened up his messenger, getting ready to send a message to the two players Dear Hestia and Kimi,Hi! I was wondering if you two lovely people could help me out and do the familiar quest with me? It sounds like a very boring time and I'd love to have some friends the could accompany me on this, totally fine if you can't though, no pressure :) ~Sincerely, Spencer @Kimi @Hestia Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #2 Share Posted January 21, 2018 Kimi was in the fourth floor playing with Noodle in the snow when she heard a blip from interface. "Ohh! A message from Spencer." Kimi was happy that she got a message from him because she felt like she didn't thank him enough for the invitation to the guild. The message explained that he was on his way to do the familiar quest and wanted to have company along the way. Kimi quickly sent a message back accepting the request. Spoiler To Spencer, Heyyo! Nice to hear from you. I'd love to help you with your quest. Just tell me where to meet you and i'll be there. I actually have someone that you might like to meet also, but i'll show you when we see each other. -Kimi Kimi went back to playing with Noodle in the snow. It was adorable how he kept digging in and out of the soft thick stack of snow. "Hmm...I wonder what kind of familiar Spencer has in mind. I got lucky and found this adorable fun creature randomly, but i've still never seen any like him." Kimi thought to herself as she pondered more about what might be a fitting animal for him. @Hestia Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #3 Share Posted January 21, 2018 I rest in my shop with a smile on my face gently strumming my guitar to play some music for Kairi who is just listening as i close my eyes enjoying the piece. My feet up on the table as i lean back in my chair so it is carefully balanced to not fall over onto the floor. I get all relaxed as i continue strumming peacefully as Kuro is resting in a chair where customers could rest, but for now that is Kuro's safe space. However, i suddenly hear a blip of a message as i panic as i tilt back even more. 'Oh S**t' i think as i fall over and hits the ground as i groan softly out of reflex as i look up towards the ceiling as i see Kuro fly over on top of the counter looking down at me with concern, and then hear the footfalls of Kairi as she kneels besides me. "Are you okay Emby?" I hear her ask as i just nod my head. yeah, yeah i am fine just got a message i wasn't expecting. I say as i slowly roll out of the chair and stands back up as i put my guitar back where it goes to not get destroyed. I then open up the message and nods my head seeing that it is from Spencer asking for some help. Well got to go Ashely Spencer is asking for some help, so i'll be right back. I say as i give her a gentle kiss on the lips before heading out of the shop whistling over to Kuro to follow as he quickly does so. I then open up my menu and starts typing out a response to Spencer as i walk out of my cavern. Spoiler @Spencer Hey man what is up. I'm totally up for helping you out with this quest i even got a LD item that you could use if you don't have one already even. Also, yeah this time i remembered your name don't worry! "insert Thumbs up icon." From hestia With the message sent i quickly exit the cavarn and starts climbing up the little cliff side that has a natural made path up and down the cliff as i climb up it with a sigh as Kuro easily flies up the side as i give Kuro give a playful glare. 'Lion's and their abilities to fly.' I think as i continue until i get to the top and breaths a sigh of relief as i do so. With that i then head towards the town of Snowfrost to meet up with Spencer to help him out. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 21, 2018 Author #4 Share Posted January 21, 2018 Spencer waits for his messages, and he spaces out. He didn't really have anything to do, so he decided that he was going to go out into the main city and wait for his friends. He sighed a little bit and yawned, walking into the main city. He opened up his umbrella and let it catch the snow, the sunlight bouncing off of the snow, making the whole floor look like it was twinkling in the light. He smiled a bit at the beauty, and gasped when he got two messages almost simultaneously. He laughed a bit and read the two of them, one of them from Kimi asking where to met, and the other one from Hestia saying that she will be there to help out. He smiled a bit and closed one of them, messaging Kimi back when he reopened it. Dear Kimi, Hey! I'm, just in snowfrost outside of the local Inn, I also invited Hestia if you're okay with that. He smiled and sent it, waiting a little bit for a reply, or someone else to come by. He let his thoughts wander a little bit in any direction, and it started to lead back to his feeling of loneliness. Man, I wonder how it is for people to be in a relationship. Its been a very long time since I was dating a guy, I really miss the idea of a relationship, so I'm hoping that maybe something could happen..... but I don't see that happening unfortunately. He sighed and shook his head. Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #5 Share Posted January 21, 2018 Kimi was sitting around leisurely waiting for a message to come back from Spencer and a blip came up again. "Cool he replied, that was fast." She thought. Kimi read that Spencer was actually nearby just outside the local inn. "Great!" Kimi said to herself extending her arms up to stretch. Kimi called out to Noodle who was still burrowing around in the snow and playing. "Come on Noodle, I have someone i want you to meet. Lets go!" Kimi made her way to one of the only inns that are in the area she's at. The sun was high in the sky and it was fairly clear out, but light beautiful snow did fall which was nice. Kimi sent a message back to Spencer. Spoiler That's fine, I'm already acquainted with Hestia. I'll be there soon, just stay somewhere i can see you. -Kimi Kimi pulled her coat closer and went towards the center of town, where if Kimi remembered correctly, the local inn Spencer was talking about was. As she arrived she scanned the area and saw a familiar face. It was Spencer and he was dressed very fashionably suiting the cold weather of the fourth floor. Kimi waved as she made her way towards him with Noodle trailing in her footsteps. @Hestia Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #6 Share Posted January 21, 2018 I walk through the cold bitter fields of the fourth floor not being all that affected do to having the survival skill as i wear casual clothing befit for summer weather not really caring all that much. My familiar walking beside me as we make our way over their as the town quickly comes within sight as i enter it and then looks around trying to find either Kimi, or Spencer to help either one lead me to the other. Quickly having realized i don't even know where he is within this town. I sigh softly and smacks my face as i start searching the entire town figuring that Spencer would be smart enough to stay within a rather common area outside since that would make for a easy hangout spot. I search around the town in every little spot i could think of. From the ice cream shop Galadriel ran which i happily bought some chocolate ice cream from....okay maybe i just visited here cause i wanted a nice frozen treat. to the wonderful ice sculptures the game gives for the town centers, and then finally just the center of town as i sigh giving up on trying to find the person by searching for the town. having spent almost a hour searching as i open up my menu and types in it. Spoiler @Spencer heeeey. Where are you? i kinda searched all over the town and didn't find you. :( From hest. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 21, 2018 Author #7 Share Posted January 21, 2018 Spencer spaced out hardcore waiting for Kimi and Hestia to get there. His eyes followed a lone snowflake, its path slowly going towards the ground. His eyes followed it as it slowly became one with the pile of snow on the ground, adding to the twinkling of the floor. Man, this floor reminds me of a really bad teen romance movie, I think it's Twilight or something, that was not a good movie. He scoffed to himself internally and looked up, seeing Kimi coming towards him with the most adorable looking shark/ dog thing he had ever seen. "Hi Kimi. and WhO ARe YOu." He gleefully said and bent down, smiling and petting the familiar. "My friends have such the cutest familiar I have ever seen of my god." He laughed and blushed, standing back up and looking at Kimi. "Thank you for helping me- Oh, I got a message from Hestia." He mumbled and opened his messages, reading it and laughed. Dear Hestia, I'm outside the man Inn in the main city. Kimi is here now. He shook his head and looked at Kimi. "Going to be a little bit. Hestia has no idea where we are." He said and paused. "How have you been? I haven't seen you since Christmas." He smiled and remembered the holiday, it was a great holiday. Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #8 Share Posted January 21, 2018 "I've been great thank you for asking~. I actually brought this little fella to meet you. His name is Noodle and he is just super adorable." Kimi bent down to pick up Noodle and cuddled him a little bit before offering him to Spencer. "Would you like to hold him, he doesn't bite and hes super friendly." Kimi then went on to explain that she found this super adorable creature on the eleventh floor while her and Jomei were walking on the beach together. "Daddy was actually with me when I found Noodle. It didn't take too long for Noodle to warm up to me either, but when he did. MY God i just couldn't let him go. Here feed him this cookie, he likes to walk around and eat a cookie. It may not seem like it, but he can walk on two feet." Kimi said smiling really wide. Noodle was watching as small snowflakes fell on him. Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #9 Share Posted January 21, 2018 I hear the blip once more as i open up my menu and looks to see the message as i nod my head and quickly makes my way over towards the inn that was specified as i look over and see my familiar walking alongside me. I nod my head at that glad that Kuro was willing to stick with me during the entire stay as i walk on over and eventually the sight of the red headed girl, and the boy that is Spencer. I shake my head in slight embarrassment of what had happened last they met. 'I can't believe that french waiter was so pushy in the first place. I thought NPCs were meant to be compliant.' I think to myself as i walk on over and then smiles. Hey Kimi, hey Spencer. I say cheerfully towards the two of you as i then look towards the tiny little shark doggo. And hello to you to Noodle. I say with a smile as Kuro flies up in the air and looks at the small little noodle and tries to gently poke him with his paw to see what the little shark dog will do. How have the two of you been? I ask you two curiously. Having not heard what Kimi said from arriving after that. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 21, 2018 Author #10 Share Posted January 21, 2018 Spencer smiled and listened along, then froze. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Did she just say Daddy? No kink shaming here or anything.... but that's a little surprising, definitely surprising. He blushed brightly in his thoughts and tried to push them away, shaking his head. "You're D--daddy, huh. Hope I could uh.... met him one day. And I love noodle! I already warned Hestia of this, but I might steal your familiar." He laughed and gave Noodle a cookie, it started eating it and walking around, it was super cute. All of the sudden, Kuro flew in and bopped the shark dog, which made him look up to see Hestia. "Hey Hestia! Been a little bit huh." He smiled and walked over to her, letting the two familiar play a little bit. "I haven't really been up to much, been a little lazy to be honest, but hoping to actually get some stuff done now at least." He smiled. He was getting stuck in his depressing thoughts a lot more lately, so he was hoping that going out with friends would help rid him of that, because his moods have been getting a bit worse than usual. Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #11 Share Posted January 21, 2018 Kimi was still catching up with Spencer when he questioned who her "Daddy is", "Ohhh right i didn't tell you. I kinda called Jomei daddy. I mean with him being so reliable and the head of the guild he fits the picture of one. Like the guild dad or something." Kimi said with a smile, but blushing a little to have to explain it. "I called him Noodle and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Noodle." Kimi repeated to Spencer as she explained that Noodle is hers. Right as Kimi was going to continue talking more about Noodle. Spencer spoke up greeting Hestia, Kimi turned around to greet her also. "Great! we're all here." Kimi said happily. Kimi went and offered Hesita a side hug as she neared. Hestia went to ask how we're all doing to which Kimi could only reply that they we're doing alright. Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted January 21, 2018 #12 Share Posted January 21, 2018 I smile at the one side arm hug as i happily return it to the martial arts using girl. Nice to know you've been both doing good since i last met the two of you, but Spencer still being a bit lazy? You need to catch up at some point. I say jokingly with a playful smile not trying to be mean-spirited about it. Nah it is fine having some you days are necessary, or otherwise you'd be like me a little workaholic who seemingly can't stop. I say with a chuckle as i look between the two as i then remember why we're here as i quickly open up my menu and then my inventory as i scroll through my items till i tap on one of them as i take out a golden cloak that has fur lined on the inside and at the ends of it with the back of the cloak having the depiction of a ram in scarlet red. With the item out i then hand it to Spencer with a grin. use this Spencer it will help boost your finding chances by a good bit. Oh! what is going to be your familiar? I ask curiously wondering if he had picked one out yet, or if this is going to be a more choose it when it comes to you type of thing. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 22, 2018 Author #13 Share Posted January 22, 2018 Spencer gave out a sigh and laughed. "Ohhhh okay. I was concerned, I wasn't going to shame you or anything, but I was a bit concerned. And I think I might do that to Jomei now." He laughed. "And, I LOVE noodle, he is super cute and I might steal him?" He laughed and looked at Hestia, who was calling him lazy, but that he shouldn't become a workaholic. "Yeah I'm going to try not to." He smiled and took the cloak, putting it on. "Aww! thank you Hestia that's very sweet." He smiled and took off his own cloak. He put it on, and also took out his familiar call crystal, activating it. "And thank you Kimi for the crystal during Christmas." He smiled and nodded to her. He stood there for a moment, and Hestia asked him what his familiar was going to be. "Well. I really want a penguin. I even dressed up as one during Halloween, I'm hoping they are easy to find though, not in the mood for a super long time to get a penguin." +4 LD, Familiar Call Used Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 22, 2018 #14 Share Posted January 22, 2018 "Well no need to see too much into it. I bet Jomei would love for you to call him Daddy." Kimi said jokingly towards Spencer as a response. "Wish i was around to see you in the penguin costume. It would've been adorable." Kimi said with a smile. Kimi picked up Noodle and cradled him petting him from his head to tail. "Anyways, lets get going? It shouldn't be to hard to find a penguin out here in the snow. I'm not to familiar with the area, but i'm fairly certain that it we'll probably only see penguins here." Kimi gestured to Hestia and Spencer to make their way to the exit gate after she extended one arm to stretch while still holding on to Noodle. "Ok Noodle, if you see a little cute animal in a tuxedo don't do anything. Just stick with me okay?" Kimi said looking down at Noodle as he promptly boop'd Kimi in the chest with its snout. Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted January 23, 2018 #15 Share Posted January 23, 2018 Wait penguin? i say as i try to think back towards the halloween party that was all those months ago as i shake my head with a small sigh. Nope sorry got nothing on that i don't remember seeing you at all while i was their. I guess wherever you were was not within my line of sight while talking to Domarus, and those what did they call themselves? New Dawn i think it was? I say softly trying to remember that guild's name that martial artist..stryder..yeah stryder was creating. Hopefully that is going good for him since doing horribly would be sad since more guilds mean better chances of clearing. Also yeah what Kimi said lets go get your companion that should be easy i mean this place is a frozen tundra Spencer. Also if you need a guide i live on this floor, so i basically have it all mapped out and where things are. I could even show you where my shop is encase you wanted to go buy some performer stuff from me. I offer with a smile upon my face towards the two players. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 23, 2018 Author #16 Share Posted January 23, 2018 "Not sure if I'm going to call Jomei Daddy, but I mean hey, maybe I will just to make him uncomfortable. That actually sounds really fun to do." He laughed and smiled, getting ready to head out with the two of them. "Okay, yeah. Let's go, sounds like this might actually be fun. Hanging out with the guild children and going out to find a penguin. I consider, Me, Kimi, Hestia, and Kairi the guild children." He laughed and blushed, beginning the slow search for a penguin. Hestia began to talk about her profession, saying that he could come visit. "I might actually, could really help me do my own thing, with buffs and all." He smiled and walked forward, hearing a ruffling in the bushes. He ran forward, but it was just an arctic fox. He sighed and waved the fox away, and he turned to the other two people with him. "Welp, not the first one I see, I was kind of hoping for that to be honest." ID: 94702 LD: 7 + 4 = 11 (No Familiar) Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 23, 2018 #17 Share Posted January 23, 2018 (edited) "Never seen too many arctic fox's out here, but its a welcoming sight. At least we know we're not going into a frozen wasteland." Kimi said while shrugging. "Lets just keep going, who knows what we might find." Kimi said as she made sure Noodle is fine in the thick snow. Noodle was doing fine following behind the group. He was using the footprint holes to travel if Kimi, Hestia, and Spencer didn't make a big enough path for him. He hopped from one hole to another and sometimes just broke through the snow if it was thin enough. The sight of it was just absolutely precious, and even gave Kimi an idea. Kimi thought that she might be able to find something useful underneath all this snow if she would kick it up. That and it would greatly help Noodle get around quicker and would benefit her if she found anything. ID# 94722 results: Loot: 8(+2) = 10 Nothing Found Edited January 23, 2018 by Kimi Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted January 23, 2018 #18 Share Posted January 23, 2018 A guild child? I say questioning in a amused tone of voice as a small chuckle escapes my lips. Well i wouldn't really consider myself a child Spencer i mean i am an adult. I say with a small chuckle not minding the idea of being taken care of to some extent, but i am an adult and am use to not having a solid parental figure within my life. As we walk and see the little artic fox i smile a bit at the site, and then watches as it scampers off back to its home most likely. yeah at least their seems to be life out here, and not just a stretch of baren wasteland with nothing. However, i do think the less animals we see might point closer towards their being more penguins since aren't pegnuins basically living by themselves back in the real world? Maybe Cardinal will try to reflect that within this game if that is the case. I suggest to the two of you as we walk through the fourth floor as Kuro is simply walking through the snow with ease being use to the weather and being tall enough to not have a problem. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted January 24, 2018 Author #19 Share Posted January 24, 2018 "Oh come on. If Jomei is guild Dad, That makes Telrenya Guild Mom, We are the children, at least I am, and I think we both can consider Kimi as one of the children that is for sure, you could be like the bigger sister, and I'm like the middle child, Kimi is definitely the younger sister." He laughed and looked at Kimi, who was kicking at the snow for Noodle, and also maybe looking for something. He shrugged and listened to Hestia talking about Penguins and how they live withing themselves and don't leave usually. Spencer smiled a bit and couldn't wait to start looking for Penguins, would give him some sort of a companion. He frowned at that and looked away, his heart was kind of hurting at that thought. He quickly brushed it aside and shook the snow off of his umbrella, letting it fall down. He made sure none of it hit Kuro or Noddle, it cascading down around him. "So... How did you two actually come around to finding your familiars?" Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted January 24, 2018 #20 Share Posted January 24, 2018 "Ohh~" Kimi said as she went to pick up Noodle. "This little guy is quite the story. He actually washed up on shore when i was on the eleventh with Daddy Jomei. We were on the beach walking together, it was nice. Anyways I digress." Kimi stopped for a moment to gather her words and thoughts. "So this is the story of Noodle and how he came to be. So i was sitting around after getting tired of looking around the floor for the perfect monster to tame, but out of nowhere i see this little adorable creature wash up on the shore. He was rolling around and after settling down i watched as he tried to pick himself up but kept falling down because he was dizzy. From that moment of when i laid my eyes on him i just knew i must have him. It took a little while, but through the power of sweets and cookies he became mine." Kimi said all of this trying to sound dramatic. Link to post Share on other sites
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