Spencer 0 Posted February 11, 2018 Author #61 Share Posted February 11, 2018 "No Kimi! you can do as much as you want! I want you finding materials, you deserve them, you great, and you great too Hestia. Thank you two so much for coming with me to find this material even though we have not been able to find it this entire time and it is a tad infuriating." He laughed a bit at her and shook his head, wanting to make the two of them feel appreciated while also wanting Kimi to continue looking for items. "Trust me I'm good, it is nice to just hang out with people also, even though the thing we are going for really isn't happening. And no one has any stories? I could tell the story about how the guild was formed. That was inside a haunted mansion, I can't even remember the floor. It started with me already in the building at the time, I was exploring it because I found it off in the wilderness. I was looking through it all, and realized that the door locked randomly, and that is when things started to get interesting. See jomei won the mansion as a false competition, and when he went to it and accepted the house, it triggered as a death mansion." He started to explain. Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 11, 2018 #62 Share Posted February 11, 2018 "Thanks Spencer, its because i don't wanna absorb all the luck." Kimi said laughing a bit. "Yeah i don't really have many stories aside from that, well i do have one other, but its not really pleasant in my opinion. It was on how i learned that Noodle can adapt to his environment. I mean i wouldn't mind telling you, but its more of don't ask don't tell." Kimi said shrugging. As Kimi went on to look for more materials Spencer told them a bit of how the guild was formed and came to be. The whole story left Kimi in awe since it was a false competition and someone went out of their way to plan it all also the fact that it just happened to be a death mansion which she hasn't hear of before. Kimi did a nervous laugh as she said, "Don't go scaring me like that Spencer i have a really old mansion to myself and i'd rather not think of it as a death mansion." ID# 95667 results: Loot: 17+2=19 T1 Material Found Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted February 11, 2018 #63 Share Posted February 11, 2018 Someone went out of their way to spend over a 100,000 COL on a death mansion to try and kill Jomei? I say in curiosity and some surprise as i look at Spencer in surprise that someone would do such a thing since that is a lot of COL on a plan that has obviously failed horribly. I don't question further though, and remains silent to hear the full story rather curious to see what comes up from this. Wondering how exactly the guild was formed from beginning to end in the eyes of Spencer. At hearing the mention of Kimi having a mansion though i do grin a bit as i look over to the girl. If you do have a mansion Kimi why not host a party, or invite us over sometime? I'm sure it must get lonely their at times i am certain. I say with a grin wishing to see what your mansion looks like to see if i can compare it to anyone's elses that i come across. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 11, 2018 Author #64 Share Posted February 11, 2018 Spencer didn't know that Kimi had a mansion, but he was agreeing with Hestia about her hosting a mansion. "Sorry Kimi about creeping you out, but you should totally have a mansion party, would be super cool. But, there's a lot more to the story." He cracked his knuckles and shook his shoulders. "Okay here we go. So, after the fact I got locked in, I triggered two traps, I was shot at by an arrow, and the ceiling came down to possibly crush me. I escaped barely, but the door disappeared. Around this time I think Ruby, Telrenya, and Jomei entered the mansion. They started to explore, and also got attacked by some traps as well. Telrenya went into a room and got teleported to the upstairs bathroom, which was filling up with water. At this time, I was almost crushed with a chandelier, and heard a muffled yell. I went to the other room, saw water leaking from behind a wardrobe, moved the wardrobe, and yanked the door open to reveal an almost drowned Telrenya." He continued the story. Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 11, 2018 #65 Share Posted February 11, 2018 "Jesus that's some scary stuff you guys been though." Kimi said nearly forgetting the thing Hestia and Spencer mentioned earlier about throwing a party. She then went on to say, "I'll probably host a party soon after i get everything settled down and set. I still feel like i'm lacking decorations, food, and what not. Personally i've never thrown a party before because i used to be locked up in my room all the time back in real life." Kimi thought for a moment thinking of when and what they would do if they come over. "It does get lonely sometimes, but i do have a maid in my household. So i got that going for me apparently she has been there for a long time taking care of it, and i guess she just kinda came with the house." Kimi searched around a little more for penguins, but couldn't find a thing. She did happen to find another recording crystal, but at this time she wasn't sure if finding all of these were such a good thing since Spencer was still having a hard time finding penguins. ID# 95672 results: Loot: 13+2=15 T1 Material Found Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted February 11, 2018 #66 Share Posted February 11, 2018 Umm wow okay. I say in surprise as i rub the back of my head as i hear Spencer's story of the Mansions's traps and such that had occurred. Making me curious me much more conscious and worried about free things from people since it could mean that it could be a trap somehow. Well at the very least we know Kimi's house isn't trapped like that since it should've turned into a death machine when you accepted it. I say trying to be optimistic about that whole idea wanting to put it to rest. I look around the area of the ruins glancing around at all of the houses, and broken down places that look to be barely keeping themselves together and sees no sights of a penguin. I think we should change location i don't think we'll be finding a penguin in these ruins. I say with a small disappointed sigh at that fact. Having hoped to find something here for Spencer. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 11, 2018 Author #67 Share Posted February 11, 2018 Spencer nodded in agreement, the group should probably changed positions to hopefully find more tracks for penguins. "oh! I should probably keep explaining the story. I'm almost all the way there." He laughed and continued talking about the haunted mansion event. "So, I saved Telrenya, and we met each other. Then Ruby and Jomei came running up the stairs to meet me. I introduced myself and we started to explore the entire building. But, Jomei got dragged into the basement by an unknown creature, and me, Tel, and Ruby were getting attacked by traps upstairs. So it was pretty bad. Jomei got out, we all got to the main floor, and we saw Jomei. And then we saw the creature. It was a multi armed creature that had skulls protruding from its body. It ran at us, it was basically like a thing from the nightmares of many people combined. What happened was that the trap that almost crushed me we used to crush it, and Ruby threw something like a Molotov cocktail using a vanity potion at it. Then we jumped out a window." Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 11, 2018 #68 Share Posted February 11, 2018 "Dang, do things like this normally happen around you? Because earlier you mentioned some other things that had happened." Kimi said trying to think of what Spencer mentioned back when they were near the settlement here on the fourth floor. Either way Kimi listened contently as she went back to going through whatever houses were left back in the main road of the ruins. The snow wasn't deep which was nice, but she really wished for there to be more than just materials and skeletons. Hopefully soon they would find some penguin tracks so they can find Spencer his cute little tuxedo friend. Noodle was going around sniffing at the ground looking for anything of use and came back to Kimi with another recording crystal in his mouth. "Good find Noodle." Kimi said with a pleasant smile. ID# 95673 results: LD: 14+2=16 T1 material found Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted February 11, 2018 #69 Share Posted February 11, 2018 I raise an eyebrow at all of this as i can't but help start listing things off. Okay soo are you either the most adventurous person ever? Or just the most unlucky Spencer. Cause seriously how do you get in such situations so many times? I ask curiously not in to make him stop, but on the contrary to figure out how to have that happen to me. To try and make the most of this game by having experiences that would be impossible otherwise in the real world. Also, you just sound lucky to be alive from how much you've been through and you're just tier 1 also which is shocking. I say with a small chuckle at that fact alone at having such crazy things that happen while you're in that stage of almost being helpless to any true threats out in the game. I smile as i take out a little notepad as i start writing down another idea that comes to mind with a grin. Making sure to write down any ideas i can get for songs, but make it impossible for others to see what it is from the fact it is being written in Greek. Something that i had learned during my time of schooling, and my love for Greek myths coming together. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 11, 2018 Author #70 Share Posted February 11, 2018 Spencer laughed at the two of their reactions to the horror mansion that the four beginning members of the guild had to go through. "eh, it was pretty fun actually. And I've been on two other really big adventures. Soon after the Death_Adder stuff, Me and Telrenya were lost in ice caves on this floor, and almost froze to death." He paused for a moment, thinking about that day, it was sure a while ago. He shrugged to himself and kept walking, thinking about the other adventure that he had. "hmm, there was also the time me and Jevi hung out. We went exploring some ruins, and ended up waking up a mummy and being chased threw a pyramid that had lots of traps, but we also got attacked by Zombies... We escaped that by sliding down a pyramid side to safety... I refuse to watch The Mummy Ever." He laughed and ran a hand through his hair, he sure had been through a lot. ID: 95675 LD: 6 Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 12, 2018 #71 Share Posted February 12, 2018 Kimi was left in shock at hearing about a mummy and being attacked and chased by zombies. "How do you get yourself into these situations?" Kimi said in utter confusion. "I never thought that someone could experience all this in the game." She continued giving a very *what the f**k* face. Kimi gathered her thoughts hoping she wouldn't want to run into the same situation and began searching more of the ruins. While searching she found a open chest, but as she checked inside she spotted a recording crystal. "Ohh cool, didn't think anyone would be leaving some materials around. There are a lot of chests around. Hopefully i can find one that hasn't been searched yet." Kimi noticed that there was that there was a ruined tower not to far from where they were. "Hey you guys, there's a ruined tower at the end of the main road. Wanna check it out?" Kimi said pointing at the towers direction. ID# 95733 results: LD: 20 T1 Material Found Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted February 12, 2018 #72 Share Posted February 12, 2018 I grin as Kimi notices the tower in the distance as i nod my head fine with going there since i had noticed it a bit ago. Yeah lets head on over there Kimi, and Spencer. I'm certain if we do so at least something interesting might happen you know? I say with a small chuckle wanting a bit more excitement in this little travel for a penguin. Remembering very vividly the long, but at least productive search fro Kairi's familiar that we had. I chuckle at remember all the nice loot from that as i then nod my head remembering a nice little idea forms in my mind. 'Note to self get some grinding armor that can increase loot stuffs, and then bring a DPS to do the damage while i just tank, and use parry while having the other slots used for loot stuffs.' I grin a bit just thinking of all the potential COL that can be earned from going along with that strategy. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 12, 2018 Author #73 Share Posted February 12, 2018 Spencer nodded and smiled. "Yeah, that's what I got in the beginning stages of this guild we are in. It became a lot to deal with that is for sure, but hey, it's actually pretty okay so far. I've adventured a lot, dealt with a lot of traps, and now know how to technically defeat an immortal object. You crush it with a trap and set it on fire." He laughed a bit, then heard what Kimi said about seeing a tower off in the distance. "I'm all for exploring it, seems like it could be kind of fun." He smiled and shrugged, heading for it. The group entered the tower, and kept his hand over his mace just in case things got a little crazy in the tower, he was used to these kinds of things going a little south. Hmmm, I wonder what is going to happen in this tower, I don't think there will be any penguins, but hey. Could be pretty interesting that is for sure. He shrugged a bit and looked around, noticing Kimi finding something. "Dang girl, you gotta tell me your secrets for that stuff." Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 12, 2018 #74 Share Posted February 12, 2018 Kimi said in a broken sad tone, "I don't know~! I just keep finding things on a whim its feels weird." Kimi look at Spencer feeling a bit sorry that despite all of the things shes found she hasn't seen a single track of the penguins that they have been searching for. "Also for the tower, what do you think are the chances of it being. I don't know, trapped maybe." Kimi said with a little worry in her voice and shrugging. "Hearing all of your stories and how its usually happening around you makes me kinda hesitant on going for a little adventure." Kimi said honestly with a slight shaking voice. Kimi looked at Noodle to see what he was thinking, but the little shark pupper didn't care to much for what they were planning to do. Noodle just sat and watched Kimi blankly as she was mentioning that before going off into one of the ruined houses and returning with a stick in his mouth. ID# 95744 results: LD: 4+2=6 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted February 12, 2018 #75 Share Posted February 12, 2018 Well in all honesty i'm certain that this place is going to be trapped in some fashion or the other. It is just the matter of how it is going to trap us, and in what method it is going to make the traps work. be it monsters, or fear, or some other aspect to make us unable to fight back. I say stating my honest opinion this place could be a death trap for all who enter, but that doesn't me from wishing to explore the entire place from top to bottom. However, when i do hear your worry i give you a hug. Don't worry Kimi you have me and Spencer defending you while we're in here. Nothing would make us back down from this place, and if it makes you feel better i could stay by your side to keep you company and comfort knowing you have me by your side. I suggest with a smile on my face not wishing for you to be scared while we're here. Knowing that as long as the place doesn't go for a mental or emotional attack on the players their will be nothing to fear at all for us. So you ready to look this place high and low spencer? I ask curiously with a smile on my face not wanting for him to feel left out as i realized i kinda focused on talking to Kim quite bit. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 13, 2018 Author #76 Share Posted February 13, 2018 "Yeah don't worry Kimi, we got y-!" Spencer gasped and felt the floor give way. He tumbled in darkness for less than a second, then hit the concrete ground. He groaned softly, then stood up, he was basically used to traps by now. "OoooOOOoooOOooh, so spooky game. A floor trap. I'm shocked!" He said in the most sarcastic tone he had ever said anything in the near past. He brushed himself off and looked up, the light was slightly too far for him to be able to reach for it. "Hestia? Kimi? Can you two hear me? I can't get out from the hole, it is way too high above me, I'm going to try to find a way out from down here. You two sit tight, I've dealt with these things before, I got it." He laughed and sighed, looking around. It seemed as though there were many ways for him to be able to go, and he didn't know which way to go. "Ugh, here we go, this is going to be a difficult journey." He muttered and took the left most path, there were three paths all to go. Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 13, 2018 #77 Share Posted February 13, 2018 It was comforting to have Spencer and Hestia by her side because she knew both of them were tanks. "Ok I guess i'll go." Kimi said a bit hesitantly as she walked beside Hestia. Just as Spencer was going to reassure her of them being able to protect her Spencer fell through the floor. "Eep! Spencer NO!" Kimi said a bit frightened at being separated. Not too long after Spencer yelled from down in the hole after giving a very sarcastic comment about the trap. "You sure you don't want us going down there I don't really like the idea of being separated." She said with worry in her voice. Kimi looked around the room for a moment to find if there are any kind of lever like in shows she used to watch and as she passed by a torch on the wall to try to pull it down it actually worked. Kimi heard something open up from within the pit from which Spencer was. "Spencer? I think i opened up something down there." ID# 95821 results: LD: 16+2=18 Found treasure Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted February 13, 2018 #78 Share Posted February 13, 2018 I look at Spencer as he just falls into a pit from a trapped floor as i look down and blinks. I then look at Kimi as if to confirm what i just saw, and then looks down at the hole. Again Spencer! Seriously what kind of black kit, and ladder did you went on the wrong side of and then go under to break a mirror did you do? You have the worst luck when it comes to traps. I call down in a joking tone as i then look at Kimi not being scared at all trusting in spencer to stay safe. After Spencer says to stay where we are i just chuckle and shake my head as i walk on over to Kimi and takes her hand, and starts walking through the tower. Come on lets try to find Spencer. Waiting around here while Spencer can be be in danger isn't my style, and if we hold hands we can make sure any trap you fall into i will fall into also. Then vice versa that way we will always be safe no matter what in regards to things that game can try to separate us with. I say in a optimistic tone to my red-headed companion. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted February 17, 2018 Author #79 Share Posted February 17, 2018 Spencer groaned silently and looked up, but luckily Kimi had found something that opened around him. He heard a large CREEEEEK and a hatch opened up close to him. Spencer shrugged a bit and heard Hestia say something asking if he was sure that he didn't want the two of them hoping down. He nodded and waved them away, and went over to the hatch. He reached slowly forward, but a pair of eyes opened up. "Okay, there we go, something new in the traps- wait why am I congratulating this?" He jumped back and the mimic jumped up, the chest was no longer friendly. "Hey guys?! On second thought, can y'all pllllease come down here and help out? There's a big chance that I will get killed by this. Kimi opened a hatch to a mimic!" He backed up against the wall, but how dark it was, it struck the wall next to him, but luckily he was unharmed. "Now Please!" Spoiler ID: 96048 MD: 5 (Miss) ID: 96049 BD: 4 + 1 = 5 (Miss) [0] | Kimi | Level 21 | HP 420/420 | E 42/42 | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns | [H: 0] | Hestia | HP 790/790 | ENG: 76/76 | 3 DMG l 104 MIT l x2 Paralyze l Regen (+10 HP if hit) l Recovery (+2 ENG) on CD:6+ l rest look in sig -10 ENG Howl |H: 0 | Spencer | Level 16 | HP 320/320 | E 32/32 | 4 DMG | 20 MIT | ACC 1 | 14 Thorns | | Mimic | HP 360/360 | 108 DMG | Link to post Share on other sites
Kimi 0 Posted February 17, 2018 #80 Share Posted February 17, 2018 Kimi held Hestia's hand as they looked for another way to make it down there since the lever she pulled did nothing to help her. The silence in the tower was deafening and Kimi was nervous as they might also stumble upon another trap. As she walked around for a bit investigating the area, Kimi heard a cry for help coming from Spencer in the pit. "I'll be right there! Just give me a moment." Kimi said in a panic. Kimi felt her blood run cold as she just realized her opening whatever was in the pit may kill her friend Spencer. She let go of Hestia's hand as she started to scramble for ways to get down to him, but nothing was showing another option. Kimi cursed as she stopped for a moment to look down at whats going on. The pit was barely lit by any light, but it was just enough for her to see down there. After getting a good glimpse of what was going on Kimi saw that Spencer was fighting a mimic and he was backed up into a corner. Kimi looked back at Hestia with worry in her eyes as she said, "Sorry I don't think there's enough time." Kimi jumped down into the pit and angled herself in such a way to hit the Mimic. As she fell she gathered some energy to attack the mimic from above with her Five Swords technique. Kimi delivered her attack with such force it seemed to crack the surface of the Mimic making it stumble a bit, but it also managed to hurt her in the process. Kimi also used the force of her attack to catch her fall as she landed right besides Spencer. "Hi, How are ya?" Kimi said in a joking manner trying to ease the seriousness of their situation. Spoiler ID# 96074 results: BD: 9 +1BaseDMG [H: 2] | Kimi | HP 420/420 | E 34/42 | 9 DMG | EVA 0 | ACC 3 | LD 2 | MIT 18 | 7 Thorns | [H: 0] | Hestia | HP 790/790 | ENG: 76/76 | 3 DMG l 104 MIT l x2 Paralyze l Regen (+10 HP if hit) l Recovery (+2 ENG) on CD:6+ l rest look in sig -10 ENG Howl |H: 0 | Spencer | HP 320/320 | E 32/32 | 4 DMG | 20 MIT | ACC 1 | 14 Thorns | | Mimic | HP 310/360 | 108 DMG | -50HP, Stunned Link to post Share on other sites
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