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[PP - F02] Boulder Owed Us Some Money << Breaking the Unbreakable >>

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Kairi had looked down at her sword on the floor in her room in Hestia's home, and took in a deep breath trying to forget the depressions that she had, the memories that she has with them. she had did her fair share of research on quests that she could take, however a lot of them, and she had meant a LOT of them were just too dangerous for her, and there was very few quests that she could take. Today, Kairi had wanted to leave this sword behind and do a quest that the sword cannot be useful at all. However, she didn't want to go alone, today once more... she wanted Hestia to watch over her, especially over the events that had happened days before. Kairi sitting on her bed with her arms wrapped around her knees she had called out for her "Hestia? Are you home right now?"


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I hear a voice call out for my name as i slowly get up out of bed as i look towards the relatively open door as i look towards my familiar who is resting peacefully as i decide to get out of bed, and then makes my way towards where you are. Wearing a oversized shirt, and shorts as i open up the door to your room as i look inside looking a bit sleepy as i look at you. What is up? I ask in a curious tone as i rub the back of my head having not done much morning maintenance in terms of making herself presentable to the public eye. Having just really rolled out of bed and then walked over to this room. Having been wanting a lazy day, but at hearing my name called i know i should respond to see what is up since you are a guest in my home. Then furthermore, a friend who could be in need of some help with some kind of task.

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Kairi had waited a moment for Hestia to arrive, for a few moments she had believed that she might had not been here, however as she was about to move, Kairi had heard footsteps coming in her direction, so Kairi had sat still waiting for her to arrive. Hestia had walked in the door and had looked rather sleepy and asked what was up. Kairi had placed her head on her knees as she had looked down at the sword that was laying on the ground. She had looked upset, and she had been wearing her sleepware. Kairi had said out to her with a somewhat broken voice "I-I cant look at that anymore Ember..." she had confessed. "I can't stand to look at that blade anymore... it only reminds me of dark thoughts in my head..." she had teared up a little bit trying to get these thoughts out of her mind, Karona had stood up from the ground he had laid on and jumped onto the bed coming close to Kairi a bit concerned about the feelings that he had just smelled.


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I nod my head at that as i rub my hand along the back of my head with a tired expression as i then sigh softly as i raise a hand and then promptly slaps myself and then doesn't feel any pain at all that should've woken me up. Oh wait..the pain dampeners that is right. I say still sounding tired as i look at you and then towards the blade, and then back at you as i walk on over and picks you up off the bed and sets you on the floor. Come on outside of my shop now lets see if something works. I say in a sleepy tone of voice as i then make my way out of my shop walking down the steps as you only catch a glimpse of what i am doing by me opening up my menu for something, or something.

I walk down the steps as i look at the door and then opens it up not waking up my familiar at all during this process as i then step outside and as i do so wearing a fully normal outfit instead of my sleep attire. I then walk along the cavern that is rather chilly making sure to close the door behind me to not allow the warm temperature of the house to invade the colder cavern. Myself already doing a small jog around the wall of the cavern to try and wake me up for the plan that i have in store to see if i should show you a quest.

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After a moment Kairi had seen her quite literally slap herself, she had blinked a few times with tears in her eyes trying to understand what she had been trying to do... maybe she was trying to wake herself up? However after a moment she had moved towards her and picked her up from the bed and placed her on the floor telling her to follow behind she had wanted to see if something had worked. Kairi had blinked a few times, and just simply nodded her head and said "U-uh... alright Ember." she had then began to follow her down the steps and followed her into the cavern, Karona had scuttled behind her making sure that she would be safe. After a moment she had seen her do some sort of a small jog as they had tried to walk out from the cavern, she had placed a hand behind her head and asked of her "W-where are you taking me?" she had a little bit of concern on her face as she had been a little concerned where she would be taking her.


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After a small jog around the cavern i take a single breathe as i wake up as i then turn to look at Ashley with a nod of my head as i look at you. Okay hand to hand fighting lets see if you can actually fight, or if i need to take you on a quest to unlock this. I say in a sleepy tone of voice as i adjust my fighting stance and then prepare to fight then sends a duel request. Giving a look that is basically me telling you to accept for me to prove a point. After only a minute whether you get ready or not i quickly charges at you and looks like i am going to go for a punch, and then quickly side steps around you as i push your left shoulder forward and quickly moves my foot towards me going to trip you up and force you to the ground. Wondering how successful this will be knowing i am tired which could be slowing me down, but if you are inexperienced with punching something to pieces by yourself for a quarter of the day. Then furthermore use to fighting fist to fist would allow me the advantage in strength, and skill in this short moment of combat.

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"W-what?" Kairi had exclaimed out when she had said something about hand to hand fighting seeing if she could actually fight before sending a duel request, Kairi had violently shook her head no "Hestia stop! It's an extra skill! What makes you think I can just fight you?" she had exclaimed out with a bit of a concerned look, however she had been forced to accept. Afterwards when she had been forced to accept Hestia had moved forward and there was nothing she could do tripping her onto the ground, Kairi had hit the ground and looked up, before tears had left her eyes, she knew she had a opportunity to swing, however... she just couldn't do it. And the fact that she was extremely willing to fight her right now, Kairi had shook her head as she had given up the duel showing that Hestia had won, however Kairi didn't say anything, just tears had flown down her face as she turned away from her and ran back into the cavern into the home, before going into her room and closing the door blocking it with her own body preventing her from coming in the room, she had just cried.


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I rub the back of my head as i see you just start to tear up as i just saw this as a need to find a way to get you motivated to fight once more rather then anything else, and to see if you even knew martial arts. having not been acquainted with such knowledge of such or not. I then see you run off crying as i just mumble softly once you're out of ear shot. It is way to early in the morning for this. I say softly still feeling tired as i start making my way towards my shop at a slow and relaxed pace walking through the water even until i reach the door and opens it up, and walks within my shop as i also equip my sleeping clothes again as i walk up the stairs towards the peaceful home area. I then continue once more till i am in front of you room as i whistle loudly making my familiar quickly come by and stands at my side as i tap my knuckles against the door for my familiar to get an idea of what i am wanting to do. To open up the door with our combined weight and strength which should be enough since it is another human, and then a large dog sized lion.

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Kairi had just sat there at the door, eventually she had heard a knocking sound coming from the door, Kairi had said out in a somewhat scared and upset voice "Please just go away... I don't want to be attacked, I don't want to be hurt..." she had said before just simply locking the door. Taking a few steps away from the door Kairi had just looked down at the Sword that was on the ground, and bent down to pick it up a audible sound could be hear as she had picked it up. Afterwards she had just sat on the bed and placed the sword on her lap saying out to herself "She was too willing to attack me... I didn't want to fight her, I never want to fight her, I just want my thoughts to go away not gain more..." she had pushed the blade off of her lap as it had fell onto the ground. Karona from outside had scuttled up the stairs following her scent, however trying to walk into the door to open it, it didn't open not even budge. Karona had let out a questioning grunt however smelling utter sadness, Karona's teeth had grown out of the chest once more as it had grew a little bit of a angry tone.


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I sigh softly at that as i wait a little bit before knocking once more. Ashley if you need something to attack without using your sword i would recommend breaking the unbreakable quest. All you have to do during that is punch a boulder until it breaks. I say to you while you're locked up in your room as i just calmly sits by the door with my familiar laying beside me as i wait to see what will happen. Knowing their isn't much i can do in this situation besides trying to make you get out of the room by having something else to do. Knowing you want to not use your sword at the moment, and now knowing your want to actually fight off attackers or at the very least me is very low. I pat Kuro from the top of his head down to his back as i wait for a answer, or at least movement from you to see if you're willing to go along with this.

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Kairi had looked over to the door where Hestia had knocked once more, then she had said that if she had needed something to attack without a sword, she would recommend the breaking the unbreakable quest. Kairi had looked down, it had seemed like there was a lot of confusion, however after a moment she had moved to the door and unlocked it to open it, however Kairi had said out to her "It's not that I want some other skill to fight with... its just that I just cant stand the memories that comes from that sword, or how cute it looks. And... just, I didn't ever want to fight you, I just cant pull myself together to ever do anything to you... and you had just seemed like you were so willing to fight me... it had just seemed like you wanted to hurt me..." she had said placing her right arm onto her left arm rubbing her arm with her hand looking over to the side a little disappointed or just a little embarrassed to say out to her, she had thought that she was just making more claims against her.


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I rub the back of my head at what seemed like a very big confusion over this as i chuckle nervously. Well umm whoops my bad Ashley. I'm sorry that it seems i got very confused about this whole thing. However, if you want to escape that sword, and the looks lets get you to tier 2 as quick as possible okay. Then we can get you a new look that would be fitting for what seems like is going to become a new you from how you're talking. I say in a gentle tone of voice as i look down at you. Also i didn't wish to hurt you, but i wanted to test if you knew martial arts to begin with since i wasn't sure if you had taken the quest. Also, i wanted to see if you had a will to fight in general. I say with a nervous chuckle as i rub the back of my head. Now come on lets get going towards the questing area we're getting you away from that sword. It's time for a classic training montage like in those really cheesy movies. I say in a joking tone to try and brighten the mood a bit.

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Kairi had listened to Hestia speak, and it would seem that there was a huge miscommunication between the whole situation, and was rather confusing. Kairi had nodded her head and said to her "Well, from what its looking for me, I am extremely close to Tier 2. I am level 22 right now... just need to get what quests I can do to get it done, however... I am a little low on the options that I can do... there is the Breaking the Unbreakable, and the Search for the Hoya, however everything else... its just too scary for me." she had confessed to her, then she had spoken out that she didn't wish to hurt her, but she had wanted to test if she knew martial arts, Kairi had shook her head and said to her "Well... why didn't you just ask me instead of just going straight into a duel?" she had said with a little bit of a upset tone, but she had spoke out to get going, Kairi had grabbed onto her arm and said "C-can we get food first, I am very hungry.." she had said with a little bit of a nervous giggle.


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I nod my head in understanding of that as i give you a small quick hug. Well if you ever need help in terms of needing someone to take the hits you always got me able to protect you if need be Ashley. I say as i pat you gently on the back. Not feeling at all weird by the idea of spending lots of time with you even if you are a ex. Since to me i just understand it as hanging out with a guild mate and someone i can see as a sister. Not understanding the usual norm idea of hanging with a ex can be awkward. Well i didn't say that right away cause i was kinda sleepy, and was focusing more on results rather then the method to get to their. I say with a small nervous chuckle as i look at you as i then look up to the right to not look you in the eyes as i say that. Then i turn to start getting ready to leave and head off towards the required floor as i then feel you grip my arm as i turn my head back. I then smile as i nod my head accepting your request. yeah come on we can get something from my kitchen, or on the way to the quest? I ask curiously.

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After she had spoke out Hestia had moved forward to give Kairi a hug, blinking a little confused she had returned the hug however she didn't hold her very tight, she had simply wrapped her arms around her softly. She had let out a small giggle after she had told her that she could be there if she needed someone to protect her, Kairi had said "Well, just with my stats at the given moment, everything is just much much harder for me, but I do appreciate it, I do have quite a bit of quests that I just need to get done." she had said with a little bit of a giggle. However, she had just explained that she was just sleepy and wanted to put a focus on the results, Kairi had looked at her and just smiled, she didn't have much to say about it and had just wanted to move on from it. However after she had accepted her request to eat food first, she had asked something from the kitchen or on the way to the quest, Kairi had thought for a moment however after a moment she had said out to her "Mmmm, you decide!"


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I nod my head as i then head on over towards the kitchen thinking that will make things easier at the very least as i gather some ingredients and starts with making breakfast once more just making what i always do since for one it is all i have to make within the kitchen, and two just for simplicity since nothing fancy needs to be made. Once more just dancing to a unknown beat within my head while humming softly to myself during the entire process of making just some simple eggs and bacon along with some toast. Seemingly off in my own little world of music and wonder. My familiar Kuro having entered the kitchen at the smell of food and lays by his spot near my chair to wait for the food that will inevitably get to him in some format for himself to get a well made meal. Myself almost as if sensing my familiar enter the kitchen gets out a piece of meat and begins cooking even that for my familiar to have.

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Kairi had noticed her nodding her head, and walked towards the Kitchen, Kairi had simply put a smile on her face as she had walked towards it. Kairi had looked over to the sword that was on the ground, and she had picked it up once more before placing it into her inventory. Kairi had stepped outside of her room and looked down to Karona that had stood out in the hallway, she had bent down and gave its chest shell and said to him "Don't be so rude towards Hestia, she is one of the greatest friends I have made in this game. Even if I get upset at her or get scared, there's no need to be aggressive towards her at all okay?" then Karona had let out a grumble, however he had let out a acceptance grunt. Kairi had giggled and then began to walk towards the kitchen where she had seen her dance to a unknown beat she couldn't necessarily identify, Kairi had let out a small giggle and said out to her "I've forgotten how cute you are dancing and humming your own beat.


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I mean i am a performer Ashley if i don't practice my craft then when i go to crafting there will be much failure. I say in a joking tone with a chuckle as i quickly go back to humming and dancing without missing a single beat as i finish up cooking the meal as i set the plates and food down onto the table with a happy smile as i then strangely enough take out a notepad and starts writing into it. Myself trying to not let you see what lies within it as i grin. Knowing that even if you did look at the notepad you couldn't read it since it is written in Greek. A little skill i had picked up back into the real world from my want to read every myth no matter what, and for the purpose of writing it in Greek to keep me in practice with knowing the language. I finish up writing the latest lyrics i have thought up for the song i can only hope i get the confidence to perform eventually down.

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Kairi had giggled when she had said that she was a performer and went on about if she didn't practice her craft it would be a failure, Kairi had shook her head and said to her "Oh? I just thought you were that naturally good." she had let out a small giggle. However leaving her to her cooking and "work" she had just made her way to the table and sat down upon it. Looking over, she had seen her write down something, she had assumed it had something to do with music, however Kairi wasn't going to bother her about it. Karona scuttled to under the table and sat down into what Kairi likes to call "Chest" mode and act as though he was just a regular chest. However, she knew that he was simply just resting or sitting around doing nothing, like pets would typically do. Kairi had just taken in a deep breath and waited for food to be done, she was going to be patient and she wasn't going to be some sort of brat about it.

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I chuckle at the compliment as i set the food down, and even sets down a steak fro Kuro to eat as i then distribute the food between us, and even had a small plate for Karona encase you wanted to feed your familiar. With that i begin eating my meal rather happily as my familiar eagerly digs into the cooked steak enjoying the cooked food immensely so. I then look over to you with a curious little look. So what is your plan for when you make it to Tier 2 Kairi? Have any idea on what type of armor and weapon design you'll want since you seem wanting to change your style to try and get a change in how you will approach these things. I ask you curiously knowing you seem to dislike the cutesy weapon style, and even maybe the cutesy outfits which leaves a curiosity what will be your new gear design for when you reach tier 2.

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