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[F20-PP] 80's training montage ensues (Morg, Hest)

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I let out a happy sigh as i enter the floor via the teleport gate as i look around the area with a smile on my face seeing the sunny floor that seems very relaxing all things considered  as i step out and looks around the floor that i have no experience with at all. Having never done anything on this floor before as i start tentatively look around very nervously. I came here to relax, and have no idea what i can do here. I say softly realizing that fact as i look around with my blue colored eyes as my black hair with silver streaks move in the wind. My familiar laying by my feet to rest as i try to look for something to do. Just seeing the expansive landscape all around as i try to figure out how to get down towards the lower part of the city. Having not dealt with maneuvering in this type of terrain style before.


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The blond wished to visit the place where his guild hall use to lie. A flash of light would appear as Jonathan would arrive on Floor 20's main settlement, Inti. He adorned his usual white and gold heavy armor. His sword and shield remained latched  to his side, and his golden hair untamed. Although the guild no longer had a hall on this floor after the update, Jonathan came here often to clear the monsters that were in the immediate area that their guild hall had lied in. He did it for sentimental reasons as the place had held something special to him. Lately, he had spent most of his time training and farming with Itzal, but the thought of Rin forced him to take a day away from it and search something else to occupy his mind. Blue eyes searched the landscape of Inti, spotting a few NPC women going about their day on bright dresses and talking in a hppy manor. This was a floor he liked as the NPC's were happy and not gloomy. He smiled faintly and walked to the west, where the old hall used to lie. Descending the stairs, he quickly found a dark haired girl accompanied by lion. With wings. A memory of the manticore made him want to reach for his sword. He continued to walk down, actually recognizing the player.

"Do I spot a goddess? To what pleasure do you grace me with grace me with your presence, Goddess of the Hearth, Hestia." He  would bow in greeting before laughing. He remembered the girl from the.... hall of memories? That didn't sound exactly right. He wondered how much she had progressed in the month he hadn't seen her. He would stop, a good five steps up. Shade allowed the girl to easily see him as the sun was hidden behind the large hill that was the exact center of town and floor. It was trying to complete its rise in the east. 


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As i look around i tap my cheek wondering what could count as actual fun within this floor? Knowing vaguely that their are things called sun dials that could make a fun trip around the floor to try to find if the time is enough. Then their is some kind of mountain that could be fun to visit to see this phenomenon that players talk about it. To see this edge of castle Aincrad within person to look down at other floors. Before i could move or continue on though i hear what sounds like the beginning of a rather bad pickup line as i roll my eyes and goes to say something as i turn around. Look i don't know who you are, but i am- Oh...Hey Jonathen right? I say with a blush of embarrassment knowing you were just trying to joke around instead of a bad flirting attempt. Remembering you wanted to be called something else rather then the username you have as i look at the sandy blonde man. My familiar instantly getting up and walking over towards the player and actually nuzzles his head gently against you. Seems like he remembered you also Jon. I say with a small chuckle. How have you been doing since well...the monument. I ask in a gentle tone of voice encase that could be still a sore subject.

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The girl would begin to reply with annoyance as she turned, but as soon as she realized it was him her attitude changed drastically. "Hey Jonathan right?" Jon nodded with a smile. "The one and only" He chuckled. As the lion came to nuzzle him, he quickly stroked the top of its head before moving his hand around the head and scratching the bottom of the jaw briefly. As she mentioned the monument,  Jonathan's eyes lit up. 'That was the name. DUR' He scratched the big of his head. "I have been fine. To be fair, I have had other problems recently, but I would rather like to keep those private" He had no intentions of telling anyone about Rin, or his latest dreams. "You did a good job setting me on the right path. Throwing myself into danger isn't going to help Beatbox" He stared into the girl's eyes for a moment before speaking again. "As of now, I am going to go hunt down a few mobs that dwell where my guild hall used to be. You are free to join me if you wish" With that, he would begin to walk down the stairs forward, making his way to exit Inti and move west towards the edge of the world. 

As he walked down, he checked his equipment and decided to drink damage buff. He felt invigorated by the potion, and then finished down the steps. With the town gate in front of him, he turned to see if the girl was still following him. 


-1 T2 Rare DMG Potion
+4 DMG

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I chuckle a bit at the line as my familiar enjoys your putting letting out whatever the equivalent of a purr a lion could make from the affection. Well i wouldn't say the one and only i'm sure their are man other Jonathans in the game. Maybe the one and only Morgenstern, but not Jonathan. I say in a joking tone of voice with the man as i wait upon the step i am at as i listen further. Well i'm glad i was able to help you out with that Jonathan, but you did give me some nice pointers on being a tank so i consider us being even. I say with a small chuckle as something clicks in my mind as i say that remembering something. However, before i could say anything you're already on your way down the stairs as i quickly follow you. I'd happily go along with you since i'm sure you could use the company, and if nothing else i can pick up a few more pointers on being a tank. I say rather cheerfully as i withhold my question for now. To see if i can see the man in action before anything else. Curious of what his actual fighting style is when compared to my own.


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He turned to find Hestia and the lion bounding after him, knowing that he could use the company. "Most players here are from Japan. I am from somewhere in the United States. I don;t o out much, so don't ask me what state" He chuckled. The name Jonathan should be quite uncommon, since they were on a Japanese server. Thus, Japanese would hear Japanese from his mouth, and English from theirs for him. "Sure I can give a few pointers! First and most important. Don't die. Second, refrain from being near the rear end of giant spooders" He chuckled. He looked to her now with a more serious tone. "Can you deal damage if I go full tank? Its not exactly efficient to do both" He looked at her for a moment before deciding from her facial expression that the answer was no. "Here" He swiped open his menu and sent the woman a Rare T2 Mitigation Tonic. "Use this for today. I have another 6 of these if you want them. I would be willing to sell them for... 2000 col if you want" He sent the seventh potion to her for free though. "Either way, use this buff and I will deal the damage. I can watch you then, and decide what to do off of your performance so far" 

-1 T2 Rare Mitigation Tonic(+36 MIT) -> Sent To Hestia



<<Trade Offer>>

6x T2 Rare Mitigation Tonic(+36 MIT)


2000 Col




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I nod my head in understanding having forgotten that they are on a japanese server. The mass amount of English that i have heard, and the people that have given away their location having been all English speaking making me forget that they are playing a japanese game with very good translation. 'Oh god what if this game was translated by google.' I think to myself as i start chuckling and giggling to myself at such a thought. After a bit i can get myself under control, and then hear your 'advice' which just makes me chuckle even more, but the spider bit i definitely remember for the future to try and not bring any of those to you since it is a possible fear you could have. When asked the question i shake my head no. Nope i basically went full tank/RNG with everything in all honesty Jonathan. I say just being honest with the man as i then see you offer the potions as i do smile a rather big smile as i quickly hit accept not caring for the 2000 COL i just lost. Knowing that if i was serious about it i could get those back with the right teammate to join me on doing so. I do smile a bit excited at the idea of this frontliner taking me on as a apprentice as i nod with a serious look as i take the potion, and drinks it to get the Mitigation buff right now so i can prove myself worthy today to the best that i can. No slacking today we wanted vacation we're getting training. I say as i look at my familiar not sounding disappointed, but very excited at that as i keep pace with you every step. I'll do my best to impress Jonathan. I say kindly as i then remember the dungeon mobs stats as i take a calming breathe. ' Just don't panic in the field. They may be tier 3 mobs..and you haven't done a quest of a difficulty beyond Byakko. But you got this girl. Just stay calm, and you can prove how good you are. Just keep the parry up, and things should go find in the end.' I think to myself as a mental pep talk to try and not be terrified of tier 3 mobs.

(+36 MIT) 140 MIT total.

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'Full tank huh? We will just have to see how long that lasts, and how far she gets' He stepped forward, sending the girl a party invite along the way. He then decided to equip his Sword, armor, and accuracy pendant for optimum fighting ability. She began speaking to her familiar, Jonathan deciding to keep his ears out of it. He didn't want to listen in on anything if it wasn;t made for his ears to hear. As she moved to catch up, he did look back studying her face. A certain nervousness had settled upon her, giving her a face he assumed was his before each and every boss fight. "No worries. This is a Tier Two floor, and I don't plan on taking on any Floor Bosses today. Also, I tanked a floor boss, probably around your level, so you will be fine. Just remain focused on your task, say something if you need a break and Ill gather the attention. Then, when I give you cover, drink this" He sent the girl one final item, this one also for free. A healing potion just for case. Even if it was only uncommon, it might make the difference between life and death. "Just a bit farther and we will be at the old Ascendant headquarters...." he chuckled, beginning to prepare his items. 


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I nod my head at that as i take a calming breathe at being reminded that this is a tier two floor rather then anything else. I just give a quick nod of my head feeling much more prepared for this already since in theory as long as the mobs arn't tiered to his level it should be relatively easy to tank the hits that the enemies could try proving against me. Got it Jon i'll make sure to say anything if it starts getting overwhelming or anything like that. I say with a nod of my head as i take the potion you offer with a smile. Feeling a lot better already about this entire situation and ready to fend off against whatever could be around this old guild hall location. I do keep an eye out for any signs of where the building use to be standing. Curious to see if the game allows old structures to change the landscape in any form, and being a bit curious where Itzal would've had his guild setup before it got removed,or moved to somewhere else. So then Jonathan how are the frontlines doing right now? I ask curiously to the man. I mean i've heard of things in a rumor style of manor, but not much from someone who actually works in the frontlines. I say a little bit after to clarify my reasons for asking.

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Jonathan walked forward, Hestia at his hip as he walked. She promised to him that she would mention something if she needed some help. He would nod, a bit relieved. "No worries, I won't be going full damage. I will leave on some armor. We aren't exactly here for extra loot now are we?" He chuckled and continued as the woman decided to bring up some light conversation. "The frontlines? I believe by the end of the week we are going to be taking on the boss. Its going rather slow isn't it?" He sighed. They walked in silence for a bit before they arrived within 1,000 feet of where the guildhall used to lie. The game reverted to its old position, showing no signs of where it used to be. He sighed, drawing his weapon. He raised a hand, signaling silence from the girl. As it becaem quiet, rustles became more easily heard. The rustling was moving toward them at a quick pace. He turned as two giant pray mantises exited the dense forest and into the small clearing. "Alright Hest, I believe it is kindergarten to know what to do here" He would make no attack or advances for now. 

(Leaving Mob Rolls to you, since it is always easier for the tank to do)
Please no Spoilers


@Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 118/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM
@Hestia XXX/XXX <> XX/XX / X BD, X ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT, XX BH


Giant Praying Mantis A 590/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 590/590 <> 177 DMG



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Well i mean you should try to go full damage if you can Jonathan, but i can understand why not since you wish to make sure i don't get ahead of myself encase the fight gets to dangerous from these enemies. I say with a nod of my head knowing the reason why as i walk along with you holding my blade and shield close to me once we're in the fields of the 20th floor as i can only wonder what kind of mobs will be around, and trying to attack. Having never been this far before, so being left with a sense of mystery and curiosity that is going to be solved since the two of them are going to be fight some type of mob. At hearing the boss raid is coming up though i do get a bit anxious in wonderment of what will be laying ahead of the players rather soon. When the two arrive and i look around and don't see any type of mobs i lower my shield for almost half a second before quickly raising it seeing you raise your arm. Soon after at the sight of the two rather massive creatures i just nod my head, and slam my sword into my shield as i then quickly break away from you moving around the two enemies trying to make sure to keep the eyes of the enemy off of you at all times. Come on you insects. It would be kind of pathetic if you just did nothing you know. I say with a smile as i then raise my shield preparing myself for the oncoming hits.

Without wasting a moment the two mantis come at me as i quickly raise my shield blocking the hits that come at me as the two creatures attack my shield relentlessly as i keep my stance strong not wishing to budge from such an attack as i do see my health drop a rather good amount. My eyes widen for a brief moment before i refocus on the two knowing that if i falter now the results won't be good at all. 'I'm the first line of defense if i fall my teammates could easily fall next.' I think to myself seriously not wishing for that to happen.

#96041  MD:8+1=9 (no crit)    Mantis Damage; 177-140=37 (Health regen procts. Start at beginning of my next turn)  THRNS: 28 DMG

#96042  MD:8+1=9(no crit)  Mantis Damage; 177-140=37 (Health regen procts. Start at beginning of my next turn)  THRNS: 28 DMG     CD:12 (+2 ENG)

-8 ENG  do to Howl


@Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 118/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM
[H: 3 l 3] Hestia: 776/850 <HP>  <ENG> 74/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS:28 DMG (non crit)  


Giant Praying Mantis A 562/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 562/590 <> 177 DMG

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He chuckled when the girl told him that he should go full damage. 'She doesn't realize, the armor IS my damage. If I miss anyway' As the bugs moved in, Hestia moved out to meet them while slamming her weapon into her shield. 'She sure can be loud' he thought .It was something Shield did, but Jonathan never particularly cared to do it. Each bug struck down on her shield, causing her to shift back with each hit. Her feet dug a bit into the ground. She managed to take the hits, but had there been four he would have been worried for her. "Looking good so far Hestia. Keep it up!' He charged forward, moving in front of Hestia. Not being the tank, his presence startled the bugs. Making use of this advantage, he attacked with his curved sword. The gleaming blade moved in from his side, but ended up catching on the scythe like- leg that beast had attacked Hestia with. With his forward momentum, he rolled up and off the Mantis, striking downward through the air. His blade caught the second mantis, dealing a good amount of damage. It would take a few hits, but they would be gone soon enough. 


96091 : BD:2 - Miss
96092 : BD:9 - Crit Hit! (20+1) *8= 168 DMG


[H: 0 | 2] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 103/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 3 l 3] @Hestia: 776/850 <HP>  <ENG> 74/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)  


Giant Praying Mantis A 562/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 394/590 <> 177 DMG


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I nod with a smile at the compliment as i look at the two enemies as i see you aim to hit the two of them as one manages to get hit as my eyes widen very much so at the sight of it. 'Did...did he just do a whole lot of damage!' I think in shock wondering how he even balances that to get to that amount. Finding myself wanting of that much very badly to be of actual help to my teammates while defending them if need be. I glance towards my weapon and wonders if their is any helping of this with what my current build is. In the end i just let out a soft sigh and focuses on the task at hand saving such thoughts for later. Knowing that for myself their is still a bit of time to fix things up here and there while still being the best tank possible.

With those thoughts done with for the moment i let my sword ignite with energy as i start the beginning motion of a sword art as i then go towards the two mantis' after you strike them and quickly tries to strike both of them in a circular motion. The first most likely getting what is a mosquito bite in comparison to what its companion received from you while the other just dodges my attack entirely and tries once more to strike me. Seeing the attack i turn around and slams my foot into the ground, and raises my shield stumbling back from the impact from the momentum of my attack still carrying me ever so slightly. After a few stumbling steps i stop myself as i glance over to you with a nervous chuckle. Well looks like bleed, or paralyze didn't kick in this time around. I say with a small shrug afterwards as i glance towards the enemies and see them still focusing on me thankfully.

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Jonathan would ensure to watch carefully at Hestia's movements. She had done good thus far, and managed to keep one of the bugs from hitting her. He smiled, impressed with her skill already. He moved in forward, his blade taking on a bright blue hue. The blond haired man dashed forward, striking first with a horizontal slash designed to throw his target off balance. The blade made its mark, the blade bluntly hitting the creature's hard front. From the force, the Mantis backed up and lifted, exposing a softer underside. Taking no moments of hesitation, he attacked again, striking multiple times within a flurry of attacks. He grinned, pleased with his work. He leapt off the ground, turning in the air to strike the other Mantis with a long slash across its body. From there, he would land, and strike a few more times, covering the insect in red slash marks. "There we go, just took a bit of a warm-up!" He backed behind Hestia, not sure if he was comfortable hiding behind somebody else for a change. 


#96271  BD:10+3   (20+2) *8=176 DMG

#96272  BD:7+3   (20+0)*8=160


[H: 0 | 2] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 103/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 4 l 3] @Hestia: 749/850 <HP>  <ENG> 71/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)  


Giant Praying Mantis A 377/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 206/590 <> 177 DMG

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I watch with a grin at the two Mantises be practically taken down quite a couple pegs as i take a calming breathe and with a nod of my head. I got to prepare to attack the creature, but notices that one mantis is eyeing you up as i instead quickly activate howl one more to make sure the hate stays on me as i look at the creature with a smile on my face. Come on can't be that hard to hit a not moving target right? I question the creature with a grin on my face. as i prepare myself for the duo of hits knowing it is very likely to hit me as i prepare for the attacks coming at me. I look at the two creatures as they once more strike at my shield pushing forward against it as i push back against them with a fierce and determined look. Not letting them budge against myself not letting them get past me.

#96284  MD:8+1=9 Mantis Damage; 177-140=37 (Health regen reprocts. Start at beginning of my next turn)  THRNS: 28 DMG  

#96285  MD:7+1=8 Mantis Damage; 177-140=37 (Health regen reprocts. Start at beginning of my next turn)  THRNS: 28 DMG  

[H: 2 | 3] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 103/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 7 l 6] @Hestia: 685/850 <HP>  <ENG> 62/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)   -10 ENG howl  +1 ENG natural


Giant Praying Mantis A 349/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 178/590 <> 177 DMG

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Hestia seemed enthralled by battle, grinning, and talking rather cocky. She was much different then the girl he just had to reassure a couple of minutes ago. He kinda chuckled before returning his attention to the two Mantises that had just attacked  Hestia again, bringing another drop in her health. The girl didn't appear to worried about it, but it looked like she had taken about 200 in damage. He grit his teeth, knowing that if they had taken on four she would already be at half health. Thanking that four didn't spawn, Jonathan charged forward, his blade streaming an almost blue fire as he rushed his opponents. He langed in front of the first pray mantis after a leap and smite his enemy with an upward strike. The creature let out a screech sounding like a mixture of static and human screaming. He quickly moved to his second opponent striking the creature several times and bringing it down to a sliver of health. He let out a moan. "Your thorns should take him out I believe" 

[H: 3 | 5] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 88/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 7 l 6] @Hestia: 685/850 <HP>  <ENG> 62/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)   -10 ENG howl  +1 ENG natural


Giant Praying Mantis A 189/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 2/590 <> 177 DMG

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I nod my head at hearing the other should fall by my thorns, so i focus upon the other mantis as i take a calming breathe and then moves swiftly over towards it and tries to swing my sword at it. However, the mantis was prepared and was able to block every strike of mine knocking my sword from hitting one of its more weaker parts of the body with easy. After the fourth strike of the sword art i go to move out of the way of the mantis i attacked which inadvertently causes me to dodge a strike going straight down trying to pierce my body. The other Mantis though moves in front of me and causes to hit my chest, and for myself i quickly raise my shield to take the hit as i see the mantis just burst into crystals upon contact with my shield. I smile victoriously at that success and then turn to you. One down, one to go Jonathan. I say happily.

#96740  BD:3+1=4   MD:3+1=4

#96741  MD:7+1=8    Mantis Damage; 177-140=37 (Health regen reprocts. Start at beginning of my next turn)  THRNS: 28 DMG  

[H: 3 | 5] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 88/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 7 l 6] @Hestia: 658/850 <HP>  <ENG> 62/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)   -10 ENG howl  +1 ENG natural


Giant Praying Mantis A 189/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 0/590 <> 177 DMG

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Upon his hard upward strike, the first mantis appeared dazed and swung lazily at Hestia, allowing her to dodge the blow easily. The second on the other hand was in the critical zone and trying to deal as much damage as possible. As soon as it came into contact with Hestia, it burst into bright blue shards. "Alright! Things are looking better than I thought they would! Keep up the good work Hest!" The remaining giant pray mantis looked at Hestia with anger due to the loss of its friend. Jonathan held his weapon with two hands, allowing the weapon to charge up. When an insane amount of energy was stored into the weapon he smote the weapon forward, making his attacks much slower, but much harder. He swiped many times, using his Legion Destroyer Sword Art. The blade missed by mere inches and Jonathan flew past, he and Hestia now on opposite sides. "Curved swords aren't the greatest for hard hits" 

96766 BD:2+3=5. Heavy Momentum Proc! +6 DMG next turn. 


[H: 3 | 5] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 86/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 7 l 6] @Hestia: 658/850 <HP>  <ENG> 62/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)   -10 ENG howl  +1 ENG natural


Giant Praying Mantis A 189/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 0/590 <> 177 DMG

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yeah i know they aren't the best that is why a tank is good for me. I can take the hits better, and hope i can help by making the enemies regret hitting. Plus there is the nice bonus of being able to protect people. to protect and make sure others can advance being the reason for my going down this path. What better way of doing that hen being a healer and tank. I say to you as i activate my sword art in preparation for the attack as i look at the mantis with a serious look. I charge at the creature and tries to hit it but instead it just smacks my sword out of my hand as i quickly raise my shield and dives towards my sword dodging a swipe towards my head as it does so as i grab the my sword once more as i roll for a little bit and then quickly gets back up on my feet. Okay, and it seems like once more hitting this thing isn't in my schedule for the day. I say jokingly as i look at the creature.

#96768  BD:1  MD:3+1=4  -3 ENG


[H: 3 | 5] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 86/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 7 l 6] @Hestia: 678/850 <HP>  <ENG> 59/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)   -10 ENG howl  +1 ENG natural


Giant Praying Mantis A 189/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 0/590 <> 177 DMG

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His blade gleamed in a bright light as he prepared to charge his opponent once more. Hestia was talking, but as it wasn't a question he passively dismissed it all. "Alright. The train stops here!" He charged forward, his blade giving off a bright blue light as he began to activate Legion Destroyer. It was a move to devastate a single opponent. He charged forward, a grin on his face. He leaned low and forward as he prepared for the start to his attack. A long horizontal slash. The attack was successful and knocked his enemy a bit off balance. He then would put his weapon in a two-handed grin and strike his opponent several times, going all the way through. Then with his final hit he would leap up and finish with a downward strike. His enemy burst into pixels. Smiling, Jonathan sheathed his weapon. "Well we made it through the first two rounds. Ima rest my energy a bit. See if you can't find a dungeon around here. No that the Ascendants aren't around, I am sure the game might've spawned one around here" He chuckled. 


96903 BD:4+3=7


[H: 3 | 5] @Morgenstern 1270/1270 <> 86/118 / 20 BD, 3 ACC, -1 EVA, 126 MIT, 64 BH, 6 HM, 21 Thorns
[H: 7 l 6] @Hestia: 678/850 <HP>  <ENG> 59/82   / 3 DMG, 1 ACC, -1 EVA, 140 MIT,  Recovery/Regen x1 (+2 to ENG CD:6+, 10 health regen 3 turns when hit.)  Paralyze: 8+ , Bleed: 24 DMG 8+, THRNS: 28 DMG (non crit)   -10 ENG howl  +1 ENG natural


Giant Praying Mantis A 0/590 <> 177 DMG
Giant Praying Mantis B 0/590 <> 177 DMG

Loot Rolls

96905 LD:15 CD:7 -> 1 T2 Mat, Rare Weapon
96906 LD:2

Col Rewards: 1770 Col Each (3540 Col)


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