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[SP-F1] Little Trinketry <<EAL>> Complete!

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Day 98503120, still no materials were found. It felt like an eternity had passed already since he left the safe-zone, revealing that Aris's patience had dwindled down to almost non-existence. He would've still been keen on exploring the area and searching around as a side-job, but right now he was just constantly looking at rocks that did nothing but look annoying to him. Aris was pretty certain that, if rocks could laugh and actually were living beings, they would be laughing hysterically now while the aggressive teen charged past the lake in search of one simple material. It was beyond him whether he was actually doing something wrong, and it thoroughly annoyed him to know it wasn't working out as well as he had expected it to. His positivity was drained away slightly every step he took, Aris now becoming slightly more vocal. "Stupid ####### pearl" he muttered, kicking another rock.


ID: 95769  LD: 14 ;-;


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Another 10 minutes of pure torture flew by while Aris was still not-so-happily dancing around the lake. For some reason, he was so certain that idiotic pearl was hidden here, but there was nothing, nothing to be found.  Why did he even have to search for such a small thing, couldn't they have just made a sculpture from one of the pebbles, or perhaps used a piece of bark to make something moderately good-looking? Desiree probably just wanted him to search for such a rare thing so she could secretly sell it or something, and that wouldn't surprise Aris. He had pretty much completely demonized the NPC in his head, almost imagining a pair of horns on her head. Deep down he knew it wasn't her fault, but it was just too easy to blame her for it. By now the motivation granted by thinking about his future shop didn't suffice, annoyance heavily influencing Aris's manners. His body was still searching, but his mind was elsewhere.



ID; 95789  LD: 12 I concede


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A loud shout temporarily made its way through the formerly peaceful area, announcing Aris's  breaking point loud and clear. 2 hours had passed by now, and the poor boy was on the verge of completely going mental. Why, why was it so darn hard in this world to find one single thing. "It must be rigged, it must be!" Conspiracy theories of this entire place being rigged soon started becoming quite convincing and accessible within Aris's boiling head. To release some more anger (or perhaps make it worse), Aris grabbed a stone with his spare hand and threw it into the lake, the small stone making several small hops before sinking down to the bottom where it belonged. Aris had temporarily forgotten about the fact that there was a mob not all that far away from him, but it was luckily not really phased by the sudden shout. Not like Aris really cared much right now though, considering he was far too busy with being angry at.. everything. For such a seemingly innocent boy, Aris did care a lot of anger within him.


ID: 95790 LD: 3


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Another rock was thrown into the lake, another rock was kicked furiously, and yet another rock was subject to Aris's anger by being fired off as a baseball, his mace being the bat. Those pebbles were currently the only way he could really vent his anger, hence his idiotic actions. "WHeRe Is It!" he called out, dislocating another rock with a reckless fling of his right leg. And that's when it happened.

Divine intervention!

It felt as if some otherworldly god had responded to his prayers shaped as aggressive shouts, awarding him for his heroic and patient search for such a valuable item. Apparently, they were so mesmerised by his elegant presence that they decided to put the pearl right underneath the rock he just kicked away, the shining surface reflecting the sun perfectly to cause the boy to see it. The frustrated look on his face sank away as fast as the rocks he had thrown in the lake,  making room for a genuine smile to appear.  Slowly, Aris kneeled down to carefully grab the pearl, his eyes permanently stuck to the shiny white object. He held it reasonably close to his face so he could thoroughly inspect the item while he turned it around with his fingers, speaking up once again as if he was talking to the inanimate thing. "If only I could throw you into the lake as well, you piece of ...." his hand was turned into a fist almost immediately, his other hand, which he was holding the mace with, awkwardly being used to send the pearl directly into his inventory to make sure he wouldn't lose it. Relaxing his left hand once again, Aris closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're finished." he mumbled to himself, his eyes opening after he had said the two calming words. Letting out a sigh of relief, Aris started moving back towards the town of beginnings, no longer caring about the beautiful grasslands and cute baby boars. All he wanted was to get this quest over with. Hopefully, the rest would be enjoyable.


ID: 95793 LD: 17 SUCCESS

1 Material/Quest item found!




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The familiar noise of bells uncontrollably wiggling around once again announced Aris's return to the shop.  "Welcome!" Desiree, who was currently in the back room probably enjoying the tidy workplace that Aris had cleaned up for her, called out. The woman made her way to the counter fast enough to see Aris walking up to it, now realizing he wasn't a new customer. "Oh, you're back!" she said, still as energetic as before. "It took you a while" was added up to it, almost as if she was purposely trying to annoy Aris. There was not even a slight whim of evil intentions in her tone of voice or body language, but it still came off as taunting. Not wanting to further his spree of annoyance, Aris did his best to contain his temper. His eye did twitch slightly as a natural reaction,  but apart from that nothing really happened. "Yes, yes it did." he replied, a smile tightly forced onto his face while he looked at the NPC. "Did you get the material?" the woman spoke up, a white screen popping up in front of Aris to take his newly found pearl away. With the press of a button, Aris sent the pearl to the NPC, the little white orb almost instantly appearing in her right hand. Taking a good look at it, Desiree nodded her head in approval. "Good, come here and we'll get started!" opening the little gate beside the counter, Desiree moved further into the workplace, Aris quickly following behind her.

"So if you do this..." the woman mumbled, her hand carefully moving forward to attach the pearl to a beautiful silver lining. Aris carefully watched the NPC as she turned a simple pearl into a pretty charm. It was quite fascinating and most definitely educative to see the precise movements necessary to do so, showing how much Desiree cared about detail. Every little shift caused the charm to look even more appealing, becoming seemingly more expensive with every touch added to it. The now slightly more likeable NPC explained every part of the crafting process clearly to the novice, who constantly nodded his head to show he understood what she was talking about. 

For the first time today it felt like time was flying by. It was genuinely interesting and fun to see an participate in such an activity, causing Aris to already look forward to doing it on his own.

Once the two finished making a surprisingly good trinket, it was time for Aris to go home. Getting up from the chair he was sitting on, Aris offered a kind smile to the NPC, who returned one to him. "Thank you for teaching me." he said, quickly receiving a reply. "Not a problem, I wish you the best of luck with your own shop!" Desiree mentioned, bringing up their former discussion during the crafting. Aris had told her he wanted to set up a shop for himself, an idea of which she was apparently quite supportive. Slowly but surely, Aris started making his way to the door.

However, soon after Desiree finished her sentence, another unknown screen appeared in front of Aris. "QUEST COMPLETE" it read, showing the rewards underneath to make Aris even happier than he already was. As the happy expression on his face grew brighter, Aris looked back to the NPC. "It was nice meeting you." his words were genuine, nothing like the rude tone he originally entered the shop with. "Likewise." she replied after letting out a giggle. Aris nodded, lifting his left hand up and making a swift waving gesture as he opened the door to exit the shop. Speaking up one last time to say "Bye!", Aris stepped out of the shop, closing the door behind him. And with that, his first quest was finished.



-2 SP (1 completed page + EAL SP reward)

-ARTISAN title! Along with access to creating a shop

-Extra materials (To be rolled for)

-400 COL



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