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[F1-PP] Where Has The Time Gone?

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(here we are!)

The worn traveler stood on the steps at the teleportation platform in the town of beginnings. She took a hesitant step forward, it had been so long since she had been in this town once so familiar to her."Were home" She said, a hint of insecurity creeping into her voice. She began to walk down the streets at a medium well-traversed pace, the clicking of her boots echoing off the surrounding buildings. Next to her walked her familiar, a fox of small stature, yet not quite as little as he had once been, his nose turned to the air he took in the sents of the town he too had been gone away from with his master. She slowed down as she approached the quaint ally that housed her once busy shop. She walked up to the dark windows and honestly abandoned looking door. Taking a deep breath and steeling herself she placed her hand on the handle and attempted to open the door. She started when it refused to budge, she gave it a harder yank thinking maybe it was stuck when a bubble popped up in from of her face claiming she did have access to the building. "What how!?" She shouted at the top of her voice and gave the door a swift quick while swearing, her familiar dodging out of the way of her vengeful foot. 

"It cant be" she muttered, her face drooping in defeat, her voice carrying the feeling. Placing her back against the cold brick wall she slid to the ground and buried her face in her hands. A small sob escaped from her lips as a tear streaked down her cheek. her familiar Gin hoped onto he lap and she whispered into his fur, the sadness evident in her voice," How could i have been such a fool Gin? How could i have lost everything over a goose chase. I haven't been able to contact anyone I know, whats going on?" she asked to no one, her face conveying loneliness, desperation, and defeat, and there Shirosu sat alone, not sure what to do next. 

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I make my way through the town of beginning with a smile on my face and wearing only my vanity clothing. Doing my usual routine for being on this floor which is patrolling in search of players that could be in need of a player that is a tank. Knowing that such a build is in rather low supply in any rank with the only tanks now being around only being in tier 3 basically by this point. I sighs softly at that reality and shakes my head as my black hair waves side to side ever so slightly at that actions as the silver streaks glint ever so slightly in the sun. At my side being a St.Bernard sized lion with wings as i pet his head gently with a smile. Trying to make the rather intimidating animal seem ever so slightly more friendly by this action. Knowing that just the sheer size and the species of the creature is usually enough to turn others down from wanting to be near my familiar. Come on Kuro we'll check out the merchant area that way we can double up with getting you a nice bit of lunch for you and myself. How about that? I ask him with a smile as he lets out a rather satisfied low grumble. Good! Now come on! I say cheerfully as i lead myself and my familiar through the town. Passing my people and shops gazing over them with my blue colored eyes.

Eventually i see a rather strange sight a girl sitting outside of some shop looking rather defeated with a fox at her feet which means that she is a player instead of a NPC sort of situation. At that i walk over towards her and gets onto one knee. Hello you okay? The name is Hestia i like to give myself the title of Paladin of the Holy Dragon Alliance. With the whole Paladin thing being from the fact that represents my build of that of healer and tank. I say towards the girl with a kind smile at my face as i gesture towards my familiar who goes to lay by me easily still matching my height. And this is Kuro my familiar who has been my partner. Want to tell me what is troubling you? I ask the girl curiously. My clothing that of a simple blue jacket, black shirt, and black long pants.


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Shirosu didn't hear the person approach her in her dark brooding, her face turned away from the quiet alley's entrance. When they suddenly nealt down next to her she just about jumped out of her skin and stuttered awkwardly,"Oh! oh, my...hello?" She was met by the face of a woman with beautiful long black hair and an impressively large familiar, a gorgeous lion with wings cool her mind drifted. The girl asked if she was ok and Shirosu hurriedly tried to wipe the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand, and simply succeeded in smudging it and dirt everywhere. "I do look like a bit of a mess don't I?" she gave a light-hearted laugh even if her heart was nowhere near light. She Introduced herself as Hestia, a paladin of a guild she had never heard of before. Man, just how long have i been out of the sing of things she thought "Tank and Healer eh? That's quite an important role."  she offered her hand from where she sat a little sheepishly

"Nice to meet you Hestia and Kuro" She always made sure to greet the familiar as well , "the names Shirosu, and this little fox here is Gin"   Gin happily pipped up with a friendly little squeak, in his eyes anyone who was nice to Shirosu was good enough for him to be friendly too. When asked what was troubling her Shirosu's face fell a little before she could hide the emotion again, "I've been gone awhile, for a rather stupid reason, and to be honest, I'm just quite lost and afraid right now, i haven't been able to get into contact with old friends and such and it doesn't help that I seem to have lost access to my own shop, everything is  just a little worrisome"  She tried to offer another smile but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She hated for others, even people shes just met to be concerned for her, she didn't want to burden them.


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I smile a bit smiling ever so slightly at seeing that you are at least able to joke around at your own state. You do look like you have seen some better days. I say with a gentle smile on my face as i look towards you. Wondering why you're in such a state in the first place and seemingly outside of some building. Yeah i guess i am rather important from a build perspective. Especially now that their doesn't seem many tanks are around let alone supports. I say with a small chuckle as i rub the back of my neck. In fact really for a upcoming floor twenty two boss fight we barely have enough of tanks and healers to fill in those roles. three of each which has me worried what it looks like down here. I say softly with a strong hint of worry about the well being of all the players that traverse the floors that aren't frontline material.

Anywhoo it is wonderful to meet you Shirosu, and Gin. I say with a smile as my familiar Kuro gets low to the ground to look at the small fox. Having met one before, and curious if the initial reaction would be the same for the fox as it was the other one it had met. Once hearing you reason i get up onto my feet and offer a hand. Well if you want you can tell me all about why that happened if you're comfortable doing so over a nice meal to have. You look absolutely exhausted and need something to eat probably and a good place to sleep. I say as i look towards you. Also if it has been rather long since you met some of your friends or anything maybe i can help you get into contact with them through the frontlines. I'm sure i can convince Mac to help out if he ever saw your friends since he seems like he had been around for quite awhile.  I say shortening the name Macradon since it is a rather long name to say, and could easily be shortened down to the simple mac pronunciation. I'm willing to help you out with anything till you get back up onto your feet. I say kindly towards you.


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Shirosu understood her worry for the front lines and the players who weren't ready for the front lines yet, while she had never been on the front lines herself she had often seen the worry reflected in many of her guild mates. Shirosu took the offered hand as a boost up from the ground where she had been sitting. When Hestia mentioned food Shirosu immediately perked up, if anyone offered her food she would literally be their friend forever. Beside her Gin met nose to nose with the  lion and sniffed him curiously, he felt no ill intent from the others familiar and was more than happy to leave them be, he barked at the Lion once in a friendly tone, rubbed up against it as a cat was and than walked over to Shirosu's side, the greeting over with as far as he was concerned. Shirosu said a little hesitantly,"While I never like to say no to a meal are you sure your ok doing this?" she shook her head, " I'd hate to feel like I was encroaching on your time" When Hestia Mentioned Mac she froze for a second thinking maybe she had meant Mack but shook her head, probably Macradon." He's a high ranking member of the Knights of Blood Oath right? I was part of Crimson Blades guild and they merged with the KOB so I guess I'm technically part of that guild?" she trailed off her sentence with a slightly confused look, guilds were complex. 

Shirosu smiled down at Gin and bend down to scoop him up, while saying " Thank you for coming to talk to little mopy old me in the corner here, its helped to snap me out of a really sad state to a slightly less sadder state" she laughed, a self-deprecating yet a more normal her crooked grin touching her lips. "if you dont mind a pair of free loaders tagging along i might just take you up on the food and room offer untill i can figure out whats going on" Shirosu still felt a small pit of dread somwhere in the back of her mind, but talking with the kind Girl had really helped to put her in a better mood, it wasnt much, but it was a big step towards getting fixed up. 


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Of course i am willing to do this Shirosu. Now come on lets get you a meal to eat. I say with a kind smile towards the girl and then hears a name and raises a eyebrow. 'Another guild that use to be. I guess there was quite a few before this set we have nowadays' I think to myself. Well i'm sure the knights would appreciate a new member. From what i have heard about them they only have two members that are active on the frontlines now. Macradon, and a green haired player called Hirru. Those two being the only and active members of Knights of Blood Oath with their commander Heithcliff apparently having not done much for awhile supposedly. I say with a small shrug of my shoulders. My familiar using its wing to pat the little fox gently when it nuzzles up against him.  Though if you don't wish to join the knights of Blood Oath, the Holy Dragon Alliance is always willing to accept a new member. That is of course if you're even wishing to join another guild since apparently you had a last one. I say in a gentle tone at the end not wishing to force the idea that you need to join a guild or anything. Knowing that for at least myself a guild is a family of some type.

Also don't mention the whole me coming over to help. it is what i like to do, and what i always have done. Now come on lets get you some food you're probably starving. I say with a chuckle as i then go to lead you towards a place to eat. By the way what kind of food do you like to eat? I ask the girl curiously not wishing to lead her to somewhere she could have a aversion to for the food.

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Shirosu was content that Hestia seemed to be happy to help her, any other day of the week or during a better time she may have fought harder to make sure they were really ok with it but right now she was happy for any attention. When she mentioned there were only two active members in the Knights of Blood Oath she frowned, guessing that most of her old guildmates had dispersed. She sighed sadly, she would really miss the old days with everyone, they were the first true players to accept her and give her a home,  another singular tear slid down her cheek before she could stop it. Everyone moved on one day she thought to herself, nothing ever remains the same forever. Hestia offered for her to join her guild and Shirosu froze struck by not only the kindness of the offer but also the possibilities it could open. She thought over the invitation. While no one could replace her original home and guild, she had a feeling that maybe joining a new one may help her to find some new friends, some family to phrase it kindly. 

"Hestia" she said quietly, "If you truly wouldn't mind a good for nothing low leveled player like me,  i would love to take you up on that offer" she clasped her hands behind her back and leaned forward with a silly grin on her face, "its been a long time since i had a "family" so to speak"  When she asked what kind of food Shirosu would like to eat she practially drooled, "Any food is good food, i dont know how long its been since i last sat down for a meal, im rather broke and have been catching food where i can" She laughed, but getting really antsy about eatting, if there was thing she lived for it was food. Meanwhile, down at her feet, Gin kept eyeing the lion down, not other familiar had been friendly to him before, he was just used to grumpy bear cubs who he had to fight with for bacon. he guessed the lion was alright. 

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I smile softly and gives you a gentle hug as i see the tear fall ever so slightly. Shirosu you aren't a good for nothing player, and if you want to join the guild i would like for you to at least meet our guild leader Jomei. I honestly don't know if i have the power to invite people on my own, and if anything you'll get to meet another member to get even more of a opinion of our guild as a whole slowly but surely. I say kindly with a smile on my face as i look towards the girl. And yeah as long as you're willing to stick around you can always come back towards us for a family since i will be willing to offer you a home Shirosu, and for some kind of food i guess i'll get us a nice place that can serve some meat. I'm sure that Kuro would like some of that, and maybe your little fox since the two are more predatory animals. Also, if you have truly been gone for awhile it would be pretty good to choose something filling. I say in a cheerful tone of voice as i start leading you towards the best restaurant that i know that serves meat.

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She accepted Hestia's hug a little hesitantly but was happy for the brief physical contact, it was something grounding. "Jomei" she muttered the name seemingly very familiar to her, after trying to rack her brain for a few seconds she shrugged, not really able to remember anything about him "Well then I would absolutely love to meet him, I bet the guild is really nice, hope he'll be ok with me" She smiled, her mood beginning to shift to something happier, more her. Hestia suggested going to a restaurant that served a lot of meat, as something hardy and for the familiars to eat. "Oh goodness yes! Lead the way to a heavenly delight" she exclaimed more than happy to follow Hestia like a lost puppy and fantasize about the food soon to come.

As she followed next to the girl leading her through the town she thought quietly to herself, would she truly want her old shop back? maybe starting a new would be good for her, new home, guild, shop, it would be hard work to rebuild herself but she was up to the challenge. Shirosu stared over at Hestia's winged lion as it walked next to her, she had seen its reaction to Gin earlier and was simply fascinated as to how one even befriended something so large. Speaking of familiars she leaned down and scooped the fox off the ground, hugging the fluff ball to her chest happily. " I see you made a friend," she said to him while stroking his ears. 

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Well for Jomei i know he is a kind man who likes to take care of those within the guild. To the point where someone within the guild calls the man like a father figure type of deal. I say with a small chuckle as i rub the back of my head.  So don't worry about Jomei having any sort of doubt or such right away he is a really kind guy, and with myself giving you support when i am there with you to help avoid the whole. You know awkward first meeting it should be good, and help you get into the guild. I say in a optimistic tone of voice with a bright and happy smile. I then look over to my familiar and pets him gently on the head happily giving the little lion some love. Eventually the two of us reach a place that smells of delicious meat simply called the "Boar's grill". A pretty fitting name really considering the main mob on this floor. I say with a smile as i then open up the door as the smell of the meat becomes a bit stronger as i walk on over towards the greeter with a smile. Yes hello, we would like a table for two, and two familiars. So i guess four? I say in a questioning tone as the man nods his head and gestures for us to follow him as he leads the two of us towards a corner booth that has spots for familiars of every size even be it as large as my own who happily takes his spot by sitting in the spot available to him as i sit beside him to keep him some company.

The interior of the shop having the kitchen seemingly off towards the left side of the restaurant on the way in with a little open space to see the chefs and such cooking and preparing the foods. Allowing the aroma to be all around the restaurant. The interior colors that of a red, and gold color scheme with black mixed in to accentuate the two more brighter colors.

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When Hestia said Jomei was like a father figure to some in the guild she smiled, "Reminds me of someone I used to know"  as they came ever closer to the restaurant she could smell the food and it was making her even hungrier. Shirosu's stomach grumbled as they entered the Resturant titled the "Boar's Grill" and the smells flooded her senses. "This is going to be amazing" she sighed happily and laughed when she brought up the first levels boars" make uses of the local cuisine right?" She waited patiently as Hestia talked with the waiter and followed him to their booth, she was happy to see the familiar spots and put Gin down so that he may walk over to one and plop down, his little nose in smelling hyperdrive. 

She took a minute to scan her surroundings, it was a really nice place with a professional atmosphere to match the food that she saw leaving the kitchens. Happily, Shirosu sunk into her chair and flipped through a menu of increasingly delicious looking meals. When she happened upon Ribs she stared it down intently and said "Well guess i know what I'm having!" she passed the menu over to Gin and let him nose through it, he would probably pick something based of pictures, too bad he couldn't read. towards Hestia "Any idea what your gonna pick?"  Next to her Gin barked and she looked over to see him with his nose pointed at a picture of bacon Shirosu laughed "I should have known" Back towards Hestia " looks like this little stinker here wants some bacon if your ok with that" 

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I smile as i flip through the menu of the restaurant as i look at all the wonerful food that can be provided as i then hear your words as i chuckle at them and nods my head. yeah i guess you got a point Shirosu better make use of the boars that are around here to try and make use of them. I mean it is better then letting them be all crazy and be all over the place. I say with a smile on my face as i look towards the girl, and then back down towards my menu as i go over everything that is on it humming softly to myself a tune of some type. The tune having a gentle and melodic quality to it. I think i might take some steak, and such from this place. That would be rather nice, and i can get Kuro some nicely made ribs. What do you think? I ask my familiar as i look over towards him as he lets out a very satisfied rumble with a a swish of his tail.Also don't worry about price i have quuuiitte a bit of money. I say with a small chuckle as i glance towards my Col funds that almost reach 100K.

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Shirosu muttered under her breath "stupid walking bacon, they always beat me up" she laughed "always outsmarted by pork!"  When Hestia said she would pay Shirosu laughed nervously, "Thanks, unfortunately, I've somehow accomplished to lose most of my money, but thank you so so much for feeding me! Feed me and I am eternally grateful!"  While she settled down into her chair she decided to ask Hestia how things were going on the front lines, she used to have a pretty good idea at what was going on but since her absence, she had fallen out of touch with how things where going. 

So she leaned forward absently petting the fox next to her, and asked, "How have things been going on the front lines? I haven't been around for some time and I'm curious to see how many levels have been cleared is any." she thought for a second, " I always aspired to be a front liner but I never seemed to climb the levels fast enough to join everyone else fighting for our freedom, dont get me wrong I haven't given up yet but it sure will take some time," she smiled and asked conversationally, "And I didn't know you before either! a friend of mine and once guild leader used to Tank from time to time, guess he's not currently doing that, but it must shock others a female tank. I quite admire the role!" she froze, Realizing just how much she had be blabing on "Oh! I do hope I'm not asking too many questions! I'm just so curious about everything, please dont answer anything if you feel uncomfortable with it" she sighed annoyed at her own forwardness.

(is the yellow a little to hard to read?  just coming to a realization on that OTL)

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I chuckle at the girl's enthusiasm and joking nature as i nod my head wit ha smile. Well sadly i never experienced the tragedies of going up against the walking bacon and getting beaten up by them do to my tanking nature. They always just died on my thorns before they could do even more then one point of damage against me. I say with a chuckle as i relax. When asked about the frontlines i nod my head in understanding. Well i figure i'll just mention the guilds and then the solo players that are about it. There is the Holy Dragon Alliance which i am a part of. With myself only just going to join the next floor boss which is the twenty second one. Then the next guild the is Celestial Ascendants run by Itzal, Jonathan, Beat, and someone else i think as their leaders. Then the Knights of Blood Oath which consists of only Macradon, and Hirru. Then their are the solo players of Zandra, Calrex, and some cloaked girl that showed up during the meeting. I say listing off the names and such that i know of that come to my mind. That is the current state of the frontlines having just enough members for three groups of players, so about thirteenish players about that amount. I say giving a very rough estimate of what my memory can remember.

At the mention of not knowing me before i just chuckle a bit as i rub the back of my head. Well i've only been in the going for things rather recently really. I just made sure to climb as fast as i could humanly do so. Even if one person would like to say it was at the cost of not knowing how to relax i did make it to the frontlines which was my goal for that time being. Now i just need to maintain frontlien status, and work on finding new paths to go down. With a recent one being that of trying to perfect my musical craft and such in hopes of being able to perform a concert for all of Aincrad. To try and bring players frontlines, or new together for once and try to get them to bond. I say cheerfully, and a bit passionately when i start talking about music and my want of people to connect together.

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From what she could remember thirteen seemed a little less then previously I may really have to work my way up she thought. As she listed to Hestia explain things she did her best to get a feeling for the state of the current world, it wasn't desperate but if they lost anyone on the front lines things may start to get skinny.  When Hestia began to delve into her love of music and how that's what she was currently working on now that she was frontline Shirosu smiled, everyone needed hobbies and hers was an admirable one, something she was quite happy to see still in the world was a passion for its finner arts. "That's awesome," Shirosu said contently, "I was never musically inclined but I bet the music you're able to play is amazing." leaning forward and crossing her arms on the table she said "I need to get back into my hobby, i'm a Tailor, absolutely love to sew and I'm semi-decent at it. unfortunately, my poor little shop seems to have been removed from my position, so i have a feeling I'm going to have to start fresh. not that i mind, a change of scenery never hurt anyone and a few floors have been calling my name" 


She was beginning to wonder when the waiter may come around to take down their orders and just as she was about to bring something up said waiter magically appeared at the table side asking what they would like.  Almost a little to eagerly Shirosu relayed that she would like to order their ribs and that the little fox would be having some bacon. The waiter nodded and turned to Hestia to take her order. 

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I smile a bit and nods my head. I do love music something i always dreamed of being able to perform with Aincrad giving me that chance to try and achieve such a dream. With promising myself if i can make it here in Aincrad i will perform within the real world as a actual idol and such. Making sure that every performance i do will at least have one or two songs from my time spent within this world. Since i did manage to create three songs during my time when i dedicated myself to the more musical aspects of things. One being about how much guilds are like a family, one being how terrified some people are still of this world and everything within it, and then finally finishing off with a song about how others are willing to help and guide everyone to success. I say with a cheerful smile on my face, and quickly followed by a blush. Again sorry i ramble a bit at times at this point when speaking about music. I say with a nervous chuckle as i rub the back of my head. I mean..at least that hopefully means i am passionate about it. I say with another small chuckle as i look towards the waiter as he arrives.

I nod with a smile towards the man. i would like a steak for myself, and another set of ribs for my familiar and make it a rather big set if possible. Kuro can eat quite a lot. I say towards the waiter as he nods his head. Would the fine young ladies like anything to drink with that? The waiter asks the two of us as i nod my head right away. Just a glass of ice water please. I say politely towards the man. With the man receiving are full orders including the drinks he heads off towards the kitchen to get our food set on to be made. I then look towards you with a smile. Well i'm glad you yourself have a hobby in sewing. I actually know someone who calls herself a fashionista, so i could imagine you two getting along together to some extent. I say with a smile on my face. So you mentioned you have been away from the main settlement for awhile? I ask the question i am curious of. The how and how long you had been away.

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"no no! please dont be nervous about rambling" Shirosu said quickly, "I love listening to people talk about stuff their passionate about, I actually never get tired of it, you'd be surprised at what you can learn from others by just listening to stuff they like to talk about!" When the Waiter asked if they would like anything to drink Shirosu piped up "Water for us too, please!" as she gestured to herself and Gin who barked happily in reply. When Hestia brought up her fashionista friend Shirosu laughed, "I'm not sure I would call myself uptight on fashion seeing as my normal casual wear is sweatpants and a hoodie, but I'm sure I would love to see their designs, I love, absolutely love light armour design, the leather is a blast to tan and dye and...now I'm rabbling!" she giggled.

When Hestia asked about her being gone she s hesitantly, "Yeah, I've been away from the main settlements now for about a half a year I figure?" she tried to count months and such on her finger but gave up rather quickly, she liked math but she wasn't in the mood today. she remained silent for a minute before adding, "It was partially for a long-winded quest i had hoped to complete and better myself along the way, which i disappointedly failed in the end, as well as to take a break, unfortunately, I didn't realize the repercussions that would come from such a long span missing from everyone." what a fool i was for doing such a thing she reprimanded herself silently. 

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Yeah i guess you have a point. I say with a nod of my head and a smile on my face as i tap my cheek and then smiles thinking of something as i open up my menu and scrolls along through it and then presses one of the items. When i do so a black guitar with the image of a lion along the front is shown while on the back having angelic like wings with my name written in gold cursive like style of writing. This is the instrument i play with. Ain't she beautiful? I say with a smile as i play a few notes along it with a smile on my face as i look towards you. Managed to get the gold cursive writing when i played in front of the greek god apollo like a actual concert type of deal. I say with a smile on my face at that. Apparently there are more crafting challenges up there on the seventeenth floor. With the nice bonus of winning  is being able to craft better from what i have been able to tell. I say sounding rather happy.

When i hear hwo long you have been gone i gain a look of surprise. Wow..a half a year and already it seems like a lot of guilds that could've been around disappeared, and people that i could've met just disappear. Seems a lot happens in that amount of time. I say softly to myself as i look towards the table in puzzlement about that. Starting to wonder how much has changed for myself and jsut nods solemnly at seeing such a pattern for myself. Already having three people having gone MIA since i have met them. Well at the very least try to avoid wild goose chases such as that, and well if you ever need help with something i will be happy to help you out. Quest, getting to know people, or something else i can't think of right away. I say with a smile. I know it might be a bit difficult getting back into the swing of things in terms of what has changed for some quests and such, or just systems in general.


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Shirosu stared open-jawed when Hestia brought out her guitar of legendary style and cool factor. The ebony colored beast was elegantly etched with gold and a masterpiece, she would be afraid to touch it out of fear of breaking it "That. Is. Stunning!" Shirosu exclaimed oozing in appreciation of the wonderful instrument and listened happily as Hestia played a few skilled notes on it. "Oh! that must have been a fun quest, also a nerve-wracking one" Shirosu smiled who knows she thought, maybe there will be a sewing contest or something for tailors, that would be fun and I would love to eventually craft higher ranking items for those who used light armor. She laughed,"Yeah I have no intention of going on any gooses chases again anytime soon! i would like to have an extended stay in the real-time world for now thanks" 

"Thank you so much for all the help so far today" Shrisou smiled, "Even if it's just been to sit and talk with me its really been a help, at least i have a grasp on whats going on and can get back into working on stuff" She sat back happily watching others in the restaurant eat peacefully and waited for her own food to arrive, finally content with the day. Gin leaned over and rested his head in Shirou's lap demanding to be pet as she had previously stopped. 

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Oh god you have no idea how nerve wracking that was for me! I say with a nod of my head. I had never performed in front of others like that let alone a concert like setting. So that was like getting thrown directly right into the fire when i was barely getting my feet wet. I say with a nervous chuckle being reminded of that. At the very least i had a original song to play in front of the greek god who seemed pleased with just the fact i managed to quickly get something put together. I say in a relieved tone of voice with a smile as i wipe away the imaginary sweat as if i was feeling such nervousness right now. When mentioning a extended stay in the real world i just nod my head in agreement. Knowing that i would prefer such a stay myself. yeah some time in the real world would be nice when we get back. Preferably with spending trying to think of how to get into the music business. I say rather cheerfully at taht as i look along my guitar. Along with memorizing this design to buy it in the real world.

At mentioning a help i just do a dismissive wave at such a thought. I'm just doing what i believe is what i should do as a human being. To help out others to the best of my ability. Which means helping out others whenever i can, and just being a nice person. And as i said i would be happy to show you to my guild leader when i can get a meeting and such like assigned. Until then i could always help you with quests and just hanging out and such to keep you company and keep you alive. I say with a nod of my head.

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