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[PP-F1]<<The First Few Lessons are Free>> Everyone starts somewhere.

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Reinholt pants softly in the cool morning air. He was just outside of the Town of Beginnings, running in a small clearing. He knew that no amount of running will do anything to his Avatar, but it was a familiar motion and helped him think. He was still reeling over being trapped in this game. Part of him wanted to just give up, but after all he had been through IRL that just felt like a cheap way to go out. Sighing, he slows to a stop near where he left his sword and rubs his face with his hands.

It was still weird to be able to see out of both eyes, so he wore an eye patch over his right even though it worked just fine. With a sigh, he grabs his sword and buckles it onto his back. “Guess it’s time to do something other than run..” He says aloud, even though he was alone. He had heard about an NPC back in town by the name of Zakariah that was giving quests to beginners. Settling the strap across his shoulders and turns to head back to Town.

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Upon re-entering the Town, Reinholt begins to ask around for this Zackariah. It almost made him feel like a cop again, even with the giant sword on his back. The image of him in his old uniform with his current sword on plays across his mind and he chuckles to himself. Before long he was standing at the door of a small shop.

Entering the shop he is greeted by an older man behind the counter. "Hello young man. What can I do for you this fine day?" Reinholt walks toward the counter. "I'm here for your quest, Old timer." He says with a smile.

"Ah, yes. Here you go." The old man says as a quest launcher pops into Reinholt's display. He reads over it quickly and taps accept. "Thanks Old timer. I'll be back soon." He waves to the old man and turns on his heel and exits the building. This would be his first real quest and even though he knew there would be little to no danger, he was excited to get it done.

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Exiting the Town this time was exciting. Finally he was doing something productive. Maybe if he grinded hard enough he could be on the front lines soon. But either way, it would be an adventure from here to there. He gets lost in a daydream as he walks toward a meadow that he thought would be promising..

With a nod he pauses in the meadow he had walked to. Time to focus on the task at hand and quit day dreaming about going off on adventures. He drops to a knee and begins to search around him for materials. After a few moments he sighs and rises to his feet. 

"Guess there's nothing here. Better keep on going." He mutters to himself as he starts to trek on. Hopefully he wouldn't be at this all day because he would much rather be fighting that gathering materials. Humming a soft tune he continues his walk, keeping his eyes peeled for anything he could use.


( ID#99256- Accedently rolled twice because I'm on my phone sorry. But LD=8 found nothing.)

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"We had swords and drums and drums and swords, hurroo hurroo.." Reinholt hums to himself as he wonders the country side. It was an old song that he loved but he did change the lyrics to match his current situation. As he looks across the open field he sees groups of other players that dot the landscape.

Parties of two or three and even a large group of what looked like a Guild moving across the fields back toward the town he just came from. He had..well no friends inside the game. He had kept to himself, mainly feeling out of place with how many younger people were in the game. A lot of these parties are high school kids who all know each other IRL, and here he is, a twenty-five year old washed up cop. Some part of him liked being stuck in here because he didn’t have to face reality, but he knew deep down he needed to get out.

So he goes back to looking for the materials he needed to gather to complete the quest. He kneels and starts searching around in the tall grass. A wide grin spreads across his face as he picks up one material item he needed. ”One down, four to go. This won’t take too much longer..” He says as he stores the material in his inventory and sets off in search of more.


(ID# 99262, LD=16. 1 material found. 1/5 total)

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A couple hours had passed since Reinholt had left town. He was taking a short break, looking out at over the rolling plains and leaning against the blade of his sword that he had stuck into the ground. It was nice being out here by himself. Peaceful and calm. After a little while he climbs to his feet and dusts off his pants. "Guess it's time to get back at it."

He pulls his sword from the ground and cleans the dirt off it, then swings it over his shoulder and sheathes it. He sets off down the small hill he set atop to work on finishing his quest. Once at the bottom he sets off at jog cover some more ground.

Running beside a small pond he looks out over the water. Memories of being a kid swimming in lakes at home flood his brain, causing a smile to cross his face. That smile, however  turns into a startled cry as he slips and promptly falls into the water. After a string of curses he climbs out of the water and flops into the grass. Muttering under his breath he looks to his left and finds his second material. "Well, I guess it wasn't for nothing." Chuckling he stands and starts to walk again, air drying while he continues his quest.

(ID# 99266 LD=17. 1 material found. 2/5 total)

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Now that he was dry, Reinholt was much happier. He needed to pay more attention to his surroundings. If a slip like that would of happened while he was fighting, it could of been his life. He silently berates himself as he continues through the first floor. A distant shout draws his attention to the east.

He could just make out a other player being attacked by a pack of Dire Wolves. The player was terrified and screaming for help. Reinholt was moving before he even realized it. "Hold on! I'm coming!" He shouts as he sprints across the grassland. Don't die...Just Hold on..

The kid, and Reinholt could say that, was in serious trouble. He didn't know If he would make it in time. This kid was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. But just then a group of other players appeared from the other side of the hill. They charged in and make quick work of the Dire Wolves while one one them kneels next to the injured kid and gives him a potion.

Reinholt slows to a walk. "Is he gonna be alright?" Reinholt asks from a slight distance as to not spook anyone. One of the older players turns to Reinholt and nods. "Yeah, the dummy wondered off on his own but he'll be fine."

Reinholt nods. "That's good. I came from way over there but was afraid I wouldn't make it." He waves and turns to go back the way he came. "Take care of each other and you'll make it out of here." He says over his shoulder as he leaves the kids there. He had get back to what he was doing. After pausing to do a quick search and not finding anything he moves on toward the next area.

( ID#99275 LD=11. 0 Materials found. 2/5 total.)

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The next area Reinholt visited he was successful in finding some materials. Over half way there and he hadn't ran into any major problems. Though he would be happy to hurry on and find the rest of what he needed. The day wore on and at this point this would be all he would be able to do today.

And so he treks on. Often his mind would drift thinking of his life back IRL or even of the adventures still yet to be had until the game was beat. He thought about joining a guild, hoping that it would give him the same feeling of brother as being a Police Officer did. That was the one thing he truely missed and was afraid he would never feel it again. But no guild would want a measly level 1 in their ranks. So he presses on, hoping his luck would run out.

(ID#99276 LD=19. 1 Material found. 3/5 total.)

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Reinholt walked through a particularly overgrown field, the tips of the flowers and grass sliding across the tips of his gloved fingers. Back home, when he was a kid he used to walk through a field remarkably similar to this one. It almost made him homesick. He walks amongst the tall grass for awhile, unfortunately  not finding anything useful.

So He moves on toward the tree line of the forests to the North-west of town. Horunka was that way. Just a small place but he could probably rest feet safely there. As the grassland give way to the trees, he already feels somewhat safer. At least now he wasn't completely in the open and had some kind of cover. Heh. It's funny how my training still dictates how feel about my surroundings. His training. Suddenly he realized that there were kids out there with little to no real life experience, much less combat experience, fighting for their lives. Anger filled him and he clenched his fist. "That is why I must get stronger..I have to use my real life experience and help win this death game!"


(ID# 99284 LD=2 Nothing found. 3/5 total.)

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Birds chirping, a slight breeze rustling leaves both on the trees and on the ground. This was where he was most at peace at. Growing up in the sticks, it was all grassland and trees. He didn't even have a other living person for atleast a mile from his house. It was fantastic. He longed to legitimately feel the breeze on his cheeks and have the smell fill his nostrils.

He sighs a peaceful sigh and looks around. This quest was proving more time consuming that he wanted. Hopefully he would at least get a level out of this. Bending down,he searches around a big tree. "Ah-Hah! Got another! Just got to get one more." He stands and statshes the material into his inventory. With a new energy he sets off again, swinging back around toward the Town of beginnings. As soon as he found the last material he needed he planned on b-lining it back to Zechariah.

(ID# 99289. LD=19, 1 material found, 4/5 total.)

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Reinholt was excited now and filled with a vigor he didn't have before. Just one more thing to find and then he could be on his way. He had heard the second beginner quest was actually a fighting quest so as soon as he got done with this one he wanted to test out his skills against some actual monsters. But first he had to finish. He moves quickly through the forest, making his way back toward the grassland, searching for materials as he went. This area was pretty bare. He couldn't find anything.

He kept moving forward, searching as he moved. It couldn't be that hard to find one more material. C'mon.. Just one more and we can get this done with so i can move on! Slightly frustrated but still excited. He was nearing the edge of the forest, having just did circle through it and back out. He adjusts his sword on his back, looking back at the peace of the forest. "I'll have to come back here. I've enjoyed the peacefulness of this place." He pauses as the trees give way to grassland, just for a moment, then pushes on back into the grassland.


( ID# 99297 LD=11, no materials found, 4/5 total)

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Jogging across the first floor, Reinholt tried to keep a tight focus on the task at had, but is mind couldn't help but wander. Being in this place was such a stark change from reality. Even if death was real here now, he was used to it. That was no different than his life before SAO. But the world here was..beautiful. There wasn't trash everywhere or any of the other problems IRL had to offer. Just monsters that wanted to eat you.

At least here, everyone had a chance. If you grinded hard enough you could defend yourself or even help beat SAO. But IRL, there was true hopelessness. But here, even as it were IRL he would help defend those who could not defend themselves, sooner or later. He stops for a moment and kneels, searching around his immediate area for materials. Finding none he stands up, dusts his knees off and starts to jog again.


(ID#99312 LD=14 No Material found 4/5 Total)

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Reinholt had covered some distance jogging across Floor One. The forest was barely in sight behind him and nothing but the rolling grassland before him. He had passed a couple of other players, headed back from a long day of grinding or questing. Most of them were in groups, laughing and carrying on with their friends. It made him a bit sad, but it is what it is. But since he had covered so much ground he decided a break was in order. He stops, unsheathes his sword from his back, reverses his grip and drives the tip of it into the ground.


"Guess before I sit down i can look around for some Materials." He circles the area near his sword searching for anything useful. With a sigh, he returns to his sword. "Nothing here Either. I'll  rest for a couple moments, then get back to it." He says as he sits down and leans against his sword. He had saw a quest before he left, one that would teach the player a profession. From the ones listed, he thinks he would prefer a blacksmith. While he would like to be able to switch between heavy armor and Light armor, depending on the task at hand, he would much prefer to be able to forge his own weapons. But as of right now, he had plenty of time to make a decision.


(ID#99316 LD=14 No materials found 4/5 Total.)

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Reinholt sits there, his back on his sword, studying the land before him in silence. He had been sitting there for about half an hour and decided it was time to get moving again. Rising to his feet, he brushes off his bottom and grabs his sword. With a stiff jerk, he pulls it from the dirt, then kicks the dirt off it. He sheathes his sword across his back and then stretches. "Time to move on." he says before stretching out his back and starting to walk again. He begins to him to himself again as he moves back toward the Town of Beginnings. He figured he would be able to find the last material he needed before he got back.


He gets to an area covered in flowers and decides it would be a good spot to look around at. He crouches down and begins his search. "Yes!" He jumps up, his final find in his hand, "Alright! Last one. Time to get back!" He stashes the material into his Inventory and nods. His eyes scan the surrounding before setting off at a brisk job back to the Town of Beginnings. He was one step closer to finishing this quest and moving on to the next.


(ID#9937 LD=20, 1 material found, 5/5 Total.)

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Reinholt moved quickly through the grassland. He had gathered all of the materials he needed for Zechariah and the quicker he got back the quicker he could get done. So he trekked along with  an old academy tune in his head, a smile playing on his lips. He would probably have to hit the bunk before he could go back out on a quest at this point, but it was a productive day at least.

His mind however did drift back to the possibilities of becoming a blacksmith. It would be a good way to get Col or even materials and he could make his own gear however he wanted instead of trying to find the perfect peice or paying for someone to make it. It was definitely something he would have to look into a get he got done here. Before long, the Town of Beginnings could be seen on the horizon. 

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Once he hit the actual roads, Reinholt burned the distance to the Town of Beginnings pretty quickly. The closer he got though, the more players there were and soon he had to weave through a crowd of incoming and outgoing players. Crowds were difficult when you had a large sword on you so he supported the sword with one hand and used the other to push through the crowd.

" 'Cuse me. Coming though." He would say as he bumped into people but would keep going, even if that person for upset. I'm a big dude. You can see me. Move or I wouldn't have to move you. He thought to himself. Finally however, he reaches the gates and enters the city, making his way toward Zechariah's. The streets were easier to navigate as for the most part people weren't just milling about. The flow of foot traffic was split to either side of the roads. He secretly wished traffic IRL moved this smoothly.

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Zachariah's shop can be seen just up the road, making Reinholt grin. "Alright. There it is. Lets deliver these Materials and see what else the Old timer needs before i can complete this quest." Reinholt pauses before the door of the shop, brushes off any dirt that he might of collected and just generally straightens out his appearance. He was taught to always look his best, and even though Zachariah was an NPC, it was habit. Once he was satisfied with is appearance, he turns the knob and walks into the shop.

The elderly NPC sat behind the counter as Reinholt enters the room. "Old timer, ive returned with the materials you quested." He says as he pulls up his menu and pulls the 5 materials out of his inventory, presenting them to Zachariah. The NPC nods and beckons Reinholt toward his workspace. "Then let us use those materials to craft a healing potion. As you will need to know this if you wish to make it far in Aincrad." Zachariah moves toward his workbench and waits for Reinholt, who unbuckles his sword and leans it in the corner then meets Zachariah at the workbench. "Alright Old Timer. Teach me."

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The next moments are a flurry of motion and teaching, Reinholt listens very carefully to what Zachariah says. "It is fairly straight forward." Zachariah tells Reinholt as he guides him in making the healing potion. Using the materials he found, he follows Zachariah's instructions carefully. Before long Reinholt successfully crafts the potion. A decent quality potion at that. Nodding his approval Zachariah steps back. "Congratulations. You have completely my quest. But there is one more thing i have to ask of you." Zachariah motions to a package on the counter. "Take that package to Lyle Tealeaf, a local blacksmith, for your second Beginner quest."

Reinholt smiles and nods. The quest completion screen pops up and Reinholt receives enough experiance to level up twice and a number of potions. Five Health potions, a Damage potion and even an Over-health potion. Not a bad haul for just gathering some materials. He shifts things around his inventory and exits his menu. "Will do. Thanks Old timer." Reinholt retrieves his sword, buckling it onto his back again then grabs the package from the counter and exits the building.

(ID#99329 CD=9 Successful craft of good quality potion.)

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Reinholt walks back out into the street and stashes the parcel to be delivered in his inventory. He gained two levels and  some decent potions from that quest so it was well worth the time it took him. But he was starving so before he went any further, he thought he should stop and grab a bite to eat. He walks around the Town for awhile, debating on what kind of food he wanted. He decides to just go back to the Inn he was staying at and eat there. Making his way through the town, he observes the people around him. From the excited players to the weeping ones, there were all kinds of people on the street.


The trip was fairly uneventful. He did stop and listen to a couple people talk about a guild. Guardians of the New Dawn. From the sound of it he would fit right in. It would have to be something he looked into for sure. Finally reaching his destination, he enters the Inn and sits down at one of the tables. An NPC waitress comes to him and takes his order, just a cheap meal with some water to drink. He keeps to himself as he eats. His mind pondering joining a Guild and adventuring with his Guildmates.

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Sitting there at the table, Reinholt leans back in his chair. He had taken his sword off and laid it on the table, so he just sat there relaxing for a few moments after eating. Guardians of the New Dawn..They don’t sound too bad. Of course, as long as it wasn’t a PK Guild, most of the Guilds were pretty similar. It would feel nice to have that brotherhood feeling again. Perhaps after he gained a couple levels he would seek them out.


But for now, his main focus should be getting those levels and getting better EQ. If he hoped to get to the Frontlines or even to get to a spot where he can help other players he still had a long road to travel. So wasting time at an Inn wouldn’t do. He rises to his feet and grabs his sword, buckling it onto his back as he leaves the Inn and starts to head toward Lyle’s.

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Out in the street again, Reinholt has to squint against the sun. Even late in the day, it was brighter out here than inside that Inn and it took a couple moments for his eyes to adjust. Once adjusted he pulls up his menu and then the map of the Town of Beginnings. After studying it for a couple moments he places a marker on Lyle's shop and closes out of his menus. He would see what Lyle had for him, if was another quest he would get it done. He needed the levels and the fasted way for him to get them was to complete quests.


He strolls through town, keeping an eye on his marker. Occasionally he would pass someone he had spoken to before and would wave, pause to chit chat with them, but ultimately he kept moving toward his goal. Before long he stood before Lyle's shop. Entering it as he opens his menu and retreives the parcel for Lyle out of his inventory, he takes it to the counter it sets it down. "Zachariah sends his regards." Reinholt says as Lyle turns around. "Ah, Thank you kind Sir. I have been waiting for this. How about a quest for your troubles?" A quest detail screen pops and and Reinholt nods as he reads it. Kill some Boar pups, Make some gear. Sounds like a fun time. He accepts the quest and waves, leaving the shop to go back out into the world.

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