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What kind of gamer are YOu?

My primary type is  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. My primary type from the test is...

    • Killer/Griefer
    • Achiever
    • Explorer
    • Socializer
    • I completely disagree with the result I got
    • Seriously Baldur, you're annoying me with these polls

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So hey, I got another fun poll to take, but this one is a little more involved.

There was this dude who put together a ton of research and codified 4 primary types of gamers. Everyone is a mix of these, but you can be identified by what you prioritize.

So here's what I would like to see.

Everyone go through and take the test, and them I'm going to gather the results and plot it out on a graph, and everyone can see what players are like them, and which players are opposites. It should be a lot of fun!

So step 1 is: Take the test


When you click that link, it should fill in our group name "SAO-RPG" and our group number "8029." This should make data collection easier for me, so please make sure that stuff is there.

Feel free to post here with your player type!

Answering the poll will help me see how many people have responded, make sure I have everyone, and know when enough people have responded that I should go and pull results.





Edited by Baldur
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