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[F7/PP] Only the best Materials for my customers.

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Reinholt frowns as he swipes through his inventory. He had a decent number of Tier 1 materials, but he was afraid if he didn't keep a good stock of materials then the day he actually needed them would be the day he would run out. So he stands up from his chair, equips his armor and sword and leaves his shop, making sure the door was locked behind him.

He slowly makes his way toward one of the exit gates of Nimbus, humming a tune to himself as he walked. As he neared the eastern gate, he pauses and brings up his menu. He posts on one of the public boards.


Gonna be out and about on the 7th floor looking for some Materials, maybe do a little monster hunting or treasure hunting. Leaving Nimbus now, heading east. Feel free to join.

He posts his message and closes his menu before leaving the city and venturing out into the windy, rocky 7th floor.


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Arabelle let out a long, suffering sigh as she swiped her 'messages' tab closed. She leaned back on the wall lifted her gaze to the sky. It had been a few days. No messages from either of the crafters she ordered items from. Her wallet (not including the Col she had stored in the bank for her lodging) was almost empty, and she didn't want to go back asking for a refund. That would be just rude. And it's not like she knew any other crafters. So now, she was just hanging around the seventh floor's main settlement after she got some of her personal errands done.

The 'ping' of a notification had her swiping open the 'messages' tab again. Arabelle checked her surroundings and quickly typed up a reply. "I told you earlier. Fi's dead. I have no intentions of continuing her line of work. Go ask someone else." Her finger hovered over the 'Send' button before she hesitated and then added, "The hush money's been sent to you already. But as an added precaution: Talk, and everyone will learn your dirty little secrets. Got that?"

She pressed 'Send' with finality, and trudged sullenly towards the teleporter. She lifted her gaze from the ground long enough to notice a message posted on the public board. Arabelle curiously came closer and read through the contents. Material gathering? Sure, she needed materials for her shop but was severely underleveled for this floor. She needn't worry about that, though. She once left Floor 4's safe zone and finished a quest...with some helpful company. Arabelle smiled and brought up her 'messages' window once again, ignoring the latest message in her inbox. 


To: @Vigilon

Hey there! If you're up for some material gathering, I'm up here in Floor 7. Another player also posted something on the board about gathering, so we're gonna join them. Don't worry about my level, I'm a bit more familiar with combat now. I won't be reckless, promise! ^-^



Level: 3 - 8 SP
60  HP
6 Energy
4 Damage
1 Accuracy
2 Paralyze

» [T1 - Perfect] Shikama Dōji -- Enhancements: Paralyze, Paralyze, Accuracy 
» [T1 - Vanity] Starter Light Armor

» 3 Starter Healing Potions (heals 50 HP)

Rank 1 - Two-Handed Battle Axe (+3 DMG, access to rank 1 sword arts)

E - 

Two-Handed Battle Axe

Rank 1
» [x2] Whirlwind (2 Energy) - A single sweeping attack so powerful that it sends forth a shock wave to hit again.
» [x2 AoE] Smash (4 Energy) - An uppercut aimed at opponents head to send them reeling.



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Reinholt hadn't made it far from Nimbus before he started searching. Still within eye shot of the city, he crouches down and searched for a moment. With a sigh he rises up, brushing his hands off. Thankfully his only objective today was to gather some materials, and it wasn't even super important at the moment. Granted, making his sword was turning out to be harder than He thought and he was blowing through materials, it wasn't truely necessary for him to be out there. He smiled gently as a brisk wind blew across the floor. He stood on a small rock outcrop, gazing out over the floor. This was gorgeous. Aincrad offered such diverse locations, he felt like he could travel the world in the matter of moments here in Aincrad. From tropical rain forests, to beaches, to desert or icy tundra. All right at his finger tips so to speak.


(ID#100386 LD=10 no mats found.)


(Sorry I had it all typed and got sidetracked with work)

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Vigilon looked at his stock of materials in his shop. "*sigh*, I can't possibly keep up with business with so little materials..." Soon, he got a message from Arabelle. "Might as well. I'm short on tier one materials anyway." He got his equipment, now looking at it as if it was a bunch of crappy gear. It was far better than starter gear, but he would need a major upgrade soon. He sighed and put his sword away, picking up his black leather handwraps instead. "Has more damage, but less effects..." It would all be worth it in the end. He didn't know if any monsters would swing by to disrupt the gathering trip, or if a mimic would trick Vigilon. But as long as he had these gloves, he would be capable of fending them off. Maybe. He didn't know his standing with various players, but he would need to have more training and/or gathering trips with players if he would ever be able to accomplish one of his goals. He pulled up his messenger and sent a message.


To: @Arabelle

I'm on my way. Despite the fact that I currently live on this floor, it might take me about twenty minutes to a little over half an hour for me to get there. It's kind of a trek down the mountain and then through Nimbus, so fair warning, I might be out of breath from sprinting when I get there.

With that, he gestured for Veriost to follow him, and he sprinted down the mountain as soon as he left and locked up his shop.

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Only the best ingredients for our customers, that was one of Tsu's many sayings for her shop, one that she had yet to actually follow through with. Running McFroppy's was one of her only passions in this game, so she at least wanted to make sure that the food she was serving tasted as good as she could possibly make it. Tsu was about to head off into the caves of floor 10 when she saw that someone else was also gathering materials on floor 7 on the bill board. Tsu ran to the floor teleporter and warped to Nimbus, and headed east as the post said. She ran for about ten minutes before spotting the muscular man that was @Reinholt. Tsu ran up to him and then caught her breath. "You're Reinholt right? I'm Tsu, it's nice to finally meet you, ribbit. We're in the same guild, I've just never gotten around to meeting you. But it's good to see you still, rrrrrrrribbit.Tsu greeted holding her tongue out as a hand to shake.

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Arabelle received a reply and contemplated her situation for a few moments and typed out yet another PM.


To: Vigilon

Welp. Player's probably waiting. No need to rush, though! I can get there by myself. Sending to you the estimated coordinates of the player's location. See ya!


With that, she faced the town's exit and started walking. Once she arrived at the safe zone's border, she paused to bring her scythe out of her inventory and give it a few experimental swings. Even now, I can't even begin to think how Macradon made such a big weapon feel so light and easy to use. Master craftsman indeed! Arabelle smiled to herself and sheathed the weapon across her back. On the way to the player's location, she carefully stepped away from the mob's aggro circles and even sent her crow to scout out the surroundings. Nothing happened and thankfully, it was an uneventful trip.

She spotted a heavily-armored man (@Reinholt) along with a girl with a long tongue. Tsu! Arabelle waved to the both of them as she approached. "Hello! I saw the message you posted. Hope you don't mind if I join. I'm Arabelle," she said, addressing the man first. Then, she turned to Tsu and grinned. "Hey there, Tsu! I've seen you in two parties already, so now I can't seem to say that I wasn't expecting to see you here. You're literally everywhere! Anyways, how have you been?" 

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Reinholt walks around the outcrop toward a small cliff. He was kind of in his own little world when another player ran up to him. She introduced herself as Tsu, a fellow member of the New Dawn. He smiles and moves to shake her hand, which Yay returned the favor with her tongue. Not wanting to be rude, he shook it. He even tried really hard not to make a face. Once the 'shake was completed he kind of hold his hand out. "Uh, hi Tsu. Yeah I'm Reinholt. Just..Uh out here collecting materials." He says quickly dropping to his knee and 'searching' for materials, while also wiping his hand off.

As he rises back to his feet, after not finding anything another player walks up and introduces herself as Arabelle. He smiles and nods at the purple hair player, keeping his hands at his side's not wanting to repeat what just happened. "Yeah that's me. I don't mind the company at all, and you seem to already know my acquaintance. So the more the Merrier."

(ID100443 LD=12 nothing found)

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Vigilon saw a message appear in front of him as he ran. It was from Arabelle, saying that the player was probably waiting, but she could get there on her own safely. She also sent the coordinates. Vigilon wasn't sprinting only because of the level difference, though. He was sprinting also because he didn't want to be "Late". Veriost had taken flight when Vigilon sprinted, so the small white frost dragon was able to keep up just fine. It wasn't long before he had managed to leave the safe zone, actually a bit sooner than he thought, despite that he didn't pay attention to the time. He soon reached the other players. He recognized the muscular player as the one who had made a purchase from the shop earlier, and it seemed that Tsu was here as well. And of course, Arabelle was here too. "I'm here! I'm, I'm here...I..." He had gone and worn himself out from all the sprinting, that he ended up falling on his face out of fatigue. What a stellar first impression this had ended up to be...

@Reinholt @Arabelle @Froppy

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Tsu giggled a little bit when Reinholt actually shook her tongue with his hand. She hadn't expected him to, but she wasn't going to say anything about it. Then Arabelle came up and greeted Tsu happily, to which Tsu greeted back with the same enthusiasm. "Yeah, we've ran into each other a lot, ribbit. But now we finally meet out of costume, and you don't have to stare at my chest like last time. It's great seeing you again, rrrrribbit." Tsu said, getting a big smile on her face. Then Vigilon came along and fell on his face, seemingly from exhaustion. Tsu ran up and pulled him back up. "You okay Vig, ribbit?" Tsu asked as she wiped some of the dirt off of his face. There wasn't any materials nearby, but Tsu just figured they hadn't gone far enough yet.

ID: 100500 LD: 5 [Fail]

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She gave her surroundings a long, sweeping gaze. No materials in sight. Arabelle nodded politely with a smile as @Reinholt told her he didn't mind the extra company. She wasn't expecting any other answer though. since he was the one who posted the request on the town's bulletin board, and her introductory statement seemed more of a formality than anything. The small purple-haired girl gave him a quick once-over again. Seemed intimidating with all the heavy armor (like all the tanks did), but he seemed like a nice guy despite all that. "Do you have a shop, Mr. Reinholt?" Arabelle inquired. There was only one reason why most players gathered materials and it was because they had stuff to craft.

She laughed at @Froppy's comment. "It's great to see you, too. But gosh, that was awkward. I suppose when you get used to staring down at your own flat chest your whole life, you'd be pretty dumbfounded when you see someone with a bigger rack." For the sake of the only male player in their group, she lowered her voice so only Tsu could hear her last sentence. 

Then @Vigilon arrived, faceplanting into the ground (probably from exhaustion). His small dragon familiar was not present, probably up in the sky somewhere doing its usual antics. Before Arabelle could move, Tsu was already pulling him up and helping clean him off. Arabelle snorted and attempted to restrain a laugh. God, he really did run himself to the ground. Poor guy. "You alright, Vigilon?" He was extremely tired and looked like he was about to take a nap on the ground right now, but she predicted his answer would be a 'yes'. "I have some cold coffees in my inventory. Want a drink?"


ID: 100670 | LD: 3


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Vigilon found himself being helped up by Tsu, and she wiped some of the dirt off his face, too. He'd felt a tingle on his torso, as if it was irritation or something.... He looked under himself to find the source of the irritation, which just so happened to be a chunk of ore sticking out of the ground...and he'd previously fallen on it. No wonder he was tingling in the torso. "I'm alright...I guess I could use a breather, but...I'm fine..." He pulled out the chunk of ore. "However, I do wonder, how the heck do we all just find ore sticking out of the ground like this? I mean, do freak ore showers happen when players aren't around during the nighttime or something? 'Cause that's the only way a bunch of ores sticking out of the dirt like this could possibly make any sense." Veriost flew back down to Vigilon, and landed on his shoulder after he got back up.

ID# 100672 LD: 18+1=19(Success, +1 T1 Mat)

@Arabelle @Froppy @Reinholt

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Reinholt crouches down and digs through the rocks as Tsu helps Vigilon up. After not finding anything he brushes his hands clean and rises to his feet. He smiles at Vigilon and looks down at the dragon bone armor he wore, remembering that he bought it from VIgilon. "Hey there Vigilon. Good to see you again." He touches his hand to his breastplate. "Im Reinholt if you dont remember. Glad we have a nice little party here to gather together. Its always funner with company." He chuckles and then looks over at Arabelle. "Indeed i do have a shop. Its here on the 7th. In Nimbus. Just opened up not too long ago. Thought Id give Ol Vigilon a run for his money." He says with a grin, remembering Vigilon also had a shop on the 7th. Looking around for a moment he nods his head and starts to walk. "If everyone is ready, lets get this party started."


ID#100675 LD=7 no mats found

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Tsu stood back up after wiping some of the dirt off @Vigilon, only to see that there was ore underneath him that he landed on. Tsu giggled a bit at @Arabelle's comment, and waving it off. "Don't worry about it, ribbit. You're not flat. You're perfectly fine, rrrribbit.Tsu said to her, before turning her attention to everyone else. @Reinholt had said his shop was on floor 7, just like Vigilon. "Well, my place is on floor 10, ribbit. Have any of you been to McDonald's in the real world? It's basically the same thing, except it's called McFroppy's, rrrrrribbit.Tsu said as she looked around more for materials. She saw some kind of herb in the ground, stuck in between a crack. Tsu stuck her tongue out and wrapped it around the herb before pulling it the herb off of it's roots out of the ground. "I have been trying to get actual ingredients for my food, unlike the actual McDonald's, rrrrribbitTsu said as she put the herb away in her inventory, throwing in a joke.

ID: 100735 LD: 19 (Success)

1 T1 Mat Total

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Arabelle laughed at Vigilon's question. "I guess they do. This is a game, after all~. Anything can happen," she responded. Now that Vigilon had found a material, she looked around too. Maybe there were more materials in the immediate area. She spotted Tsu picking up a herb. Or maybe the players around her had picked all of them up already... But that was fine. There'll be more once they placed more distance between themselves and the safe zone. 

She listened to the other players talk about her shop and decided to share, too. "I've got a shop too, though I've kind of put my crafting on hiatus. Ran out of materials and well...not many players buy from Performers. Unless they're going on dungeons or boss raids," Arabelle said that last part with a sigh. Sure, it was fun playing lots of classical pieces on her studio-type piano, but the fact that no one had been buying deterred her slightly. She laughed at Tsu's joke about McDonald's. "McFroppy's, huh? It's a witty name. I like it! And now that you've said that, I've got to try one of your burgers sometime. To see the difference and all."


ID: 100757 | LD: 3


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"Nice to see you too, Reinholt." Arabelle laughed at his question about freak ore showers. Everybody began speaking about their shops, and Reinholt started by saying he had opened a shop in Nimbus not too long ago, and that he thought he might "Give Vigilon a run for his money". "Ha ha ha, we'll let the customers decide that. Besides, it's usually the well known and experienced blacksmiths that can sometimes pose to be a problem for our business, other than a lack of materials. If anyone's going to have a run for their money one day, it just might be them when we become skilled enough." He explained as he looked around him for any more ores that might be stuck to the ground. There didn't seem to be anything sticking out. Perhaps there was ore in more reasonable places, like within some of the large stones that littered the floor. Tsu threw in a joke regarding ingredients for her shop. "Well, it's true, though. I was basically given a sample of that stuff after we dealt with a dragon hatchling with Krysta and Mars." Arabelle made her explanation about her shop and profession, as well as her primary problem. "Hey, it's alright, Blacksmiths don't get many customers either. They come once, buy a weapon, a set of armor, sometimes both, then they don't come back till they say 'I need a different setup for my gear', or when they reach a new tier, I guess." It was a good guess though, since Vigilon was a customer before he was a blacksmith.

@Reinholt @Froppy @Arabelle

ID# 100671 LD: 11+1=12(Failed)

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Reinholt smiled at the fact everyone had a profession, something they did other than grinding levels and just hanging out. It was nice to see so many hard working players. Though it sounded like at the very least Arabelle had the same issue as him, lack of materials and no customers. Being a new blacksmith, most players went to the more experienced smiths. Plus Vigilon made a good point, most smiths were needed once or twice, but then they were useless. But it didn’t matter to Reinholt, as he liked to experiment with different things with his armor and weapons and it would be cheaper in the long run for him to just to be able to make it himself. He drops to a knee and digs in a small crevice, huffing slightly when he didn’t find anything. He stands back up and looks around, his eyes thoughtful. ”Well I’ll have to get up there and try out your shop Tsu and same with you Arabelle. I like food and music.” He chuckles and continues to slowly walk across the rocky 7th floor.

ID#100822 LD=1

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Tsu nodded her head in agreement with @Arabelle when she said that no one really bought from performers unless they were going on boss raids and dungeons. "Yeah, I don't get too much business either, ribbit. But I just cook since it's what I'm used to, and I needed a place to live. I think a home is part of all of our reasons for making shops, rrrrrrrribbit.Tsu said as she continued to search the ground. Nothing really seemed to come into view, so maybe they would find more materials when they would get further away from the safe zone. @Vigilon brought up when they had gone questing and the food sample and Tsu chimed in, "That dragon was too easy, ribbit. Although I still feel like I did nothing. I pretty much always bring some meals with me for after fights, since it's just good to keep a good mood with a party. Things almost went sour with Mars, rrrrrrrribbit.Tsu responded, thinking back to the raid. @Reinholt then said that they should try out their shops, and Tsu gave a quick thumbs up. "That would be nice, maybe I can check out yours as well, rrrribbit!" Tsu said as she continued to walk along the rocky floor.

ID: 100921 LD: 6 (Fail)

1 T1 Mat Total

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Arabelle nodded at Froppy's statement. "Yeah, I get that. I can't really imagine myself being anything else aside from a Performer...even though not many people buy. I don't think I'll ever trade my life as a pianist for Col and customers," she sighed and looked around. She noticed something shiny on the ground and picked it up, holding it up against the sun's light. Which turned out to be a stupid idea. "Ow!" Arabelle shielded her eyes and almost dropped the crystal. Too bright! She blinked a few times and once she recovered, she deposited the material into her inventory. 

"Oooooh, a dragon? We actually get to fight dragons out of boss fights here?" Arabelle questioned, her eyes gleaming excitedly. She'd always wanted to fight a big, scary dragon. If she defeated it, she'd feel like one of those cool video game characters! She gave Vigilon's small-sized dragon a sidelong glance. Not that type of dragon, though. They were too cute to harm. "Um. No offense, Veriost. Sorry...do you, do you want a cupcake?" She didn't want the cute familiar to hate her, so she manifested a small cupcake from her inventory and tossed it in the frost dragon's direction. "Anyways, who's Mars? I doubt you went dragon wrestling with a planet."

A grin appeared on Arabelle's face as Reinholt said that he would try their shops. "Ooooh, I want to try your shop, too! Once I reach T2, anyway. I don't think I'll ever willingly separate myself from Shikama Douji~."


ID: 101082 | LD: 15

T1 Mats: 1


@Vigilon @Froppy @Reinholt

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Vigilon listened to the conversations continue. They spoke of their shops, and visiting each others' shops. Tsu brought back up the time they fought that quest boss, the emerald dragon hatchling. "Well, in all honesty, despite that we took the quest and all, what we did was...basically nothing at all. I'm sure Krysta still hated that moment. After all, the boss was a hatchling. My guess is that it must have been 'born bad', so to speak. Born to protect the emerald that players need for...whatever the end of that questline is. I mean, that's the only way it could possibly make sense. Man, I do have to admit, despite that he speaks of all this strategy, and all of this, 'oh don't worry, I've got everything under control, nobody's gonna get hurt', he's starting to seem like one of those jerks who's only out for himself in the end. At least, that's what's starting to come across to me." Arabelle heard the whole dragon thing, and Vigion had only one possible reply. "Yes, although the one we spoke of was a quest boss. Although, I still remember taking on that Hungarian Horntail that set upon myself and a few others, including Mars, on this very floor when Krysta had found her familiar." Arabelle spoke to Veriost, and offered her a cupcake. If there was no cupcake, Veriost would have just looked at Arabelle as if to say "none taken". After all, one thing that Veriost knew, is that, like with humans, there are as many bad apples as well as good ones. Upon hearing the word cupcake, Veriost's eyes widened as she perked her head up Vigilon chuckled when he saw that face, as if it was to say, "You had me at cupcake." Arabelle tossed the cupcake towards Veriost, and the small white frost dragon flew over and caught it in midair, then landed on the ground, on which she would dig in to the cupcake and scarf it down with relish. While that was happening, Vigilon decided to see if there was anything else in the current vicinity that he could use. He didn't seem to find anything.

@Reinholt @Froppy @Arabelle

ID# 101158 LD: 9+1=10(Failed)

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