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Seldentar nods and accepts the trade, before turning to his sign board. He had items listed there, prices, and other announcements to his customers. He selects it to edit the text showing, updating various things on the board to remove sold items and change a few details here and there. Satisfied, he confirms the changes.

(OOC: This sign represents the post 1 updates that I maintain and regularly fix.)

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Seldentar was lounging and relaxing when the door to his shop opened. He glances over at the most recent request, seeing someone bringing materials of their own. Finally, someone who understood how much of a pain in the ass it was to keep materials stocked when people never supplied any. He stands up, taking the request, and the materials, and goes to work crafting. He makes sure that his Scorched Ambition is equipped, then picks up his crafting hammer and goes to work.

7 +1

Daily Craft 1 of 6

Uncommon Craft: +3 Exp

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It wasn't bad, but he knew he could do better. He decides to try one more time, to see what he can make. He again begins the long and somewhat annoying process, hammering out the materials. The result appeared to be the same however.

Daily Craft 2 of 5

Uncommon Craft! +3 Exp

He turns to the customer.

"Ive gotten two uncommon crafts so far, would you like to settle on that, or use up the remaining materials trying for something better?"

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Seldentar nods, and goes back to crafting. He had no issue continuing, he had 4 chances left, and 2 materials the man had brought in. Each attempt gave him exp, which is why he didnt charge people if they supplied the materials. Working, he prepares item number 3.

Daily Craft 3 of 6

Bad Craft! +1 Exp, 50% Salvage chance.

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Seldentar takes the final material, and goes to work on it as well, heating the iron ingot, and hammering out the metal into the shape he desired. As he finishes hammering it out, it begins to glow, taking its final shape...

Bad Craft! +1 Exp

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Seldentar begins the salvage attempts on the two bad items. Those materials could be reclaimed and reused, andhe had two crafts left for the day. Tapping the first, he selects salvage, and holds his breath as the item begins to glow.

Success: Reclaimed

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Seldentar takes his own final crafting material, looking at the customer.

"Sorry man, I did what i could. But you have 3 decent, and different bracers now."

Not wanting to miss a crafting chance, he decides to try making something out of his final piece of material,figuring he can always go hunting again soon for more.

Daily Craft 6 of 6

Uncommon Craft! +3 Exp

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Meggido takes the 3 items, and then looking over the shop inventory real fast, selects the armor as well.

"Thank you for your help, ill take that armor as well. Here is the money."

Opening the trade menu, he transfers 750 col to Seldentar in exchange for the armor.

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Seldentar looks up at the man who walked into his shop. He was busy dragging out all of the good quality items he had lying around. No one seemed to ever want them, and they were seriously taking up space in this small shop. It would be best if he just salvaged them for the materials at this point. He nods and takes the Blitz sword down off of the wall.

"Yes sir, 750 sounds about right."

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Seldentar accepts, then takes the collection of good items and goes to work. He has a lot to work out, it was time to get started. Taking the first Katana, he taps it with his hammer, and selects the salvage option. He waits as it begins to change, waiting to see how it turns out.

Success! Reclaimed 1 Material

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Nodding as the first one is successful, he takes the second Katana out, and once again goes to work. Scrolling through the options, he again selects salvage materials. Waiting patiently, the item begins to glow as it starts to revert.

Success! 1 Material Reclaimed

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