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[F22-PP] Figures of the past <<What We Fight For>>

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I reside within my room upon the eighth floor as i lean back in my seat as i close my eyes and hums softly. Thinking of songs from the past of the times when things were much more simpler, and i didn't have to worry about when i could die by something popping up from where i wasn't looking at. When i could go back to being just a normal college student helping out my family and little sister through life by teaching and having a job. I look down towards the guitar that i am playing and smiles a bitter sweet smile as i look upon the beautiful instrument. Ohh if only i had stuck with my dreams then i could've played a beauty like you sooner Cere. I say in a soft tone of voice towards my instrument as i play softly a few notes as i sing softly a song that comes to mind with some changes to fit the thoughts within my mind. Every night i lie in bed. Thinking of the world out there. Wondering what i could do to help. To help my family. To protect those close to me. Wanting to just help the least of us. I sing softly to myself thinking of the many players i have come across within my journey. Of my family that is awaiting me outside of this game. Of the world that was taken from me. I feel a furry face rub against me as i see my familiar as i smile softly as i can feel some tears fall from my eyes even now. Seems even after two years. That i can't help but miss the life that has been taken from me. I say softly towards my familiar as i set down my guitar and just gently hugs him. Hugging the companion that has been there for me since the very beginning of my actual adventures within this game.

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Domarus walked the floor in his silver armor, with Raven at his side along with Keres.  He was perfectly calm now that he had some time to cool off in the shop, and was able to sleep some of it off.  He still hated Hestia but that was brought into a controlled fire rather than a wild and raging one.  He could tell Raven was upset with him 'grounding' her essentially, but given the circumstances he knew she had to understand.  Everything he had put effort into, his entire future was at risk.  Not Aincrad of course, he didn't give a sh*t about what happened here.  He was more concerned if Hestia would make efforts to find Domarus in the real world and expose him there.  It would be difficult of course but he disliked chances regardless.  The part of him wanting Hestia dead was also something that probably made Raven upset.  Keres had talked with her earlier today before Domarus woke up.  He slept in that morning due to a lack of sleep from...  Well a lot of things, mainly being rage, frustration, confusion, and just drinking an alcoholic drink that could never make him drunk one way or another.  He was hoping Keres was talking to Raven about him and the situation, hopefully loosening the anger she may have had towards him a bit.  Domarus spotted some monsters approaching and drew his ax, activating charge and decimating their health while two scored a critical against him.  That was fine with him.  His mitigation and health were high after all, and they were almost dead.


Domarus:  682/800 || 60/80 || 15-20 dmg || 3 ACC +Concentration || 62 MIT || 2 Recovery

ID#  101111  BD:  10  MD:  5
ID#  101112  BD:  10  MD:  9
ID#  101113  BD:  10  MD:  9

15+5+2x14=308 dmg   -20 energy

120+1-62x2=118 dmg

Mob 1:  92/400 - 120

Mob 2:  92/400 - 120

Mob 3:  92/400 - 120

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I sit along the floor just hugging my familiar tightly and close to me just cuddling with my precious little lion. I smile a bit as i hug the soft furred lion as i gently run my hand along his back as i look down at my familiar. 'I wonder if i can get a dog back in the real world. Yeah maybe something like a black lab i'll call him Kuro in remembrance of this precious little guy.' I think to myself with a smile at the thought of owning a puppy to keep me company. Knowing that it will probably be a lot lonelier if i went back to the real world and went off to be on my own without having something like a pet to keep me company. After about five minutes i get up from my spot upon the floor as i pat my familiar's head gently. I'm going to go out for a walk okay Kuro? I want to spend some time on floor twenty two. Maybe it can give some inspiration for a song. Get some rest i know i push you much harder then you deserve with questing. I say to my companion as Kuro just lets out a yawn and two flaps of his wings as he then walks on over towards the small fire pit and rests beside it enjoying the warmth it provides and slowly falling asleep. I smile a happy small smile with a nod of my head. Get some sleep. You deserve it after how much i push you these days.I'm sorry that i do so. i say softly to myself as i gaze towards the door and then walks on over towards it. I slowly open it up for myself into the cold cavern where my shop resides as i look back towards my familiar at his sleeping form. A happy smile at seeing him finally get some rest for once as i then start making my way towards the main settlement on snowfrost. Knowing that my rest has yet not been achieved unlike my precious friend Kuro.

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While Keres was busy talking with Raven Domarus continued to attack the monsters.  When he released his sword art again he decimated their health, destroying them while they had just managed to knock his health down to nearly halfway.  This floor was most certainly his grinding spot.  Raven wanted to come here to visit the forest but he was here for the grinding.  He needed that guild hall so he needed to grind the hell out of these monsters if he was to get the necessary col.  When he destroyed the monsters he received a total of three thousand six hundred col.  Not much if he was honest, but it was only from three monsters.  He'd soon grind more out before the day was done.  But first he needed to regenerate his health, which could take some time.  A lot actually.  He needed to get some healing potions with little to no cost.  Hopefully these consumables would be such a thing.  In the meantime he'd look around for some materials in the meantime.  Perhaps he could order some items for the up coming boss fight.  He needed to be fully prepared...


ID#  101114  BD:  3+3=6  CD:  9  +4 energy  MD:  8
ID#  101115  BD:  4+3=7  MD:  7
ID#  101116  BD:  8  MD:  2

15x14=210 dmg  -20 energy

120-62x2=116 dmg

ID#  CD:  6  LD:  20  =  1,200 col, 2 materials, 2 rare consumables
ID#  CD:  11  LD:  4  =  1,200 col
ID#  CD:  8  LD:  12  =  1,200 col, 1 material, 1 rare weapon

Total Loot:  3,600 col, 3 Materials, 2 rare consumables, 1 rare weapon

Domarus:  566/800 || 44/80 || 15-20 dmg || 3 ACC +Concentration || 62 MIT || 2 Recovery

Mob 1:  0/400 - 120

Mob 2:  0/400 - 120

Mob 3:  0/400 - 120

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The sounds of soft crunches of snow are heard as i make my way through the snowy lands of the Fourth floor wearing nothing but a simple black trench coat and having a grey shirt, and black pants to serve with trying to allow me to traverse with some sense of difference in clothing. I look down towards my clothes with a frown knowing i have saved these for the worst of situations, but they will have to do for now allowing me to make my way through the land without monster attacks. Knowing my current gear could have me killed within a single instance if i am not careful since i am wearing no armor or even having a weapon out to defend myself. I pull my hood a bit tighter to my head as i glance around the area that is having slowly drifting flakes of snow go from the skies down towards the ground. I smile a bit as i start humming a tune to myself that slowly turns to a song as i try to workshop a song on  the spot. Cold frost bites at the souls gone by. A simple smile greeting the people passing through. A soul just making her way through. I sing softly not caring if it will be deemed bad. I then pause and shakes my head not wanting frivolous stupid songs. Wanting ones with meaning. A narrow minded focus like a dart! I start off with a grin as i dance and move to my own little rhythm. Flying through the air,  blurring right past like a car.

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With the monsters destroyed and him having to wait a while until his health was recovered, he figured he may as well walk around the forest so Raven could look for the ghosts she wanted to come and see.  He had the survival skill which was speeding up his regeneration by just a fraction, but it really wasn't much at all.  He was really pissed off by how long he had to wait.  Most games didn't have a wait time this long and it made grinding very very tedious.  He needed to get battle healing once his damage and armor was maxed out.  Domarus began to walk through the forest, and snapped his fingers.  When he did Rhozarth began to fly ahead, scouting the road for enemies he needed to avoid until ready.  Domarus of course found no materials as he had no skills or anything else of the sort.  He sighed as he opened his menu and switched his energy gathering item with bonus LD.  He needed materials for when he had to craft, and hopefully he'd catch up with the rest of the orders.

ID#  101125  LD:  9


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Single-minded determination. I continue to sing with a smile pronouncing each syllable like it is its own word as i continue dancing within the snowy wilderness of the fourth floor with a smile upon my face . Pushing a heart forward. Past beyond what it should be capable of. Moving on to a beat beating like a drum. A million miles a minute and not a single song was sung. I sing with a smile as i continue moving to this unknown song and beat as i make my way towards the main settlement that slowly comes into view beyond the snow, and distance that could make it slightly ever difficult to see the town. The sound of the crunching snow continue to echo with every step that i take upon the ground as i ignore the spies that could be watching me. Knowing they could have nothing against me performing and singing within the middle of floor fours eternal snowing upon the its own ground. I smile a bit sadly as i my mind drifts between memories as i sing the words. Of the nonstop questing three days back to back when i was living within Itzal's home for that short while till i was able to get a shop for myself.

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Domarus took a breath as he continued to search.  He decided to go over one more time what was currently happening and how to handle the situation.  His guild and the Guardians of the Dawn were planning to make an alliance.  The guilds would be spending time together via col grinding for their guild halls, which would hopefully strengthen the bonds between players and guilds.  It was his end goal to absorb their guild into his, making his forces stronger still.  Of course the main issue here was how was he going to convince them they needed him when they had more players than he did?  Hopefully their alliance would draw more players into his guild.  The only issue with this arrangement was if Hestia discovered it she may try doing something about it.  Then there was his guild.  The only member active and strong enough was also wild and uncontrollable.  She was unpredictable and it was very irritating.  The others were either inactive or too weak.  He needed to up his game drastically.  Domarus had to go recruiting again...  There was also his spy network which was perfect to a p.  He was always kept up to date and they kept tabs on everyone.  Finally there was Hestia and her sister.  Raven was an important asset but her relationship with Hestia made things very difficult.  He should do his best to avoid that woman in the meantime, and just focus on his master plan.  Once again he saw no materials, despite the LD boost.

ID#  101126  LD:  10+3=13


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I start to approach the town of Snowfrost with a smile on my face as i continue to sing not caring if i am heard or seen as i hop, skip, jump, and dance to my own song that i am doing on the spot. A single hand reaches through the dark. A hand trying to pull the focus back up. To pull us back up to see. The beauty all around. To spend time with the friends that have been maade. I sing drawing out the words ever so slightly bringing the song into a slow emotional moment as i close my eyes as i sing the song taking slow steps forward as i reach this part of the song. Before kicking back into dancing and skipping to the beats of the song. Arrow slips right past the hand grasping out. Moving on past without a care of those around it. I sing as i look down ignoring some slowly forming tears. Knowing that how i have been has probably totally unfair to all the friends i have made. To ignore and disregard them for this endless search of questing and fights that i have been doing for so long. To ignore the friends i made for some stupid numbers to try and help the people that don't even need help to begin with. Reach on past that! Reach on and bend the narrow focus! Bring forward a understanding of the world around you. It is not about he numbers! It is not about the fight! It is about those around you, and spending time with friends. Spending time with the family you've gained! Keep the bonds strong to have them survive beyond this game. To have..family. Even beyond this world of 1's and 0's. I sing softly as i enter the town of snowfrost as i look forward and then starts making my way towards the teleport gate keeping my hands within my cloaks pocket. Keeping the beat by humming it softly to myself as i do my best to slip through the crowds.

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He wondered if he could find a way to contact Kayaba or Cardinal directly, convince them to increase the out of combat healing mechanism.  Mainly because it would save him time rather than keep him alive.  This was nothing but annoyance at this point.  At any rate he moved through the forest, continuing to look for materials.  He wanted to get stronger, so perhaps these items he was collecting off of monsters could be identified to have unique enhancements.  If he gained one, he could always upgrade it from rare to perfect via essence of steel.  It was his goal to be fully equipped with unique enhancements before long.  The hard part was staying updated to the tiers.  Once they hit tier four he'd need to grind hard in order to collect appropriate gear and stay ahead of everyone else.  He preferred damage over anything else, so if it was an enhancement he didn't prefer he would probably just store it until he found something of use.  Once he had a unique enhancement or two, or even a demonic, then he'd start giving the other uniques over to his guild mates.  Particularly those fighting on the front lines.  Then they could start participating for real.  In the meantime, he wanted that guild hall and fast.  Once that happened...  Well.  It was only a matter of time.  Once again he saw no materials...  Typical.

ID#  101139  LD:  5+3=8


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I step onto the teleport gate of the fourth floor as i look upwards and says the small phrase. Teleport, Floor twenty two main settlement. I say as i feel the sensation as i land spot on as i glance about the area and smile rather happy to be on this peaceful floor once more. I then remember finding Raven in the woods of this floor. 'Why was she in there to begin with? Did she see something in there?' I think to myself curious and just shrugs figuring there is no harm in seeing what Raven had seen from the forest as i make my way towards them as i pick up the song once more. Ascending to the frontlines of these battles. Feeling something deep in me that is hollow. A goal that was achieved, but holds no meaning from no goal after that. I got to wonder what the point of that training even was. if i just reach my goal, and feel like i am missing out on something. I can feel the tiredness gripping me without any restraint. Trying to pull me back and make sure i finally get some rest. I sing with a sort of edge and flow that could be similar to rapping at this point, but the words not even rhyming. Thinking of how i reached the frontlines, and only have a few quests left to my name to actually accomplish. Not even having any meaningful goal beyond that which might be attainable. I blink away some tears as fast as i can to focus back on the song. Knowing there is much more to say that needs to be said. Much more that can be written down later so people can learn from what  my heart is telling me.

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He recalled how Hestia was moving against him and everything he stood for, every plan of his at risk because of her.  If she found out about the guild alliance then that would certainly be an issue.  He needed a way to keep her from slandering his name, or make his job of absorbing them any difficult than it would be when she did inevitably find out.  It was very frustrating.  She and he were a lot alike.  Stubborn, persistent.  Strong.  They had their own views of right and wrong and refused to change that outlook.  They both had parents who raised them a very specific way.  Taught them to believe one thing and one thing alone.  He was good with words and so was she.  She was observant as he was.  They both got angered easily through trigger words.  Then the rest of it were opposites.  Their beliefs, familiars, friends, methods.  All polar opposites.  Made things interesting though.  Did Domarus hate her because she was ruining his plans?  Or did he hate her because she reminded him so much of his father.  He saw himself whenever he faced her, and thus was forced to face what his father made him into every day.  Ignorance was bliss...  If Domarus hadn't known what the world truly was like what would he have done?  He didn't know and he didn't care.  You made me a demon he thought.  Took one to make one.  But you did.  And now?  This demon is going to conquer the world.  And I will not let one foolish suicidal girl stand in my way.  

ID#  101142  LD:  10+3=13


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I still fight it all the same. Continuing to push myself beyond what i should be doing. Moving through the blood and battles that i get into with the friends and allies that i make. A bond forged through battle is one that is strong. Though can i truly even call it that when i can't even say what they do for some fun? Do i even really have a family? Or just a system of guild mates for survival? I feel my eyes preparing to close. I know that the darkness is slowly calling to me. I put on  a smile as i finally earning my rest. Sleep how i've missed you during these long crusades of helping. I sing with a small pause as a smile appears on my face as i nod my head as i exit the town and makes my way towards the forest as i then close my eyes and quickly opens them once more. I've gained the rest that i need. I've learned that not everything is battle and sport. I'm ready to learn about the people i've met. I can only hope they're willing to open up. The world is a cruel place both in and out of here, and i can only hope that the people i meet along the way are willing to be friends both in and out of this game. I sing as i continue starting the long walk towards the forest with a smile. As i finish the song up. Reach on past that worry with a slap to wake up! Reach on and bend the narrow focus to be more open! Bring forward a understanding of the world around you. It is not about he numbers! It is not about the fight! It is about those around you, and spending time with friends. Spending time with the family you've gained! Keep the bonds strong to have them survive beyond this game. To have..family. Even beyond this world of 1's and 0's.

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Keres, Raven, Embers.  They were the only ones active who were on his side.  Or at least, the only ones useful enough to have on the front lines one day in public.  Save for Keres, she was going nowhere near the front lines.  Never.  If Esther was still active he'd keep her from it too.  Though he doubted he'd ever see her again.  Mari vanished as well, probably because her potions became useless.  At any rate things were going to be getting interesting.  He was finding out who to count on and who to just leave behind as a follower.  Hestia however..  He nearly snapped again.  Why does everything have to redirect to that stupid girl?!  She was at the core of his issues.  She was the problem he had to solve.  If Raven didn't exist this would be so easy to handle.  He pulled out his ax and sliced a tree down as he walked, getting really tired of this.  The tree fell and crashed down onto the ground as he sheathed his ax again.  Rhozarth heard the sound but didn't bother doing anything or changing his course.  He knew his master was releasing some unwanted stress was all.  As he walked he spotted a material and picked it up, adding it to his inventory.

ID#  101144  LD:  19  +1 MAT


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I make my way towards the forest at a steady pace as i see the one specific forest start to come into question as i smile, but hears the sound of a crashing tree as i turn towards the direction biting my lip ever so slightly in nervousness. 'What if that is something like the King of lakes charging towards me? Well i mean i should have a enough energy and hp to make it through a fight if i have time to equip my armor. That should be able to work for holding off mobs on this floor.' I think to myself as i nod and then gets back into a relaxed stance as i look towards the forest where i had found my sister along with Domarus. With a shrug i enter the forest without a second of hesitation keeping my hands within my pocket as i glance about trying to figure out what exactly brought her to here on this floor. Knowing it had to be something since she was a good few steps ahead of Domarus seemingly which meant she was chasing something. 'but what could be on this floor worthy enough to even chase? It isn't like there is much to it.' I think to myself in confusion as i glance around taking calm steady breathes as my blue eyes gaze around the area of the edge of this forest. Scanning for anything and everything that could be suspicious.

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As Domarus walked through the forest, Rhozarth continued to scout.  He then saw movement from the corner of it's eye and looked down to see Hestia moving through the forest towards the group.  Rhozarth gave out a cry to alert Domarus to her presence before entering a dive towards Hestia.  Domarus turned just in time to see Rhozarth diving towards Hestia.
    "Pávo Rhozarth!"  The fiery dragon came to a halt only a foot above her and stared at her.  He wanted to rip something to shreds and was getting more impatient than Domarus was right now.  The flaming dragon flew back to Domarus.  Domarus watched as the creature landed on his shoulder and turned to look at Hestia.
"What are you doing on this floor?"  This was going to end very badly either way so he figured might as well get it over with.  There was no one else with her save for Porvós who was in the shadows.  The serpent shot off like a dart however when it saw Keres, who smiled and giggled as the fire serpent slithered up and coiled around her as per usual when they were together.  Domarus spotted another material and added it to his inventory while he stared at her through his visor.

ID#  101146  LD:  18  +1 MAT


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I make my way through the forest with a small smile on my face feeling a certain weight get put off my shoulders by venting out everything as i take out my song notebook and starts writing down the lyrics that i had come up with along the way towards here humming softly the tune i sung to myself while doing so. Writing down everything, and once i am finished i nod my head with a very happy smile as i then hear a loud cry as i turn my head towards the source as i quickly stash away my notebook for its safety. Seeing a small dragon my eyes widen at what this means as i quickly jump backwards my black trench coat blowing within the wind as i look towards what i see, and sighs softly as i shake my head. I'm going for a walk. That is all i am doing. I say with a wave of my hand towards Domarus. Not giving it much thought beyond that or with whom was with him as i make my way deeper into the forest that my sister had said she saw something. 'But was it her imagination?' I think to myself curiously as i traverse deeper. My black cloak flowing with every step. The outfit itself being a vastly different outfit then my usual one of brighter more cheerful normal clothing. I glance about the area and can't find a single thing to point me towards what my sister had seen. I then squint my eyes slightly catching sight of something that looked like a hazy shape. What was that? I say softly as i start following the hazy figure.

#101147 LD:12

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Domarus narrowed his eyes under the visor.  He was about to challenge her when she started to walk away.  He snapped his fingers and Porvós shot off after her, re entering the darkness and once again separated from Keres.  Hearing the sigh from behind he turned around and continued to walk.  He figured he could do something to distract himself from Hestia.  Probably just tackle another set of monsters regardless of his health.  He could take on one at a time reducing the amount of damage he'd receive.  Then again he'd-  He stopped as a figure appeared in front of him.  One that seemed familiar but, he couldn't make it out.  There was emotion that he felt though.  Indifference and anger.  And there was only one person he felt that combination towards.  His father.  He walked through the aberration, knowing it was false and ignoring it completely.  He continued to follow Raven who was chasing her ghosts, completely ignoring the ones that would form around him.  If they came to close he waved them away.  To his surprise, one of them ended up being physical.  He grabbed the spirit but it grabbed him back.  When he tried to move it the ghost flipped him onto his back.  Domarus grit his teeth and began using techniques to knock the ghost off, which he had.  He stood up over the spirit and struck it hard in the head..  but it was gone and his hand hit the ground.  Domarus growled and pushed forward, tired of this game and it's mind tricks.

ID#  101150  LD:  10+3=13


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I quickly follow the hazy figure as i can't figure out the details as i quickly swap cloaks changing from black to golden fleece as i feel my vision improve ever so slightly as i see what it is as my eyes widen at the sight. Mo..Mom. I say softly as my eyes tear up at the sight of the woman that had raised me alongside my father when i was a child. The woman who was to busy with work nowadays trying to take care of her precious children. I quickly chase after her going full sprinting towards her feeling tears well up hoping that this truly is such a illusion as i see it turn around and give a smile. Waving with that smile that would greet me when i got picked up from school. MOM! I say happily as i go to hug her as i pass right through her as i stumble forward and hits the ground as i look towards the ground. Wha...what is this forest. I say with tears of frustration now falling at having my emotions being played with. I look around through teary eyes unable to find anymore of those spirits, or whatever i am meant to be seeing. I quickly wipe away the tears as i look around trying to find where to go now. 'How..how does this game know what my mom looks like?' I think in a confused manner my thoughts being all scrambled from what i just witnessed. Looking around the forest with blue teary eyes as my chest rises and falls irregularly from the heightened emotional state.

#101151 LD:4+3=7

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There were soon more and more ghost like figures.  At first it was two.  Then four.  Then eight.  There was always one that would wrestle and fight Domarus and he had to use many techniques, including ones he made himself, to overcome it and move forward.  Every time he did however there would be more spectators, and the physical one would always become more skilled than before.  Keres was missing too.  He seemed to be going in circles.  By the time there were sixteen spirits watching the fight he gave in and chose to not move forward and instead beat the ghost into submission.  However every time he nearly had it, the spirit would vanish suddenly, appearing somewhere it had an advantage over him.  The fight continued and continued until Domarus had finally roared with hatred and pinned it against the wall.  The figure smiled and he could see it in detail now.  It wasn't his father.  It was in fact someone else entirely.  It was one of the kids he had taken out in the player killing guild.  One of the psychotic ones.  Only three escaped his men's onslaught.  This was one of the children killed.  But why was he fully grown?  Was this what he would have looked like if he grew up?  Suddenly all the figures were revealed to be the children he had sentenced to death.  Those who would have gone on a slaughter and butcher people at random.  What he didn't realize was that the wall the kid was pinned against was the staircase into a quest.

ID#  101152  LD:  15+3=18  Found memory chamber


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