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[F21-PP] <<The Hidden Village>> Hikoru & Shield

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Floor 21
<<The Hidden Village>>
Recommended Level: 50+ | Repeatable
Credit Belongs to: @Hikoru



  • Standard Loot:
    • 10,000 Col
    • SP (rewarded only once per player)
  • Choice-based Loot:
    • Reveal the settlement location: (T3 Weapon of Choice) <Dragon's Tooth> [+2 Accuracy, +1 Keen]
    • Keep the settlement location secret: (T3 Heavy Armor) <Dragon's Skin> [+2 Mitigation,+1 Thorns] OR (T3 Light Armor) <Dragon's Skin> : [+3 Evasion]


  • Fight OR Bypass the Cave Bats (Spawns in groups of 2 per player participating in the thread):
    • By Fighting: You save a person who was being held captive by the bats and they lead you to the village.
    • After Bypassing: You must roll a 15+ on the LD three times after Bypassing the bats. One for finding footprints, one for finding a hidden sign, and one for finding the village itself.
  • Find the Hidden Village.


Rumors have been spread about a lost village that had been abandoned decades ago after the great dragon war. Now, no one knows its location anymore, but for some reason the people of Tomoika really want to find its whereabouts. The townspeople will reward you greatly if you find the location for them.

After fighting or bypassing the bats, you see some structures in the distance...

Once you get to the hidden village of Charko, its people beg you to keep their village secret, still in belief that Tesseleth is still alive, and that if their whereabouts where learned, the Tyrant would rain hell down upon them. It is your choice: to return to Tomoika and reveal their location OR keep the city of Charko secret.

Players are presented with two options for dealing with the Cave Bats, they can either defeat them in combat or bypass them using stealth.


  <<Cave Bat>>'s Stats

  • HP: 1250
  • MIT: 75
  • EVA: 3
  • ACC: 1
  • Claws: On every successful hit ignores half of the target’s mitigation (rounded down).
  • Base Damage: 175
    • (BD: 9) [225] Mitigable + Paralyze.
    • (BD: 10) [275] Mitigable + Paralyze.
  • Echolocation: +2 LD when looking for players trying to Bypass them.



Notes regarding Bypass:

1: In a PP/OP, a player may attempt to skip fighting mobs if they have invested at least 1 rank in the 'Hiding' skill; by applying the stealth mechanics. A player will still need to roll X number of times, one for each mob he/she tries to bypass. A player may try to act as bait for a group, if the mob's LD is higher than the player's 'Stealth Rating', the mob will attack the player (using that same roll dices) without alerting the other mobs, making it possible to kill the mobs one by one. If a player bypasses any number of the required mobs, he/she can still go back and help the rest of the team; or try to bypass all, then leave the thread and finish the quest.

2: If a player gets attacked by a mob while the rest of the team(s) fight, the player needs to fight the mob alone until the rest finish their own fights. If a player has succeeded in getting past all the mobs, he/she will receive the rewards upon completing the quest, even if the rest of the team fails/dies. In this situation if the player is the only one to live, he/she is allowed to double post until completing the quest.

Shield had spent far too much time preparing for the next boss encounter. While he knew the value of doing so, his arms and legs ached with the guilt of being stationary, not having been out clearing quests and dungeons. Still, the newest batch of quests were problematic for a solo run. Either they were designed to be extra tricky for tanks, or else the monsters that one must fight would be an absolute grind-fest for a low damage dealer. With a heavy sigh, he put up his post to the player request forum.


'Experienced tank requesting DPS on high-level quest.

We will be following a lead from an info broker, so do not expect an easy or straight-forward journey. Rewards will be split down the middle, with priority of defensive items going to me and offensive items going to you. If you would like items to be ID'ed before dividing them up, Col from the quest will cover ID costs before being divided between us.

Look for 'Shield' in Tomoika on the twenty first floor.'

"It's not so bad," he thought aloud to Lilith, the multicolored serpent that was currently busy twining about his fingers. "I've needed to get out. I just wish I had more flexibility on these quests. Still. It's not like I'm trying to go it solo." He thought back to his time with the Ascendants and frowned. Had he really been so solitary? It wasn't as if he hadn't tried adventuring with them. Sey and Itzal had been through a few dungeons with him, and in general he had done a number of quests with Hikoru and even with Jonathan back when the tank paladin could stand his presence. Other than that, all of his adventuring had been carries, the occasional dungeon crawl with another front-liner, adventuring with Beat or- "Solo." He sighed to himself. "Do I not trust anyone else to be able to pull through for me?"

He had plenty of time to think it over on the way. In the mean time, he needed to get moving or else he'd be keeping whoever took the offer for granted. He quaffed an Immolation Potion and headed out the door, navigating the rough terrain of the mountains of the eleventh floor, now practically as familiar as his own hands. By the time he arrived in Tomoika, he was no further along in his musings. He stepped out into the square and found a bench, plunking himself down and leaning back into the backrest.



Immolation Potion +2 [+30 THN]


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Hikoru sighed quietly, looking at the work he had done the past few days. A lot of information on Floor 21,trying to get a fix on everything about the quests that were released. Sadly, he knew that the biggest teacher was experience, and the people that came to him for information expected the best, and he did his best to provide them that. But, he had been pushing it off, trying to get his apprentice to take a look at them, but he knew he was far too low levelled to do it. He gave a sigh and sat back as Aru came into the house, having been given access by Hikoru he could come and go. 

"Saw something on the board you may wanna see." he said, then brought up a screen and flipped it for Hikoru to see. "Its from Shield. He wants to do a quest on this floor." Hikoru just gave a chuckle. "Well, isnt this perfect. Was just thinking about those too." He spoke. He stood and went to the door, grabbing his cloak off of the rack. Rolland heard this and made his way to the door. The two of them left and made their way to the center of town, and Hikoru quietly made his way behind Shield. 

"You know, you could have just shot me a message." he said with a chuckle. "You know im on this floor, so its not too much trouble for me to get to you."

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  • 4 weeks later...

"I also know you're busy with your network of informants," Shield replied, not even having to turn to identify the speaker. "Nothing personal. Sometimes the boards are just a good way to put out feelers. If a friend is first to respond, all the better." He stood, taking a moment to push on his knees to stretch them out before straightening to his full height and turning to face Hikoru. "Or at least I hope we can still call each other as such after your big vanishing act."

His tone was not accusatory. Shield had been sad at Hikoru's decision to leave, but he had not stood in the former Paladin's way. Besides, he could not honestly say that he and Beat had not discussed the possibility of leaving during some of the dryer spells of their time in the guild. Everyone had to choose their own path. "Well, since I'm sure you know more about the quest regarding that... lost village... than the paltry amount I managed to pry out of the broker I spoke to. I'll let you lead the way." They had adventured together a number of times now. He felt fairly confident that the two of them would be able to handle anything that came their way.

"How has the new gig been working out so far?" Shield asked, raising his eyebrows. "I'm sure it's been a learning experience striking out like that."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hikoru just chuckled as he mentioned his big vanishing act. He shook his head. "There were many things that lead to that, and many reasons as to why I left. Besides, as far as i've heard, ever since I left, the Celestial Ascendants has blossomed, and you've gained a lot of recruits..." He said, sounding a bit choked up near the end. He caught himself and stopped short, before his emotions got the better of him again. He cleared his throat as the large Tank stood, and he nodded as he said he would know more.

"I had re-read the file before I got here yes, and I think I helped write that one with Aru, my apprentice." He said with a chuckle. The young player had been doing well in the IBS, and he was proud of the player he was becoming, and he hoped he would join the Frontlines one day. He sighed and his shoulders slumped a bit when he asked how work was. "Oh, its work... It's nice, to get to work on something i've always loved to do..." He frowned a bit. "But... it gets lonely at times... You don't get visitors when the entrance of your house scares them away... I should have designed it better I suppose." He said with a small chuckle. "How about you?"

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Shield nodded along, listening to Hikoru's recounting of how his experiences had been since leaving the Ascendants. He listened carefully, not interrupting. He could tell Hikoru was torn on the subject of leaving, but he did not want to draw attention to it, not wishing to twist that particular knife further. It seemed to be a sensitive subject. "Things have been... well enough, I suppose," he answered in response to the question posed to him. "I wouldn't use numbers alone as a way to judge the health of the Ascendants. Recruits are fine, but... things aren't alright with the Paladins. Beat has retreated into himself. He's absent most days, and most of the DPS apprentices are bring handled by the sentinels and other Paladins. Itzal and Kasier are alright, but Jonathan..." Shield ran a hand back through his hair, trying to find the words to express his concern. "You knew him better than just about anyone. He's been distant for a while. But it's deeper than that. He still hasn't forgiven me for expressing my ambition to become a Paladin myself. He avoids me at all costs, and even when there's business to handle, he's icy and doesn't tolerate me well."

He turned his head. There were a lot of very mixed emotions for him, but most conflicted of them were his feelings on how to handle the situation. He respected Jonathan and did not wish to slight him, but at the same time, such instability seemed to only further prove that the young man was unfit to lead. There was no good way to handle the situation. Instead, he nodded down the direction that the quest supposedly lay. "Shall we? We can catch up as we move."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hikoru listened with a nod. He knew how Morg could be, as he tended to be very protective of power. It was a trait he had that he knew didn't go well with big places of power, as anyone who wanted to challenge him would be seen as a threat. He just sighed and shook his head. He wished that he could knock some sense into Morg, but he knew it was best to stay neutral and let it play out itself, unless he absolutely needed to intervene in case of Morg wanting to kill the Tank Sentinel. He nodded. 

"Right, lets get moving.." he said, and opened up his HUD to find the area. He soon recognized the area, and set a marker. A small icon soon appeared in the distance, showing a pair of light blue footsteps going in the direction of the quest. He started to walk, taking the lead for the two of them. After a few moments of silence, he decided to speak up. "Shield, I have a question, a thing thats been brewing in my mind since the meeting..." he spoke quietly. Without making eye contact, or even turning his hooded head, he spoke quietly, not wanting others to hear. "Do... You see me as a good leader? As someone you could rely on to guide you through a fight?... Maybe even a Hero of sorts?...." his head sunk a little lower. "Or, have I failed in doing that..."

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"HIk," Shield said, crossing his arms over his barrel of a chest as he walked, "you're asking two different things. Do you want to be a leader or do you want to be a hero?" He kept his eyes forward. Shield had never been the type to lock eyes and stare into someone's soul during such conversations. It felt too invasive. "As leaders go, you sacrificed yourself for your ideals and did everything you could think to do. Even now, you're doing the same, just for a broader group of players." He glanced over and then back at the path ahead. "That is the mark of a leader, particularly a leader rather than a tyrant. Now a hero is messy to define, because it's entirely subjective." Shield held out his hand palm up, miming an example. "To this person, one person might be a hero, and to this person," he lifted his other hand, "they might be a monster. A leader is always a leader. But you are a hero to someone. That's their choice."

Their footfalls echoed through the tunnels of the twenty first floor, or rather Shield's did beside the more stealthy player. "Now do I think you have done heroic things? I think anyone who's pushed this far and continues to fight to save and free players has. You're no exception." It was perhaps not the answer Hikoru was looking for, but it was an honest one, and that mattered far more to Shield than egos and feelings.

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  • 4 months later...

Hikoru chuckled as Shield explained the difference between a leader and a hero. In his defense, he saw both as the same thing, but Shield was wiser than him and made it easy to see the difference. He let out a small sigh as he shook his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you in that way. I suppose I meant as a leader." He chuckled again. "But usually, I see Leader's as Hero's to some degree, so my mind instantly thought of that word. But, you are correct in what you say." He said with another small sigh. "I've... tried, to make amends with myself recently, try to branch out and be a frontliner that players can look up to. But at the boss meeting, even after I tried to explain my thoughts on the boss, I felt... cast aside." He grits his teeth and took a moment to regain composure, as to not let his emotions run awry.

"I... Couldn't stay there, because I knew I would say something that would only cause problems. But, it bothered me, a lot. It still does... I made my character, this 'person' I'm supposed to be so well, that people now don't care about me, or if I'm trying to help... It hurts Shield, it hurts..." He said with a sigh. "Sorry, I'm sorta... venting, at this point... It's just frustrating to go through." He spoke quietly, his head hanging low.

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Shield gave Hikoru a rough clap on the shoulder. "Hik, never judge your worth by how you are treated at raid meetings," Shield said with an exasperated sigh. "Those meetings are a cluster-" Shield used a word that he tried not to say around people Hikoru's age, but given their time working together, he decided it wasn't any harm. "At the end of the day, everyone stuck in here is a gamer, and gamers are notorious for having poor social skills and not knowing when their opinion isn't helpful." He shook his head, taking a deep breath. "I've tried to bring some order to those meetings... make them actually productive and helpful... but they only do so much." His eyes slid over to Hikoru for a moment. "They're kids. Plain and simple. Most of the players here are. And it's not fair to ask all of them to grow up and handle things like adults... but I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of acting like kids anymore." The look on his face was more transparent than usual, and it showed signs of contempt and disgust. "Kayaba took that away."

Ahead, the path fanned out, and the ceiling rose, and Shield thought he heard some distant clicks. Echolocation? "How are we playing this?" he asked in a hush. "You could always sneak by them, but I'm basically made of metal. I feel like one way or another, this is going to come down to a fight."

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Hikoru just laughed as Shield explained how the meetings were, and he was right, Really and truly, meetings are always confusing, and drama always ensues. Then he said something that he hadn't thought about before. Everyone here, himself included, we're very young gamers, people who rely on games to get away from the real world. But, the real world is now the video game, and none of them were the best at communication. He just nodded and smiled a bit.

"Your right Shield, thanks for that. I hadn't thought of it in that light before..." He said, feeling a bit better about his situation. Shield then went down to business, and he nodded, going back to the strategic Hik that he was known to be. "Right, that's the situation here. it's the dilemma of quests with a stealth option..." He thought for a moment. "Alright, let's go at it this way. I'll be in stealth, but following near you. Whatever you come across, I'll be behind you and I'll take them with a surprise attack, gaining a damage boost along with the chance of finding their weakness." He said with a nod. "So I'm not leaving you behind, but I'll get a good hit on whatever we have to fight."  He said, then pulled up his cloak and disappeared into the nearby shadows.

ID: 109204 LD 19+7= 26 Stealth Rating

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Passive [+0 EN] Battle Healing [] Recovery - Craft: 3 [+0 EN] Cool Downs - 

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 1378/1630 | EN: 145/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru

Action: Howl [-9 EN, Housing Bonus 1/3]

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 109206 results: Battle: 7 [+1+1=9 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 2>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 109207 results: Battle: 6 [+1+1=8 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1250/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 109208 results: Battle: 3 [+1+1=5 - Miss]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175  LD: 2 - ID# 109209 results: Battle: 4 [+1+1=6 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]

Shield was no stranger to Hikoru's vanishing act. He nodded to the empty air and turned towards the chamber ahead of them. He took a slow breath and stepped out into the room as quietly as he could, which is to say, with a clear, audible clank. Overhead there came a great chorus of angry screeches and the beating of wings, and out of the darkness, four great humanoid bats swooped down. Shield took in air and with as much force as he could hurriedly create, he threw his voice.

"Come and get it, bats!" he cried, channeling inspiration from a crazed clown from an animated bat-themed comic book television show. And come and get it they did. Claws tore through Shield's body, one swipe after another, leaving considerable damage for such an early point in the fight. "Lilith," he hissed through his teeth. "You're on deck for healing. I can't take that kind of punishment every time."

He felt the cool, heavy lump of serpent in his sleeve slither up his forearm and onto his shoulder. He would be covered for the next round, but he would still need to play defense this fight.

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Shield took no time to attract the attention of the creatures, which were large, humanoid bats. They swooped down and attacked him rapidly. He did his tank job and gathered the hate well, even howling to gather even more attention to them. He nodded to himself, it was time for him to do his job. Immediately, he swooped from above, landing on one of the bats and stabbing it through the heart. But, this thing did it's best to get out of his way. If he hadn't struck from behind, this thing would definitely have jumped out of the way. He shuddered at the thought and looked at Shield.

"These guys are a lot livelier than I would have imagined, their evasion has to be high, so let's hope I can land my shots, or else this may be a bit." He said with a chuckle. Luckily, he had Vanish, so he could get a guaranteed his every few turns. But with Shield whittling them down with thorns, he hoped that he could take these guys out quickly without much problem.

ID: 109213 BD: 2+3-3= 2 (Disregarded due to Sneak Attack)

Hikoru used Swarm: 14x23x1.15= 370 - 75 = 295 Damage to Bat 1


Passive [+0 EN] Battle Healing [] Recovery - Craft: 3 [+0 EN] Cool Downs - 

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 1378/1630 | EN: 145/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 134/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 856/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 109206 results: Battle: 7 [+1+1=9 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 2>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 109207 results: Battle: 6 [+1+1=8 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1250/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 109208 results: Battle: 3 [+1+1=5 - Miss]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175  LD: 2 - ID# 109209 results: Battle: 4 [+1+1=6 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]



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  • 1 month later...

Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery - Craft: 11 [+3 EN] Cool Downs - Healer [0/4] Parry [0/1] Justified Riposte [0/3]

Action: Parry - Justified Riposte [-4 EN, Housing Bonus 2/3]

Free Action: Healer [+135 HP]

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 1375/1630 | EN: 145/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 134/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 757/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 111236 results: MOB: 8 [+1+1=10 - Hit! 175/2-91=1 dmg, THN: 99 dmg] - Stunned!
<<Bat 2>> HP: 1052/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 111237 results: MOB: 6 [+1+1=8 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1250/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 111238 results: MOB: 1 [Miss]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175  LD: 2 - ID# 111239 results: MOB: 9 [+1+1=11 - Hit! - 225-91=134 dmg, ENV Proc!] [ENV 18 - 0/4]

Shield heard Hikoru's words and was neither surprised nor pleased to know that they were incredibly evasive. As the next assault reeled through the air and streamed towards him, he readied his sword. He sidestepped the first, raking his blade through its foreclaw as the winged limb attempted to so the same to him. Fortunately, the preemptive offense diverted enough of the attack that his defenses covered for the rest, and he escaped with only a nick. The bat, on the other hand, lay on the ground motionless. "I'd say screw vanishing. Keep punishing that guy! He's not going to dodge nothing!"

As he turned to face the remaining three, a colorful serpent rose from his collar and struck at his neck. Sure enough, Lilith's fangs pumped him full of health, and his hit points recharged nearly to full. Three more flyby attacks followed. The first struck, the second missed, but the third caught him in the eye, sending a shower of red pixels through the air. He straightened up, cursing at the state of his health bar. "Yes, definitely prioritize killing these things quickly if we can. I can take a beating, but it looks like the brokers weren't kidding when they said some monsters up here ignore part of your defense. It's like fighting Cerberus all over again."

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Hikoru watched silently as Shield did a Parry against one of the bats, stunning him and then being told to attack the one that was down. Hikoru gave a nod and acted quickly, running and leaping up into the air, landing with a flip onto the top of the Paralyzed bat, the creature giving a wounded howl as Hikoru continued to attack the creature, his sword art nearing completion and the creature's health was brought down past the halfway point. Hikoru retreated with a few evasive hops backward, in case some of them tried to get a swipe as he turned his back. He was yet again behind Shield, letting him tank the attacks. He saw a tiny snake on his shoulder that had sunk its teeth into him, and his health was brought up a bit. His eyebrows raised a bit.

"I didn't know you had a healing familiar. Those are rare. Where did you find it?" He asked curiously. He hadn't seen something like that in all of his time on SAO. People rarely found a healing familiar. Usually, the more common were Fighting and Mitigation familiars, next to that was Loot die, then the rarest was Healing. He must have grinded a long time to find it.


ID: 111277 BD: 3+3=6 Hit! Hikoru used Swarm: 16 x 14 =224 - 75= 149 Damage

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 1375/1630 | EN: 145/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 119/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 608/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - Stunned!
<<Bat 2>> HP: 1052/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1250/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175  LD: 2 [ENV 18 - 0/4]



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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery - Craft: 5 [+0 EN] Cool Downs - Healer [1/4] Parry [1/1] Justified Riposte [1/3]

Action: Sharpness > Hikoru [Shield: -11 EN, Housing Bonus 3/3]

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 1204/1630 | EN: 135/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 119/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 608/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - Stunned!
<<Bat 2>> HP: 953/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 111287 results: MOB: 4 [+1+1=6 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 111288 results: MOB: 6 [+1+1=8 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1034/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 111289 results: MOB: 4 [+1+1=6 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg] [ENV 18 - 1/4]

Shield watched as Hikoru dropped the first of the bats below half, its health changing from a bright green into a sickly yellow. "Nice hit!" he called out, knocking aside an incoming swipe with his shield. "I'll be lucky to get out of this fight without my health doing the same thing," he added, swinging his sword arm wide and focusing his attention at the blade's tip. A red bead of energy formed, gathering light until it was the size of Shield's hand. All the while, claws rained down on him, and even with his considerable healing, his health dipped lower.

"I found her while adventuring with Hirru up on the thirteenth floor," he called out, swinging his sword and sending the red light to meet Hikoru. "It's odd not having my turtle on my back at all times, but Norbert became less helpful as soon as I found the Manticore Mask. It already comes with a little mitigation on it, so I'm kinda wasting space in my build." He finished answering the question just as his crimson orb met Hikoru, dissolving into him to boost his damage. "There. That oughta help you put them in the dirt a little quicker."

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Hikoru listened and nodded. When builds changed, sometimes familiars had to leave or be let go, although it was weird to not see the turtle with the giant tank that Shield had become. He grew used to the turtle shell on him, it almost reminded him of an anime of some sorts. He felt the red orb reach him and fade into his body, as he saw his stats go up a little bit on his hot bar, where he had his stats set for him to see. He smiled a bit and charged forward to attack the same bat again. However, he got a little too cocky with his attack, and the bat was easy to evade. Hikoru grit his teeth as he skids to the other side and sighed

"If I miss another attack, I'm going to Vanish and take out this bat. They seem to be very lively, and it's making it difficult to hit them, even for me. It's been a while since I've missed a hit, and I don't want to see you get to the red. If you can paralyze them though, I'm pretty sure I can hit them." He spoke as he flipped and tumbled around the bats, who all decided that he looked like a fun toy to mess with. That's when he heard a cry. He looked over and saw a small child in the corner. Hikoru grit his teeth, there was a little girl! He went over and stood over her, his back facing the bats and taking a few scratches from them, none of which affected his health.

"Don't worry, I gotcha. Stay here okay? I'll protect you." He said in a kind voice. The girl seemed scared, but she nodded with tears in her eyes. Hikoru stood up and faced the bats, a determination in his eyes. "Shield, we have a problem. We have a little NPC girl here, she must be the reason the bats are here. This just became a rescue mission, not just a hack and slash." He spoke, his quest knowledge coming into play from his time with the Info Brokers.

ID: 111601 BD: 2+3-3=2 Miss!


[H:5/5/5/5] @Shield - 1204/1630 | EN: 135/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1
[H:0{I don't gain hate unless I Crit}/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 119/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 608/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2
<<Bat 2>> HP: 953/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1034/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2



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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery - Craft: 2 [+0 EN] Cool Downs - Healer [2/4] Parry [0/1] Justified Riposte [2/3] Vengeful Riposte [0/1]

Action: Parry - Vengeful Riposte [Shield: -5 EN]

[H:5/5/5/5] @Shield - 1099/1630 | EN: 131/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1 - Paralyzed [0/1]
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 119/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 608/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112621 results: MOB: 3 [+1+1=5 - Miss]
<<Bat 2>> HP: 842/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112624 results: MOB: 5 [+1+1=7 - Hit! - 175/2-91=1 dmg, THN: 99 dmg, Riposte: 175/2-75=12 dmg]
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112622 results: MOB: 10 [+1+1=11 - Hit! - 275-91=185 dmg, PLZ + ENV Proc!]  [ENV 18 - 0/4]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1016/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112623 results: MOB: 3 [+1+1=5 - Miss] [ENV 18 - 2/4]

Shield could hear Hikoru calling out about something, but over the incessant clicking of the bats echolocation and the ripping talons on their fore-claws, it was a little difficult to make sense of it all. He braced himself, preparing to catch the next incoming strike with his blade. It came from his side, and he parried the attack, dragging his blade along the palm of the foreclaw. The resulting damage was paltry, but there was no time to worry about that for now. "Kinda busy right now, Hiko-"

His words caught in his throat and he watched as his health gauge took a nose dive. It was the single largest drop of hit points he had seen in a long time, and the symbol beside it was just as alarming.

Paralysis. Wonderful. If I survive this fight, there's going to be a lot of griping to the brokers about their lackluster reports of these enemies.

He was a sitting duck. If not for his considerable health pool, this fight would be a game ender. Hell, with the wrong hits, it might still be. He tried to fight a breath into his lungs, but they fought him the whole way. It was like having the wind knocked out of him. All he could do was focus on keeping his mind right. He was still above half health, though that was likely to change any second. If this kept up and Hikoru was unable to take one of them out soon, he would be lucky to stay in the yellow.

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Hikoru gripped his dagger tightly. Shield went down, paralyzed, and there was nothing he could do to save him except attack. He grits his teeth and charged forward to the weakened bat that had already taken two attacks from him and leaped into the air, giving a scream as he stabbed the creature through the heart. He finished his sword art and watched the bat's health drop, the creature giving a scream of some sorts as the blade went through the body of the creature repeatedly. He leaped back, his back covering the little girl.

"Shield, you good? If you need to run I can take a few hits. I can Vanish if I need to, but you need to patch up before you get back into the fight." He said to him, speaking above the bats screaming as best he could. He reversed the grip of his dagger, making sure to keep his fingers loose yet strong. He didn't want to grip the dagger so hard that it fell out of his hands, or too loose that it was knocked free by a stray batwing or claw. He did his best to find that middle ground while protecting the small child behind him. He had more of a reason to fight now, and he wouldn't back down without one.


ID: 112636 BD: 8+3-3=8 Hit!

Hikoru used Swarm: Hikoru used Swarm: 16 x 14 =224 - 75= 149 Damage

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 1099/1630 | EN: 131/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1 - Paralyzed [0/1]
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 104/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 459/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2
<<Bat 2>> HP: 842/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1151/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 [ENV 18 - 0/4]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 1016/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2  [ENV 18 - 2/4]



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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery - Craft: 2 [+0 EN] Cool Downs - Healer [3/4] Parry [1/1] Justified Riposte [3/3] Vengeful Riposte [1/3]

Action: None - Paralyzed

[H:5/5/5/5] Shield - 699/1630 | EN: 132/154 | MIT: 181 | THN: 99 | ENV: [MD: 9+ = 18x4] | EVA: -1 - Paralyzed [0/1]
[H:0/0/0/0] Hikoru - 1530/1530 | EN: 104/150 | MIT: 79 | ACC: 3 | EVA: | Light Momentum: 1

Bat Claws: Partial Phase - BD 9: 225, BD 10: 275

<<Bat 1>> HP: 459/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112663 results: MOB: 9 [+1+1=11 - Hit! - 225-91=134 dmg, PLZ + ENV Proc!]  [ENV 18 - 0/4]
<<Bat 2>> HP: 743/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112664 results: MOB: 4 [+1+1=6 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg]
<<Bat 3>> HP: 1133/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 - ID# 112665 results: MOB: 10 [+1+1=11 - Hit! - 275-91=184 dmg, PLZ + ENV Proc!]  [ENV 18 - 0/4]
<<Bat 4>> HP: 899/1250 | MIT: 75 | EVA: 3 | ACC: 1 | DMG: 175 | LD: 2 -  ID# 112666 results: MOB: 6 [+1+1=8 - Hit! - 175-91=84 dmg, THN: 99 dmg] [ENV 18 - 3/4]

Shield remained silent, the fury of the bat's claws continuing to tear through his body unhindered. His eyes remained fixed on his health gauge, watching the green bar drop, turn yellow, and the paralysis marker begin to flash and then replenish before fading entirely. He would have strained against his frozen condition, but he knew better. He had been here enough to know that the game was not something capable of being flexible in that regard. There was a day when he might have kicked against the goads, but for now, the situation was what it was. There were only so many attacks he would be able to take before his time ran out.

He knew that in his inventory, there was a full stack of Teleport Crystals just burning a hole, but unless he got an opening, he would die with them there and untouched. His finger itched, begging to be able to swipe through the air to select one, but until that symbol faded from his health gauge, all he could do was wait.

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