Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #1 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer sighed softly as he entered the main settlement of the fifth floor. He heard that there was a quest on this floor that he could do that could help him level up a bit. He was happy for the chance to level a bit more, but was kind of nervous of what the quest could entail. He knew that this was going to be some sort of... what did they say.. Shark? He didn't fully know what it was going to be, and it seemed strange to fight a shark in the middle of the desert, but Spencer didn't want to take anything out of the options of what it could be. Spencer got ready for his journey and adorned his normal umbrella to block the sun that was beating down on the heads of him and his penguin. Noot was sweating and sitting on Spencer's head, the breeze was drifting by, and Noot was readily taking that in, as well as soaking up the shade that the umbrella offered him. Spencer smiled softly at the flightless bird who was on top of his head, and he slowly walked around the building, wondering where to exactly start, and what direction to start it in. He frowned for a moment, he didn't know exactly where he was going, and looked a bit lost. He felt a little uncomfortable just asking random strangers where to go, but he thought that he might have to at this moment, this was not going to be fun for Spencer. @Neopolitan Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #2 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Neo came to the fifth floor in hopes of finding someone to quest with. She figured that less of the quests would be done at the higher floors and she would have more luck finding higher level players to join her. Though the floor was hot, it wasn't completely overbearing. She grabbed a quest from an NPC and started to look around for players. After looking for a little while, Neo saw someone with a penguin on their head. Though she was pretty sure the player was also there for the quest, it couldn't hurt to try and also pet the penguin. It was certainly cute from this distance, though it was possible it was less cute up close. She knew that some little creatures could be feisty. Of course, if it was calmly on top of someone's head, it couldn't be that bad. Neo walked up to them and gave her smile and wave that had become her typical greeting. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #3 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer was walking and almost in his own little world, but he turned to see a woman waving at him. Spencer smiled a bit and walked over to her, slowly taking Noot off of his head and holding him in his arms. "Hi, I'm Spencer, and what brings you to this floor?" He asked after the woman waved at him. She seemed like a sweet woman, well not so much sweet as in nice or happy. Noot waved to her and looked at her, deeming her a nice person. "Noot!" The penguin called out and looked at her, happy to make another friend. Spencer laughed a little bit at the penguin's noise and looked at her. "Sorry, it is something it seems as though he liked to do a lot, he noots at people that he likes. He's only met one person that he doesn't like so far, and with him he did everything he possibly could in order to get away from him." Spencer almost laughed when he thought about the whole situation at Valentines Day, but he could still feel a soft pang in his heart about it all. Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #4 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As Neo greeted the man, she was greeted in turn. He seemed kind, and his penguin was certainly friendly. Though it was far out of its element, it certainly seemed to be tolerant of being here. When asked what she was doing on this floor, she pulled out her menu and turned it around to point at the quest <<Blood In The Sand>>. She then linked together her hands in a way that gestured she wanted to work together on the quest. She didn't know how many quests were up here, but figured that if someone was here that they were probably able to help her out and maybe she could help back. As he talked about the penguin, Neo looked into its cute face. It certainly seemed happy to meet her. She pointed towards the penguin and looked at the man with a question on her face. She wanted to pet it, but knew she should wait for permission before doing so. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #5 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer was waiting for a response, but it seemed as though he wasn't going to get anything out of her. Hmm, I wonder if she is mute like Calypso used to be.. She obviously isn't deaf because she heard what I said to her,, Hmm I'm going to try signing and see if that works. Spencer raises his hands and signs to the woman, but the look on her face makes him think as though she didn't really understand what he was signing to her. Okay, Mute but doesn't know sign language, but she can understand me just fin- wait is she going to do the quest that I'm trying to do. Spencer looked at the quest she showed up and he nodded very quickly. "Yes! I'm actually here just to do that quest. I would love to join you." He smiled and saw her trying to pet Noot, and he happily obliged. "So, I'm guessing you are mute, so want to send me a party invite so I can figure out what your name is?" He cocked his head with the question, the penguin waddling towards Neo, hugging her leg softly. Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #6 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As Neo was petting the penguin, she was happy to see that the man was doing the same quest as her. She was also glad he managed to figure out she was mute quickly. Though he had tried to sign, Neo just shrugged at it. She had thought sign language would be needed for her early on, but because she could hear just fine very few people she knew would actually bother to learn it for her. Because of this, she learned to write quickly and clearly and communicate with hand gestures. She knew a little, but it wasn't usually of much use. She quickly sent over a party invite to him, seeing as he seemed like the helping type of person, and waited for him to accept. In the meantime, she gave the little penguin some nice petting. He really is quite friendly, never knew something from this game could be so caring. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #7 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer smiled when he got the party invite. The name 'Neo' popped up on his screen and he nodded, wanting to remember it for the future. "Names Neo, nice name. First person I've ever met with that name that is for sure. Also, I have a friend, her name is Calypso, and she is also mute. Well.. She used to be mute but she got used to talking in the game, not saying you have to talk or anything." He smiled at her, it was sweet to see someone loving on Noot. He looked around for a moment, and finally got his bearings on where the two of them now needed to go. "So Neo, you ready to head out? Or would you like to stay here and pet my familiar some more?" He asked with a small smile, Noot was certainly happy. The penguin squeaked happily from the loving that he was getting, turning around and holding on to her arm happily, trying to give her arm a hug. "He seems to really like you, not many people just stop and give him tons of attention." Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #8 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Neo kept petting Noot while she listened, the penguin seemingly thirsty for more attention. It was nice to know that she wasn't the only one who was mute in this game, and she could understand if they wished to use the gift the game had given them. She stayed mute primarily for her own moral reasons, but they were what drove her. Without them, she would probably wish to stay stuck in this world forever. As Neo was asked if she wanted to move out, she nodded and gave Noot a couple final pets. She stood up and double checked that all of her gear was situated and equipped before gesturing for the man, who she now knew was named SPencer, to lead the way. She would follow right beside him, but she wanted to ensure that he was ready himself. Wouldn't be a good idea to be so rude after getting to pet his penguin. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #9 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer smiled and picked up Noot, who was a little upset that he wasn't getting a lot more petting from the nice woman. Spencer started to walk when Neo gestured for him to start the adventure. Spencer was a little nervous that this was going to be very difficult, considering that she couldn't talk and Spencer was the best at keeping a conversation going even with someone who could talk. This is going to be challenging, but that is okay, I can deal with challenging, just need to get used to not having someone vocalize things back to me, but this should be okay. He calmed himself down with his own thoughts and got ready to get going. Spencer put his umbrella to angle a bit more towards the sun so it was easier to not be hit by it all the time. Spencer looked around the barren desert for a moment before he turned to Neo to start up a conversation. "So, if I may ask, how old are you?" He wanted to start off with something small to get used to talking to someone who isn't verbal. Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #10 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As the two began to walk out into the desert, Neo could feel the heat coming off of the ground. Though she knew it wouldn't kill her unless it actually started to give a debuff, she didn't like it for one moment. She had always been an indoors person, where there was climate control. She really didn't like extreme temperatures that much. Though if she had to choose, she would prefer the cold much more to the heat. At least in that it wasn't too hard to warm yourself up. In the heat there was little you could do to cool yourself down. Spencer asked her of her age, and though she didn't like giving out that much, she realized that she hadn't had to actually think about how old she was. She remembered her eighteenth birthday, but couldn't remember exactly how long she had been stuck in SAO for. She estimated about two years and showed spencer a two, then a zero, with her fingers. She then pointed to him, hoping to elicit a reciprocal answer from him. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #11 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As they walked, it seemed a little bit before Spencer got a response, which made him a little anxious. Oh no did I say the wrong thing? Maybe I aked a little too much of her, hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. He was worried in his head, but calmed down when Neo offered up her age, saying she was 20. Spencer nodded and thought for a moment, and he decided to go with the age he started this game at. "I'm eighteen. And to keep the conversation flowing, here's another question. How long have you been playing video games for? For me its been about a few years, I haven't done much with the full dive technology like the nervegear before, only minor MMOs online, and some VR stuff, nothing major." He thought back to all the games he used to play in the real world, some of them were so fun, but he didn't think that he would go back to any of them considering what is happening to him at the moment. "Neverwinter was always my favorite game." Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #12 Share Posted July 10, 2018 The two kept walking, and it was dawning on Neo how much of her actual life she had forgotten to remember. She had told herself that she would never forget, that she would always remember to keep her past in mind when trying to escape. But that all went down the drain when she was crying in the alleyways of the Town of Beginnings. SPencer asked how long she had been playing video games, and once again she was a little stumped. She wasn't sure if she ever really kept track of how long she had played video games. She had been introduced to them by one of her close friends at the time. Some people mistook him for a boyfriend, but she never really saw it as such as they were much to young for that to happen. That was probably about five years before she was trapped. She held up a five and a 2 together, making seven. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #13 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer kept walking with Neo, then saw her start to use her hands to show how many years she had been gaming. She held up a 2 and a 5, which confused him for a little bit, then it finally dawned on him. "OHHHH, you mean 7 years, for some reason I was looking at '25' instead, and got super confused." He laughed and smiled at the woman. He was about to say something else, but the ground started to shake. Spencer's eyes went wide and he searched around the desert, but couldn't find much happening. However, in the distance, there was a little bit of sand moving around, like it was caving in on itself. Spencer's eyes went wide and he held out an arm for Neo to stop, they found the shark. Spencer felt another quake as the sand dislodged around them and Spencer fell, sliding down the sand. Luckily he fell on his back, so his shield helped him slide down the sand dune. When he finally got to the bottom, the Shark was already out of reach, going around the sand quickly and efficiently, cutting through everything in its path. "We got a bit of a problem... here we go." He muttered to himself. ID: 102581 BD: 2 + 1 = 3 Miss Spoiler Sand Shark:HP: 125/125DMG: 50Spencer:HP: 440/440ENG: 42/44Hate: 0Neo:HP: N/AENG: N/AHate: 0 (Spencer's Stat Changes: Dmg 4 - 1 = 3 (Switching Mace with Ring) ACC: 0 + 1 = 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #14 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As Spencer was deciphering Neo's hand signals, she felt a rumble underneath her. It seemed as though whatever threat was troubling the townsfolk was closing in on them. She quickly drew her rapier and prepared to strike with a move she had recently learned. It wasn't much, but it should be enough of an improvement to get some good power behind it. She couldn't quite aim the attack properly, but launched the first thrust into the sand. it seemed to connect to something. As shield was sliding down along his shield, Neo launched the second thrust and connected once again. She released two more thrusts and hoped that they hit. She still couldn't see the target she was aiming at, but she was pretty sure that something hit. Proud that she managed to pull of her new sword art on the first try, Neo quickly checked her footing on the sand. Though if the enemy was burrowing through it, she wasn't sure how good her footing would be worth. Spoiler Roll ID: #102589 BD: 8 + 1 = 9 - Hit CD: 12 - Recovery Proc Sand Shark: HP: 109/125 (-16): 4 base * 4 sword art DMG: 50 Spencer: HP: 440/440 ENG: 42/44 Hate: 0 Neo: HP: 240 ENG: 23 (-3 sword art +2 recovery) Hate: 1 (+1 hit) Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #15 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer quickly got up from the ground and got ready for the next attack that could be incoming from the Shark. And long behold, it came, however Neo was able to get a couple good stabs on it to deter it for a moment and make it move out of the way of the two. "Yeah Neo!" He called back to her and smiled, getting ready for his own attack. He was just now realizing the level difference between the two of them, but she was still strong in her own right, so she could definitely take care of herself. The shark slowly started to come back around, and Spencer got ready to strike. The shark burst from the sand, but Spencer quickly raised his shield, the thing sending Spencer sliding back, but he was able to protect himself well enough to only take minimal damage, and the shark seemed to be hurt by the strike against Spencer. This was his chance, and he went for it. Spencer ran forward and swung up gracefully into the air, sending the shark reeling back and sliding back into the sand, a good portion of its health already gone from itself. "Okay, your turn Neo." He called back with a slight smile. ID: 102598 BD: 10 (5 Base Damage x 3 = 15) MD: 7 (50 - 47 = 3 Damage to Spencer, 14 Damage in Thorns) Spoiler Sand Shark:HP: 80/125 - 29 From Thorns and AttackDMG: 50Spencer:HP: 437/440ENG: 40/44Hate: 3 (3 From Max Crit)Neo:HP: 240ENG: 23Hate: 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #16 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As Neo watched the shark jump out of the sand and strike Spencer, Neo stood dumbfounded. She knew that strange things could happen in this game, but didn't think the idea of a land shark would actually be implemented. At the very least it was only a quest mob and not an everyday occurrence. Shaking her head clear once more, Neo tried to unleash her sword art on it once again but found herself missing wide as the shark jumped back into the sand. It was moving through the sand like water and she couldn't tell where it was anymore. I'll need to be faster if I want to catch up to the shark. I'll wait until it goes to attack spencer and then strike as quickly as I can. Let's just hope it doesn't target me, if it does I doubt either of us will be prepared. Maybe Spencer's penguin will be, but what cold he do? Spoiler Roll ID: #102647 BD: 4 + 1 = 5 - Miss CD: 2 - No recovery proc Sand Shark: HP: 80/125 DMG: 50 Spencer: HP: 437/440 ENG: 40/44 Hate: 3 Neo: HP: 240 ENG: 22 (+1 regen; -2 miss) Hate: 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #17 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer watched as Neo missed an attack, but he knew that fighting something this fast was a bit difficult to land a hit, he was lucky that he even hit the thing. Spencer twirled his mace and tried to track where it was going. The sand shifting and moving where the shark went through, then it launched up. Spencer gasped a the sudden movement of the shark and fell back, nearly getting bitten by the shark. Luckily, he was just out of the range of the creature. Spencer breathed in slowly and got up, looking around. This shark was going to be a bit more difficult than it seemed like it was going to be, which was not fun at all. Spencer grimaced, a bit annoyed, and looked over at the woman. "I'll try to keep its attention, I ca protect against the damage a bit more, and my thorns on my armor will damage it if it comes to close to me." He called to the woman and got ready to attack again. ID: 102690 BD: 3 ID: 102691 MD: 5 Spoiler Sand Shark:HP: 80/125DMG: 50Spencer:HP: 437/440ENG: 40/44Hate: 3Neo:HP: 240ENG: 22Hate: 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #18 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Neo looked around the sand in vain trying to locate the sand shark. She just couldn't figure out where it was in the sands. As the shark was moving around, all the sands were shifting and none of them were obvious where he was. At the very least, it seemed to be focused on Spencer for the time being. She hoped that he would be able to do better than her at spotting the shark. In the meantime, Neo prepared again in hopes of hitting the shark as it came out to attack. I just hope this fight doesn't go so long that I drain myself of energy. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up. I have some help in energy costs, but I don't think it's going to be able to keep up with my expenditures forever. Neo kept her eyes trained on the sand, hoping she would spot the shark before it spotted her. Spoiler Roll ID: #102696 BD: 2 + 1 = 3 -Miss CD: 7 - recovery proc Sand Shark:HP: 80/125DMG: 50Spencer:HP: 437/440ENG: 40/44Hate: 3Neo:HP: 240ENG: 23 (+1 regen; -2 miss; +2 recovery)Hate: 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #19 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer watched as Neo kept her eyes trained on the ground in front of her and around her, checking for the shark. Spencer had his eyes doing mostly the same thing, trying to find the shark. However, it seemed to have gone under ground for the time being and protect itself, probably because it realized that it wasn't hitting them and didn't want to get hurt anymore, the AI probably updating its tactics in order to figure out the best plan of action of fighting the two players. Okay, it is underground for the time being, what to do now. Just protect Neo, Noot, and myself. Make sure that no other payers get harmed during all of this, and just be safe. He sighed a bit at the last statement. The two of them were fighting a shark that can swim through sand at high speeds and evade our attacks. And we have a little pet along with us, it was not going to be that safe. Well safe as I can make it I suppose. ID: 102702 BD: 4 ID: 102703 MD: 5 Spoiler Sand Shark:HP: 80/125DMG: 50Spencer:HP: 437/440ENG: 39/44Hate: 3Neo:HP: 240ENG: 23Hate: 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #20 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Neo was keeping her eyes on the ground, trying to figure out where the shark was. With all the shifting sands it was hard to tell, but Neo found what she was pretty sure was the front of the waves. She tracked it for a little bit more, watching it circle around Spencer. It was ignoring her for the time being, but that probably wouldn't last for very long. Not wanting to be caught off guard, Neo launched an attack at where she thought the shark was going to be. She managed to land it through the sand, seeing the shark come up a little bit as her sword pulled on it with each thrust. Its health bar popped up as it came out of the sand for just a second. They were doing damage, but Neo wasn't sure if it was going to be enough. Letting the shark continue to swim, Neo kept an eye on its trail, waiting for the next opportunity. Spoiler Roll ID: #102704 BD: 6 + 1 = 7 - Hit CD: 4 - No Recovery Sand Shark:HP: 64/125 (-16): 4 base * 4 sword artDMG: 50Spencer:HP: 437/440ENG: 39/44Hate: 3Neo:HP: 240ENG: 21 (+1 regen; -3 sword art)Hate: 2 (+1 hit) Link to post Share on other sites
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