Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #21 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer watched as Neo was able to make a successful attack on the creature, causing its HP to lower a bit more, causing it to run underground quickly. Spencer gave a fast thumbs up to Neo, showing her that he thinks she is doing a good job. Spencer then tried to follow the sand, but another cave in of the sand happened. Spencer slid down fast and the sand behind him erupted with the shark behind it, colliding with Spencer. Spencer gasped loudly and flew into another dune, but luckily his thorns worked on the shark. It slithered away with even more HP gone, it was starting to seem a bit more frantic, like it was getting closer and close to dying, which is what Spencer was liking to see. Okay, we kill this thing, the quest is over, then we can be done! Maybe I'll do a bit more on this floor before I leave, maybe take care of another quest, not sure which one though, there are a few I haven't done yet. ID: 102706 BD: 3 ID: 102707 MD: 6 (3 Damage to Spencer, 14 Damage to Shark) Spoiler Sand Shark:HP: 50/125DMG: 50Spencer:HP: 434/440ENG: 38/44Hate: 3Neo:HP: 240ENG: 21Hate: 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 10, 2018 #22 Share Posted July 10, 2018 As the sand began to cave once more, Neo was looking for the shark. She couldn't spot it but heard Spencer yelp. She quickly turned to him and spotted the shark trying to get back under the sand. Oh no you don't. Neo quickly unleashed an attack. She wasn't completely prepared and it threw her off balance but she managed to strike the beast before it got under the sand. As it lay on the sand, paralyzed, Neo finished her sword art and sliced off the creature's dorsal fin. Let's see just how well you can swim in sand without that. Neo took a step back to ensure that she had actually paralyzed the shark and not just dazed it. She had regretted not checking once before and didn't want that to happen to her again. Hopefully, Spencer can capitalize on the situation and deal with the shark quickly. I don't know how much longer it's going to be able to keep up its attacks with it bleeding out now. Spoiler Roll ID: #102711 BD: 9 - Minor Critical Hit CD: 1 - no recovery Sand Shark: HP: 30/125 (-20): (4 base + 1 crit)* 4 sword art DMG: 50 Bleed (12 damage/turn) - 2 turns paralyze (lose action) - 1 turn Spencer: HP: 434/440 ENG: 38/44 Hate: 3 Neo: HP: 240 ENG: 19 (+1 regen; -3 sword art) Hate: 4 (+2 crit) Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 10, 2018 Author #23 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Spencer watched as the Shark came out of the attack it just landed, trying to swim away from the two of them for a breather. Neo, blessed be her, wasn't not having it at all. She came flying through and slashed at the shark, knocking it prone half in the sand. Spencer beamed brightly at her and ran forward while it was laying there for a moment, slamming hard down on to the beast. The shark roared in pain and slowly started to move again, burrowing itself into the ground again, but if it stayed down there for to long, it was going to die no matter what it did. "Neo, I think you just signed its death warrant. The thing has bleed on it, now no matter what it does, it will bleed out and die, nice work." He smiled at Neo and gave her a little applause, laughing a tiny bit. She seems to be a good fighter and a good teammate, I hope me and her can get to quest again together sometime soon. ID: 102721 BD: 6 ( 3x4 = 12 Damage) Spoiler Sand Shark:HP: 6/125 (-12 - 12) DMG: 50 Bleed (12 damage/turn) - 1 turns paralyze (lose action) - 1 turn Spencer:HP: 434/440 ENG: 37/44 Hate: 3 Neo:HP: 240 ENG: 19 Hate: 4 Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 11, 2018 #24 Share Posted July 11, 2018 Neo heard Spencer's information and realized there was nothing she needed to worry about now. She took her eyes off of the sand and checked to make sure there wasn't blood on her rapier. Though the game likely didn't include any sort of rusting function on gear, Neo wanted to be certain. Satisfied that her blade was clean, Neo waited for the shark to bleed out. She was disappointed that they likely wouldn't get the loot from it with it buried in the sand, but was still satisfied with getting the experience from it. Spencer was a good fighter, and he could tank well. Perhaps she would have to keep him in mind when she needed help doing a quest later. It would certainly be a good thing to do. They seemed to be relatively close in level, and Neo knew that she could catch up if she was behind. She had been working hard and wasn't going to stop here. Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 11, 2018 Author #25 Share Posted July 11, 2018 Spencer smiled and sat down on the sand, feeling satisfied that the Shark was going to bleed out and die in the sand so they didn't have to deal with it anymore. Spencer yawned a bit and looked up at the sun, Noot was snuggled against Spencer still, the man forgetting the penguin was there. "Noot! Are you okay?!" He said and pulled his penguin out, holding him in front of him, he got instantly worried for the adorable little bird, thinking he could have seriously hurt him. The penguin nooted happily and clung to Spencer's arm, waddling up it and jumping on to his shoulder, kissing his cheek. Spencer chuckled a bit and hugged the penguin, he loved how adorable he was sometimes, well all the time. Spencer got up form his sitting position on the desert floor, and walked towards Neo, holstering his mace, and putting his shield back on to his back. "So Neo, want to start heading back to the main area? I think we are done with this now." Sand Shark, Bled to death. Link to post Share on other sites
Neopolitan 0 Posted July 12, 2018 #26 Share Posted July 12, 2018 As the shark bled to death, Neo watched as Spencer talked with his little penguin. Seeing the two of them together made Neo a bit happy, as well as a little envious. She had already thought about getting a familiar of her own, but didn't think that they would be this responsive. In the few games she had played with familiars, they were often just random tagalongs to give you a couple extra buffs. Here, though, they seemed to actually be companions you could adventure with. It was nice to see the game put something in that was so kind after knowing it could do things so cruel. Neo gave a nod to Spencer after he talked to her. It was about time that they wrapped things up. She would him and his penguin, but she wanted to be stronger the next time that they met. The front lines, that was her end goal. (OOC: You're good to post the thread summary whenever. I'll close it once I see it.) Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted July 12, 2018 Author #27 Share Posted July 12, 2018 Thread Completed +4 SP - Spencer, Neopolitan +200 Col - Spencer, Neopolitan, +1 Sand Armor Potion - Spencer, Neopolitan Link to post Share on other sites
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