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[PP - F01] «TheThird Lesson is just as Free»

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Approximately two years ago,

After turning in Lyle Tealeaf's kill/fetch quest, Tyonis was promptly given the next quest in the chain and told to see Hannah the Artisan. Apparently she was situated in one of the city parks. He relayed this information to @Spencer before consulting the beta tester instruction guide and explained that this particular quest also had a boss battle. Tyonis licked his lips in excitement. The last Boar Pup encounter wasn't really thrill-invoking. He was hoping that SAO would provide him with some quality combat mechanics and this sounded like the perfect way to see them.

Without dying, of course.

"Well Spence, looks like we are heading deeper into the town. The book says she'll be in one of the larger groves so it shouldn't be too hard to spot." After only a few minutes of searching, they came across the woman, focused on painting a tiny dragon perched on the trunk of a tree. "Is that a dragon? No. No way. This is a safe zone." Tyonis muttered before handing off the parcel to the NPC. She then informed the pair that they'd have to go into a dark cave nearby and retrieve a gemstone so she could finish crafting a ring. 

At this point, Tyonis had grown numb to fetch quests, so he simply accepted the quest prompt and guided Spencer to the cave. 

"It's dark as hell. You think there's a Night Vision Skill?" 

Word Count: 240



Level 07
» 140 HP
» 16 EN
» 4 DMG
» 2 ACC
» 0 EVA
» 17 MIT
» +1 LD
» +1 Stealth Detection

» [Perfect] T1 2H Assault Spear: +2 ACC | Bleed
» [Uncommon] T1 Heavy Armor: +9 MIT

Battle Ready Inventory:
» (5) Starter Healing Potions (+50HP)
» (5) [Uncommon] Tier 1 Health Potions (+40HP)

» Rank 1 | 2H Assault Spear
» Rank 1 | Heavy Armor
» Rank 1 | Searching


» None

Items Used
» None


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"Sounds good to me, at least it is still around the first floor, nothing too difficult when it comes to fighting." He smiled and looked around the floor a little bit as they continued to walk. By this time, there were more people getting around than people freaking out at this point, which was a good sign. However, the people who were working on leveling were not doing much in terms of readying themselves, when Tyonis and Spencer are here, working on leveling very quickly. "Man... This is really a statement to the mental ability of people to overcome hardshi- oh my god that is a dragon. I want it." Spencer stopped and looked at the little animal perched around, then it started to fly, just a little bit though. It is adorable, I want one- wait, is it a familiar? I read that you can get pets in this game. Spencer thought to himself for a moment, wondering if that is what it is. He pushed the thought away as the woman directed the two to the next part that they needed to go to.

Spencer followed along silently and looked up when it started to get dark from the surrounding cave, which made Spencer a little uneasy. Tyonis brought up the thought that maybe there was a skill to see in the dark, and he wouldn't be surprised if there was. "Probably, I've heard there could be floors completely in the  dark." He said to the solider, the pair venturing deeper.

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"You know, that's a horrifically bad line to say right when we are about to enter a dark, spooky cave, right?" Tyonis highlighted as Spencer downplayed the 1st Floor's deadliness. At the idea of a pitch-black Floor, Tyonis shook his head. That would not be an enjoyable experience. He'd have to level up his detection abilities beforehand. Maybe there was a hearing skill, similar to echolocation. 

Bats greeted the pair as they ventured into the cave. Tyonis held one hand up in front of his face and ducked low to avoid them until they finally cleared out. "That was loud and annoying," Tyonis remarked, picking at his ears to emphasize. After the last bat fled, Tyonis motioned for Spencer to follow him deeper in. 

"So, I just realized that the NPC didn't give us a description of the gemstone." Tyonis sighed heavily. "But in atypical MMO fashion, it should be at the end of this cave. It doesn't look like there are any branching pathways, anyway."

Word Count: 166

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"Welp, too late now." He laughed when Tyonis commented on the comment Spencer sent out about the darkness. Spencer entered into the cave behind Tyonis, and almost got hit to the ground by bats. Spencer gasped and ducked down quickly, the birds flying over head. Spencer looked back at them and looked around, a bit irritated that that just happened. "You're right. Loud and annoying that is for sure." He muttered and looked around, getting ready to go into the darkness. The blackness felt like it was oozing all around them, and it was becoming difficult to feel comfortable as the pair started to venture even farther.

When Tyonis brought up the gem, and he shrugged. "Probably going to be glowing on a pedastol with a break of sunlight on it, these quests are definitely not for the super critical and intelligent, they are very simple." He muttered and looked around, dragging his hand along the wall as the two of them walked, he didn't want to run into it.

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Tyonis chuckled at Spencer's apt summary of how this quest was most likely going to pan out. "Well, your guess is actually 100% accurate. According to the beta tester information booklet, it is pretty much impossible to miss unless you literally close your eyes." 

Tyonis coughed and read aloud, holding the book in one hand. "There will be a single shaft of sunlight that pierces the darkness. Within that ray of hope, you, wayward newblet, will find your prize. But beware, for when you pluck the sacred stone from its holy pedestal, you will awaken its ancient guardian, which will deliver righteous retribution upon you in the form of a fist to your god-forsaken face. By the way, it will penetrate all defense and deal 50 unmitigated damage. Tis the ultimate bitch slap. Try not to get one-shot, since you'll most likely have less than 80HP at this point."

Tyonis paused and blinked owlishly at the book with a raised brow. "This book's snark is better written then most of the in-game quest text."

Word Count: 176

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"Well maybe I want to be blind, did the game ever thing about that?" He laughed a bit and walked along the cave, not sure exactly what this was going to entail. He knew that it shouldn't be that difficult at the beginning, but he still was not looking forward to having to defeat all these other creatures. Hmm that enemy seems actually kind of difficult, kind of worrisome if you ask me, but I think the two of us can survive it, we are already half way done with all of this, we can make. Spencer psyched himself up a bit internally while Tyonis read off everything the book wrote about. Spencer approached more of the cave, and saw some light in the distance. "I think the gem is coming up soon. And I respect a snarky book, not everything has to be taken seriously, unlike that monster it described. It seems a bit difficult to fight, but I think we will have it handled." He smiled at Tyonis and the pair continued to walk down the cave path, the entrance being swallowed by darkness.

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"Oh man, if I went blind - I don't know what I'd do. I might just hold out on those cybernetic eyes that are coming out soon. But they don't pay Soldiers top-dollar, mind you." He mused with a chuckle. He looked up to where Spencer indicated and let out a low whistle as they approached the medium-sized chamber. It was flat and circular with one exit and, as the book said, there was a single rocky outcropping in the very center with a glowing green gem illuminated by a single shaft of light coming from a small hole at the top of the cave roof. Tyonis walked up to it and folded his arms, shooting Spencer an amused look.

"Well. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was a TRAP!" Tyonis called out the last word, letting it echo throughout the chamber. When no monster spawned he shook his head. 

"Ready your mace, I guess." Tyonis shrugged and plucked out the stone.

Word Count: 164

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"Cybernetic eyes sounds painful, and if any sci-fi movie has taught me anything, is that they will get hacked and used to spy on you." He shrugged and smiled at Tyonis, the pair becoming closer friends, and they were also getting closer and closer to fighting this beast, what ever it was. I wonder if either of us will get seriously injured... I mean Tyonis does have the item right now to block the first attack, so I think the two of us will be okay for this fight, my HP I think can handle to first attack for sure, might just be a little stressful to keep moving on. He thought to himself for a moment, snapping out of his thoughts when Tyonis yelled something out about it being a trap, and ushering Spencer to get his mace ready. Spencer nodded and drew it, crouching a bit lower and looking for a movement. There was nothing for a moment, and Spencer was ready to tell Tyonis there might not be anything, but then something started to come. A loud rumbling noise from the darkness. "I think we found the monster." He said and looked at the solider.

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Tyonis chuckled ruefully, unsure if Spencer knew how close he'd come to the truth about his statement concerning government surveillance. As if on que, the Cave Guardian emerged from the opposite end of the chamber, bursting through the cave wall in a grandiose entrance that surprised Tyonis, since this was such a low level quest. 'Kayaba went through all the stops to impress new players, I guess,' he mused and readied himself. The Cave Guardian lumbered toward him but its movements were so slow, Tyonis could have easily dodged the creature's stone fist even without the superhuman aid the Skill Assist System granted him. He rolled out of the way with practiced grace. In one hand he held his spear, in the other was a small bottle of crystal clear liquid. 

"Bottoms up. This thing expires after the quest anyway, so..!" He downed the potion in a single gulp, ignoring the harsh taste. His whole body became encased in some kind of polygon-like transparent shield and a new buff made itself known by his HP bar. Once the buff icon appeared, the shield vanished.

Word Count: 184


The Cave Guardian Spawns

Tyonis drinks the Safeguard Potion.

The Cave Guardian attacks Tyonis and Misses!

ID Target Roll ACC EVA MIT DMG Status Effect
103129 Tyonis 1 0 0 17 0 NA

- Party Stats -
 140/140 HP || 16/16 EN || 17MIT || 4DMG || 2ACC || 
<Spencer> 420/420 HP || 42/42 EN || 47MIT || 4DMG || 14THN || 1REC || 1REG ||

- Enemy Stats -
<Cave Guardian>
 20/20 HP || 5DMG || 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)
                   Hate Meter:  0Tyonis || 0Spencer 


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Spencer watched as the cave guardian slowly lumbered out of its hiding place and approached the two players. Spencer was a tad bit put off by the creature's appearance, but its stats weren't that bad, except for the first attack, and his attacks could really help with taking out the monster's health. Spencer gripped his mace tighter and looked over to Tyonis taking the safeguard potion the quest before gave to him. Spencer nodded a bit, happy that Tyonis was protecting himself. Spencer took a small step forward, it seemed to be only focused on Tyonis, so this was his chance. Spencer dashed forward and struck it hard in the back, the sound echoing off the dark cave's walls. The beast let out a mighty roar and quickly turned to face Spencer, the hate mechanic was now turned on his. Spencer bit his lip and got into a fighting stance, ready to take on whatever it was that was going to happen.

ID: 103153 BD: 8 (3x4 = 12 Damage)

- Party Stats -
 140/140 HP || 16/16 EN || 17MIT || 4DMG || 2ACC || 
<Spencer> 420/420 HP || 39/42 EN || 47MIT || 4DMG || 14THN || 1REC || 1REG ||

- Enemy Stats -
<Cave Guardian>
8/20 HP || 5DMG || 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)
                   Hate Meter:  0Tyonis || 1 Spencer 

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Tyonis uses Heft on the Cave Guardian and Misses.

Cave Guardian attacks Spencer and Misses.

ID Target Roll ACC EVA MIT DMG Status Effect
103154 Cave Guardian 3 2 0 17 0 NA
103155 Spencer 3 0 0 0 0 NA

- Party Stats -
 140/140 HP || 14/16 EN || 17MIT || 4DMG || 2ACC || -2EN
<Spencer> 420/420 HP || 42/42 EN || 47MIT || 4DMG || 14THN || 1REC || 1REG ||

- Enemy Stats -
<Cave Guardian>
 20/20 HP || 5DMG || 50 (on first successful hit only)/ 5(Does not gain bonus damage from crits)
                   Hate Meter:  0Tyonis || 0Spencer 


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