Teion 0 Posted July 24, 2018 #21 Share Posted July 24, 2018 Teion took a moment to process, rubbing at her temple with her free hand. So, everyone else was gone. Attacked, or splitting off to find their way out of this madhouse. Feeling and registering the unfamiliar weight of the katana her right hand still clutched, she frowned and opened her menus. The weapon's sheathe was surely still sitting on Ryo's belt, and she preferred not to occupy a hand while she searched for its owner. With the katana safely stored away, Teion begrudgingly nodded, going over Kairi's suggestion once more in her head. "Yeah, not bad. Not like we have much of a choice, and I'm sure as hell not standing around down here." She sighed in residual frustration at the mess they had all found themselves in. "What was your name? Sorry, I'm Teion." She sloppily introduced herself, bringing a hand up to the back of her neck as she tilted her head to one side. "I'm not actually in your guild, but I'm, uhh. Friendly with a few of them." With the situation pressing, she kept things short and sweet. Her head moved to motion Kairi up the stairs, where she understood some of the others had willingly gone. "Anyway yeah, go ahead. If they stayed as a group those four should be easier to find." She waited until Kairi had disappeared up the main staircase. Painfully long seconds, while she wanted to march up the stairs past her to find Ryo. But first, she wanted to be alone. Just for a moment. When Kairi's footsteps disappeared and a silence settled over the foyer, Teion too two long strides to her right and brought her left knee up. In a fit of anger, the woman delivered a heavy roundhouse kick to the side of a bookcase, the front of her boot slamming into the dark oak surface with a loud thud. As expected, her outburst was rewarded only with the purple dialogue window to inform her that the object was Immortal, but there was another sound that reached her ears. A small "Noot!" that sounded positively frightened. Teion's eyes widened, her temper immediately draining when they landed on the trembling baby penguin, cowering in the corner beside the bookcase. "Oh my God, Little Noot," She knelt down and carefully reached out to the scared familiar, scooping him up in her arms and holding him close to her chest. "Ahh, did you get separated from Spencer?" Her brows knit with concern, and she frowned, looking back to the staircase over her shoulder. "Right, well. We'll find your dad soon, don't worry." She ran her fingers over the feathers atop his head to try and soothe him. With a baby familiar in tow, Teion made for the stairs. She hadn't made it more than two, however, when a clicking sound caught her attention. Teion turned, glancing over her shoulder to catch sight of a marbled bust swinging towards her. Teion tensed up, and she felt herself freeze up for far too long. She didn't have the agility to sidestep its path. Tightening her hold on Noot, she turned her back and the force of the trap collided with her avatar, easily knocking the woman over into the stairs. She twisted her torso, letting her shoulder slam into the staggered wood as she let out a short, involuntary cry at the chained impacts. With her body half-curled against the stairs as the statue slowly moved back into place in the center of the foyer, Teion panted lightly. She picked herself up slowly, thankful for the lack of pain receptors her body possessed. "You okay, buddy?" She made sure the penguin that clung to her was unharmed before she would push forward. Link to post Share on other sites
Telrenya 0 Posted February 17, 2020 #22 Share Posted February 17, 2020 With all of the players working together, they were able to track down the demon's hiding place. In the darkest corner of the mansion, they made their final stand. It was a messy combat, with nine players fighting their way past each and every minion and monster the demon could summon up to get in their way. With the encounter coming to a head, it was Spencer that delivered the final blow, an ear-splitting crack coming off of the demon's skull as his mace seemed to knock it clean off. Sputtering, gurgling, the monster shrank and recoiled, its health draining to zero and it shattered into thousands of brightly-lit pieces that faded into the air. With the monster gone, it was like the oppressing darkness that had suffocated the mansion began to dissipate. The sinister flickering of the lamps that lined the hall returned to a soft, inviting glow. The brambles and thorny vines that blocked off the mansion from the rest of the forest shriveled and vanished, and even the statues and paintings that decorated the interior seemed to become more friendly and innocent with the demon's influence gone. The group of players let out a collective sigh. They rejoiced, but at the same time hurried out of the mansion and back to the nearest settlement. All of them could agree that they'd had their fill of haunted houses in Aincrad. Thread Summary Teion: 1 SP (4 posts), 44 col @Kairi: 1 SP (3 posts), 44 col @Spencer: 44 col @Hestia: 44 col @Jomei: 44 col Telrenya: 44 col @Ruby: 44 col @Ryo: 44 col @Jevi: 44 col Link to post Share on other sites
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