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[PP-F1] A 5 for 4 deal <<Secret Medicine Of The Forest>> (Dustin)

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Once again Enna sat at the gate of the town of beginners They were leaning against the wall of the gate and looked at all the players that walked passed. Enna looked into their Menu and got out a notebook, On the book, it said 'Info Broken' And Enna began to move a bit in it while reading pages. Enna looks up and sees they got a message from one of their contacts that was out getting information for the lower leveled players around here, They opened it "Ooh, I see, So that quest is on two floors, Interesting," Enna says low and closing the message again and starts to write in the notebook again. Enna's Job was quite good now and they got quite a lot of information from people but most of it they already knew, But sometimes New things would pop up.

Thinking about it Enna looks at the other things they have been writing down in the book about the area, "Floor one, Is mostly plains and hills. To the northwest of the Town of Beginnings, there is a large deciduous forest region. To the northeast is a lake region, filled with bodies of water. pass either of the two regions before reaching a mountainous region containing ruins, valleys," Enna reads in a low voice not finding out that they have been speaking out loud and most people would start to hear them read. Enna Sighed "I want to write about my spot and the Spot Dustin has here on floor one but it is a secret 'lonely' spots," Enna says before reading on and writing something. "Maybe I should get a confirm on the quest <Secret Medicine Of The Forest>, Just to confirm for myself that a bigger party means more monsters before the big bad boss shows up."


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Dustin walks into the town of beginnings and smiles when he sees Ennakai by the gate. “Hello friend.” He waves and walks over, sitting next to him. “We should go on an adventure. It won’t be so weird this time.” He says, looking at his right hand. A smile is drawn across his face and he looks off to the horizon, “I was about to head on a quest, wanna come?” He smiles innocently. Standing up and laughing he runs back out into the fields. “Come on, we can’t be out too late.” He shouts back to Enna. I hope I don’t get weird again. Whatever, so long as we don’t get too close I should be fine. Besides, I could never like a liar like him. He smiles. I just can’t trust him, even though I was in the wrong. Still, he is pretty cute. And he’s fun to be around. We could be friends. Drawing his sword he runs forward, “I’m gonna run Aincrad one day. Right now, I’ll settle for killing Flowers.” He chuckles. His cloak blows in the wind, his hood still covering his brown hair and blue eyes.


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Enna looks up from the book he was reading and sees a familiar face next to him, "Ooh," he says a bit surprised, "Hi there, Dustin, you are just in time to..." as Dustin speaks about a quest, Sure Enna wanted to come and help, It meant he also would get some stuff from it like skill points, but More than that he wanted to do the quest he was looking at in the book he was writing. He stands up and follows Dustin with a small skipping motion, "Not that fast, Just... Urg... your way to fast," he said as he was back to the way he always acted like. Enna caught up with Dustin and smiled at him as he mentions running Aincrad one day but keeping it to killing flowers now, wait, flowers. "Dustin, could you by any change go for the quest  <Secret Medicine Of The Forest>, Well you are my savior," he says with a smile and follows him as the golden cape he got from Pick moved on the wind.

Enna sees that Dustin get out his sword, Maybe it was for the best to get out the weapons just in case any monster would show up. he gets out his new dagger and shows it off to Dustin [daggers look] "I got this made for me, quite handy, don't you think," it was not the only new thing he got as the golden cape he had on his back was a gift from Pick, a person he met. "Ooh Dustin forgot something," he opens his menu and sends Dustin a party invite, "I want to test something in this quest, just to see if it is true, But first find this village that to start the quest, It is over there," He said pointing over the hill as you could see a windmill in the distance, "Ooh and one more thing, If you need to know something, Just ask, Got a lot of things done in the meantime, Kind of became a Info Broker," He said with a smile before moving on.


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Dustin looks at Ennakai. Good, he doesn’t hate me. “Okay, I’m down for anything.” He says, accepting the party invite. Dustin dances as he walks, like he usually does and hums his favorite song. The song he hums every time. Holding his sword’s pommel to his mouth like a microphone, he mouths the words. He spins and does finger guns at Enna and laughs, trying to get Enna to dance too.

As the two adventurers make their way towards the village, Dustin laughs. “So, my good sir, you’ve gotten stronger since last we met.” He says, joking around. “Well so have I, not much, but I have. I also became a blacksmith, so if you ever need a new weapon or something, swing by. It’ll be in the house.” He smiles, holding up his sword. “Even if you don’t want a new weapon, just tell people about my store. I’d owe you one.” He looks at Enna, right in the eyes. “By the way, that adventure we went on a while ago, it was one of the best adventures I’d ever been on.” He smiles, completely trusting Enna at this point.


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seeing Dustin dance made him a bit giggle at it, never has he sees someone dance in this game, apart from that one girl he once saw in beginners town. after that Enna let's out a sigh and is kind of smiling now, Luckily he is acting normal again, he thought before going on. Enna did a bit of a shock reaction as Dustin called him a sir, True he was the first player to ever know about it but it felt kind of weird being called sir or something else apart from a girl. Dustin then spoke about his job as a blacksmith, "Ooh yeah I heard, Information moves fast you know, well Pick told me, But who cares, Information stays information." Somehow he had this kind of thought in his head that he and Pick knew each other. He turned around and looked where he was walking and started to follow into Dustin's footprints "well Dustin I'm Happy to tell people about you, and you know what once I set up my own shop why don't you come by and buy some jewelry," Enna said turning his way to his new cape and looked quite happy.

As the walked on the Village was already getting in few but they still had some time to walk there, "So what kind of things have you learned about the world, and did you by any change meet someone interesting so I could get a bit of information around for people," he asks wanting to get his role as an Info broker to get around. It was not easy for a low leveled player to be an info broker but he was told he gets information very simple and this could help in getting personal information like what players are up to, Like a tracker. Then Enna shacked his head and his hear around and looked at Dustin, "Dustin... Um ... Have you told someone about me?" he askes him wanting to know if that kind of information got out or not.


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“What do you mean? About me knowing you?” He asks, completely confused. “Or about your secret. If it’s the latter than no, it’s not my business to tell.” He says, looking into Enna’s eyes. This time he doesn’t blush, or get flustered. His heart rate stays exactly the same. I’ve never been so at ease. It’s weird. He looks at Enna’s purple hair and gold cape. “I like your cape.” He points out and thinks back on what he said. “Oh, you know Pick? Yeah, he’s one of my best friends.” He laughs and moves on. He’s my only friend other than Enna. He lifts his sword and rests it on his shoulder. “With all that sick gear, you must have amazing stats. I just stick to farming small monsters.” He says, looking at his old sword. This is my favorite blade, but she’s about to need to retire. “Oh yeah, you know Fury’s Hand.” He says, holding his sword as if it were a child. He gently caresses the blade and hugs the sword. “A beaut isn’t it?” He says, pointing the reflection right at Ennakai, so he can see his face.


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Enna let's out a sigh as Dustin confirms that he did not tell anyone, and Enna seems to be happy about it. She nodded at the thing about Pick "Yep He helped me, Got me to where I am today," He stops a bit "I MEAN Like, helped me with a quest, the earning a living one, Became an Artist, Kind of have that as a side job for now," Enna said not knowing what was going to happen at this point, He trusted Dustin now and He was someone Enna could see as a close friend at this point, But it went all so fast from a few days spending together, What was going on in Enna's head now was for him also unknown. As Dustin that turns his sword around Enna can see his reflection in the sword and laughs.

Enna looked at the road and the Village was there, It looked like there still could be PKers around here because they did not enter a safe zone. "So this is the village, Now we need to find.." Enna said opening his notebook again to see where to start the rest of the quest, "Over there, at that guy there, the chairman looking guy," Enna said pointing at the house at the end of the street. Enna took Dustin's hand and dragged him into the village, Once inside the NPC moved all into their houses as the two walked passed. It was kind of creepy how the NPC's reacted to them as they walked passed, It looked almost like a scene out of a movie Enna once saw.


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Dustin looks at the NPC and smiles. "I think you might have just gotten yourself a loyal customer, you seem to know your stuff." Enna grabs Dustin's hand and he gets a bit confused. Wait, what? Why? How? When? What? "Enna, you can't just grab my hand like that. I told you last time, give me a warning." He says, blushing.  He walks towards the man in the village and smiles, standing in front of the quest giver. "We're here to help. I'm gonna get that medicine for you." He turns to Enna, and they begin walking. "Does my favorite info broker have any data on the monsters we're gonna be killing? Or are we gonna have to gather it ourselves?" He asks, the last part draws a grin across his face. Looking around, Dustin realizes he's lost, and turns to Enna, "Hey, do you have any idea where we're going or are you winging it too?" his eyes close and he stands up, arching his back in and pointing to himself. "No need to worry, I'll kill those stupid plants by myself if I have to." He smiles at Ennakai.


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"Oops, Sorry forgot, I warn you next time though," Enna said and does a small bow to Dustin, Enna totally forgot that Dustin said that. Dustin spoke to the quest giver and started the quest, as he then asked about the monsters they would be facing, "Ooh I don't just Wing it, I bring it as well," He said with a giggle, "The monsters we need to face are Nepents I know that you need to defeat two of them to get the boss  Nepent Variant to spawn, The only thing I wanted to know is... Um, to see what happens when you have a bigger party." Enna says "Oh and it is right over there at those rocks near the forest," as he points to the rock not far away from their location.

It was quite something to trust someone with info and of course it could always be very helpful as well, but Enna saw this as a good thing Trust is hard to come by these days. "So Dustin, We can both kill a Nepent and see if it spawns If not, we need to kill two more, that doesn't seem to hard right," he says as he look at the stats of the party. Clealy both players where in for a good time but also a fun and dangerous time as the monsters could end up over welming them, But Enna always seeked Danger.


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Dustin grabs Enna's shoulder and smiles. "I'm gonna trust you to have my back here. I'll have yours too, so no need to worry." He laughs, running off into the distance. His sword held tight in his hand, this was where Dustin felt most at home. Fighting along someone he trusts, this made him happy. He loved the rush he got from combat. "Hehe, now this is gonna make for an awesome adventure." He says, jumping off of the rock towards the Nepents. He rolls and stands up, slashing at the first flower he could. He misses slightly but he ducks under the monsters attack. "You take the other one. I'll take the bouquet of lame." He says, "You know, this is the only way I ever have fun, fighting with friends, killing monsters." His face locked on the Nepent in front of him, facing away from Enna.

Dustin pulls his hood down and looks at Enna, "We should do this more often. I would love to help you get stronger. Plus, gotta help you get your info." He smiles, turning back to his friend. "You're a cool enough guy to spend more time with. And once I get this whole hating the real world thing under control, I'm gonna clear this game. I want you to tell me how." He says, in a tone so serious no one had ever heard from Dustin before. He still avoids making eye contact with the purple haired player. "But whatever you do, don't go and die out there." He says.


ID: 105288

BD: 2

Dustin's attack misses

MD: 1

Nepent's attack misses

Dustin: 160/160 HP | 14/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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Enna let out a sigh, Heading head on first into danger, I have to follow don't I, He thinks as he runs after Dustin "Not so fast leave some for me too," he says trying to catch up with Dustin. Once there he sees that Dustin mist the first attack, a waste of tactic but still they could not lose at all they were much higher level than the plants. Dustin stands there saying that Enna should take the other one that popped up and so he does, wanting to hit the second monster Enna charges his sword art and moves in on the Nepent. It Moves away from his attack but with and quickly turns to hit Enna on his back with one of his vines. Because of this Enna loses his footing and falls to the ground.

Enna looks at the Nepent and shakes his head, "You know that hurts, you stupid plant, Maybe I'll have to trim you a bit," he says as he gets up quite quickly. He looks around to see if there was something useful around and Enna spots a tree not far away, With few quick moves Enna jumps into the tree trying for another method of attack, "No worry Dustin, Just keep a eye on them, I won't leave you here," He shouts down from the tree. Enna looks around in the tree and spots a small branch, He jumps out and runs around Dustin making a circle around the both of them, He then stands with his back to Dustin and smiles "Stay in here, and if they get inside the circle we attack, If they do not come in the circle we just hold back."



ID:  105289

    BD: 3 [Miss]

    MD:  6 [hit | 3 DMG]

Dustin: 160/160 HP | 14/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Ennakai | 97/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    Energy | - 2 EN Miss attack

   2#Nepent Attack | 3 DMG | 97 HP

1#Nepent | HP 7/7 

   Ennekai Attack | Miss

2#Nepent | HP 7/7 

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Dustin presses his back up against Enna. "Hmm, I guess you don't know me. I'll bite though. Let's do this, but if take even 1 damage, my plan is over." He says. He's an info broker, so I'm assuming he knows what he's talking about. Dustin drops his hand and it touches Ennas leg. "Ahh, oh sh*t" He says, jumping away and falling backwards out of the circle. He's trying to gather his thoughts when all of a sudden a whip flies out at him. Moments before the vine hits Dustin, he throws his arm over his face. "That was my fault. You're plan is down the gutter though. Unless." Dustin looks at the ground for a second. "Stay there." 

Dustin jumps up and runs towards the rock a meter or two away. He stops a foot or two short of the rock, turning quickly. "Come on, you big bumbly idiots." He grins. When the flowery dumbos make their way over to Dustin, he turns and runs up the rock. He reaches the top of the rock and jumps back, flipping into the circle. "Now it should be easier, they're in front of us and I won't accidentally touch you again." He says, holding his sword straight out, pointing it towards the flowers. "This time we wait until they start their move here." His eyes turn red, like at the end of the last time they adventured together. A grin climbs upon his lips, "Then we'll strike like lightning." He laughs.


ID: 105295

BD: 2

Dustin's attack misses

MD: 7 - 1 = 6

Nepent's attack lands

3 - 14 = 1 DMG

160 - 1 = 159 HP

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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Enna felt Dustin's hand on his leg and after that, he heard Dustin lose focus and fall, He looks back at Dustin saying a few things. "Well, no need to worry I think they seem to be quite weak anyway so let's take them out," He said abandoning his circle and standing face to face with the second plant. It was not hard to think about it but the plant was quite a fighter and still be a weaker enemy it still could be very deadly from time to time.

Enna looked at the Nepent and moved into his fighting stance, getting low to the ground touching the ground with his free hand. He moved to the Nepent and charged his sword Art, the dagger became a green like an aura and Enna moved in. with one hand close to the ground Enna moved her dagger into the monsters legs, and with a quick turn as he slashed the Nepent in the back. The Nepent fell down and disappeared into Pixels, "One Down... Come On ... Let's do ... This," Enna said sounding a bit out of breath.



ID:  105329

    BD: 10 [CRIT 2+]

    MD:  1

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 13/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Ennakai | 97/100 HP | 7/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 LD | 0 HATE

1#Nepent | HP 7/7 

2#Nepent | HP 0/7 

    Ennekai Attack | Hit | DMG 5 + 2 = 7 | Round Accel x2 = 14 DMG |



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Dustin charges up his sword art. He points his blue glowing sword at the flower in front of him and smiles. "You're gonna die." He steps forward and tries to slash the monster but misses. "That was my fault. My joke wasn't good enough." He says to Enna as he ducks under the whip flying at him. "What can I say next time. Nah, it'll come to me later." He says, rubbing his chin. The player had been thinking so he moved back next to Enna. "You better stay away from the flowery boy over there. He's mine." He says, removing his cloak. "Time for you to shine, Fury's Hand." He says, charging up his next sword art and pointing the sword at the Nepent. "Let's toss some salad... Dang it!" He says, stopping his sword art. "That's two, I'm out of it today." He says, still trying to think of something to say.


ID: 105332

BD: 4

Dustin's attack misses

MD: 5 - 1 = 4

Nepent's attack misses

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 12/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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"Keep your head in the game Dustin, Puns can be done later, Kill those plants," Enna said to Dustin as got next to him, Sure the puns were okay but it was no time to joke around as there came another Nepent, "You can have him, I take this one... Seems Like this as maybe something true about it," Enna said looking at the third Nepent that came up as he killed the second one. 

Hearing Dustin make a pun again Enna moves lower to the ground, "Grass, what is going to happen next," Enna said looking at Dustin before charging at the new Nepent that popped up, Once again his sword art got ready and he moved to the Nepent. Enna got his momentum from being so low to the ground and jumped up into the Nepent slashing it in the face, before jumping off it and doing a 360 and slashing it on its back. "Come On Dustin... Rose up, And Strike that thing," Enna said before letting out a small giggle of how he was a bit better with puns then Dustin.



ID:  105347

    BD: 6 [HIT]

    MD:  8 [DEAD]

Ennakai | 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 LD | 0 HATE

Nepent | HP 0/7 

    Ennekai Attack | Hit | DMG 5  | Round Accel x2 = 10 DMG |



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Dustin looked at Enna, successful in his endeavors and he tightens his grip on his sword. “Did you just tell me to hurry up?” He asks, stabbing his sword into the ground and waits. The nepent closes in on Dustin, and he looks at it with a glare so intense it would make Kayaba pale. The boy had been annoyed to the point of not caring. “Don’t you ever tell me what to do again Enna. I tend to have problems with people who do that.” He says, lookin over at Enna, killing another Flower. The Nepent keeps moving towards Dustin and he grabs his sword and activates a sword art, bringing his blade upwards at the Nepent. The Nepent was an inch too far back though, so Dustin’s sword didn’t cut anything except Dustin’s last shred of dignity. He steps back and draws his brows in, focusing on the monster in front of him.


ID: 105348

BD: 3

Dustin’s attack misses

MD: 4

Nepent’s attack misses

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 11/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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Enna Looked around to see if the Nepent boss guy was showing up, but as he looked he only saw Dustin and the Nepent fighting. So it is true, the bigger the party the more Nepent you need to kill, wait... There seems that there is no other Nepent coming, maybe Like it says Kill two Nepent both players need to do it, Enna thought before moving to Dustin who sounded a bit pissed at the time. "Sorry Dustin, I did not know," Enna said tapping him on the shoulder hoping he would accept the apologies. As Enna took a few steps back from Dustin again as he was still fighting the Nepent, "I will be standing over here, You can have him, as It seems like each player in a party needs to kill two Nepents to get the boss out of hiding, I will be Root-ing for you, Dustin," Enna said looking at the quest as it said a clear marker on his side as well as waiting for other players. He was kind of hoping the Nepent would be dead soon as both of them could get some XP out of it as well.  Enna takes out his notebook, and start to write something while paying attention to Dustin's movements and also the Nepents movements, As he was writing about both Dustin's and the Nepent's fighting style. The Nepents seemed to have a pure vine wipe and rush tactic while Dustin was moving around quite a lot and jumping as well.



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Dustin sighs, as another attack goes unsuccessful. "This game is making me mad." He pulls his hair and drops to the ground. Dustin hadn't gone this long without successful attack in a very long time. His brain had no idea how to react, until. He rises to his feet, almost a completely different person. His body straight upright, his back arched back. His confidence and rationality was gone. His body had dropped all except his knowledge of combat. He turns to Enna and grins, his eyes red like when Dustin had taken it too far on their last adventure. "It's okay, I just want to kill that stupid flower." He draws in his brow and turns back to the Nepent and points his sword as it starts to glow blue.


ID: 105389

BD: 2

Dustin's Attack fails

MD: 5 - 1 = 4

Nepent's attack fails

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 10/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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Enna looked up to see how Dustin was going, as Dustin had the same look as when he went crazy last time, Oh No not again, I have to hit him on the head once we are done there, he promised not to go Crazy, Enna thought before seeing how Dustin was fighting against the Nepent. The Nepent kept doing the same thing Make itself smaller to dodge Dustin's attack and after that do a basic Vine Whip. "HEY DUSTIN, IM GOING TO GIVE SOME ADVICE, NOT THAT YOU HAVE TO DO IT. AIM A BIT LOWER, THE NEPENT KEEPS EVADING YOUR HIGH HITS, AIM FOR ITS... ROOTS," She yelled at him hoping he would not get mad at him for giving him advice.

"Please for the love of this game, Give Him some hits on that thing," Enna said with a low voice. He was a bit worried Dustin would go mad and even attack Enna If this kept up. "YOU CAN DO IT DUSTIN, I BELIEVE IN YOU!" He yelled in he hopes to Give Dustin some hope and luck in hitting his enemy.


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Dustin glares at Enna, listening to his words. He turns back to the Nepent and rushes in. In stead of going low, he side stepped and caught the nepent by surprise. "Boo." He says, slashing upwards at an angle and shakes his head. His eyes turn back to normal when Enna says he believes in Dustin. He then finishes his attack and smiles as the nepent explodes into polygons. He turns to the purple haired player and smiles, "Lettuce continue." He says as the next nepent appears and Dustin looks back at it. "Man, these flowers seem to Fall out of the sky." He says, making eye contact with a flower. His face turns to a frown and he looks at Enna, "I just made eye contact with a flower." He puts his hand on his forehead. "What has my life come to?" He asks, bringing his sword up.


ID: 105416

BD: 6

Dustin uses Snake Bite on Nepent

5 x 3 = 15 DMG

7 - 15 = 0 HP

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 10/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 0/7 HP | 3 DMG


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