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[PP-F1] A 5 for 4 deal <<Secret Medicine Of The Forest>> (Dustin)

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Enna is a bit confused to the fighting tactics of Dustin but keeps paying good attention to his moves, as he then fakes out the system and hit the Nepent killing it in one blow, "Nice job, did not even know you could fake the system like that," He said with a small giggle. as then a second Nepent appeared out of nowhere, Dustin made a command about this and Enna looked up, "Nope Not from the sky, maybe they come from the ground ... Cus they are plants ... maybe?" Enna said after his command about them falling out of the sky. As Dustin got ready again to fight and made his command of making Eye contact with a flower, "Eye see what you did there, But I'm sure they don't have eyes," Enna said giggling to himself a bit. Dustin is a funny guy, but he has to control what he wants, going to far will lose hope, losing hope will end up in bad situations. Enna thought before inspecting the fight again.


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Dustin tilts his head and laughs. "This isn't gonna take long. I'm gonna have to kill this one then we'll finish off the last Nepent." He says, lunging at the Nepent, This time sliding under the vines and slashing the monster at three different angles on the back. "I hope I didn't hurt you too bad, don't want to make you vine." He says, grinning over at Ennakai. This was Dustin's best joke today. He steps back and laughs as the monster pops into blue polygons. Dustin throws his sword up onto his shoulder and smiles at the guy. He walks over to the player and turns back to the woods. "Here it comes, Let's do this." He says, grinning at the monster. He pushes Enna forward and laughs, his eyes red yet again. "This time I'll destroy this monster." He laughs.


ID: 105719

BD: 7

Dustin uses Snake Bite on Nepent

MD: 7

Nepent dies

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 8/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC

Nepent: 0/7 HP | 3 DMG


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And there goes the last Nepent as Dustin cuts him to pieces, "Nice job, and Nice pun too," he said before standing up. Enna sees the Nepent variant come there way, it was bigger than the others and it even has red. He then got pushed by Dustin, "H...he, I already got to it you know," Enna snaps at him a bit before getting his dagger out and ready to attack the thing. His dagger became a red glow and Enna moved in holding his body close to the ground, but Enna was surprised by the move of the Nepent Variant as it moved quickly out of the way, Enna tried to correct her strick but one of her feet slipped away in some mud and Enna felt to the ground. "Darn, I did not suspect this at all," he said kneeling on the ground while holding one hand on the ground, Enna looks at Dustin, "Hit Him Dustin!" he said hoping Dustin would hit the field boss and get some damage off. If Dustin does hit it, It will be focused on him at least he has MIT and I don't.



Role ID: 105765

    BD: 1 [Crittical Miss]

Ennakai | 100/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    EN -2 CRIT MISS, +1 REGEN |

Dustin: 159/160 HP | 9/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

    EN +1 REGEN |

Nepent Variant: 15/15 HP | 10 DMG | 5 MIT

    Ennakai's Attack: Critical Miss | 



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Dustin grabs his sword and cracks his neck. "Show time." He picks Enna up off of the ground. His foot moves forward and he flies at the monster, but the monster attacks first. "This is gonna be annoying." he says, exhaling sharply. He knows he might lose control soon and he looks back at Enna. His eyes look as if they're full of sorrow and he shakes his head. I can't lose control again, so I might have to step back. He pulls his mind back together and he shakes his head. "This isn't how we die, I guess I'll just have to try to kill it quickly." He throws his arm over Enna's shoulder. "If we switch in the next basic attack, I'll run in and kill it." He says, whispering in Enna's ear. "If not, I'll let you slash my back three times for every time I lose control." He walks forward. "Don't be too rough though." His eyes look red at this point.


ID: 105804

BD: 2

Dustin's attack misses

MD: 10

10 + 2 = 12 DMG

159 - 12 = 137 HP

Ennakai | 100/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 LD | 0 HATE

Dustin: 137/160 HP | 8/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Nepent Variant: 15/15 HP | 10 DMG | 5 MIT


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As Dustin helps Enna up to his feet again, he sees Dustin go for the attack but it seemed like the field boss had other plans and attacked first, "Watch out would you, I ain't no darn Medic here," he said getting his dagger ready as well. Dustin comes close to Enna again and tells him something, "Oi, I'm not planning to die, And I'm hell not planning to slash you, you are my Teammate here, Idiot" he says before going and attacking the field boss again, He charged his attack getting a green glow on his dagger, but yet again the Field boss just moves out of the way of his attack, "WHAT THE..." he turns facing the field boss again, "For a big plant you are quite fast," he pauses and looks at Dustin who is behind the field boss, "DUSTIN NOW! GET HIM" he yells while the plant faces Enna. He was kind of hoping Dustin would end up hitting the monster this time but that was still as the field boss was now focused on Enna and not Dustin.



[ooc: Dustin you messed up a bit, On a 10 the monster always hits no matter the EVA, so you will be taking full on 10 DMG as the Nepent Variant ignores MIT on a 10 roll so you are at a total of 149 HP and not 178 HP, Still don't know how you get more HP while in thread but that is also not possible even if you level up, the thread HP stays the same at the start]

Role ID: 105829

    BD: 5 [Miss]

Ennakai | 100/100 HP | 7/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    EN -2 MISS, +1 REGEN |

Dustin: 149/160 HP | 8/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

    EN +1 REGEN |

Nepent Variant: 15/15 HP | 10 DMG | 5 MIT | ignores armor mitigation on a natural roll of 10

    Ennakai's Attack: Miss | 



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“On it.” Dustin says, charging his sword art yet again. “This time I’ve got it.” He says, tilting his head forward. He runs in and slashes a V on the Nepent Variant’s chest before it even gets the chance to attack. I actually did it. Hah, it’s dead. “Woah, I wasn’t expecting to get it at all.” He sighs in relief. The player had been prepared to die in that field, but he was never scared. In fact, he was hoping he would so he could finally see Kadin again. “I’m just glad we didn’t die.” He smiles at the other player and walks over offering a high five. The player turns to the cloud of blue polygons and smiles. “Looks like we get to fight some more.” He says, pointing to a nearby Nepent. The boys smile grew more ominous as the Nepent drew in closer. He was waiting for it to attack first, so he could try to trick the system again.


ID: 105830

BD: 8

Dustin uses Vertical Arc on Nepent variant

5 x 4 = 20 DMG

20 - 5 = 15 DMG

15 - 15 = 0 HP

Nepent variant Dies

Ennakai: 100/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

Dustin: 149/160 HP | 5/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Nepent variant: 0/15 HP | 10 DMG


ID 105836

LD: 5 (Fail)


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Enna Looked at Dustin as he slashes the field boss into pieces, Darn that was fast, he thought as then the quest updated again to Kill two Nepent, "Looks we have to kill two more you take one and I take the other," he said as he saw two Nepents come into few. Enna walked up next to Dustin and tapped him on the shoulder, "You take him I take that ugly mug plant," he said pointing at the two Nepents walking into few. 

Enna locks eyes with one to the two Nepents at least what he thought were its eyes. He got ready his sword art yet again and charged at the Nepent, sadly for Enna the Nepent was standing almost on the same spot where the Field boss was standing on his first attack. It jumped up and Enna slipped over the mud yet again, WHAT THE HELL REALLY! he thought before standing again and seeing the two Nepents locked on him, "D...Dustin Use an AoE if you have one kill them both in one hit," he said to Dustin that was behind the two Nepents.



Role ID: 105872


        Ennakai's Attack Missed Horible

Ennakai: 100/100 HP | 7/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    EN: -2 miss | +1 Regen

Dustin: 149/160 HP | 6/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

    EN: +1 Regen

Nepent 1#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG

Nepent 2#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG



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"I don't... have... the energy." He says, trying to catch his breath. The boy falls to his knees and keeps trying to recuperate from the previous fight. "Next time... I'll get that drop." He says, trying to push himself back to his feet. His arms appeared to be weak from the continued use of sword arts and his stamina was depleted. As he begins to stand up he looks to Enna, "Don't worry... about me. If..." He gets cut off by a vine whip, launching him across the battle field, next to the other player. His health bar inches down, but it looks a lot worse than it was. He manages to get back to his feet and look at the player. "Like I said, don't worry about me." He mutters, looking at the nepent in front of him. "I'll take care of this one, you stay focused on your own fight." He reaches down to Enna, offering to help him up. "Or we could fight together." An innocent smile crosses his face and he tilts his head.


Action taken: None

ID: 105916

MD: 10

5 - 14 = 1 DMG

149 - 1 = 148 HP

Ennakai: 100/100 HP | 8/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    EN: +1 Regen

Dustin: 148/160 HP | 7/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

    EN: +1 Regen

Nepent 1#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG

Nepent 2#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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"T...Thanks... Um let's not make a habit out of this, But we should get both each one, Makes it easier to get the field boss again," she said accepting Dustin's hand. Once on both feet again Enna looked at the Nepents who were standing there, both of them at full health both of them would be a one hit. Enna locked on one of them and spun his Dagger in a circle around his hand, "Well here we go again," he said. As he got his sword art ready again Enna moved up to the Nepent that was there and once he got close to the Nepent it just jumped up slamming its vines into Enna hitting him in the back, "Darn it, They are not making it easy for us," he said looking at his HP as it went a bit down, but He was not worried and turned his view back to to the two Nepents.


Roll ID: 105947

    BD: 4 [Miss]

    Ennakai's Attack Misses

    MD: 9 [Hit +1]

    Nepent 2# Attack Hits: 3 DMG

Ennakai: 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

    EN: -2 Missed Attack | HP: -3 Nepent 2# Attack

Dustin: 148/160 HP | 7/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE


Nepent 1#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG

Nepent 2#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG



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Dustin prepares for the next attack and lunges towards the nearest monster. The monster moves to the side and throws Dustin with its vines. "Phew, You're right. Let's take this battle to them." He grins looking at his health bar barely move down. He moves back next to the other player and grabs his arm. "Wait to figure out their move first. If you recognize the move, you recognize the opening." He advises. His hand moves back to his side and he rests his sword on his shoulder. "Whatever you do, don't miss." He says, patting the player on the back. The brown haired player moves his hand down to his pocket and he sits on a log, making sure to be away from the closest nepent. "How's this? If you miss, you're buying drinks. If I miss, I'm buying drinks." He laughs, hoping the player wouldn't take it seriously.


ID: 106221

BD: 2

Dustin's attack misses

MD: 8 - 1 = 7

Nepent attacks Dustin

3 - 14 = 1 DMG

148 - 1 = 147

Ennakai: 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

Dustin: 147/160 HP | 6/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Nepent 1#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG

Nepent 2#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG


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Enna Laughs, "I'm Fine it is just a small attack," He says looking at their HP bars in the tap, It seemed both of them are going down slowly but it was not very scary at all as the Nepent seemed to be weak. Dustin came up with something and Enna nodded, go for the counter-attack I see, It would be hard to pull off but we will see, Enna thinks to look at the Nepents movement, It is just going left... right... left... and right again. Enna gets impassioned and moves to the Nepent for his attack, His blade becomes blue and as he almost is close the Nepent jumps out of the way, "First drink on me," Enna says turning around to face the Nepent. He gets out a small laugh and yells "I Curse thee for being so irritating weed that you are." the Nepent does not seem to like it and moved into Enna and tries to strick him, Enna just moves close to the ground and the vine moves over his head, "MY CURSE, IT WORKED, ooh and the second drink on this Plant over here!" He said with a laugh. Enna seemed to be having fun at this time just teasing the plants.



ID: 106275 

    BD: 4

       Ennakai's attack misses

    MD: 3

       Nepent attack Misses

Ennakai: 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

Dustin: 147/160 HP | 6/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE


Nepent 1#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG

Nepent 2#: 7/7 HP | 3 DMG



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  • 4 weeks later...

Dustin pulls up his blade and doesn't charge a sword art. "Don't worry, I've got this under control." He pulls his sword up and rushes towards one of the nepents, plunging his blade into the center of it's body. Damn, that almost felt like cutting an actual plant. It's nice how accurate Kayaba made this game. He pulls his legs up and presses them against the monster his blade was currently sitting in. With all the might he could muster, he pushed on the monster with his legs and pulled on his sword, launching off of its face and landing on his back. The nepent bursts into a blue cloud of pixels as Dustin stands back up, smiling at his friend behind him. He turns and extends his arm, holding out a thumbs up with a big goofy smile on his face like he hadn't been hurt at all that day.

ID: 108230

BD: 10

Dustin gets a crit on Nepent

5 + 2 = 7 DMG

7 - 7 = 0 HP

Ennakai: 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

Dustin: 147/160 HP | 6/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Nepent 1#: 0/7 HP | 3 DMG

Nepent 2#: 7/7 HP | 3 DM


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Enna looks as Dustin hits his target even Cutting it as well, "Nice hit Dusty boy, Seems I'm buying drinks then that still Alive Nepent there and well let us see," Enna said before rushing in with his dagger moving quite fast low to the ground. getting close to the plant Enna cuts it in the lower part on the thing it is standing before doing a powerful thrust into the things lower torso killing it quite fast. Enna turned around to look at Dustin, "Ooh It seems I'm buying drinks now, DARN I wanted o have a good drink with the plants, some herbs in my tea or something would be nice," Enna said jokingly, as he then turned to look at the sounds of some moving trees, "Here he comes again, He really does not like Us cutting down its friends," Enna said as the Nepent Variant walked up, but it did not seem to be agro to them quite yet, "DUSTIN, Hold up, it is not agro to us, Just wait a bit until we got our Energy back for an all-out attack on that thing, and let me get the last hit so we get that small bonus as we loot it, higher chance to get the item," Enna said walking up to Dustin slowly.

ID: # 108237

    BD: 10

       Ennakai's attack Crits | 5+2=7 | 7*2=14 DMG |

    MD: 6

Ennakai: 97/100 HP | 6/10 EN | 5 DMG | 0 MIT | 0 ACC | 3 LD | 0 HATE

@Dustin147/160 HP | 6/16 EN | 5 DMG | 14 MIT | 1 EVA | 0 keen | 0 ACC | 0 HATE

Nepent 2#: 0/7 HP | 3 DM

OOC: Wait 3 Post before getting to him, We need our energy,

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Dustin laughs. “I’ve never listened to you before, I’ll give it a shot.” He sits down. I wish we could just get this done and over with, I like Enna, but he can be so distracting and aggravating that I lose myself. He looks down at his blade, checking for any smudges or scratches. She’s such a beautiful blade, I need to take better care of her. Fury’s hand was a great blade too, but she’s too old anymore. He looks over to his old friend and pulls out two drinks, both alcoholic. “Now I don’t owe you anymore.” He says, offering one of the drinks to Enna. I don’t think I owed him any, but better to be safe than sorry. He drinks his real quick and pulls out two cookies. He sets one on Enna’s lap with a smile on his face. “Eat it up, they’re delicious.” He says, nodding to the cookie and taking a bite of his own.


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Enna looks up from his position to Dustin, "Wait you don't listen to me, I better clean your ears then, Maybe there is a bit of Dust-in your ears," Enna said laughing a bit. As he sees Dustin sit down Enna walks over to him and stands next to him looking at the Variant Nepent, just to make sure it did not get argo to them. As he looks a bit at the field boss standing there Enna gets something on his mind maybe if think ended good Enna would get the last hit and make sure the Item spawned on them. Then out of his eye corner, he sees Dustin getting out something, Quite something very VERY nice in Enna's eyes. With one quite movement Enna sits on his knees next to him taking the drink, "THANK YOU! You Owe me up to 0 things now, I owe you more cuz this is Alcohol! I LIKE!" Enna said starting to drink like a madman a bit, Sure Enna was now 20 but still, He liked drinking. The Dustin placed a cookie on his lap and Enna looked down, from his drink, "Ooh More food," Enna said taking the cookie and eating it before he went on with his drink. It looked like the Purple haired player was enjoying it quite a bit at least the Alcohol.


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"Wow, you really like this stuff don't you." He says, leaning his back against a rock. "It's been a while since we just sat and hung out. Why don't we do that anymore?" He asks, trying to make conversation with the purple haired player. Dustin thought this whole quest would be awkward, but it's not. It's not as awkward as he thought it would be at least. The worst part is the waiting. These flowers just never stop coming do they, well they do when you're ready for your next bout. He finishes his drink and laughs. "We went from me liking you, to it almost being mutual to us not talking to us drinking with each other. You're just as crazy as ever Enna. That's why you're so cool." He scoots closer to Enna and throws his arm over Enna's shoulders. "It's not flirting, don't worry." He begins to rock side to side and hum a recognizable tune. One that most people had heard before. This was Dustin's way of showing that he trusted Ennakai, because he had never done this with anyone else before. "Whenever you feel down, just hum that song and you should begin to feel better."


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A small hiccup comes out of Enna as he puts the drink down quite fast, "Aaah Yep, I like it," Hiccuping a bit as he did. It was not that you could get drunk well you could but it would have no effect on you in combat or anything else. But because Enna drank it up so fast he was feeling it quite a bit already. "I'm Great, You are Great, WE ARE GREAT!" Enna said out as he then moves closer to Enna saying he is not flirting, "We friends right, I don't care," he said putting his own arm around him as well. It was quite funny to see Enna like this, being a bit of a light head and drinking the alcohol up quite fast made Enna a bit drunk and thinking with his actions and less with his word, while he also seemed to be more as a guy now as well. As Dustin then start to hum a song Enna gets a smile on his face "Nice song, very Very nice sound, I will remember," Pausing again to let out a hiccup again, "You are my first friend, And first to know my thingy you know that thingy right," he says sounding a bit hype but also just normal and more energy.


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