Shield 0 Posted September 3, 2018 #1 Share Posted September 3, 2018 Spoiler << Bloodstained Land >> This Quest Takes Place on Floor 5. This Quest is ONLY repeatable for the Quest Reward Item. ----- After the discovery of Avalanche the Absolute Zero, many information brokers had grown interested… was this the first of many evolutions? Their minds had grew more and more eager, and of course they had hired explorers to find the next evolution… it was a while before any confirmation was given… but then, a group had found one more… many had fell to this boss alone as it had the defence greater than many tanks, and has the power greater… much greater than the previous one… this boss was said to put Avalanche to shame, with this new found information… the information brokers came public about the new boss… Land Shark the Terra Firma. ----- << Land Shark the Terra Firma >> HP: 650 DMG: 250 MIT: 75 ACC: 0 EVA: 4 Abilities: << Assault Mode >> : On a LD roll of 10+, this boss will spot through hidden players and the bosses ACC and EVA will temporarily switch for his attack and his attack only and will strike as though it had partial phase on a natural roll of 9, and full phase on a roll of 10. << Move Swiftly >> : The skill Concentration will not work on this boss, and players will suffer a -1 penalty to ACC. << Hard-Scaled >> : Paralysis and Freeze does not work on this boss. << Weak-Spots >> : On a player’s roll of a natural 9-10, they will gain partial phase on their attack. Last Hit Reward: Terra Firma Scale [Unique Item - On Consumption, it will grant any Armor a temporary additional Mitigation slot for a thread, this temporary Mitigation slot bypasses the mitigation enhancement limit.] ----- Quest Rewards: Sandstone Armor Potion [T2 Potion - Gives a player +30 MIT for a thread.] 3 SP 5000 Col ----- Recommended Level: 35 The day had been a long time coming. With the support of Beat and Baldur, Shield only had one remaining concern - Zandra. A proper front liner guild needed a dedicated healer, and although Zandra was more than capable and seemed to have good intentions, she was closely associated to one who Shield regarded as a risk. If Ariel had affected her, the proposal for the front line healer to join the guild would not be made. Of course, Zandra had not been told of any of this. Shield had spent a considerable amount of time debating the matter and deciding if it was something he could risk, but in the end, he always came to the same conclusion. "I'm just going to have to talk to her and find out what kind of person she really is," he sighed. Standing up from his kitchen table, he made for the door and started off down the mountain towards Taft. As he strode down the rocky terrain, he drafted a message to the self-appointed 'Berserk Healer.' Quote 'Zandra, I hope you're well. I have a quest I was hoping you could join me for. Meet me on the fifth floor. We'll discuss the details if you're interested and proceed from there. -Shield.' The walk was not short, but he was used to it. Before he knew it, he was stepping into the teleporter on his way down to the lower floors. "Floor five!" Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted September 4, 2018 #2 Share Posted September 4, 2018 (edited) Zandra was laying in her bed with face on the pillow when she herd the familiar sound from a mail in her inbox. A sound that have become way less often after that day. That day for so many months ago. The last week she had totally ignored all mails after she have checked who the sender was. Since it wasn’t Avilon, she didn’t bothered to open them. She had almost given up on finding her by now. But maybe this was from her. She pulled herself up and saw the sender. It wasn’t Avilon, but she still didn’t closed the screen right away. It was from the tank she had done the same in just a few days that it have taken weeks for a guild party to do. What could he want to tell her? She didn’t opened the mail but rose and walked to the window. There she stared at the peaceful lake that was the view from their bedroom. After her long days of searching for Avilon and short nights of close to no sleep had resulted in heavy bags under her eyes and a sleepy pose. Then she decided to read the mail. I turned out Shield wanted her to join on a quest. A quest on floor five. Zandra rose a sleepy eyebrow. Why would she want her on a quest down there? She shrugged. ‘’Well, Im running out of place to search for her. As a merchant he maybe knows something.’’ She with a dozy voice. Zandra headed straight for the portal in the main settlement with the kings eagle circling high above her, keeping an eye on the surrondings. Zandra entered the portal. ‘’Floor five.’’ She said as clear she could. When she exited the portal she immediately opened her inventory and picked out a potion. She closed the screen and looked around until she spotted Shield. She opened the vial and drank it when she walked up to the tank. She gave the tank a tired smile and looked at him with sleepy eyes. ‘’Hi Shield. How are you? Whats the plans?’’ she asked as her mind got rid of the doziness and got more clear as the potion took effect. -Potion of the water dragon consumed (good quality potion) -Using mega slime farm (September) Edited September 6, 2018 by Zandra Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted September 5, 2018 Author #3 Share Posted September 5, 2018 Shield gave a crooked frown at Zandra's appearance. "Jesus," he exclaimed softly. "Are you alright? You look like you've been through hell." He knew better than to continue to comment on a woman's disheveled appearance. Still, it was clear he was concerned. "We can discuss the specifics as we walk." He gestured for Zandra to follow and walked towards the edge of the town. As usual, the nearly perpetual sandstorm that surrounded the oasis settlement filled the air with a dim filter of clay-colored haze. Little grains of sand tapped lightly against the Manticore Mask that Shield had slung over his shoulder. After a minute of walking, Shield ventured a hope that Zandra was more awake than she had been at first. "There's a guild, or at least there will be." He let those words sink in for a moment before continuing. "We need strong players. It's going to be our best attempt to bring some real coordination and communication to the front lines. To act as sort of the face for the front lines and help supply and inform the crafters that keep us stocked." Shield did not look over. His eyes remained forward. "Before we continue with that conversation though, I need to know what kind of person you are. We've adventured some, but to tell the truth, I know your.... associate... Ariel... better than I know you." Shield let those words hang in the air. His face was tight, but it was not harsh or judgmental. There was a lot riding on this conversation. He would not afford to mince words or dance around the topic. "I will be honest. It is that association which causes me the most concern." Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted September 5, 2018 #4 Share Posted September 5, 2018 (edited) ’’If Im alright?’’ Zandra replied to Shields question. ‘’Well, lets say Ive been better. Hehe.’’ She gave him a faint smile and a thumb up. ‘’Though, I do have some questions to you later I hope you can answer.’’ She said as she followed him when he said they could talk the specifiks on the walk. Zandra was happy Shield took the lead, she wasn’t sure if she would lead them the right way. Not even with the potions. After a little less then a minute, Zandra took out another potion from her inventory. A moment later Shield started to talk. T begin with he informed her of a new guild that would be created, with strong players. So that was why he had wanted her to come. He wanted to have the best healer in his guild. Zandra was happy though that someone wanted her in their guild, but she would be more happy if it was because of her and not her skills. But at least her person or past wouldn’t matter in this guild since it was to be as strong as possible. With a smile she opened the vial. He continued talking and it Zandra stopped in with the potion to her lips and froze in place, looking at Shield. When she herd him mention Ariel, she cough. Then he finished of with saying Ariel’s association with Zandra was his biggest concern. Zandra just stared at the tank for several seconds. ‘’Ariel?’’ she said as her breath got a little faster. Zandra felt anger building up inside her. But before it showed she calmed herself by emptying the potion. ‘’Why does my association with Ariel matter?’’ she answered calmly and with a neutral tone in her voice. Edited September 5, 2018 by Zandra Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted September 6, 2018 Author #5 Share Posted September 6, 2018 Zandra's reaction was immediate. Unlike before when he had showed concern for a fellow front liner, now he was beginning to tread on sensitive territory. He turned to face Zandra properly, his expression stony yet calm. "It may not matter at all," he replied matter of factly. "I have not seen you spend a great deal of time with the self-proclaimed lioness, so it's possible that your contact with her is minimal, or at least is not of any concern. However, of all the players I have encountered in my time in Aincrad, I trust Ariel the least. I encountered her long before I did you, and for a while, I only knew you as a friend of hers." The sentiment was a delicate one to express, especially considering how quick Zandra's mood had changed before. She had taken offense to something. "You seem decent enough on your own, if not a little passionate in the heat of battle," he said, feeling no need to soften that hammer fall. They were in the midst of it now. No sense skirting issues. "I just need some reassurance that the common bond you once shared with Ariel was not recklessness or disregard for life. Of the other players joining me in the guild, I know a thing or two about their convictions and their morals. You, on the other hand, are still mysterious to me. So what I ask is to dispel the mystery. If we are to put together the right task force to blaze a trail to freedom, we need to be able to trust our fellow team members." It was a difficult subject to discuss so openly. In the real world, most people would be too polite to even have the conversation. However, politeness only had so much merit in this world. 'I have to know more before I know whether she's going to be a danger.' Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted September 6, 2018 #6 Share Posted September 6, 2018 (edited) Zandra stood still on the spot, her crimson eyes fixed at Shields dark brown. She gulped once as she listened to him without interrupting. She wanted to listen to what he had to say before replying. She grit her teeths as he kept going. Thou she know she must hold back now, don’t lose it. Thou she had have similar discussion with others, though they haven’t given her any time to explain before they turned around and left. Would Shield do the same? To judge from his face and what he seemed to want to get to know, he wouldn’t do that. So when he went silent, she at first didn’t said a word. She wanted to make sure he didn’t had anything else to add, as well as given a proper answer. What she said next, it was high possibility that it would break the friendship the two frontliners had. After quite a long pause she started to talk. ‘’So, what if you haven’t seen me spend time with her, have you seen me spend time with anyone? I maybe is with her all the time when you not see me.’’ She had a short pause before continuing. ‘’So you encountered her before you met me. When was that? Was it before or after she killed Lowe? Yeah, Im pretty sure you know about it, why would someone not trust her if not for that. If you knew I was a friend of a player killer, why did you went out questing with me?’’ she went silence as she weighted his words for a few seconds. ‘’What! Because Ariel killed someone, you think I may think like that too? Is that so? After she did that, everyone turned their back to her. Even for all the time she have been here, ONE mistake made everyone putting her away. Even Hikoru that have been his boyfriend for so long. Everyone, except me.’’ She took a step closer to Shield. ‘’One mistake, and people turn their back to her, leaving her all alone. Who was there for her when she needed someone the most?’’ she pointed on herself. ‘’Me! I was there, because I couldn’t live with watching her alone and doing nothing!’’ Her voice had increased in strength and she pointed back at the town. ‘’And what do people do? They treat me the same way, because I was there for her when everyone abandoned her.’’ She pointed on herself and her eyes got shiny from tears that wasn’t far away. ‘’They started hating me as well, but I hvent done a f***ing thing, except try to help a friend back on the right track.’’ She knew she maybe overreacted, but after taking words, glances and actions from others without hit back, this was the drop. She tried but couldn’t stop herself. Edited September 6, 2018 by Zandra Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted September 6, 2018 Author #7 Share Posted September 6, 2018 Shield had hoped that his message would be received peacefully, but he was still prepared for this possibility. He weathered the storm, affording Zandra the same respect she had given him, letting her shout herself out entirely. He let the sand in the air pass between them for a moment before responding. "You are partly correct about my knowledge of Ariel," he began, his voice remaining as cool and collected as ever. "I do know about what happened with Lowenthol. However," he raised his finger to emphasize the point. "I did not know about it until long after I first met Ariel and formed my opinions of her. The reason I first distrusted her was for other reasons entirely. She carried Beat and I through our second quest, and the look in her eyes while she mowed down the quest boss was... haunting. It was a bloodlust I had not and have not since encountered. It was something that struck me as... out of place, at least in a game where lives are actually at stake. It was akin to the look described by the few players who survived orange guild attacks, like the Laughing Coffin." He recentered Zandra in his gaze, his dark eyes remaining steadfast. "I do not hold anyone guilty by association. That being said, those with similar ideals tend to befriend one another, so I had to make sure the kind of person you were. And I figured it was best to do so up front if we hope to be allies. Even if I were to find encouraging information, it would not do well for you to find out I had been snooping around without your knowledge." There was no easy way to express doubt in someone, but if he needed to do so, it was best to lay the cards out on the table. Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted September 13, 2018 #8 Share Posted September 13, 2018 The two player that stood out in nowhere, with the sand blowing around them making it hard for anyone to hear them unless they came close and within sight of the frontliners. Was this just a coincidence or had Shield planned it? Well it didn’t mattered and the thougth left Zandra’s mind as quick as it have appeared. Her eyes have been shiny and her lower lip shaked, the berserk healer have been so close to tears. Her eyes have even drifted off, watching at the ground beside him. But when she herd a few words her eyes went back to him, blinked a few times and her face looked more surprised then anything else, she blinked a few times and the rage and tears that have been so close, left her. ‘’Wait, what did you just say?’’ she asked as he said bloodlust. ‘’She… she didn’t looked alright?’’ As he finshed his sentence, she didn’t herd what he said, a few words got repeated in her mind. Mowed down. Haunting. Bloodlust. ‘’Shield.’’ She gulped and it took a few seconds before she continued. ‘’Shield, when was this quest? Was it before or after Lowe’s death?’’ her eyes looked at the tank. Now though, it was easily spotted that she was worried by something. Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted September 13, 2018 Author #9 Share Posted September 13, 2018 "It's hard to say," Shield responded with a slight shrug. "Beat and I had been pushing for the front lines for the better part of a year before we heard about Lowenthol's death." He scratched his chin, trying to make sense of two pieces of information for which only one of which he had any solid time reference. "If I had to guess though, it was likely long after. I think Lowe was long dead before Beat and I crossed paths with Ariel." There was no telling how Zandra would react. These topics were clearly ones that she felt strongly about, and she had already run the full spectrum of emotion just in the last few moments. He waited patiently, letting Zandra work out whatever it was she was working through. Whatever it was, it was connected to things far outside of Shield's specific sphere of knowledge. He stood prepared, ready to handle her response, whatever it may be. 'This has been a much more animated conversation than I had initially intended. We'll see where all of this goes.' Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted September 13, 2018 #10 Share Posted September 13, 2018 It seemed that the quest had appeared way after Lowenthals death. Zandra looked at the ground as her brain worked to try to sort out her thougths to make sense of the information she had got. She scratched her chin while thinking. ‘’Hmm… does this mean that I… No… It cant.’’ She mumbled to herself. Then she rembered that the reason why they are here isn’t to solve this question. Shield wanted to know about her, Zandra. She moved her hand thru her black hair before looking back at him. ‘’Sorry. Didn’t meant to drift away like that.’’ She started with a steady voice. This break was good since Zandra felt she had got control of herself and wouldn’t lose it like she was close to earlier. She took a step closer to Shield and grabbed one of his hands in hers. Then her eyes looked into Shields again. The bags was there and her face looked exhausted, but the crimson eyes was clear and serious. She waited a ffew seconds before opening her mouth and started talking. ‘’Shield. I wont harm or kill any green player. When I started this game, I could sometimes go out of control and behave like you described Ariel, but only against mobs. I wont lie, I did attacked a player. Or, a charged him but snapped out of it before I touched him. After that, I worked with it and since then it haven’t happened again. Though as you said, I can be a bit passionate in battle. But against the enemy. I havent attacked anyone in over two years, and I have adventured a lot with other players. So I can make sure, Im not going to try to repeat Ariels action.’’ She started and before she continued, she decided to wait and see what Shield would answer. Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted September 13, 2018 Author #11 Share Posted September 13, 2018 Shield's dark brown eyes gave Zandra's a very lon, searching look. She had some less than favorable events in her past, but they were all events caused by momentary passion, and if she could indeed keep herself under control, then in theory, there should be no issues. He gave a brief nod. "Well, consider this a job interview of sorts then. Now that I know more about you, I can more accurately gauge what it is I'm seeing with you out on the battlefield. If we can work well as a team today, then I see no reason not to bring you aboard." He gave her hand a squeeze and released, motioning with his head in the direction of their destination. The storm was still blowing, sending grains of sand drifting through the air to occasionally tap against Shield's armor or sting him on the skin. It gave the air a light tan haze, but it was not particularly violent. As he pushed on through the cloud of swirling sand, he saw a brighter light ahead and trudged on in that direction. Soon, they emerged from the cloud and out into the open desert. Above, the sun pounded down, but the <<Survival>> skill made all of that much more bearable. "We'll be facing an evolution of the Landshark - The Terra Firma," he said. "It's a tricky boss that can sometimes throw you curveballs, but if you look carefully, you can find weak spots to exploit. Should be no problem for you." Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted September 26, 2018 #12 Share Posted September 26, 2018 So, it turned out Shield had accepted Zandra if the combat of today would turn out good enough. So it was pretty certain it would turn out okay. Like, they was on floor five. There couldn’t be anything dangerous here. Not for this duo. A faint smile appeared on her tired face. Then the tank went down to more current business. Information about the quest. It seemed it was just an evolved sand shark. The sand shark was a threat about a half eternity ago or something like that. So Zandra shrugged. ‘’Well, I have fought the sand sharl already. This guy cant be that much of a threat right? Or do you have any experience of this quest?’’ she took a paus before continuing. ‘’Also, we are on floor five. It isn’t impossible low levelled players accidentally engage a quest down here.’’ She kept her face forward but glanced at Shield as she walked by his side. Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted September 27, 2018 Author #13 Share Posted September 27, 2018 (edited) Quote [H:0] Shield - HP: 1610/1610 | EN: 152/152 | MIT: 181 | BH: 80 | EVA: -1 | DMG: 2 | ACC: -1 [H:0] Zandra << Terra Firma >> HP: 650/650 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 4 Abilities: Spoiler * Assault Mode - [LD 10+] ACC and EVA will witch for his attack - MD 9 - partial phase, MD 10 - full phase * Move Swiftly - Concentration will not work. All players suffer a -1 ACC. * Hard-Scaled - Paralysis and Freeze do not work * Weak-Spots - BD 9+, players gain partial phase Shield shaded his eyes from the desert sun, squinting into the distance. "Perhaps he won't be a threat, but landing a hit will be a challenge," he said, returning Zandra's sidelong glance. "It's fast. Faster than any floor boss we've fought in recent memory. And even certain bonuses don't work against it." They were drawing nearer the circle of stony spires where Terra Firma had appeared for him twice already now. He pulled the Manticore Mask down off of his shoulder and rolled his neck, limbering himself up for the fight. "My normal thorned defense isn't really what we're wanting here. If we want to get the drop, you have to get the kill shot. I don't want to risk getting it down near dead and having a thorn prick kill it early. Not that the XP wouldn't be helpful, but it's worth far less than the drop." As they drew level with the first of the stone spires, the dunes around them began to shift and flatten out. At first Shield couldn't feel it, even though he knew to look. Soon though, a slight rumbling announced the approach of their quarry. Shield raised the Mask and held it up before him. "It's coming. Look sharp." Edited September 27, 2018 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted October 24, 2018 #14 Share Posted October 24, 2018 It sounded on Shield that this would be more of a challenge then the sand shark. By some reason it would be hard to land a hit on it. Though if it was due to evasion or some special skill she wasn’t sure. To be on the safe side, she opened her inventory and took out a Hummus dip she had got from Neopolitan. She ate it and saw her accuracy stat increase. ‘’If its hard to hit, I guess I will use my accuracy gear.’’ She removed the santas cloak and instead putted on her handwraps of accuracy. This would increase her chance greatly to land a hit on most mobs. Zandra looked up when she herd Shield saying it was coming. She nodded and closed her inventory. ‘’Im ready.’’ She said and gripped her axe with a tight grip. She lowered her stance a bit. As she said, maybe it wouldn’t be that big of a threat. But she had to show Shield she wasn’t to reckless when it comes to battle. She took a deep breath. Hummus dipp consumed +2 ACC Spoiler [H:0] Shield - HP: 1610/1610 | EN: 152/152 | MIT: 181 | BH: 80 | EVA: -1 | DMG: 2 | ACC: -1 [H:0] Zandra - HP: 1545/1545 | EN: 150/150 | MIT: 98 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 | DMG: 18 | ACC: 5 << Terra Firma >> HP: 650/650 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 4 Abilities: Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted October 29, 2018 Author #15 Share Posted October 29, 2018 (edited) Quote Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+80 HP] Recovery - Craft: 9 [+3 EN] Cooldowns - Sharpness [0/1] [H:0] Zandra - HP: 1545/1545 | EN: 150/150 | MIT: 98 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 [H:0] Shield - HP: 1541/1610 | EN: 144/152 | MIT: 181 | BH: 80 | THN: 15 | EVA: -1 | DMG: 2 | REC: 3 |ACC: -1 Action: Sharpness > Zandra [-11 EN - Housing Buff 2/3 remaining] << Terra Firma >> HP: 635/650 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 4 Abilities: Spoiler * Assault Mode - [LD 10+] ACC and EVA will witch for his attack - MD 9 - partial phase, MD 10 - full phase * Move Swiftly - Concentration will not work. All players suffer a -1 ACC. * Hard-Scaled - Paralysis and Freeze do not work * Weak-Spots - BD 9+, players gain partial phase Terra Firma Attack vs. Shield - ID# 108304 results: Loot: 15 [Assault Mode Proc], MOB: 5 [+1+4=10 - Hit! 250-181=69 dmg, THN: 15 dmg] With the Terra Firma once again staring him in the face, Shield held out his vanity sword and began to charge up a globe of red light. Once it had reached its full size, he swung his sword arm and sent the glowing ball to Zandra, boosting her attack power. No sooner had he done so, he felt the insides of his lungs vibrate from a powerful impact, and his peripheral vision was filled with a swatch of tan. The upgraded sand shark had slammed into him at such blinding speed that he did not even register it moving. The only thing that kept him on his feet was his own Stonewall skill mod. He grunted in surprise and discomfort from the force and he coughed aloud out of reflex. "Look alive, Zandra!" he called out. "That should boost you a little if you get off a solid charge. I'm gonna get its attention so it doesn't get the drop on you once you draw focus." He leaped back, taking in a lungful of air, trying his best to not cough it out despite his lungs still feeling sensitive from the sand in the air and after having been rattled by Terra Firma's attack. Edited October 30, 2018 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted October 30, 2018 #16 Share Posted October 30, 2018 (edited) roll: Spoiler ID: 108312 BD: 6+5-1-4=6 Hit! Fallen triggered! Charge activated! Bullrush triggered! 18+3+5+12=38x14=532-75=457 DMG! Zandra felt her strength increase as Shield boosted her attack power. This was actually she had felt this feeling. First time she got damage boosted by another player. It felt good. But there wasn’t time to think more of that now. She charged up her strongest sword art. It was an aoe, but for this battle she didn’t had to worry about energy loss. It would be over before she dropped under fifty percent. ‘’Heeere I come.’’ She said and half a second later she darted forward with the speed of the charge skill. Halfway she activated the sword art and Teseleths fury swung around, cleving thru the creature infront of her. She backed away a few steps when her attack was finished. ‘’Thanks for the damage boost.’’ The health of the Terra Firma had dropped to lower then a third. She was correct, this fight would be over pretty soon. As long as she could land her hit. She had felt this was very close to miss its target. stats: Spoiler Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+80 HP] Recovery - Craft: 9 [+3 EN] Cooldowns - Focused Howl [0/2] [H:1] Zandra - HP: 1545/1545 | EN: 134/150 | MIT: 98 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 [H:0] Shield - HP: 1541/1610 | EN: 144/152 | MIT: 181 | BH: 80 | THN: 15 | EVA: -1 | DMG: 2 | REC: 3 |ACC: -1 Action: Sharpness > Zandra [-11 EN - Housing Buff 2/3 remaining] << Terra Firma >> HP: 178/650 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 4 -STUNNED- Abilities: Hide contents * Assault Mode - [LD 10+] ACC and EVA will witch for his attack - MD 9 - partial phase, MD 10 - full phase * Move Swiftly - Concentration will not work. All players suffer a -1 ACC. * Hard-Scaled - Paralysis and Freeze do not work * Weak-Spots - BD 9+, players gain partial phase Edited February 4, 2020 by Zandra Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted October 30, 2018 Author #17 Share Posted October 30, 2018 (edited) Quote Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+80 HP] Recovery - ID# 108314 results: Craft: 1 [+0 EN] Cooldowns - Sharpness [1/1] [H:0] Zandra - HP: 1545/1545 | EN: 134/150 | MIT: 98 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 [H:7] Shield - HP: 1610/1610 | EN: 138/152 | MIT: 181 | BH: 80 | THN: 15 | EVA: -1 | DMG: 2 | REC: 3 |ACC: -1 Action: Focused Howl > Terra Firma [-7 EN] << Terra Firma >> HP: 178/650 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 4 -STUNNED- Spoiler * Assault Mode - [LD 10+] ACC and EVA will witch for his attack - MD 9 - partial phase, MD 10 - full phase * Move Swiftly - Concentration will not work. All players suffer a -1 ACC. * Hard-Scaled - Paralysis and Freeze do not work * Weak-Spots - BD 9+, players gain partial phase Shield watched Terra Firma's health gauge plummet down into the red. He was not sure the charge would hit, but he was relieved that it had. He would expect no less from Zandra on a successful hit. He just hoped that they could keep it up. Something caught his eye in the corner of the enemy's health gauge. It had been stunned. "Stun. Good move," he said with a brief nod of his head. "Normally that's a problem because of how heavily I rely on thorns, but with Terra Firma, since I don't want to get that last hit, now he can't prick himself on me, and that will also nullify his evasion." He didn't want to curse them by saying it was a guaranteed kill, but he was hopeful for a quick finish. "Let's put it down." To be cautious, Shield prepared for the possibility of a longer fight. He took in a deep breath and hurled his voice forward at Terra Firma in a focused torrent of sound and fury. "You made a fatal mistake squaring off against the two of us," he bellowed, the force of his lungs forcing the stunned monster back. Its clawed feet left twin tracks through the sand before coming to rest once again. Edited October 30, 2018 by Shield Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted October 30, 2018 #18 Share Posted October 30, 2018 (edited) roll: Spoiler ID: 108316 BD: 8+5-1=12 Hit! Fallen triggered! 18+3+12=33x14=462-75=387 DMG! Zandra looked at the stunned boss. Tilted her head to the side. ‘’Hmm, yeah. I would say bulrush is the most powerful mod of all mods in Aincrad. Thanks to it, I have been able to push on thru my farming days without having to paus to get healed up.’’ She took a steady grip of the axe and prepared to deliver a powerful blow with her strongest sword art again. ‘’I guess its time to finish this.’’ She saw the black smoke surrounding the axe, meaning the fallen damage buff had triggered. Though it dosent really matter. The two handed battle axe was lifted high in the air before it fell down, cleaving thru the Terra firma. It health dropped from red to nothingness. A few seconds later it explode into a sea of blue and white crystals. She looked at the reward screen as she saw the item. She smiled and looked at its effect. Jupp, it was the unique consumable. ‘’Hey Shield. You are a tank, you want this?’’ she asked and held up the the scale. stats: Spoiler [H:2] Zandra - HP: 1545/1545 | EN: 119/150 | MIT: 98 | FLN: 12 | BRN: 36 | DMG: 20 | ACC: 5 [H:7] Shield - HP: 1610/1610 | EN: 138/152 | MIT: 181 | BH: 80 | THN: 15 | EVA: -1 | DMG: 2 | REC: 3 |ACC: -1 Action: Explode catapult > Terra Firma [-16+1 EN] << Terra Firma >> HP: 0/650 | DMG: 250 | MIT: 75 | ACC: 0 | EVA: 4 -DEAD- Spoiler * Assault Mode - [LD 10+] ACC and EVA will witch for his attack - MD 9 - partial phase, MD 10 - full phase * Move Swiftly - Concentration will not work. All players suffer a -1 ACC. * Hard-Scaled - Paralysis and Freeze do not work * Weak-Spots - BD 9+, players gain partial phase Edited February 4, 2020 by Zandra Link to post Share on other sites
Shield 0 Posted October 31, 2018 Author #19 Share Posted October 31, 2018 The traditional fanfare and victory display burst into view, spanning the majority of Shield's vision as the last of Terra Firma melted into the air around them. It was his third time now dancing with that particular devil, and each time it seemed to become easier. Then again, he was not the player he had been back then. Shield gladly accepted the scale, taking it with a courteous nod stowing it away in his inventory. Typically, he would do the polite thing and refuse the gift unless the other player insisted, but it did make more sense for a tank to own, aside from already being one of the most coveted consumables in all of Aincrad. "Thank you," he said, closing out of his item menus. "What do you say we make a quick jaunt up to the top floor to farm a chest? It's always good to walk away from a trip with some extra loot." He motioned for Zandra to follow and turned back towards the main settlement where the teleportation plaza awaited. He began to walk, turning over the events of the quest so far in his head, considering this way and that how to feel. As he walked, he changed into his scouting gear. The discussion was productive and informative, and I feel that she was honest. I would like to talk to Baldur once again, but I feel more contented with his recommendation. Quote Action: Swapping Gear -Manticore Mask -Spirit Plate +Seeking Aura +Raw Passion Link to post Share on other sites
Zandra 0 Posted November 10, 2018 #20 Share Posted November 10, 2018 Not surpisigly, Shield accepted the scale item. Zandra shrugged to him. ‘’Your welcome. Not that Im gonna use it anyway. Just gonna sit in my inventory and rot away. That’s how I am with all unique items. Like the banners that can no longer be refilled, I still have one charge left on the damage boost and two on the healing one. Wil probably never use the healing one since I just activate field medic or a mass heal crystal.’’ She felt good to give it to Shield as well, since he did take this taking business seriously and would put it to use when needed. Zandra smiled to him. ‘’If you want to look for a chest, you can do that. Though I would prefer if we coul check out to find a dungeon. If you have any maps. Sadly I forgot to bring any with me.’’ Link to post Share on other sites
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