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[F04 - Shop] Frozen Gemstone [Rank 7 Artisan] [CLOSE]

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He looks over towards the woman as she manages to finish the order in a rather timely manner at the very least something that he could definitely appreciate with such a thought in mind he takes out from a pocket a small card. He than hands the card over towards the artisan as he accepts his trinket attaching it to his green cloak to display his shop's symbol. Dagger is my name, and that card is my business and location if you ever want to talk business feel free to get into contact with me i would love to talk to you. He says in a polite tone of voice with a tip of the hat and a smile before heading out of the shop glancing toward red and giving a slight nod before making his way out of the shop. The card that would be in front of Ennakai having the words. "The Cloak's Corner. Last stop shop for Merchant goods. Prices guranteed to be lower than Shield's"

Item acquired: Cloak's Symbol.

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Beelii was thankfully not needing to wait that long. She had sent a message towards Dagger as well to let him know of the girls services. It was something that didn't seem to be too common and could probaably help if they wanted to expand their business venture. Sure Dagger would be at the head of it, but her and her sister could easily take second hand spots. Their father would be disappointed, but that was how things ended up baing. Picking up the items, she lingered for a little bit longer to witness the exchange before following Dagger out the door.

Items Received: Flower Hairpin, Feather Hairpin

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Ennakai started to close the shop after the two people left their store. It was getting quiet and Enna wanted to do some last crafting hours getting down to their workshop Enna started working on a Sculpture wanting to make one for the shop. It took Enna a bit until it was finished but it seemed to be getting along quite nicely and It really was maybe one of their masterworks as it was getting closer and closer to getting finished, In the end after some hours or so, Enna stopped and took a few steps back looking at the thing that they made, A marble snake with a dagger, it really looked nice and Enna brought it up to the store placing it on the counter next to the orders book.

Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
15/11/2018 108875 12   Perfect 8
  108876 4 10+3=13 Salvage Succes 2
  108877 9   uncommon 3
  108878 10   Rare 5
  108879 4 2+3=5 Salvage Failed 2
  108880 8   uncommon 3

Lost 4 T1 Mat

Items Crafted


Name: Snake Of Tricks and Dagger
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: 108875
Roll: 12
Item Type: Sculpture 
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Ambition
Description: A Marble white Sculpture with Purple gems on its back, The Sculpture is in the form of a snake moving up as a dagger sits in the snake's mouth. The Sculpture is around 19 inches tall.
Post Link: [Link]

Name: Focused Heart
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: 108878
Roll: 10
Item Type: Jewel
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements:  Expertise
Description: A red Gemstone in the form of a heart as a small magnet dagger goes into the heart moving around a bit of water inside the heart.
Post Link: [Link]


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Ennakai went working again after placing the snake in the shop already Enna could feel a free spirit from the item and Enna went down to their shop with a smile on their face before opening the door of the workshop and getting to work. It seemed to be going again and Enna did not get anyone ordering items from them so they could keep going until Enna was done thinking and crafting. once laying down their tools a small pop up came showing EXP gain and the level up after that amazing crafting work of his. Enna smiled and started to walk back to the counter and placing the sign outside on closed before heading into a the sofa and falling asleep there.


Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results. XP Gain
15/11/2018 108960 8   Uncommon 4
  108961 7   Uncommon 4
  108962 7   Uncommon 4
  108963 1   Fail 2
  108964 11   Rare 6
  108965 5 11+3=14 Salvage Succes 3

Lost 6 T1 Mats

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Enna was getting ready to craft and craft all day and sure thing were going to be getting har but who knew that today would be the second day that they get an extra boost in their skills, for sure it was going to be great. Getting down Enna started to craft and craft and craft until they lost the must to keep going for sure it was something today after a daring adventure and all Enna knew this was going to be a good day but first they needed to get ready and start crafting the next day as for today Enna was out and went on a quite a big break to get more materials and stuff.

Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results XP Gain
17/11/2018 108991 7   Uncommon 4
  108992 6   Uncommon 4
  108993 2   Fail 2
  108994 10   Rare 6
  108995 8   Uncommon 4
  108996 5 18+3=21 Salvage Succes 3
  108997 4 12+3=15 Salvage Succes 3

lost 5 T1 Mats

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OOC: this ish after kirbs met enna ig

Kirbs quietly entered the artisan’s shop with a small smile. “So this is the great and almighty shop I’ve heard so much about, huh?” She saw a familiar head and her grin got even wider. “Oh, yeah. I forgot this shop belonged to you Enna! Nice to see you again. Don’t expect these many customers because I’ll be opening my own shop soon. Be ready for some competition!” She chuckled and went to full out the custom order forms. Quickly scribbling down her order, she turned back to Enna and giggled. “Just message me when you’re done with or whatever.” She gave a final wave to shop owner and left the shop.


Name: Gamer’s Anklet
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: 1 ACC, 1 EVA
Description: A bright red anklet. Literally it.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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Enna looked up with a shock hearing a familiar voice, "YES BRIT!" Enna said with a smile. Enna was a bit happy to see Kirbs come into their shop and was happy to help them for sure but once hearing they will become also Artisan Enna got a grin on their face, "Okay, Game on, I will always get consumers As it seems people like me and want information as well, Forgetting I sell Information as well. But you won't Run me out that easy," ENna said with a smile getting the order of Kirbs and jump over the balcony and down to the lower part of the shop into the workshop. 

It took Enna really not long and they walked up with a lot of speed only seeing Kirbs was not here, they opened Messages and sent a Message to @Kirbs 


I have your thingy me dingy. It also fits me be fast or I will keep is cuz it is it quite nice. COme on up to the shop again and also get a lovely hot cocoa. Ooh, BTW I will never lose in getting Costermerus my Love,  X X X  <3
Just Teasing no worry

Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results XP Gain
19/11/2018 109182 2   Fail 2
  109183 11   Rare 6
  109184 7   Uncommon 4
  109185 3 17+3=20 Salvage Succes 3
  109186 5 18+3=21 Salvage Succes 3
  109187 8   Uncommon 4
  109188 4 7+3=10 Salvage fail 3

Lost 5 T1 Mats

Item crafted


Name: Gamer’s Anklet
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: 109183
Roll: 11
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: 1 ACC, 1 EVA
Description: A bright red anklet. Literally it.
Post Link: [Link]


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Kirbs has finally recieved the message about her item. At last. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this bloody item for frekin’ ages! She entered the shop with a grin. “Hey, Enna. Thanks for the work and stuff.” She handed the appropriate amount of Col to her and grinned. “It’s a pretty basic time but thanks for making it. Uh, I guess I’ll see you around? Yeah, see you soon Enna! Don’t go dying before I kill you first by the way!” She grinned at Enna one last time before leaving the shop with a satisfied grin and item.

+Gamers Anklet

-800 Col

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Enna smiled and waved their friend off back into the cold floor.. It was a good day to start again but it was needed to get starting, but no matter what it was going to be a good day today no matter what. Enna started to make way back down to their workshop and started crafting, with a bit of luck right away Enna started to get in a good mood and made quite a bit of items new one and old once they already have made, be sure that is was going to be good ENna smiled onto them self and looked at the items they made, first of the item with EVA was a item going to be for themselves  but not sure what to do with the rest. as they were just placed on the menu waiting to be sold.

Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results XP Gain
21/11/2018 109285 12   Perfect 9
  109286 10   Rare 6
  109287 6   Uncommon 4
  109288 7   Uncommon 4
  109289 12   Perfect 9
  109290 3 17+3=20 Salvage Succes 3
  109291 3 19+3=22 Salvage Succes 3

Lost5 T1 Materials

Crafted Items


Name: Glass Of Pin Point
Your Profession: Artist
Your Rank: Rank 1
Roll ID: 109286
Roll Result: 10
Item Type: Jewel
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: Loot Die (2)
Description: A Golden Monocle with a light blue side, it is tightened to a necklace. within the glass, itself are red painted scope to seek out any items that are useful.
Post Link:  Link

Name: Movement Pin
Your Profession: Artist
Your Rank: Rank 1
Roll ID: 109285
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Jewel
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Evasion 3
Description: Silver and purple Metal Feather with red cloth moving down If the player with long hair were this item their Hair will move into a ponytail, if not you will just have a feather with a bowtie in your hair.
Post Link:  Link

Name: Dragons Treasure
Your Profession: Artist
Your Rank: Rank 1
Roll ID: 109289
Roll Result: 12
Item Type: Jewel
Tier: Tier 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Prosperity (3)
Description: A Silver Dragon spins around your middle finger up the top of your hand. The dragon is a representative of a dragon who it hoarding treasure.
Post Link:  Link


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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Tolbana Key Necklace
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 5
ID:  (leave blank)
Roll: (leave blank)
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 acc +1loot
Description:Key Necklace
A key that is often seen in Tolbana. Its use is unknown but it said to be crafted in one of the many windmills that could see most of Tolbana itself. It's said there's also great sights to take in and that Tolbana is a treasure in and of itself to behold. The door to the key has been unfound.

Kit went with a group of players to the higher floors. It really did make her feel a bit ill going past floor one, and she was ready to run back to the starting floors. All she wanted was to live in peace but there weren't any artisan shops open. She looked up at the signs seeing the prices and sighed for a moment.
"Excuse me, can we haggle the price? I was thinking eight hundred instead of a grand before I came up to this floor. Would that work for this order please?" She asked as she put down her order that she wanted. "I heard about a quest involving a Tolbana Key and I was going to give it a try."


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Enna looked up from the counter and saw a player walk in, she seemed quite under leveled to even be on this floor, somehow Enna felt a bit guilty for having her shop a bit higher up then most shops. Maybe Enna should try and get down again and start a small selling marked for things they had over in stock. as the woman then walked up to Enna to greet Enna smiled, "Haggle prices, It is a perfect Item you know, quite hard to make. But you said a quest, I don't even know about... Say what, I will accept it for now, IF you take me on this quest." Enna said before taking the order and moving away from the counter walking down to her workshop.

Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results XP Gain
13/12/2018 110423 11   Rare 6
  110424 7   Uncommon 4
  110426 5 6+3=9 Salvage fail 3
  110427 9   Uncommon 4
  110428 5 2+3=5 Salvage fail 3

Items Crafted


Name: Luck Dice
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 6
ID: 110423
Roll: 11
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Rare
Enhancements: LD 2
Description:  Small Dice that has at the One and Six a golden Start marked into it.
Post Link: [Link]

Name: Flip Coin
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 6
ID: 110424
Roll: 7
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: Prosperity 1
Description:  A coin with a hole in the middle
Post Link: [Link]

Name: Speed Key
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 6
ID: 110427
Roll: 9
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Uncommon
Enhancements: EVA 1
Description:  A key that seems to have some effect with a small thing not much but just a Key.
Post Link: [Link]


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Vigilon continued searching for something to buy, for various reasons. He came across the fourth floor again, looking around the various shops there were. Eventually, he found a shop where he would enter in hopes of finding something useful. He soon found something that looked like a dragon. He looked at the item carefully. He liked its appearance, and he believed its enhancements would prove to be useful in long col grinds. He thought carefully about what he could do with this, then he decided to buy it. He came up to the counter with the item so that he could purchase it. "Hello, I'd like to- Oh, hey, Ennakai, I didn't expect to see you here! Then again, you did say you were an artisan... Anyway, I'd like to purchase this silver dragon here, Dragon's Treasure." After he said that, he would pay Ennakai the col, and leave with the item.

-Paid 1000 Col to @Ennakai

-Purchased Dragon's Treasure(3 Prosperity)

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Enna looked up and saw a familiar face walk in, they seemed not to notice them at first But sure thing Enna just let it be for now, Once looking what he was getting Enna Smiled, Finally Someone buys thinks from my stock, I was about to go into the Plaza and start selling like that. I think most don't notice my stock even if it is so good to look at. Enna thought before Vigilon then came back up and walked up to the counter and then just realizing it was Ennakai running this shop, "Yes Hello Vigi, I am running things here, I would be happy to get that Col from you I thank you kindly, also Try not to hang out to long with strangers, Also um... Thanks for last time," Enna said waving Vigilon goodbye and taking the col for themselves and looking on how the stock was quite still full from everything they had.

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She watched the woman and nodded. She wasn't sure it was a quest she'd enjoy doing with her or not but it was something new, and backup would always be welcomed. She nodded to Ennakai. She didn't feel like she owed the woman too much in this arrangement but she'd remember her actions and maybe send something her way later.

"Okay, I'll send you a friend request so that I can find you. I heard that I have to do some prerequisites for the quest, anyone, when the main quest starts up I'll give you a letter when I'm about to go on the meat and potatoes of the quest okay." She sent her the request. The first part of the quest was a 100 long fetch quest that she wouldn't subject too. (And cause that was started already sorry but I'll pull you in part two where I go to Tolbana to search for the missing NPC!)
She sent the girl a friend request and smiled at her.

"So what's all the damage." She didn't want to assume it was free for her and that they'd just be on a quest together. She felt she should pay SOMETHING. She looked up at her to try to read her face. She was pretty excited over it. She only hoped that there weren't enemies. She still wasn't use to it. "If fighting is involved I'm not sure I'd be much use. I haven't fought anything yet." She admitted with some worry.

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Mina stood outside of the store for a few moments, looking at the decorations made to the outside of the building. <<Frozen Gemstone>>, a shop that housed a Rank 7 Artisan. Her breath came out in cloudy puffs, and she shivered a bit, pulling her robe closer to her body. She smiled faintly, before entering the building, the door chiming as she entered. She took in a deep breath as she walked over to the counter, the smell of the books scattered about the room made it smell like a library, bringing up fond memories. she stopped at the counter, before picking up an order form, and filling it out with the appropriate information. She waved at the owner of the shop, before walking over, and holding out the order form. "Hello..? I would like to purchase a custom item. When would I be able to pick these up?" she asked, a curious look on her face, before sending the Col and Materials to the girl


Name: Mask of Rose
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Accuracy
Description: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/60/2c/a1/602ca1dfa71fe9ee2611cfa1b8428e1c.jpg
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

Name: Briar Rose
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +3 Prosperity
Description: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/38/f3/60/38f3609d0456bf5481425fbef8ea7652.jpg
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

Name: Clutching rose
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Jewelry
Tier: 1
Quality: Good
Enhancements: None
Description: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/09/b5/85/09b585e7b748d341660a52023d8607e4.jpg
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

(2000 Col and 3 T1 Mats sent to Ennakai as payment for the order)


Edited by tricolor_mina
Sorry for the edit, I forgot to add the rest of my order ^^;
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@Kit It was clear something was happening and Enna knew something but they needed to craft something and was behind on Materials for well quite a bit, and the last item was crafted today it was clear something was going to happen. Walking down Enna felt a bit a sorry for the rest that walked in lucky on their side one of the people that walked in just to buy an item sure that was luck on their side. But sadly no materials so meaning something was needing to be done for now. getting ready the first was a good hit and Enna opened their message and sends Kit a message "Misses Lady Kit starter, I got your item done so get over here and well tadaaa It has done." Stood in the message and Enna waited for Kit to come back

Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results XP Gain
15/12/2018 110488 12   Perfect 9
  110489 5 1 Salvage fail 3
  110490 6   Uncommon 4


Item Crafted


Name: Tolbana Key Necklace
Profession: Artisan
Rank: 5
ID:  110488
Roll: 12
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: +2 acc +1loot
Description: Key Necklace
A key that is often seen in Tolbana. Its use is unknown but it said to be crafted in one of the many windmills that could see most of Tolbana itself. It's said there's also great sights to take in and that Tolbana is a treasure in and of itself to behold. The door to the key has been unfound.


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  • 4 weeks later...

She saw in her notifications that something had happened. She was prowling the new floor gathering information on various quests and people, but was more excited that her key was done now she could go back to the lower floors were she felt safer. Kit quickly ran to the store and put down the cole.

"Just keep it. I'll contact you when I go on that quest." She was normally calm and frozen-hearted but her desire to get back home was a lot higher. She scooped up the pendant and ran for it.  She looked around for a party heading back to the lower floors and luckily found one. It was time to head back home and to apologize to her friend for being gone so long.

Now she also knew that running a shop was taxing and demanded a lot of effort. A lot of materials. She'd have to find a way to gather a great number of them in a short amount of time. She liked this idea.

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Jun walked toward the edge of Snowfrost and found a building with a glass dome. The moment he took a step into the shop, he felt as if a warm blanket wrapped around him. 'Mmm.. That's a feeling that I have not felt in a long time..' He walked around the displays, but he was more interested in what he had in his journal. He took toward the top area and found the artisan behind the counter. "Hello! Is it okay if I showed you a design?" He asked, as he flipped his journal and showed the design he wanted. "Something like this! With a dragon in the middle!" He added with a smile on his face. He placed nine materials on the counter and pushed them toward the artisan. "Will this be enough?" He asked.


Name: Amulet of the Dragon
Your Profession: Artisan
Your Rank: 5
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Trinket
Tier: [1
Quality: [Perfect]
Enhancements: [Accuracy] [Accuracy] [Accuracy]
Description: A circular amulet with a simple dragon carved in it.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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Date ID Role Crafting Dice Loot Dice Results XP Gain
8/1/2019 111226 4 6+3=9 Salvage fail 3
  111227 7   Uncommon 4
  111228 7   Uncommon 4
  111229 2   fail 2
  111230 9   Uncommon 4
  111231 9   Uncommon 4
  111232 5 13+3=16 Salvage Succes 3

Lost 8 Items

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