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PP,F1-The woodsmen gains experience

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Hunter Yagami was fresh out the gate when it came to the game pretty much; his knowledge on the world was somewhat limited due to being stuck in the damn forest for two whole years.  Since he has been out, however, he has found that there are plenty of people ready to help newbs such as himself and quests designed to improve those with limited skills, much like tutorials in old-school console games.  So he stood there at the blacksmith's shop in the town of beginnings to see if there was anything he could possibly do to improve his armor or weapons.  Everything so far was still out of his price range, but it was worth it to figure out alternatives to hunting for rare loot drops.

"I guess I really should just stick to loot hunting after all..."  Hunter said with an aggravated tone before looking around the area.  Perhaps there was someone looking for an additional party member for a hunt or something.

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Hokori was making her way through the Town of Beginnings, doing her almost regular patrol now of helping anyone she saw. It was the best service she could think of, especially while she was still pretty low of level. She would still get a fair amount of exp and would also get some friends. Networking was always the best approach to many things, and this was not going to be an exception. The more friends she could make now, the more she would be able to get them and herself to the front lines. More people on the front meant that the game could get pushed with more and more risks. Enemies would be able to go down quicker and the need for tanks and healers shouldn't have to increase too much. There didn't seem to be anyone knew, but she went over to the blacksmith's shop just to see if anyone did want to try and grab her attention. She would let anyone interrupt her really, she didn't mind giving a helping hand with whatever she could.

@Hunter Yagami

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As he looked around, it became blatantly obvious that he was looking for someone, anyone really to help him regain skills and the valuable time he had lost while being in the forest.  The sensation of the sun beating down on the blacksmith shop was pleasant and kept him warm even if it was only just a simulated feeling.  As he scanned he found a woman that looked to be just searching around the crowd just like he was.  Though it really was not good in theory to just start asking for help from higher leveled players he needed better gear and stats if he wanted to survive.  He approached her as he tapped her shoulder if she responded to him he would give her a kind smile before finally speaking, giving a slight wave with his right hand.

"Hello, my name is Hunter...I uh...I saw you looking around, I don't know if you are looking for anyone, but if possible you look like you know your way around the area.  Would you mind showing me around, maybe help me try to level up a bit?"  He would say with that same grin as he looked at her with a hesitant stance which for his figure was odd.



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She was about to leave when Hokori received a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw someone smile and greet her, though they didn't appear to be doing a quest of any sorts, she still wanted to help them all the same. "Sure, I'd love to. The name is Katagawa, people call me Kat." She outstretched her hand towards them, waiting for them to shake it. Though it seemed a few people weren't used to a woman offering to shake their hands, it was what she had learned to do while in Europe studying. Smiling and waiting for them to take her handshake, she gave a glance over him. They seemed to be rather new, at least in terms of experience. Of course, there wasn't that many top tier players that wandered around here any more. There may have been more if this acted as the re-spawn point for the game, but that option was all but gone now. If she had to guess, they were almost certainly a lower level than her, and probably lower than level 5. It wasn't a bad thing, it just meant she would have to be careful where she took them.

@Hunter Yagami

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Hunter was pleased that the woman decided to actually speak back to him, it almost made him begin to flirt...but now was definitely not the time.  As she introduced herself he noticed that she stuck her hand out in anticipation for a handshake.  It was an odd thing to see on the first meet especially because she was a woman instead of a man.  Regardless Hunter was very easy going as he stuck his hand out and took her hand and gave it a big hearty shake.  "It is great to meet you Kat."  He said as he noticed her taking him in as if sizing him up.  He did not look awesome by any stretch, in fact, he was probably the most plain out of the people around him.  She would notice that the gear he wore was not great in quality, but neither was his ax swung around his back.  However, his stature might have shown Kat that he was able to take care of himself.

So after letting her take a look at him he smiled and looked at her.  "So are we waiting on anyone else or might I trouble you that we get to hunting if possible.  I have not had a lot of real personable time since I started due to being left out in the forest to die.  Soooo I guess I am pretty new to all of this."  He said uncharacteristically as he scratched the back of his head.  His armor looked heavy and a little rusty at some points, but it was all fixed and ready to fight, and Hunter wanted to see more of what the world had to offer so he became like a child in his mannerisms again. 



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Katagawa returned in kind with the firm handshake she was given, though she could tell they were a little hesitant at first. And though she didn't notice any gear that was particularly enticing, she did see that they carried themselves more confidently than most she had found wandering about the Town of Beginnings. "It's just me. I have a few friends around, but not a whole lot of them are really at my beck and call. We all tend to do our own things." She was unsure just what he wanted to hunt, but she was open to taking on a few things. "If you're just looking to grind mobs, I suggest we go up a floor here. At least then we can still get loot if I deal the killing blow. If you wait for me to get their attention, you should be perfectly safe." It also meant that they would get better loot, but she didn't want to bribe them into danger. If they wanted to play things safe, she would let them do just that.

@Hunter Yagami

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The woman spoke with a very calm and collected tone, showing him that this game did not break everyone who played.  Good for him, in the long run, to make friends with those that could handle their own, as it would allow him to learn faster.  As she spoke about what they could do Hunter thought about his choices;  They could hunt on the first floor, but be limited to the mobs that spawned there.  If they went up a floor though, they would be able to grind out larger mobs for more experience and better chances at loot and such.  It did not take long for Hunter to answer in full confidence as he still had that same smile from before.  "Yeah, gotta take risks or you become stale in the world...I know that from experience hah!"  He said as he knew he still had to actually answer her.  "Yeah, I think it is time I started moving away from the town anyway.  So when do we start then Kat?"  He would say as he stretched for a few moments to relieve the stiffness from his body.



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It took a surprisingly short amount of time for Hunter to decide where he wanted to grind. Hokori brought up the confusing menu and sent him a party invite. "We can start whenever you'd like. I'll meet you on the second floor and we can go hunting from there. I suggest you bring a jacket if you have one, it does get rather windy up there." Once the party was set up, she would make her way towards the portal in the center of the plaza the blacksmith shop was located off of. Saying, "Floor 2," Hokori was quickly taken away towards the second floor. Once there, she walked out of the teleporter area and waited for Hunter to come through. Hopefully he knew how to use the thing, else she might be waiting for a while. In the meantime, she did her routine checks on her gear. She was still uncertain as to whether or not she actually wanted to stick with the type of gear she had gone with, but for now she needed to use what she was trained with. There would come a time she would try and respec the skills that she had.

@Hunter Yagami

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She said that they would meet on the second floor and that they could begin at any time, so Hunter wasted no time in getting his gear ready as he walked towards the teleporter near the center of the Town.  It had indeed been a while, last he was here they did not have that going on.  So without delay, he would walk towards the center while thinking back on her words.  A coat might be necessary, but then again he did not get cold that easily due to his own mass.  So forgoing the coat he would find the teleporter.  After spending a few minutes pulling up the system menus and tutorials he found out how to use the thing.  "Well, no time like the present to get into some trouble."  He said as he accessed the second-floor portal and activated it as he was dissolved and pushed up to the second-floor almost instantly.  As he stepped away from the teleporter he would look around for Kat.  He was ready to get hunting.



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Thankfully, it didn't take too long for Hunter to come through the portal himself. There wasn't that much time to waste, though it wasn't like they really had anything else to do. "There you are," she waved over to him, "once you've got yourself situated just let me know and we can head out into the fields. If you're scared of heights just let me know, there's a few cliffs around here. Nothing lethal of course, just a little bit of height is all." She let her large blade rest across her back as she had grown mildly accustomed to, and her heavy armor clinked and clanged a bit as she moved around. Once he was ready to move out, she would guide the both of them towards the fields on this floor. "There's a few threats that we need to look out for, but we should be fine as long as you let me attack things first."

@Hunter Yagami

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Her voice calling out to him nearly made the man's face turn red as he found her to be waving him over to join her.  His gear all prepped, as his heavy starting armor seemed to be protective almost anywhere you looked, but it also looked a bit too bulky for even him to wear.  His two-handed ax was at his back and ready to be drawn and used in an instant if the situation demanded it.  As she spoke of what they would be seeing on the second floor Hunter had to marvel at the sights around him as information flooded into his ears.  He was ready to face the cliffs if he needed, his fear of heights would not stop him from getting stronger that was for damn sure.  Then she let on that there were just a few threats on the area that they were going to be hunting in, but he knew that she was the lead on this so he nodded his head before motioning for her to lead the way.  "After you captain."  He said genuinely.



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The two were able to move out into the fields and it didn't take long before Hokori had found a wasp for the two of them to attack. It was rather large, and she was fairly certain she could take it with a little bit of help. The only issue was she had no idea how powerful Hunter was. It was possible he was actually much more powerful than he seemed. Of course, that wouldn't be a good assumption to rely on. She should be able to safely solo take out this beast, and any help from Hunter would just expedite the process. "I see a giant wasp up ahead. Hang back until I can get its attention than attack it with whatever you've got." With that bit of advice, she quickly charged in and activated her spinning sword art, clipping the wasp with each hit. Though it was knocked back, she could tell it was now focused on her, at least for the time being. Hopefully Hunter would either stay back a little longer or not get its attention. She didn't know precisely how the game worked with its AI but she did know that the more damage you dealt the more it would hate you.


Roll ID: #106555

BD: 4 + 1 = 5 + 1 = 6 - hit (used concentration; 7 * 4 = 28)

[H: 1] @Katagawa - 200/200 HP | 16/20 ENG | 1 ACC | 17 MIT | 16 THN | 7 DMG | 9-10 PARA

[H: 0] Hunter - ???

Wind Wasp: 72/100 HP | 30 DMG


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As they moved through the fields Hunter kept his ax in his right hand as he remained prepared for just about anything as Kat stopped them so she could point out the target.  The beast was a giant wasp, Hunter had not seen any of these in any cliff notes in the manual about this creature so he would, of course, follow her lead in this matter.  So watching her move  Hunter would take her advice and hang back.  He gritted his teeth as he watched her activate her sword art to strike the wasp a few times.  He was ready to move in, but instead of coming for a straightforward charge he began to work around so he could set up a combo move or gain an advantage if he hit from a flanking side.  He did not know if that made any difference in this game, but he was about to test it out.



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The wasp was already coming back at Hokori faster than she could respond to it, it quickly stung her through one of the chinks in her armor. It didn't really sting, but it was still depleting her health bar a bit. Without checking to see if Hunter was still out of range, she unleashed another spinning attack with her large sword. She managed to hit the beast once more and chipped its health down even further. Though unsure where he was at the moment, Hokori shouted towards Hunter, "You should be fine now. I don't think it will bother you any more." It was going after her now, and hopefully it would take the recoil of attacking her next time it hit. "Just make sure not to hit it too hard or it may change targets." She wasn't worried about that, but it was best to let it be known.


Roll ID: #106574

BD: 7 + 1 = 8 - hit (used concentration; 7 * 4 = 28)

MD: 10 - major crit (30 + 2 - 17 = 15 damage)

[H: 2] @Katagawa - 185/200 HP | 16/20 ENG | 1 ACC | 17 MIT | 16 THN | 7 DMG | 9-10 PARA (Concentration CD: 4/5)

[H: 0] @Hunter Yagami - ???

Wind Wasp: 44/100 HP | 30 DMG


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His plan was great in theory, but as he approached the wasp he changed what sword art he wanted to use.  Going instead for the Smash sword art as he swung the axe above his head before spinning the blade in his hand in a flourish that was of his own design and not of the game's inlay mechanic for the move.  "Here we go!"  He said as he brought the axe down with his full force as he managed to actually hit the wasp.  As soon as the move was over he was breathing heavy as he took a step back to get ready to follow up the attack with Kat as soon as she gave the word.  He hoped he was at least able to do some damage. to the creature as he needed to be able to fight in this world so he did not have to always rely on others.


ID# 107018 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 3

 MOB: 6


[H1] @Hunter Yagami HP 20/20  0/2 Energy  

Dealt 8 Damage


(I do not yet know how to calculate battle damage, can edit later.)


Edited by Hunter Yagami
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