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Ulaan's Diary

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Username: Ulaan

Real Name: Beelii Erdeniin (Gloved Gem)

Age: 19 ->21

Height: 5' 5"



Belli is the twin of Osgii and the daughter of a rich mongolian businessman. She had spent the majority of her life getting what she wanted, acting as the symbol of her father’s wealth with her sister. Of course, she lived in a strict household and was expected to get married off one day. Being the more charismatic of the two, Beelii did her best to charm her father out of his many rages. This left her tired and looking for an escape.

As Osgii told her about SAO, Beelii convinced her father to let them go to Japan and try the game out at release. Though she would normally want to wait for the game’s release, the promise of escape from her father was enticing. Once in Japan, the two worked together to get one of the many copies for opening day. Though they became stuck in the game, they enjoyed their freedom. This was all being overshadowed with the fear of their father’s wrath when they were released from the game.



Charismatic: Beeloii is very charismatic. She knows how to articulate her arguments and persuade others to her side, both mentally and physically. Though at times she finds this game tedious, she sees its use and how well it can get her out of a situation.

Self-Aware: Beelii is very good at being aware of her surroundings. This is also very good in compliment to her sister, who she is very good at keeping track of. This comes from being trained so that her father needn’t use money on bodyguards while the two were out of the house.

Graceful: Beelii is very ladylike. She can carry herself through a situation with pride and making sure her and her father’s image is reflected well. This also helps out when she needs to speak about a sensitive subject, as she knows how to choose her words well.



Gullible: Because she has always been so trusting of her sister, Beelii can be quite gullible. She could easily be tricked into believing something is true. Of course, her sister acts as a powerful filter for this, but catch her alone and it wouldn’t be difficult to trick her.

Dependent: Beelii is very reliant upon her twin sister. Though they can be on their own, they do not work nearly sa well with anyone else. Should they be separated for long periods of time, they tend to fall into a depression.

Close-minded: Beelii and her sister are both very averted to new ideas. They are both very elitist and don’t believe things need to change. This makes them both come off as snobs to others.




Total SP: 9

Level: 4

Skill slots: 2

Unused SP: 4

Armor Skills:

  • Rank 1 Light Armor

Inventory: ("Basic Package")



  • Basic Dagger (T1 Dagger; DMG 1)
  • Basic Leather Armor (T1 Light Armor; MIT 1)
  • Empty
  • Battle Ready Inventory:
  •     5x Starter Health Potions (Heals 50 HP)


  • Basic Dagger (T1 Dagger; DMG 1)
  • Basic Leather Armor (T1 Light Armor; MIT 1)
  • Jeweled Dagger (T1 Dagger with DMG 3)
  • Feather Hairpin (T1 Trinket wih ACC 3)


  • 5x Starter Health Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 10 T1 mats
  • 2500 Col
  • Eggnog: A hearty drink that warms even the coldest soul, and seems to give a blanket of warmth to those who drink it. [Demonic Consumable] [+1 Safeguard, +1 MIT]




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