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[SP-F01] Something I can sink my teeth into. <<Earning a Living: Cook>>

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Black moved on to the second bush and proceeded to check it, the branches scraped against his arms, but he continued to plow through the bush until he was absolutely sure it was empty. “Well, I guess that does it then. Let me see...so..I used four items..and I gathered six..so I have two left plus that perfect snack I made. That will come in handy later, I’m sure. I’m just happy to actually get some levels and a nice profession out of all this. I’ll be confirmed a top notch cook in the coming moons, so I have got to be grateful for that.” He nods as he goes back to Maggie’s house, walking at a casual pace before his hand gripped the door handle and pulled it open.

“Hey, Maggie, I made something you won’t even believe...check this out..grape flavored lollipop..it’s one of my luckiest creations that’s for sure!”

As Maggie asked him to confirm his completion of the quest, he accepted and relished in his victory as he stowed away the candy for us at a later date.

ID - 106671 LD- 9+1 Fail


+6 mats gathered 
-4 Mats used
Perfect "Lucky Lollipop" +3 Loot Die item created. 

1 SP - Yui's Grace

1 SP -20 Posts
1 additional SP (First Completion)
<<Cook>> Profession
Standard <<Cook>> Shop
(5) T 1 Mats + (2) T1 Mats (from gathering in the story)
400 Col

Edited by Black
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