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[PP-F01] (Black, Katagawa) Gearing up <<Nature's Treasure>>

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Black began to yawn as he collected his materials together and went off to find another area to search. He attempted to see if he could pilfer something from a nearby bush. As he opened his in-game map he started to notice the in-game time pop up. 

His eyes lit up with a sudden realization as he dropped apples on the ground and proceeded to pick them back up again. He gasped and started looking around from left to right as if trying to figure out where he was or how to search for an exit. 

He suddenly remembered the river and recalled a sign that led back to the town of beginnings. He recovered his materials and stowed everything away then chose to head over to Katagawa. 

"Oh, hey! I just looked at the time and I almost fotgot. I got to get going for my training at the Ichiban Academy! There's only a few more hours and I got to prep for my exam! " He then smiles politely. "It was nice meeting you. I'll shoot you a friend request and we'll link up again sometime, Kat!" Black says as he issues out a friend request, waves goodbye, and takes his leave. 



Black -1 SP 

Katagawa -1 SP

Black - 2 T1 Mats 

200 col each 

Loot from mobs 

136 Col for Katagawa 

137 Col for Black 

2 T1 Mats each 

Edited by Black
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