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[ PP - 01 ] Have to make money somehow <<Earning a Living>> w/ Mutsu

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Ptolemy sighed, just leaving the artisan workshop with his quest. The man seemed... rushed. He commented, remembering the Artisan who rushed him to find materials for a shot at becoming an artisan. Hell, what am I supposed to do now? He frowned, massaging the bridge of his nose. What am I supposed to find again, crystals? Jewels? I can't even remember anymore. He heaved nonchalantly, waving off the feeling of anger a few seconds before. Perhaps I can find something in the forest, or perhaps the fields? I suppose those places would be an okay place to start.  He scratched the back of his neck and sighed.  This is going be a very, very long day.

If this is what it takes to be an artisan, I suppose I will no problem with it.  I haven't completely failed just yet. He bit the inside of his cheek irritatedly, To hell with this, I need some bloody help. He finally decided, scanning the crowds of people around him.


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"You look like someone who's just been given a fetch quest," a voice crawled lazily from behind Ptolemy. The woman's chocolate eyes scanned him up and down, lingering on his hair, as she clearly seemed to considering her options. As she examined him her left foot tapped an idle sort of beat that was punctuated by the bells hanging from leather tassels on her boots.

"Fine," she said after a moment of considering her options, detaching herself from the wall she was leaning against and bouncing in Ptolemy's direction. Had she not been wearing heavy steel armor.she would likely have been bouncing in more ways than one. "I'm coming too," her hand reached out and snagged the front of the guy's clothing, jerking him down until they were eye level.

"One shot joke or comment, and I will end you," she said in a sweetly deadly tone that was ruined by the jingling bells on her armor. "What's with the seafoam green hair?"

Edited by Mutsu
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Ptolemy turned his head towards the voice. "A fetch quest would be an understatement," he replied nonchalantly, taking notice of her appearance and posture. "Pleasure to meet a fellow stranger," his lips tugged a few millimeters up. Taking a glance at her boots, he turned his head back to her. "Bells, huh?"

"Fine?" he echoed, watching her edge closer to him. "Excuse me, ma'am, what are you-" he cut himself off as he felt her tug him down. Blinking away his shock, he stood eye level with her. Brushing off her threat, he raised an eyebrow. "I don't intend on joking in situations like this," he said blankly, detaching her hand from his clothing. "Please try to refrain from touching me as well, thank you." He glanced at the bells attached to her clothing before running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "Completely natural, nothing is 'up' with it." He looked back at her with a small smile. "Do you even know what quest I'm going to do?"


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"And what's wrong with bells," Mutsu asked in a slightly demanding tone, as her hand was removed from the front of @Ptolemy's shirt. "I won't touch you again," the short woman continued, jabbing a finger in his direction and stopping centimeters away from poking Ptolemy in the chest. "Unless you say anything at all that might make me think you were referring to my height," she continued in a light tone. It was always important to lay out the ground rules first when meeting new people. That way, if they had to be kicked in the shins later because they had said something she found offensive, that they would not be able to say she had not properly warned them of the consequences of their actions.

"What's natural about seafoam green hair? What kinda genetic lottery was that," she asked, wrinkling her nose and dropping her hand from pointing her finger at Ptolemy. "And it doesn't matter which quest you're doing, does it," she asked, continuing to pepper Ptolemy with questions. "All fetch quests are the same, and," she scanned his gear which seemed pretty similar to her own, "at this level they're all pretty easy. Simple bonus XP for me, so, what are we doing," she concluded, still not bothering to properly introduce herself.

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"Nothing is wrong with them. Don't they get annoying every few often though?" He raised a brow as he looked down at her. Paying no attention to her demanding tone, he sighed. "I find it hard to say anything about your height when I am almost certain you are more than a foot shorter than me," he murmured, giving her an innocent smile. He had to admit, he had never met anyone so quick to retort to in his twenty-two years of living. I suppose everyone father and mother knew was formal and high-class.  He stole a glance at the girl one last time before staring off into a random direction again. She certainly doesn't sound nor looks like any large company owner's I know of.

"That is something I have never thought of before. My father had a darker shade of my current hair, and my mother had a blonde-ish color. So I suppose my hair would be a light blue shade," he shrugged, turning his attention back to her. "What if it was a quest that involved killing a field boss? Would you still come?" The side of his lips tugged up, "I shouldn't be asking, you seem like the reckless type anyways."



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"No, bells never get annoying," Mutsu said in a tone that one might use when they were absolutely positive that they were right as they explained the facts of life to a very small child who had asked a question that even the child should have known the answer to. "Bells are love, bells are life," the diminutive woman continued, her eyes narrowing when @Ptolemy mentioned that he was reasonably certain she was a foot shorter than him. Her brown eyes scanned him up and down, nostrils flared and fists clenched. After a few seconds, she decided that he had only been stating something that seemed to be a fact and, slowly, she relaxed.

"If it was a quest involving killing a field boss then it wouldn't be an annoying fetch quest, now would it," she asked sweetly, bouncing on her toes which set her armor to jingling happily. "Then it might be a quest that was actually fun and that gave out rewards worth having." She grinned toothily at Ptolemy. "So, what quest are we going to do?"

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"Perhaps not, but I suppose I'll be hearing a lot of ringing throughout today," he hummed, internally groaning at the thought. "Sounds like something you would find on a cheap shirt they sell on the streets," he muttered, shaking his head. "So how long have you had this... bell obsession?"  Perhaps something in her childhood made her somehow honor bells like an endangered animal? I certainly have never heard of any bell addictions, but it is a strange world, isn't it?  He turned to her again, taking notice of how she looked like she was gonna claw his face off.  He was about to say something but she soon relaxed, to which he gave a sigh of relief to.

"I suppose not," he mumbled. "Do you just assume it's a fetch quest then?"  He blinked as the sound of bells ringing hit his ears. Oh dear, this is going to be a long, long day. "Am I just a free ticket to some money and experience then?" He asked, not returning her grin. "I'm going to do a profession quest, simple enough," he replied blankly. "So don't screw it up for me."


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"Now you're getting it," Mutsu said, tapping her nose with one finger while pointing at @Ptolemy with her other hand. "Free ticket to experience points and money, and maybe even a few other loot goodies." She scowled when Ptolemy mentioned that he was getting ready to do the taking a profession quest. That quest was not really much fun, it was not much fun at all. But, it definitely qualified as a fetch quest. Of that there could be no doubt.

"I don't have a bell obsession," she continued, sounding a bit defensive about the implication. "Everyone loves bells. Bells are delightful. You ever see anyone frown when a bell is jingling," she asked, bouncing up and down on her feet which set every single one of the dozen bells affixed to her armor to ringing. "So, I already did the taking a job quest. Tedious and boring. You will hate it. Plus, the rewards are not that great. So, it will still be a chance to kill things and get basically nothing for it... when are we leaving?"


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"I shouldn't have expected much anyways," he muttered to himself, turning to her with an amused look. "You shouldn't expect much either. It is my fetch quest after all."  He looked through his array of items in his inventory for a period of time before he closed his menu and looked through the crowds of people, and then at the sky. Not noon yet, we should be leaving soon. He turned to Mutsu, "my name is Ptolemy for your information Yes, Ptolemy as in the astronomer and geographer, but I am not ashamed at the username I have chosen." He held out his hand, giving his best to smile genuinely at the stranger.

"Of course you don't, my apologies." He nodded his head at her before coughing into his arm. "Well, bells can be quite... tiresome, primarily when they cover your body." He shrugged his shoulders, "well I have to make money somehow, correct? And we should be leaving right now, let's go."


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"Oh, I did expect more from this game," Mutsu said archly, scowling at @Ptolemy. "I missed out on the Beta Test, so I didn't get to be a tester. But, I read everything there was to read about this game before it came out. I expected something better from the Tutorials than simple fetch quests." Her lip curled up in disgust at the mention of the words 'fetch quest.' "Every RPG since the beginning of time has used fetch quests as tutorial missions. Every. Single. One," she shrugged her shoulders which set the bells to jingling again. "I expected better from SAO, but nope, fetch quests. I was going to just skip them, since the rewards are usually pretty weak. But, given the way things have turned out..." the woman trailed off for a second before hopping back aboard her train of thought.

"Well, every little bit of XP helps now, right," she asked. "Plus, seems to me everyone should be working together to escape from this rather... uh, exquisite prison. So..." Then came the remark about bells being tiresome.


"Bells aren't tiresome," Mutsu shot back. "You're tiresome and don't know what's good for you," she huffed, crossing her arms across her chest and scowling darkly at Ptolemy. Everyone loved bells. Even if they said they didn't, they secretly did. "Bells are love! Bells are life!"

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Ptolemy shrugged his shoulders, "I wouldn't know, SAO was the first video game I've ever played. But it does sound interesting that fetch quests are the main priority of the game when you first enter it. Intriguing." He cringed as the sound of bells hit his ears again.  Is it possible to go deaf in this game? The decibels of those bells are killing me. "I suppose they are the most easiest quest to do. If you're completely new to a game, I think a fetch quest would be absolutely fine to do." He glanced at her when she trailed off but didn't pay much to it.

Okay, ignore my introduction.  He painfully smiled at her, "yes... we have to agree and work together to complete the game, no?" He gave her a small smile.

"I'd disagree but I hope I won't change your thoughts," he said calmly, his lips forming into a thin line. "I'd think what would be good for me ma'am." Restraining himself from rolling his eyes, he set off, not waiting for her to catch up. "Message me when you print that on to a shirt."



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"I can do better than a t-shirt," Mutsu chirped brightly, clapping her hands happily for a second. Swiping her right pointer finger in the air, she called up her player menu and, tapping through a few screens in quick succession, she materialized a simple item in her hands. A silver bell on a slender leather cord. Bobbing and hopping up to @Ptolemy she dropped the bell over his head. "There we are! A little gift from Mutsu to you! Welcome to the wonderful world of fantasy-based prison role playing games!" She danced out in front of Ptolemy and materialized her sarissa in her hands. "So, are we doing this the boring way and trying to gather materials from rooting around in the wilds? Or are we doing this the fast and fun way and slaughtering a bunch of animals in the fields around the Town," Mutsu asked, sounding a bit too enthusiastic. "Personally, I vote for the fast way. More XP that way, then you can get on to the next fetch quest."

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He picked up the bell and looked at her, "aren't these things supposed to be for cats?" He sighed, shoving it into his pocket. "So fun to play." He muttered sarcastically, "this will definitely give me a long lasting impression on video games. The first one I play and then I am suddenly in a game where I have to fight with swords if I want to get out of here," he chuckled to himself bitterly, feeling as if this whole thing was surreal and unrealistic. "Ah, no," Ptolemy put on a crooked smirk. "I am not a pacifist, but I'm going to go with the slow route. As a plus, wouldn't you love to spend your time with me anyway? After all, you are the one that approached me." He mused and shrugged, "I have plenty of time myself, so we can just go on with it. Chatting with a stranger you just met can be rather exciting, no?" He raised a brow at her as he stepped out of the town. 


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"Slow route," Mutsu pouted, allowing the sarissa to fall from her hands. She speedily swiped a finger in the air and managed to hit the 'store weapon' button on the menu, watching it dissolve into blue sparkly nothingness just before the useless weapon would have hit the ground. It had taken some practice to be able to perfect that little maneuver, at least to be able to do it without tossing the spear in the air first. "And bells are for everyone, put it on," she continued encouragingly, watching as @Ptolemy slipped it into his pocket. "It's lovely and jingly!"

"Chatting with a stranger," Mutsu asked, blinking her brown eyes at Ptolemy. Abruptly, she put both her hands over her armored chest and gave Ptolemy a deeply scandalized look. "Are you a stranger danger, Ptolemy," she asked mischievously, keeping up the faux act of a woman who had just been scandalized by someone perverted. "Do we need a responsible adult? Because I don't know any around here..."

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