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[F17-SP] To Better Oneself <<Challenge Of Olympus: Alchemist>

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Gryas had received a notification about a new quest that was available one morning while going over his alchemist supplies. It hinted at a reward that would benefit his craft and although it said to travel to floor 17 it did not hint at any real danger that the quest will force on players as the quest level was open and not restricted.  Gryas had never been that far up before, it was dangerous for someone of his level and he would have to be careful. Even if the quest itself was not dangerous he better be careful not to stray from the quest at all or his very life could be the cost of traveling this far up in the tower. 
Still though it was exciting, every day he pushed forwards on to bigger tasks in this battle to finish the game. If he kept this up he will be on the front lines in no time!



<<Challenge Of Olympus: Alchemist>>
Recommended Level: Any | Party Limit: 1 (Solo Only)
Must be Rank 2+ Alchemist | Non-Repeatable



  • 1 Additional SP
  • (+1) CD Tool, Demeter's Cauldron


  • Roleplay The Challenge:
    • Meet with the satyr on Floor 17.
    • Meet with Demeter outside of Mt. Olympia and accept her challenge.
    • Describe the details of the challenge, face-off with Demeter and roleplay out how you best the Goddess of Agriculture.

Disclaimer:  The God(s) in this quest are NPCs for RP flavor only and cannot engage in combat nor affect the world in any way other than what’s described.

Alchemists who have reached rank 2 in their profession receive a notification stating that a rare quest is available to them on floor seventeen. Upon arriving to the floor, a satyr's sudden appearance will easily startle nearby NPCs, and he promptly inform you that you have been invited to the gates of Mt. Olympia. It seems that Demeter herself would like to challenge you to a Battle of Crafts.

Players must RP meeting with Demeter, and they are free to describe the details of the challenge that is issued however they like as long as it pertains to alchemy. They must RP the challenge out appropriately, encouraged to make the crafting battle very difficult, though not impossible. 


  • At least one [1] Page (20 or more posts)
  • All crafting done in this quest is RP only--no rolls required, and items cannot be given stats or submitted for evaluation.
Edited by Gryas
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Gryas walked off the teleportation platform into the town of Athenaia, a large town made of white marble stones and splashes of color all about. It was designed after that of Ancient Greece, in fact the whole floor was, including the other large town of Spartaia and some smaller ones spread across the floor. Taking in his surroundings Gryas took his first step onto the paved square if the Town and the moment he did a small figure shimmered out of thin air in front of him and gave an over the top extravagant bow. It was a Satyr, a half human half goat creature common in Greek Mythology. As the Satyr appeared some of the close by NPC's actually seemed startled by the creature, such a small detail to program into a game... it really did make the world feel real. 
"Greetings Master Gryas, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

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