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[SP-F01] Scavenging for Comfort Food <<Nature's Treasure>>

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Black began to slide on the three trinkets that he had bought from Ennakai's shop on the first floor. He felt more confident now about his ability to scavenge for items and be productive without having to whine about the crappy results too much. 


Nature's treasure was one of his favorite quests because the ambiance was so low maintenance that it brought about a sense of mellowness. 

He serenely walked through the garden listening to the vibrantly singing songbirds of red and yellow hue. He began to wonder what manner of food items awaited him as he seemed far too thrilled and ready to cook up amazing dishes and recipes. 


He thought about the food he had prepared at the Ichiban...testing food and experimenting with it was not something to be done on a public venue. It was here that he would sample ingredients. It was here that his untapped potential would begin to bear fruit. 


Equipped: (3) + 1 LD Trinkets (Third Eye) 


Item used: Black's Lucky Lollipop (+3 LD) Item 


ID - 107071 

LD- 2 (Fail) 

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Black began to cut through fields of bushes and step over brush in his search for quality materials. He was determined to find something worthy of use to aid him in becoming a champion cook. He would not be deterred from his goal as he had a prudent and resilient mind. He knew that in this cause, patience was indeed a virtue that one should adopt should they seek to find themselves glory in the world of Aincrad. 

All he could do was think about Ichiban and how his dishes would be rated by the judges. It left a nervous pit in his stomache as he decided to check a bush, hoping the ingredients would hold a familiar taste.As he found an item and sampled it, he smacked his lips for a few moments and muttered. "Mustard" With a few bobs of his head he stowed away the berries and continued onward on his quest. 


ID-107072 7 + (6) = 13 

Total mats gathered: 1 

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Black rubbed his eyes with the knuckle of his index finger. His hands felt warm among the morning sun. The cool winds blew over the hairs that bristled on his neck. He pulled up his jacket and looked over at the shady fields of trees. Other adventuers were all gathered, polluting the loot zone and contesting with him for quality mats. He knew he had to be fast if he wanted to beat out the competition. 

"Oh, wait..is that Black?" One of the players teased, he had brown hair and freckles and looked at Black with a smug look. It was Tsume. He was another aspiring chef and Black's rival in the arena of the Ichiban. 

"What do you want, Tsume? Can't you see I'm busy." Black growled as he began to start picking up another pile of berries. 

"Are you seriously putting Gargatua Berries into your backpack..gosh..do you really want to get expelled on the first day? Those taste like anchovies!"

ID- 107078 LD - 5 + (6) = 11 

Total Mats Gathered: 2 

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“Yeah, well, I didn’t exactly ask you? I got better things to do with my day, I’m trying to learn all the ingredients around this place so I can use my amazing mind to whip up some top notch ingredients. “ Black stated with a confident tone. He was beginning to become annoyed by Tsume. Types like him thrived off nothing more than being a jerk and acting extremely condescending to others without so much as a second thought. 

That was the world at Ichiban. There were a lot of cold, ruthless, students who would top at nothing to get what they want. Black knew he would have to implement long term strategies and proficient tactics in order to render their attempts to force him into submission or to get him to get expelled from the school. He just kept his head down and smirked as he found two perfect cluster of berries. 

ID- 107079 - 12 + (6) = 18 

Total Mats gathered: 4 

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"Ohhh, look at who's getting lucky. You enjoy picking in the field for things you already know that you're just going to burn?" Tsume cackled at the ebony skinned player who squinted at the other player and snarled. "Aye, bruh..you want to chill on all that. I saw your scores from the judge last night. They only rated you a five out of twelve..so it's not like you're the best." Black flared his nostrils as his eyes bulged at the man in anger. He was becoming so upset that he didn't even focus on finding anything and missed his opportunity to find resources. "This dude is really starting to kill my vibe,." Black grumbled as Tsume cheered from a distance. As Black turned around, there was Tsume waving his four items at Black with a teasing grin. "Yeah, I bet you wish you were as good as me. You're still sloppy as ever. You'll never be a top chef." The boy hissed. 

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Black waved dismissively at the antagonist. He was convinced the man was only here with no other purpose than to serve as a distraction to knock black off the rails towards his goals while the man didn't even focus on his own. "People like you are weak.." Black stated as he looked back and faced the man. The sable skinned warrior got up in his face and looked freaking livid. 

"Oh, what..are you going to try to attack me? Well go ahead..be my guest. I'd love to see you with an orange cursor over your head. Go on...do it." Tsume taunted him, crossing his arms with a maleficent smile. 

It was true. If Black had went out of his way to attack the man, then there would be severe consequences, especially if he was strong enough to actually kill him. "Look, just stay out of my way." Black said as he ran past and thrust his shoulder into Tsume to gather materials.  


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Black moved on to a different area to be left alone as Tsume cursed his name. He felt the blood in his veins boiling like a pot of hot gumbo in the oven. He grew hotter as his face burnt red like the desert sun. His fists clenched as he wrinkled his nose.

"Cocky son of a b****.." Black kicked a can on the ground as it rattled about the floor then burst into crystals. "I'll show him...give me a few weeks and I'll challenge him to a showdown and embarrass him in front of the whole class. " The Marine grumbled with his hands in his pockets. There was no stopping him once he got upset. There was a seething vengeance in his eyes as they held a penetrating gleam.


Black looked around the area, his head going left and right to scan for items of use. "This place is dead. I better go look elsewhere for food that hasn't been picked clean." With that, he spun on his heel and started to head to the southern part of the garden to look for more useful materials. 


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The sunny sky went brightly in the sky. A squirrel crawled the the canopy of an apple tree as an older woman rocked gently in the chair. She seemed blissfully at peace as she smiled at the NPC husband next to him. Black began to wonder what time it was in game as he opened his menu and looked at the in-game time. " Goodness... Seven fifteen already." He says as he wipes his brow. 


He had came out extremely early to complete his mission of gathering items. He felt that it would go to an amazing cause and help our the frontlines and other people in the area. "Food always wins the hearts and minds." Black states with a smile as he notices a tree full of apples. He walks all over to the tree and begins to crawl up tree and then began to pick an apple from the tree. "Nice...very nice. I would love some amazing apple pie." 


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Black closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his head. He began to look around and think about the world around him. A butterfly flapped it's wings next to him . It was beautiful and majestic, perhaps too splendid for this death game he found infesting every part of his life. He noticed he couldn't even fight someone who tried to get under his skin without turning up orange. "Well, doesn't everyone want to feel wanted?" Black states sarcastically as he begins to gather up more tomatoes from the garden. "At least ketchup at the end of the day is still ketchup. I love using this stuff on everything. I can also make some pretty d*** good sandwiches too. " Black nods his head confidently. 


He then looks about the area for any sign of Tsume. He narrowed his eyes as he saw Tsume near the pumpkins. 


"Ah, this will be perfect for my pumpkin spice coffee" Tsume smirked as he flashes Black a devious grin. 


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Black would quite literally  rather want to crap in his hands and clap than spend another minute in the presence of Tsume. He was a toxic degenerate that constantly disrespected other students. Even worse, he had an entourage of goons that were enamored with his prowess as a chef. He was the top grossing chef in the academy. 


Black, on the other hand, was the bottom of the class. He barely passed the entrance exam by mere stroke of luck. He didn't have the natural talent that Tsume had when it came to the beginner chefs but he chose to study really hard and be diligent as his method of reigning supreme in the long run. 



 He knew that he has the passion to succeed he only needed to apply himself so that hat he could climb the ladder to victory. He wanted to become a world reknown class chef and to do so would require diligent training. 

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Black had returned many weeks later far stronger than he was before. This time he was a rank 3 Chef with exceptional talents due to his special item known as Hestia's Flame. He had acquired it from the seventeenth floor of the game after receiving a notification about a special invitation from Hestia to partake in the challenge of Olympus. Hestia, the player and not the Goddess would have guided him there where he met a rather stout Satyr that had reassured him that before challenging the. Goddess, he would need to train in the different aspects of living off of the land, hunting mighty beasts of the land and catching quality fish of the sea. He was determined to find victory within his conquest. Thinking of this as he searched through bushes for more berries. "I did it ..I actually did it. I challenged the Goddess of the hearth and won!" 


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Black was pretty happy about his level of productivity. He was hauling in materials left and right and becoming really prepared for all manners of orders for the Ichiban. He felt he could do a lot of cook now that he is starting to really get the ball rolling. He felt blessed with success after he harvested two fields of wheat. He wore a bright and sunny smile as he looked to the clouds. 'Today is going to actually turn out to be a good day.' He thought as he continued onward.


He kept his steps light and begun to become in tune with nature as he watched the digital world burst into life. Everything was wonderful and serene. Even the squirrels seemed to be at bliss as they carried their nuts up into a hole in the tree where they made their nest. He looked at the time on his menu and was making good time. 


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Only an hour had passed and Black was moving in strides. It seemed that the field he had discovered held plenty of resources that he coukd use to achieve his goals. He needed as many items to use for food as he could muster. With a determined look in his eyes he knew that he would not slow down. He would do what ever it took to succeed. He kept his hands moving and collecting the various grains of wheat. " These will make for very essential ingredients or baking a lot of bread and making quality meals." The Marine said aloud. He began to think about the troops and how he was trying to get everything together for them. He aimed to get as much as he could in order to perform exceptionally well as a chef on the front lines. He also tried to make sure he did as much as possible to help the others perform quite well as well. 

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Black was enjoying his peace of mind as he was meditating beneath a tree or possibly taking a light snooze, it was difficult to say as he sat there with his legs lying over another with his head hanging down. If one got closer, they might become of the swift movement of his hands as he began to clean his sword with a towel, he seemed to worship the weapon, though there was little cause for cleaning it as it wasn’t like blood would actually ever stain the curved sword. Still, the military had taught him to hold an avid appreciation for his weapon and he held firm to these traditions of considering one’s weapon to be sacred. He looked cool, calm, and collected as he inspected the hilt and tested the weight.

His head lifted up as he noticed the tree above him was an apple tree and he considered the potential of making a nice snack.


 He relished in the idea of being a chef that could cook an assortment of delicious snacks on demand. Food was perhaps like a drug to him in this world. He had the tools not only to make food, but to multiply it and have a feast beyond compare. After a deployment overseas and having to eat crappy MREs, being trapped here was a blessing in disguise. His thumb rolled over the smooth surface of the apple as he smirked at it and stowed it away in his inventory. He dusted off his blue and tan armor as he blonde mane glinted in the rays of sunlight to complement his dark complexion. 

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Black felt that he had to hurry if he wanted to be the best. This time he came back to the field and he was much more mature. He was much stronger. More educated about the world that he lived in. He felt more invested in his life in Aincrad. He thought that rising to the top would be an amazing journey. He felt that it was his calling he understood that culinary prowess in this game would be unlike anything in real life. For his masterful talents, he would need the best ingredients for his recipes. He looked up at the clouds as they loomed over his head with such gentleness and white fluffiness to their texture. He almost forgot how soothing it was to work diligently in the field. He continued searching the land for quality crops and resources and did so with a vibrant smile upon his face. 


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Black began to walk down the alley of the garden as Kiba joined his side. "Hey boy! How are you? Want a treat?" He shouted out to the mighty wolf. The Wolf raised its head awkwardly at the master who had found him it the heights of the fiery volcanic mountain. The wolf walked over curiously towards his master and prodded his pocket with its nose. The medium height ebony skinned swordsman went on to produce a rather delicious set of pet food. The familiar food was uniquely tailored to his wolf's palette. He cared deeply for his wolf and wanted the animal to eat the best of what he had to offer. The two were to solidify themselves as partners in combat. Each day he would train with the beast and eat together. He would grow together as a team of mighty warriors. The wolf took the treat and started chopping away. 


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Black pulled out a sound crystal as he began to work. He enjoyed listening to all manners of music from classical to hip hop to J-pop. However, today was a gentle day and so he opted for a blissful emotionally inducing sound. He played instrumentals with pleasant notes that were angelic to his ears. He began to feel himself soaring through the heights of the culinary world. He held a deep level of enthusiasm for the craft and with each note he found inspiration for quality dishes. He wished to dig deeper within himself. To pull out the very essence of flavor from within his soul. To marinate every meal with the secret sauce that poured out from his heart. Ever fleeting were the days of cooking masterpieces. However, the black skinned chef felt compelled to bring the powerfulness of cooking to every dish that he could muster throughout Aincrad. 


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Black began to wonder how the others were doing. He wondered if he would ever see Hestia again or some of the other people he had met. He knew the likelihood of them going missing was very likely. He also knew that there was a real chance that that would be the least of his worries. Another likely possibility would be that he would die before making it out to see them again. What was on the higher floors was unexpected and there was nothing to say that he wouldn't run into a high level mob or opponent. The difficulty in games like this were known to spike the further that one progressed. Black loved to play games on the hardest difficulty modes. He always turned games up to veteran or very hard difficulty and enjoyed hardcore survival based games. However, this game was on an entirely different level than he had known. 


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He was aware of so many people killing other people. He read on the monument of life about how players were being killed by even the low level boars and wolves on the early floors. He shook his head as he thought about how the beginners in the game got slaughtered left and right. There were immensely dark days that shrouded those that dwelled in the town of beginnings. 

The classical music that poured out began to mourn the loss of all the fallen warriors. He began to have a sinking feeling in his stomach as he though about the players that had committed suicided and threw themselves off great heights to end their sorrow. He gulped as he shook his head with a pensive expression and began to wave Kiba over and had him follow him to a field where he would gather fresh produce to cool at the Ichiban. 


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He looked to the sky and noticed the time getting closer to the evening. He uttered a few words for the fallen as he began to walk through the fields to handle the last of his work. He searched for one more load so that he may end the scene on a high note. He knew he had to keep a positive mental attitude to stay alive in the world. Depression was a crippling sentiment and he had no time for it. He sniffed roughly as he dug his hands through a bush. Looking up to the sky he noticed that clouds began to gather around and darken. 

"Crap...it's going to rain. I guess it's time to saddle up and get on out of here. Don't need to be working out in the rain all night. Black whistled to Kiba and waved him over and decided to head on back home. 


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1 SP 
400 Col 
(21) T1 Materials

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