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[F2-PP] <<Long Live the Queen>> A stinging sensation [Black]

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August had never been to the second floor, however it had been cleared a long while before. The main town was bustling with many low level players and NPCs who were visiting the second floor for travelling and trading. August was here for a different reason, he was here to complete a quest he had heard about. Despite his eagerness for the quest, it was one he had to be cautious of. From talking with people on the first floor, he had heard about a certain mob that spawns on the second floor that was a part of a quest, and this mob dropped an item that would boost his weak attack power. However, this mob did 20 base damage on its attacks, and if he fought this beast and got hit, then he was dead. The secondary reason he had come to the second floor was to find someone to help him with the quest. August knew how the hate system worked in this game, commonly called <<Threat>> in other games, if a tank class was attacking a mob then they would generate <<Hate>> and the mob would attack them instead of the damage dealers. If he could utilize this system, then he wouldn't be hit at all, however there was some chance to it. If he got a critical strike then he would catch up to the person helping him. The prospect terrified him, however, he was more than willing to do anything to get beyond the trap of being a beginner.

He approached a piece of parchment on the notice board of the town that had a large golden [ ! ] floating above it, and brought his finger up to it, giving it a tap to begin the quest. He pressed the small blue circle that would signify the acceptance of the quest. "Alright great, step one complete." He now had to basically stand here and wait for someone else to approach and ask for their help, although he was well aware that people might not be that charitable



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The ebony skinned ninja kept his Japanese curved sword and wakizashi, a parrying blade of shorter length attached to his yellow rucksack. The traveler was drifting through the second floor, scouting out the terrain for edible resources. His talents as a Marine Infantryman taught him a lot about survival, but the game mechanics certainly made things a lot easier. Despite that, the blonde haired warrior had a love for the forested biome. He walked with his hands in his pockets and stayed along the river. Following him was the instrumental of hip-hop as he bobbed his has to the music.

“I can mingle with the stars or throw a party on mars~ Yet I’m a prisoner, locked up behin d digital bars~”

The silver plated headband on his forehead read "Lucky Devil". Behind him was his trusty companion, Kiba, an elemental spirit wolf. It kept a vigilant demeanor and hunter's poise.

" I think we scavenged enough food for today, boy. " Black said as he knelt down feeding the wolf some familiar snacks. He turned his head squinting down the river, before collecting water into a canteen.


He noticed Kiba begin to bark at something or someone and looked up from the river. "Huh? What is it, boy? Another player?" Black blinked as he walked over, munching on a rice cake


LVL 20 400/400 HP 40 EN 45 MIT 5 DMG 2 THN 1 REC 3 ACC

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August had stood there for what felt like a couple of hours before he gave up on his endeavor, "Fine I'll do it myself", August proudly announced to himself, as no one around him was listening. He set off from the main town on the second floor, out into the wilderness of the second floor. The terrain here was noticeably different from the first floor. Where the first floor had rolling hills and luscious forests, the second floor was more arid and covered in mountain ranges. They both had their appeal of course, however the first floor felt more like home, as the majority of the time that he had spent in the game had been on the floor. The general layout of the second floor expanded out from the main city of <<Urbus>>, which was located in the middle of a giant crater, meaning that he would have to do some serious hiking in order to reach the quest location, however it would give him time on planning how not to die. The mob, from what he could gather, did exactly his health bar in damage, so if he got hit then he was done for. Which is entirely the reason he was looking for someone to help him in the first place, however, he guessed most of the people who were able to help him were not on the second floor, and even those that were probably had better things to be doing than helping some low level player.

Coming up to a stream, he decided that he would take a break, as he had been on his feet for most of the day at this point. He heard the familiar sound of flowing water so he headed in that direction to take a break. However, as he approached he heard the sound of another player. Being cautious, he approached slowly with his hand on his sword. Not that it would do very much, considering how weak he was, but he didn't wan to take any chances. As he got closer, he saw a man and a ethereal familiar, not one that he recognised anyway. August decided that the best course of action would probably be to introduce himself and at least make himself seem presentable. "Hi there, haven't seen you around before. Nice to meet you, names <<CrownS>>. Cute pet you got there." The facade he put up was probably only slightly convincing at best and totally see through at worst, but he couldn't show weakness in front of another player, especially a stranger. "Actually, you seem strong, could you help me with a quest?" August brought up his menu and set it to publicly view-able, opening the quest text that was hidden behind several options. "I'm a bit weak, but I wanted to try and complete it anyway. If you're not busy then would you mind giving me a hand?" He turned the menu around and positioned it so that the man would be able to read what was on it. Pointing to a spot on the map he continued, "It's not far from here, probably only about 10 minutes, it will only take a short while to finish it too." 



  • HP: 20
  • DMG: 3
  • ACC: 1




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The scent of the wilderness and cedar trees was refreshing as Black watched wind rabbits hop over to the stream to drink some water before scurrying off into the woods only to have his familiar Kiba hunt them down and devour them, shattering the mother and her digital kids into food to sedate the beast and his carnivorous hunger. Kiba was a skilled hunter and held and aggressive demeanor. The beast was largely territorial and very much so an alpha wolf. It returned to it's masters side and slowly studied a figure in the distance curiously. It's ears flopped up to become aware of what may be lurking in the midst.


The sound of crunching leaves and twigs caught it's acute primal senses. It deathstared the boy as Black tilted his head to notice a man coming to approach him out of the forest. Cautious hands rested at his side, ready to draw his blade, but the man's words disarmed him.


"CrownS, eh? My name's Black. I'm a Marine from the United States. Been stuck in this game just like you. You sure you want to be leaving the town of beginnings? Death out here is very real." He states stoically with a hand planted in his pocket. "I sat in the game waiting for years like you..hoping something would change...that we'd have special forces taking down Kayaba and extracting us all out of here. But I don't think that's the case. Only reason to leave floor one now is to get to the front lines or enjoy the thrill of adventure. " He comments before sending the man a party invite. "We'll be heading to kill this wasp, but you only attack when I give you the greenlight. If you don't you'll end up dead. Good to go?" The militant man secured his canteen to his side and began to walk off. "What's your gear enhancements looking like?"






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"Yeah something like that, eh." Truth be told, August had left the Town of Beginnings before now, however when he did, his only friend died at the hands of one of the many kinds of monsters that inhabited this game world. Since then he had been stuck walking around the many shops and visiting all the NPCs that he could. It was only recently that he had emerged from the town and discovered all the wonders of the castle outside of the starting town. To August's amazement, this game was not something to exclusively be scared of, there were many amazing things to experience that he would normally never get to experience in real life. Similarly to him, the man named <<Black>> came from the US, "Oh nice, what state? I'm from Minnesota, nothing too interesting." It was clear that the man was much older than him, or at least it appeared that way to August. After giving a little speech a little screen appeared in front of him, a party invite. He thought about it for a second, this quest could ultimately mean his doom, however, these thoughts were quickly dispelled and he clicked the button, accepting Black's party invite.

The plan was to play it safe, August figured that Black knew how hate worked so he would be able to manipulate it to make sure August never got hit. It was a pretty full-proof strategy, the only thing that could go wrong was it August got a critical strike, then he would either be on par or above Black's hate, meaning that he would become the primary target for the very pissed off bug. "Roger that, ahh, so far all I have is damage and accuracy enhancements." August made a feeble attempt not to sound stressed out by the looming battle, however he trusted the man's instincts. He brought up his stats screen, setting it on <<visible by party>> and turning it so the both of them could see. 



  • HP: 20
  • DMG: 3
  • ACC: 1

"I've only just started so my stats are a little low, but I reckon beating this mob will bring me up a few levels." Setting off the two reached a more dense part of the forest that signified the lair of the <<Queen Bee>> monster that they would be fighting. "Well, here we are, whats the plan?"



OOC: Sorry for late reply, been a bit busy!


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Black listened to the young man as he lit up a cigarette. He figured that everyone was out here just trying to learn how to survive. Most people were great gamers, however there was also the concept that games were terrible about discovering new areas and having to be injured by different enemies that we couldn't expect. 

As they ventured further in the woods, the man spoke about he would. "Minnesota, huh? I'm from Texas myself." The Texan Marine imparted as they closed in on the enemy. "Big city of Houston, though. Not much countryside, so I guess you can say I was a city boy." He laughed, then pointed at enemy wasp. "Alright. We'll close in on the enemy and only attack when I give the signal, Black stated as he drew his sword and rushed the beast with an upward slash. "Keep your distance for now. We'll have this all over soon."




BD-7 (+3) MD- 3


(5) x (2) = (10) DMG to Wasp Queen


Wasp Queen 50/60


H: 1]  Black:   - HP: 400/400 // EN : 40/40 // MIT: 52// DMG: 5 // THN: 18// EVA: 0 // ACC : 3// PARA : 0 // REC 1 //



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The battle had begun and August was starting to get more and more stressed. Black didn't seemed phased at all by the monster and instead charged in headstrong to fight it. His orders were for August to stay back and wait for his signal to attack, which August was prepared to follow religiously given that he didn't want to die. Black stormed the giant bee and struck it with a force that August could only hope to reach, and the beast squealed and screeched as a large red line appeared up its abdomen. The creature appeared to be stunned, so it didn't offer any resistance as Black lined up for his next attack. August, however, still couldn't attack, because if he crit the monster then he would be its primary target. Any hit would kill him so he would rather it die slower than him be at risk of dying. "Just let me know when to attack! Rather be safe than sorry!" August yelled across the heat of battle. Surprisingly, for a semi-boss battle, it was fairly quiet. There wasn't music, or loud noises from the surrounding areas, it was eerily quiet, and it disturbed August slightly. However he re-focussed and drew his sword, ready for when it was his turn to attack.


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Black maintained a sharp and militant composure. He knew that if he had appeared confident and assured that everything would flow smoothly that it would give Crown peace of mind. As long as the dark haired warrior didn't get ahead of himself, he'd make it out okay. He knew this deadly wasp was able to one shot level ones with ease. All it took was a single sting to send them shattering into nothingness.

Black's dark eyes reverted back to check on August and make sure he was holding up alright. It seemed the man didn't have any issues following orders which was good. Things should work out well. “You're disciplined. You should be fine. “ Black grunted as noticed the man was tensed up. Black remembered the same feeling when he was in the man's shoes.

Black's boots sprung up from the ground as he leaped to his left and entered a soinning vortex as he used the powerful force from his hips. His momentum poured into his sword art as he unleashed the power of yet another rage blow after evading the nimble wasp's attack. “One more hit ought to do it. After I hit it one more time, I want you to go in with everything you've got, but if I say ceasefire don't you dare swing that damn sword, alright? Let me regain control of the situation. I'll guide you through this but you have to do exactly as I say “ Black said firmly with no room for debate on the matter.



D# 107930 results:

Battle: 6

MOB: 4

(5) x (2) = (10)

Wasp Queen 40/60 HP

H: 2]  Black:   - HP: 400/400 // EN : 40/40 // MIT: 52// DMG: 5 // THN: 18// EVA : 0 // ACC : 3// PARA : 0 // REC 1 //




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He still had to stay put, this was perfectly fine with him. However he felt like he was slightly taking advantage of Black, the giant wasp was down a third of its health already and he hadn't even gone near it, let alone tried to attack it. "Alright! I'll stand by and watch to see if anything is coming. Players or otherwise." Beyond the monsters, the players in this game were a very real threat, since the first floor was cleared and up until now, there have been many reports of players and even entire guilds becoming <<PKers>> or as they're more formally known, player killers. These people were worse than scum in August's eyes, they scared lower level players and kept many in the towns and out of areas that would keep them leveling up. In essence, they were hindering the progress of the game, and killing people in the process.

August didn't exactly have a deathwish, so he didn't move. Part of it was his body being locked up by fear, and the other part was following Black's instructions. However, Black seemed to have this whole situation under control, as the mob hadn't even managed to lay a finger on him yet. He wanted to yell out some encouragement but it would probably distract him more than anything else.


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Black hoped the man's patience wouldn’t wear thin. Of course, if it did, Black would just think the man had some death wish and didn't have his priorities straight. However, this man out that idle time to good use. He was a thinker who was mindful of being vigilant and able to detect threats. “Good thinking. We got to always maintain fields of security when we can.” Black retorts as he stares down the buzzing beast that was infuriated with him by now.

The man was right to be wary of other players in the game. Sometimes they were the larger threat. Enemies and bosses could be learned and often evaded, but a man hunting person no one knew anything about could pose a large problem. There were rumors of thieves liking about the lower floors, seeking to intimidate new players into handing over materials or Col.

The Bee winded up into a fearsome penetrating sting that rammed Black against a tree. A loud cloud of dust shot from the impact and black's sword emanated a bold red aura as he thrust it straight through the insect. With only a tiny increment of his health gone and the beast at half health now, he shouts out to CrownS. “Alright, you have the green light! You're clear to engage! Stab it hard like you want to kill it!”





BD- 3 (+3)

MD- 10

(5) x (2) = 10 DMG


-1 HP to Black

Wasp Queen 30/60 HP

H: 3]  Black:   - HP: 399 /400 // EN : 40/40 // MIT: 52// DMG: 5 // THN: 18// EVA : 0 // ACC : 3// PARA : 0 // REC 1 / /


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It was finally August's time to attack. The giant wasp was now at half health, and soon it would be over, a lot quicker than he had anticipated. It was quite lucky that he had run into Black, since he seemed to be way over leveled for this floor, and he was well ahead of August in terms of both gear and <<Skills>>, however he wasn't complaining as this monster would have been way more than he could have handled on his own. After this battle he would have to ask the man about his presence on the floor, and perhaps about his generosity but for now that would have to wait. "Okay! I'll go in!" He yelled at Black as he prepared his sword, however, he stared at the wasp, and it seemed to notice his presence and turned its head towards him, meaning he was now engaged in the battle. It wouldn't attack him but he still had to be careful. It noticed him, but it didn't move, and neither could August, he was petrified in place, unable to move. "I...I can't" His legs were frozen in place in terror. This was the first time he had been faced with the actual threat of death, nothing else in the game had really come close since that day. "I'm sorry" he managed to mumble out, sweat now pouring down his face.



ID# 108042 

  • Battle: 3 [4 (3+1)] MISS


  • HP: 20
  • DMG: 3
  • ACC: 1
  • Energy: 0/2 (-2)


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Black was waiting for some eager adventurous boy to start attacking out of adventurous spirit. Most players were eager to kick a few mobs around just for the entertainment value, but Black forgot asking him to do this was like giving a kid a knife and shoving him off to go stab some serial killer that's already had a history of killing people.

Due to Black's Level and gear, it was as if the enemy was trying to cut into diamond with a sharp layer of steel. It was simply ineffective. However, CrownS might as well have been wearing a paper bag, because that's how then his mitigation was. Black could understand the man's discomfort.

It seemed the man had found his resolve and charged forth to go in, but his actions lacked congruence with his words. “Right..it's okay. I get it. You're scared. “ Black said calmly despite the beast stabbing him straight through the torso. “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand, so that we may fear less.” Black responds as he charges another strike and rips the enemy down to yellow health.



 ID# 108047 results:

Battle: 8 (Hit)

Craft: 7

Loot: 19

MOB: 10

Wasp Queen 20/60 HP

H: 4]  Black:   - HP: 399 /400 // EN : 40/40 // MIT: 52// DMG: 5 // THN: 18// EVA : 0 // ACC : 3// PARA : 0 // REC 1 / /





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August took a deep breath, this was a game, the system was designed to work in a certain way, if they just followed a strict strategy then August would be perfectly safe. Monitoring hate was fairly simple as it only went up when you were using basic attacks, and thus far, if August had been paying attention, then Black would be the main target and he would probably not have generated any hate. He listened to blacks words and exhaled the air he had been holding in. This was a strategy he used when he was younger that calmed him down every time, and now was a time when he needed it most. August redrew his sword and looked at the boss, he would attack the creature and be added to its loot table, otherwise he probably wouldn't have credit towards the quest. Positioning his sword, it glowed the familiar blue of the particular sword he was using, as he charged towards the giant wasp and performed a jab towards its lower abdomen the sword pierced the monster and left a red hole where he had struck. In fear of being hit by it, he dashed back to where he was standing previously where it was safe. "I did it! I hit it!" He proudly proclaimed to Black, who was no doubt not in awe in the slightest by his minor feat.





ID# 108157

  • Battle: 8



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Black scrutinized the other player. He knew this was a fight or flight moment. “Come on. Don't feed the fear.” Black said encouragingly as he tested August's resolve. He wanted Cr0wnS to most of all recognize that the games mechanics were different from how unpredictable the real world was. Once you recognized the patterns, the game itself was very much so predictable and able to understand. “It's just like solving a puzzle or a dance. I take 3 steps you take one. You'll get a vibe for it.”

Black watches as the man's sword charged up. “Great. Now don't just try to hit the target for your sword art. Strike through them!” Black announced. “The game assists and guides you through it. You’ll be fine. “ Black watched as he sliced through the wasp with a pretty accurate strike.

“Alright, great, now it's time for the fatal finish. “ Black smirked as he rose his sword in the air and it glowed red before he slammed it down into the wasp. With flickering red health, the wasp made it's final stand and stung the player, only to be ripped apart by his armor's thorns.

Black decided to pull out a vanity song crystal and play the FF7 combat victory song to celebrate the win and exp.



 ID# 108188 results:

Battle: 9

(6) x (2) = 12

MOB: 8

-1 HP to Black

-18 HP to wasp Queen

Wasp Queen 0/60 HP

H: 5]  Black:   - HP: 398/400 // EN : 40/40 // MIT: 52// DMG: 5 // THN: 18// EVA : 0 // ACC : 3// PARA : 0 // REC 1 / /



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It was over and August had barely done anything, however it had died so fast. The military man hadn't missed a singe attack and had taken away the majority of its health bar with just one attack, and in all honesty August had felt quite useless. However he was very glad that he had someone more experienced here to help him, otherwise the likelihood of death was almost 100%. Now that the battle was over he sat down on the ground and let out a large sigh of relief. "Sorry, I feel like I was a bit useless during that, but you just did so much damage." August admitted to Black. "Not to be rude but, what is someone at such a high level doing on the second floor. Most of the people I've encountered have been around level 1 to 5. I'm glad you were here though." Although it was his first visit to the second floor, he had spent copious amounts of time exploring the many shops and streets on the first floor, which meant he had encountered many people from those floors. Not many of them had been a level of any significance, which meant that they were most likely all beginners like August. Black however was evidently very experienced, "Are you a part of the clearing group? Despite where I am now, that's kind of where I want to end up eventually, its going to take a lot of grinding though." His aims were probably not achievable in his current state, as he was still scared of almost everything around him, but he would get there eventually. "Oh, also we should probably head back to town before it gets too late, would rather not be out here at night."


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Black was simply happy that the battle had been dealt with and fortunately the man would have gained enough experience to become boosted a level or two after their adventures which would reduce the threat of him dying on the beginner floors. Fortunately, Black's strikes landed when they needed to or else this would have became a long and drawn out fight. "Heh, no worries man. I felt just as useless when I started out the same as you. Someone else helped me, but hey look at me now. You'll get there with enough patience. " He reassured the young man. "Do yourself a favor with the money you get from this and buy yourself some armor at a shop. It's a worthy endeavor. You'll also want to do a quest called Gemini. It's good for getting that concentrate ability. I also tend to recommend getting yourself a familiar as well. They are quite useful. " Black paused a moment to hear out the man's question. "I'm hear just enjoying the ambiance. It's good to travel. I also am a chef and certain ingredients you can only get on certain floors. I'm actually a pretty high ranked chef, I might add. So, if you're ever in the market for buffs, come swing my way. I'm near the waterfall of the sage on the sixth floor. " Black produced some sushi rolls from his inventory. "I make a bit of everything from different nationalities, but my favorite thing to make is sushi. " He states as he beams with delight and enjoys a bite. "Not part of any group, but I know a good amount of people. Thought about getting a group of tier ones to band together. Help them out with stuff. Generosity goes a long way. You should get to know Mutsu, Kirbs, and Hydravion maybe..oh..and Vally, too. They are all close to your level." 


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