Spencer 0 Posted November 17, 2018 #1 Share Posted November 17, 2018 "Noot, Really, I don't think you should go any higher." He looked up at the small artic bird as it tried to climb up another tree branch. It let out a small squeak and fell back, landing on the branch it was on previously. Noot huffed a little annoyed and looked at the top of the tree, squeaking at it in anger. Spencer smiled brightly and laughed, climbing up the tree a bit, helping Noot reach the next branch. It nooted happily and started to climb a bit more, snow falling from the tree as the penguin hopped form branch to branch. "You adorable little bird." He muttered and stroked his feather, causing the penguin to jump into Spencer's arms. He gasped and quickly caught the penguin, almost falling out of the tree. "Noot! Warn me next time okay?" He laughed and slowly climbed down the tree, setting him back down on the lowest branch. "Now please stay a bit lower to the ground, I don't want you dying on me okay?" He said with a small smile, petting the penguin and letting him playing on the tree, kicking and moving the snow, the penguin having the time of its life. He hung back a bit and looked around the scenery, taking in the nice Winter day on the 4th floor. @Kataware@Kirbs@Huginn@Psychonier Link to post Share on other sites
Kirbs 0 Posted November 17, 2018 #2 Share Posted November 17, 2018 Kirbs huffed a cloud of hot air as she walked down the trail. “Bloody hell,” she muttered. “Home never got this cold. I would’ve packed my bags years ago if it got this bitter during the winter,” she grumbled as she nearly slipped on a slippery rock. Is it possible to get hypothermia in a game? She clapped her hands together and rubbed them furiously. Friction, I swear to God if you don’t help me now... She trailed off as she heard distant sounds of a certain type of animal that never ceases to amaze her. Penguins? She knew exactly what it sounded like thanks to Google and small two minute videos of penguins she would find on YouTube. As she urnes the corner, she spotted— you guessed it— a bloody penguin... on a tree? I think I’m going to faint. She sighed at the heavenly sight. She could practically feel her eyes form hearts from the cuteness overload. @Spencer @Huginn @Kataware @Psychonier Link to post Share on other sites
Huginn 0 Posted November 17, 2018 #3 Share Posted November 17, 2018 Huginn walked on the fourth floor, following the usual pattern. The floors bright yet cool colors helped keep the boy calm, something you’d never guess from seeing his outfit and hearing him talk. As he walks though, some snow falls and lands on his head. What the hell? Is someone climbing a tree? He looks up and sure enough, sees a player and what appears to be a penguin playing in the snow filled plant. I hope they stay careful. He walks and turns, walking backwards. His leg catches a rock and he falls backwards, the snow letting out a loud crunch as he collides with the ground. “Well I guess I deserved that for getting distracted.” He just stares up at the sky and watches it intently. His face reads no emotion as his eyes stare off into the space in front of him. Today’s gonna be like that isn’t it. Damn it. He looks up and watches the player have fun with his pet. Muninn and I used to have fun like that. God I wish she was here, I’d be able to approach the players around me way easier. It’s a darn shame I guess. He lacked the energy to do anything about it. @Spencer @Kirbs @Psychonier @Kataware Link to post Share on other sites
Kataware 0 Posted November 17, 2018 #4 Share Posted November 17, 2018 (edited) Kataware was walking around absentmindedly within her green parka, the hoodie up and her hair let down, seeing as this forest helped offset the wind that plagued her. Her amber eyes were mostly glazed over as she was spending time thinking about performing things that helped fill in her time, no matter how monotonous those activities may be. Her already pale skin was further paled by the cold and now made a nice contrast with the snow and her surroundings. Kataware was going through her usual routine, practicing her sign language, reviewing professional conduct guidelines, and all of those things that she deemed necessary for her real-life work that seemed all too far away. However, she needed to keep it in her mind that she will be able to survive from the factors that have killed so many within the game. The matter was efficiency, the time limit set by their bodies in the real world. Kataware hoped that the floors would speed by once she made it to the frontlines. She wanted to take lead of the frontliners, organize teams and make sure that people can do their job without interference. Her goal was to fix what was wrong with the frontliners, hearing so many stories about their past incidents with each other. From what she’s heard of so far, the players themselves are more deadly than the floor bosses. Kataware heard a loud crunch followed by a thud and rushed over to the source of the sound. She found a guy wearing a hoodie simply staring up. ”Hey are you okay?” Kataware rushed over to his side, instinctively feeling his body for any broken bones before remembering that this was a video game. ”Sorry about that.” She backed away, keeping a distance from the player, not wanting to come off as overly touchy or aggressive. After all, the expression on his face told her way too well that either he is naturally just guarded or he is going through an episode right now. Kataware smiled, hoping to either lower his guard or cheer him up a little bit. @Psychonier Edited November 18, 2018 by Kataware Mention Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted November 22, 2018 Author #5 Share Posted November 22, 2018 Spencer was minding his own business with Noot, but it seemed that other people really wanted to intrude on his play time with his penguin, but it was fine because Noot is adorable and he deserves the attention he is getting. Spencer turned to see three players approaching. One on the ground, one helping him up, and another woman standing there and watching Spencer and Noot play. He smiled a bit and hopped from the tree, waving at the girl <<Kirbs>>, "Hi, I see you are admiring my Penguin." He laughed a bit, motioning to Noot. The penguin was climbing up a branch, hanging half on it, but couldn't get on to it, so he was nooting and squeaking in frustration from it. "His name is Noot, he loves climbing trees." He laughed and stopped, turning back to the girl. "Oh, I almost forgot, I'm Spencer." He stuck out his hand for the woman to shake. As he introduced himself to the woman, he noticed that the other two players, mainly the girl, were talking to each other, with the man seeming like he did not want to be there at all. I feel that, I feel that in my soul. He looked at the two, and Noot noticed the people too, Squeaking and starting to climb down, hopping from one branch to another, but it might take him a bit to get down fully. @Kirbs Link to post Share on other sites
Kirbs 0 Posted November 22, 2018 #6 Share Posted November 22, 2018 “Oh! Yeah, sorry. I got so distracted by his... uhm. Cuteness. He’s pretty fudging adorable,” the brunette rubbed the back fo her neck sheepishly. She chuckled as she watched him attempt to climb a tree. “I can see that. Clever with names, aren’t you?” He looks so huggable. Like a stuffed animal suddenly came to life. Agh, I need one! Kirbs turned to the player who introduced themself as Spencer. “Nice to meet you,” she grabbed his hand and shaked it lightly, “my name is Kirbs.” Seeing that his attantion was no longer on her, she turned to see a familiar and an unknown face. “Kat!” She rushes over to her former and companion and bear hugged her. “Oh my god, it’s been a while, right? I missed you! How have you been, huh?” Kirbs released her from her iron grip and grinned. She turned her head to Huginn, “and who’s this?” @Spencer @Huginn @Kataware Link to post Share on other sites
Huginn 0 Posted November 22, 2018 #7 Share Posted November 22, 2018 Shiro lays there lookin at the sky when a brown haired player kneels down and starts checking for injuries. Shiro’s face turned a bright red, as physical contact was not something he saw as a thing you can just do. His body tenses up and she backs away, giving him an apology and a gentle smile. A smile he had seen a few times on his sister. “No worries ma’am, I’m sure it’s just a habit.” He gives a smile back when suddenly a girl come running up and hugging the woman who had broken Shiro’s first shell. The sheer volume of the obviously British girl’s voice took the rubble from the shield Huginn had built around his own little world and put them all in the right place. He was walled off again. With the loud child there, Huginn’s wall may be much harder to break then before. His eyes dart, looking for a place to disappear to and it showed how much he wanted to get out of this situation, but his eyes landed on Kataware with a look. The kind that had “help me” written all over it. The shy genius was a rambling mess around big crowds of people and didn’t want to be a burden on the conversation. @Kataware @Kirbs @Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Kataware 0 Posted November 25, 2018 #8 Share Posted November 25, 2018 Kataware was soon hug-tackled by a girl she’s seen before. With the accent and the dress, how could Kataware ever forget her? Although she felt as if she would be crushed by the the girl’s grip, she felt assured that she wouldn’t actually suffocate from the bear hug.“Hey Kirbs, I’m doing fine. How are you?” Although her actions could be seen as impolite, Kataware kept her eyes glued to the male player on the ground. After all, he seemed skittish, looking for a place to hide, and Kataware wanted to make sure that he was alright. The amber-eyed girl walked over to male player and smiled once more while offering a hand to help him up. “I was just about to ask him myself. So, what is your name?” She took the green hood off of her head, and revealed that her chestnut brown hair was in a ponytail. “Come on, I don’t bite.” @Spencer @Kirbs @Huginn Link to post Share on other sites
Spencer 0 Posted December 6, 2018 Author #9 Share Posted December 6, 2018 Spencer smiled when Kirbs shook his hand, but quickly was pulled away, his attention that is, to see two more players, one of which Kirbs knew. Okay I guess more friend time? Sounds fine I suppose. Spencer stepped forward a few paces and looked at Kat, mentioned by Kirbs at her outburst, and another man who was on the ground after falling. At least I'm not the only clutz that is around here. He thought for a moment, smiling at it. He walked towards the woman and man, waving, giving a soft smile at them. "Hi, you okay dude? And Hi, I'm guessing you're Kat by Kirbs outburst? I'm Spencer" He asked and cocked his head with a small smile, laughing softly and the strangeness that occurred from just playing with Noot. Speaking of Noot, he crawled out of the tree and made his way to his owner, sitting by the man who was on the ground, booping his nose slightly. "Noot!" It cooed happily and waddled around the fallen man a little bit, squeaking and waddling more, happy to meet more people. It then walked over to Kirbs and waved at her, speaking softly and cocking its head, looking up at her. @Kirbs @Kataware @Huginn Link to post Share on other sites
Kirbs 0 Posted December 9, 2018 #10 Share Posted December 9, 2018 She gave a pointed look at the boy on the ground. “Okay...” She raises a suspicious eyebrow at him before looking away. Turning back to Kat, she gave an enthusiastic grin. “I’ve been well. Haven’t died yet, so that’s always a plus.” Kirbs giggled and turned back to Spencer. “Uh, yeah. I somewhat did a quest with Kataware— or Kat— a bit ago,” she explained. “You see... the quest was like, what was it called? Secret medicine of the forest...” The player trailed off as she watched the penguin crawl out of the tree. “It’s so adorable,” she cooed, crouching down to meet eye level with the adorable animal. “Aren’t you, Noot?” She pats his head before springing up again. “So, Kat. What are you doing here? You don’t seem the type of person to like the cold. Especially if it’s cold like floor four,” she pointed out, tilting her head with a puzzled look. @Kataware @Huginn @Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Huginn 0 Posted December 9, 2018 #11 Share Posted December 9, 2018 Shiro began to panic. Never had so many people been around him at once. His eyes shoot around like rockets around as he focuses on searching for an escape. Then he hears the question. “Shiro.” He sits in an almost feral position, like he was about to run. He felt safe around Kataware, but when Kirbs appeared he had regressed, but now there was a new player. It was a man. Huginn wasn’t very fond of men, but he never outright hated someone for no reason. The reassuring smile he had received from the girl did make him feel okay, like he could talk to her, but that british girl had a way of undoing that so quickly It practically gave him whiplash. His eyes race to the nearest trees. I’m fast enough I can probably make that, but then I can’t meet this new lady. Damn, what do I do? He sort of starts off and runs, stopping after a few steps and looking back at the players. I have to make friends some time. But I don’t like that girl. The British one is way too loud. “I’m sorry about that, old habit.” He fakes an innocent smile and begins to walk back to the crowd of people. @Kataware @Kirbs @Spencer Link to post Share on other sites
Kataware 0 Posted January 20, 2019 #12 Share Posted January 20, 2019 “Yeah, my name’s Kataware though I guess Kirbs calls my Kat for short.” Kataware returned Spencer’s smile and turned to face Kirbs. “Yeah, I’m not one to especially like the cold but this is bearable.” Kataware guided her hand towards the surrounding forests. “Helps to stave off the chilly winds.” However, as Kataware heard the sound of crunching snow as Shiro started to run off. She was about to chase after the boy before he came back willingly without prompt. Actions speak louder than words, don’t they. “Shiro, give me your hand for a second.” Kataware procured a small piece of twine from her inventory and started tying it around his index finger, while leaning into his ear. “If you ever feel anxious or something, feel free to play with it. If you untie it and, I’ll take that as you want to leave.” Kataware secured the knot and looked towards the other members of the group. “So what brings the rest of you here?” @Spencer @Kirbs @Huginn Link to post Share on other sites
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