Kiru 0 Posted May 15, 2014 #1 Share Posted May 15, 2014 (edited) Profile » Username: Kiru » Real Name: Aoi Arakawa » Age: 17, (When she started) » Gender: Female » Height: 5 ft 8 » About: Aoi's life at home was a slightly better environment than school, however as a child she craved the attention of her two workaholic parents. Though her mother worked at home and her dad just a few miles away, they always were there for Aoi. At the time, she did not realize how good she had it. She often lit things on fire in the large house they owned, broke things, and just made a lot of noise. Her parents were understanding, yet would not do much to assuage the emotional turmoil that seemed to plague Aoi. Her parents were quite successful, and had to work in order to keep the wealth they had. They showered her with expensive gifts and trips to exotic places- yet she wanted to be home most of the time. They weren't bad people by any means- hell, any time Aoi had a disruption they appeared at her side. Thursdays were always the nights were they went out to dinner as a family. She used to hate these extravagant weekly dinners because to a teenager, it felt like a bandaid on a stab wound. However, as Aoi grew older she began to realize and comprehend the importance of her parents jobs. She also realized that her parents were once her age, they had hopes and dreams! This realization deeply saddened Aoi, as it felt like a crushing weight to feel like a burden to two people. Her dad worked for one of the largest technology system developers and her mother was a simple businesswoman in the higher ranks. They were upper-class and respected. Aoi ceased with her disruptions at home and games at school and focused on school so she too could be successful one day. Aoi never took life too seriously. Of course she had straight A's and did well in school but other than that she wasn't really part of her peers' life. She would give her peers rude nicknames and found them quite boring. Aoi felt above it all, and was desperately waiting to finish high school so she could begin living her life. She ice skated in her free time and played various sports according to the season. School was easy, but the people were boring. The fact that she was pretty and attracted many "friends" to her IRL, meant she was surrounded by followers. Aoi knew in her heart that they didn't really like her, who was going to stop them if they wanted to drool all over her? It didn't bother her much that they were near her just for the title though. Idiots will be idiots, and my... the attention was sickly sweet sometimes. (Senior Year: Dyed her her hair half black, half white.) One day she stumbled upon a gift left in her locker with a little note attached to it, it was a copy of a game called Sword Art Online. Her school had a raffle of some sort to give away this game but she didn't enter it, maybe someone gave the prize to her anyways? This was the game to have if you were into that kind of stuff so she accepted it and bought the software stuff for it. She was a very spoiled child so upon asking her father to buy it for her he didn't reject, he bought her the best gear money could buy. Laying on her bed Aoi looked through the screen with the blinking lights signaling she was ready to start. She thought of it as joke and just laughed it off, putting the NervGear with a grin, "Link. Start!" » Virtues: (**The reason I switch back from Aoi, her real name, and Kiru is because Kiru is what she becomes in game. She changes through the game so a line through something like this means it no longer applies.) Empathy: Kiru now tends to care about others' feelings more. From a previous Boss Battle she was in, Kiru realized something important. Put others before yourself. At the end of the Boss Battle she blamed herself for the two deaths so no one else would have to carry the pressure. Kiru took the blame and left without a word. Fun: Kiru finds it's best to live her life here without worrying too much, so she makes jokes and screws around a lot. No one ever sees Kiru having fun though, so don't get your hopes up~ Understanding: Through an experience with another players grieving, a new side of Kiru had opened up to the world of her close friends. Kiru now will soften up to someone when they are feeling down. Though it may not be the correct way to comfort someone she still does it, mostly it's improv. Intelligent: Growing up relying on herself, Aoi taught herself new things about the world. In school she always studied but school was boring and to be honest, way too easy for her. She had lots of free time so she mostly spent time looking up things and learning to get a step ahead of everyone. It was crucial to herself busy all of the time. Attractive: Ever since she was little she was always told that she was beautiful. This not only boosted her confidence level but made her ego sky rocket. With her icy blue eyes and two-toned hair she is dubbed "perfect" in others minds. Clever: Aoi knows in her heart that she isn't doing anything bad, no one can die IRL from a videogame! She knows that what she is doing is bad in the actual sense of it but it's also the right thing to do. If she kills other players then when everyone gets out she will prove her point that no one died! Easily Persuaded: This is a good thing for others, not herself. Most of the time when she has her mind set she doesn't turn her back to it but every once in awhile someone manages to get something through her head. Aoi's looks make this difficult for the other player to change her mind because Aoi even gets them to change their point of view before they can change hers. (if there's a dog involved....then your not going to die yet) Protective: After all of the recent events that have happened, Kiru now is very protective of those lucky enough for her to recognize as a friend. » Flaws: Reference: Anti-Justice: She really doesn't care much if something is "fair," mostly it doesn't concern her. Player Killing is interesting to her and she sees nothing wrong with it really. (The reasons why she became a Maverick Hunter is she had nothing to do, wanted to be part of something for once.) Intimidating: To strangers she seems intimidating because of the way she looks, she's beautiful after all. If anyone had the guts to talk to her she would be less scary in a way. Still she would still generate hate because of her opinions. Right off the bat most of the younger players assume that she's either the scariest thing they'd ever seen or the prettiest and most approachable person. Most of the time it's the first one. Impatient: This is one of her biggest flaws, and it can get ugly too. Aoi gets annoyed when someone is late or maybe taking too long to do something. If she does become impatient with you then she will tap her foot or roll her icy eyes and give a cold glare. Ego: Not only does being a pretty girl contribute into this but being able to be good at everything she tries does the trick too. Every time, excluding the time she tried to ride a bike, Aoi has been destined to be amazing at anything she does. Aoi, being overly confident, knows she can do something, no matter how big or daunting it may be. Insensitive: (This is ONLY if she doesn't become persuaded magically by you) Aoi has no pity for anyone that claims that if you die in the game you die in real life. In fact, she will laugh in your face if you comment anything that makes you title yourself as a coward or a believer. Aoi also insults the living crap out of everyone. She has the tendency to comment on other peoples actions, whether it's good or bad. Being insensitive to other peoples feelings (except for a few people) is just a part of Aoi as she took on the form of Kiru. Curious: When Aoi sees a dark alley way she will not run away scared, she'll walk right into for the sake of the challenge. With no adult supervision she played with fire, no one to tell her it was dangerous. She finds it amusing to find new things. Most of the time though, her intentions aren't that good. Aoi gets curious as to how many insults it will take to annoy someone or how many hits it takes to kill. After buying a strange potion from Mari, inducing fake happiness, she has a little bit more control about how curious she is. Short Tempered: It's extremely easy for Aoi to throw a dagger at your face. When Aoi is insulted, it doesn't end well. Most of the time she will scoff and shoot a come back but if you aren't lucky you'll lose some health. She will not feel bad about it because they are annoying or just an idiot. She is quick to start an argument with anyone and everyone when she's bored. Abrasive: (This was suggested to me..) Kiru now has the flaw to become friends with other players. This is a major put off to herself because she doesn't like getting too close to anyone. At the very beginning when someone meets Kiru, she will be intimidating and rude but later she might be a friend and possibly an ally. Impulsive: Now getting the hang of the game, Kiru jumps into a brawl without thinking too much about it. Being a Maverick Hunter meant she had to be able to face any killer at any level of strength. After getting into a few fights with PK's she now knows the importance of being quick and not giving things a second thought. It may be a big flaw to not analyze a situation but in certain circumstances, it wouldn't matter; even if you knew the consequences were bad. Unknown Fear: A fear has been built up over time, an unknown one really. Kiru doesn't know what it is but is scares her. Deep inside, Kiru is afraid. This may be cliche but she is afraid of being exposed. The walls of insults and rudeness she build up had been shattered once after letting her guard down- Kiru wasn't about to let that happened again. She needed to live for the rest of the time there. Pessimist: Kiru always sees the worst in every situation and lacks confidence in the future. If she is being attacked by dozens of enemies the same thought immediately comes to mind: Will I make it out? In the end, she is overly confident that she will win battles but she always dawns on the bad instead of the good of a situation. Cynic: After becoming a Maverick Hunter, Kiru knows that most players aren't honest. Kiru is a person who understand now that people don;t act according to other people, but to satisfy themselves. Kiru is motivated by self interest rather than acting honorable. On rare occasions Kiru will put her pride and ego aside to lend a hand. Guilt: After a certain battle Kiru now bears a weight on her shoulders. She has taken the blame for two deaths and still feels an overwhelming guilt for losing them. Kiru knows that she worries Keith with everything she does. If she so trips on a rock he freaks out, this is mostly her fault though. She's a reckless, uncaring girl. Still, Kiru feels guilty. Especially when a frown is shown on Keith's face. An Icy Front: Kiru keeps everything to herself. The only emotion she lets show is annoyance and anger. With the exception of Keith, Kiru has told no one about how she really feels. Things like her guilt, stress, and pressure as a higher leveled player are all bottled up inside of her and have stayed there ever since. Kiru does not plan on sharing her feelings anytime soon. ~In Game~ Arc 1: ( Arc 5: Kiru was wandering around one day when a blue flash ran into her, practically knocking her to the ground. Of course she was angry, who wouldn't be? She and the strange player with a yellow cursor bickered back and forth until finally the strange stopped and started to leave. Only he couldn't. He was grabbed from behind and put in restraints by an Aincrad police. Kiru, brushing the idiot off, turning to leave the scene. Suddenly, her hand was clasped by the other end of the handcuff, being forced to be next to the stranger again. Upset at the police for making such a mistake, Kiru kicked the officer in the face, Keith fought the others. Relationships » Oikawa: (this one's tough because we're in the middle of a plot sequence,) This blonde boy used to be her dead fiance's trainee, however with the turn of recent events, Kiru thought about killing him simply because he decided that it would make his day to stab a sharp object through Zelrius' back. Right now things are bumpy between the two, Oikawa has confessed his feelings for Kiru three times, yet Kiru feels guilty and cannot get past Keith or Zelrius. So, instead she attempts to protect him. Let's see how that goes ay? » Ariel: Apparent'y Kiru's "NeeChan". Ariel in also an Ex'Briagader that has feld her sperarate way to start her own guild, Absolute Pin. Her familiar, Kimba is a fierce lion that doesn't necessarily like Kiru due to the actions Kiru took against a few friends of Ariel. » Mari is "her friend that isn't a friend," meaning the relationship isn't set in stone. This is a confusing murderer people come on. Mari is a pink haired woman who has done the unthinkable to Kiru, yes she has kissed her. Though it's still not known whether she was joking or under the infulence of her crazy concotions she calls "potions," it was a crazy and wild experience for Kiru. At this point in time Kiru isn't speaking with her and avoids Mari completely. » Daeron: No words. Daeron and Kiru have a very confusing relationship, no one knows when they want to kill each other or are cool with each other. Dead, Kiru misses him. Before he died they were friends, they were supposed to have many more adventures. » Zelrius: Kiru and Zel used to have some rough edges that weren't really explained but after the death of a very close friend they are closer than ever. Zelrius and Kiru now have a mutual respect for one another and understand each other's feelings very well because...well they were close to Keith. Zel and Kiru are currently attempting to take down the killer of Keith. Dead, Zelrius was probably her bestest friend in the game. She did not know whether she loved him as family, or something more but she regrets her wasted time with him. (#bringhimback2k16) » Arek is her mortal enemy that she has and never will like. Every time they meet it will most likely end in a battle. Maybe death. » Tristan is changing her personality the person who killed her heart and made it even colder. » Keith is driving her up the wall because he's annoying her best frand, and fiance. Keith is now dead. Kiru still grieves up to this point in time. She is and always will search for him because he was that special to her. She even killed someone for him. » Rusty: Kiru and Rusty met on a beach away from other people along with two others. At first she spent her time there thinking but was soon interuppted when others came to join her. One of them was of course Rusty. Kiru got annoyed and began to tell them off, making them leave except for Rusty. Later he would find himself meeting with Kiru again, seeing her in tears and telling her his sob story and how he lost him dad. » X (XWuZHeAR) Kiru doesn't know what to think of him, he is quite annoying but he is also useful in situations. He always is there to "protect" Kiru whenever she needs it and even if she doesn't. He always seems to be in the same place as her, no matter the issue he always takes Kiru's side and obeys her every command. » Fallen (Jun) is the person she shops from Kiru doesn't buy from anyone anymore. In the past Kiru would always travel to Floor 3 to order special items from Jun and pay him extra for his hard work. Now, she barely makes human contact and pushes forward in the game. »Cody Trying to intimidate a boy, Kiru stood over the top of him and put on a menacing smile. She was interested in him because he had said "kill." Cody, the boy, knew exactly what she was doing and told her knock it off. Kiru of course played it cool and threatened him. For awhile they bickered back and forth until being interrupted by a dog knocking Kiru into Cody by accident. »Dexter! (Dylan's Familiar <3) Shortly after bickering with Cody, a dog jumped onto Kiru, pushing her into him. The source of the pushing was an uncontrollable dog, a cute one too. At first Kiru was angry and about to kill Dylan, the owner of the dog for embarrassing her but that was until she saw the dog. Not really paying attention to the kid, she gushed all over the dog and fell in love with it. Dylan ran away from Cody and Kiru, feeling worthless, leaving the dog behind. Kiru decided that Dexter was her now and kept it until Dylan wanted the dog back. (**The feels come back when Kiru and Keith go to a familiar farm, Dexter is there.) Dead »Davros Sab'Aoth (The unfazed) Upon taking Dexter from it's owner Kiru was prepared to train with Dexter and maybe teach it some new tricks. The one thing she had mind set on was leveling up though. If she ever expected to kill someone then she had to get better at fighting. As they both walked out of town Dexter ran away to another boy with a stranger Claymore weapon. Irritated that the dog was showing affection to the stranger, Kiru decided to play it cool and try to get the dog away before it could become attached to the boy. »Kiluia Seiko (The boy who isn't scared) While being totally bored in a coffee shop Kiru's eye wandered around the people in the shop with her. It disgusted her to see people scared, showing love, and just ignoring her. When the door suddenly opened Kiru saw a boy with freakishly white hair. Immediately she got up and sat by him. The boy, who's name was Kiluia, treated her to a slice of pie and a cup of coffee. They talked for a littler bit before leaving the shop. After getting to another place they half argued about the death in the game. Spoiler Profession: Skills Non-combat: » Passive: » Combat: » Athletics +1 Damage and +5 HP Weapon skills :» Inventory Weapons/Tools: â–ºGauntlets of Accuracy +1 Accuracy Uncommon Quality Selds Repair and Smithy â–º Banshee Shiv (Rank 0, no extra damage from ranks) Quality: Perfect Shop: The Black Forge Description: A perfect dagger, the blade is extremely well tempered and the edge is very fine and sharp. Originally +3, but with added ranks it is now +6 Damage [On a 9, +8 damage and on a 10, +9 damage.] â–º Menacing Dagger (Rank 0, no extra damage from ranks) Quality: Uncommon Shop: The Black Forge Description: A somewhat ordinary dagger, it doesn't have any noticeable blemishes in it. +1 Damage â–º Thorn (Rank 0, no extra damage from ranks) Quality: Rare Shop: The Black Forge Description: An almost perfectly crafted weapon, it doesn't have any noticeable blemishes but the metal isn't quite perfect in some areas of the blade. +2 Damage â–ºStarter Dagger- Nothing special Potions/Crystals: â–º Potion of Fancy Follicles Quality: good Shop: ID 1182http://www.sao-rpg.c...tial-alchemics/ Description: Changes the person's hair colour for a day. Food/Other: â–º <<The Hoya of Minos>> Pendant (Gift from Tristan) â–º9 Bread; 5 Water Clothing/Armor: â–º Swordsmans Cape Sold by: Tyger Type: Light Armor Accessory Rarity: Uncommon Description: This blue half cape rests over one shoulder and loops down to the opposite hip. Also known as a fencer's cape. Effect: +1 Accuracy â–ºBlue Scarf A Christmas gift from Keith that matches Kiru's eyes. Major charisma points. â–ºShadow Gloves Quality: Perfect Description: It's a steel pair of gloves, made from light shiny steel with other materials , +2 Acc , +1 Dmg M Edited January 9 by Kiru Updating... Link to post Share on other sites
Shark 0 Posted October 3, 2014 #2 Share Posted October 3, 2014 Approved Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted October 4, 2014 Author #3 Share Posted October 4, 2014 Completed Roleplays 11. (Tristan and Arekkusu +266 col + 1 SP) 10., Air, Sousuke, Arekkusu +66 col +1 SP) 9. (Arekkusu 133+ 1 SP) 8. (Unyielding) (200 col + 1 SP) 7. (+133 col and 1 SP) 6. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5219(Cody, DylanDX- 133 col + 1 SP obtained) 5. (Tristan Delaney- 200 col + 1 SP obtained) 4. (Tristan Delaney- 200 col + 1 SP obtained) 3. (Tristan Delaney- 200 col + 1 SP) 2. (Mari, Yuji, Tom1030, Celesmeh, Tyrius- 240 col + 1 SP obtained) 1. (Kazuya 400 col + 1 SP) 2 SP from Starting, 16 from roleplaying. (18 Spent, 3 remaining) Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted November 29, 2014 Author #4 Share Posted November 29, 2014 (I'm going to update Kiru's personality too!~) In Progress Roleplays (Kosan) (Keith) (Celesmeh) (Tempest Lost Guild) (Zelrius Party) (Tristan Delaney) (Moartea) (Tom1030 Epyon Azureth Arekkusu Sepera) (Daeron) Floor Boss) (Mass RP with Zelrius) (Davros Syb'Aoth) (Guild Leaders) (Argumail Kayuza Alyce) (Zelrius) (Argumail and Kazuya) (Kiluia) Link to post Share on other sites
Kiru 0 Posted February 13 Author #5 Share Posted February 13 (edited) Spending -6 SP on Weapon Skills for Banshee Shiv to be Rank 3 + (6DMG?) Spending -10 SP of Rank 3 + enhancement for Light Armor - Rank 3 [Rank 3 Cloth Armor Mod] Athletics +18 MIT - 4 SP Effect: Gain +1 base Damage. -13 SP to Rank 3 Grandmaster EVA (Combat Mastery) -23 SP overall Edited February 16 by Kiru Link to post Share on other sites
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