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[F19-PP] Resurrection of The forgotten

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Before coming to a stop and setting the chest down, he tried lifting it. Sadly, it wasn't as heavy as he'd hoped it would be - but that was probably for the best. In his experience, Mimics tended to be on the heftier side, and the last thing they needed right now was an animate demon chest. He'd rather not be swallowed whole in a dungeon that was already chewing them up and spitting them back out. 

Pinball frowned. That fight would have been a lot easier with Stryder and Neo, but they were so far away now, Pinball figured, that they'd search for the exit instead of trying to rejoin him and Hestia. 

Without further adieu, Pinball flipped the hatch and opened up the chest. What he was met with was... almost as disappointing as his friends' disappearance. 

Well, whatever. 

"Not much," Pinball mumbled, gathering the materials and slamming the lid shut, "not much at all." 

He shrugged, standing up and kicking the empty box to the side. "Whatever. We'll split it down the middle." 


Action Taken: Opening Chest
Chest: ID#124092 LD: 7 (Bleh) 
Received: 950 Col, 2 T3 Materials, 2 T3 Unidentified Uncommon Consumables 

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Gazing up towards the ceiling i just wait patiently while keeping my hearing as the primary sense to focus upon just hoping that i would hear either scraping stone against stone, heavy foot falls, or crumbling rock as the signals for these enemies since they seem to be primarily rock based foes.  As i hear the sound of the chest opening i gaze towards pinball and just nod my head with a small smile liking the idea of splitting things as evenly as possible between the two of us since it will be a rather easy split to do. So Pinball what is your plan after this dungeon? Do you have one at all? I ask curiously towards the spear user as i turn my head to look deeper into the dark cave as i start taking out more glow stones and trying to throw them as far as possible down the corridor to gather up a decent amount of light to prepare me for anything that the boss might attack us with, or even just its appearance if it is something extra terrifying.

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"Any plans?" 

Pinball wanted to busy himself, so he actually went around and closed the chest he'd kicked across the clearing, fixing it and setting it upright. And then he sat down, settling with a soft sigh. "Uh, maybe the next boss fight. I'm kind of worried. Kind of excited. It sounds fun, you know?" 

He shrugged, thinking. There was a place he wanted to see. Suddenly he felt a lot more sad, but he tried his best not to let that show. It wouldn't do to show one of the top up-and-coming tanks in Aincrad that you're getting sad in the middle of a dungeon. What if she thought he was unreliable or something? 

"Then maybe I'm going to visit the Fourth Floor," he mumbled, averting his eyes. Admittedly, he wasn't a very good liar. The truth was the best option for him, really. "There's something I wanna try and see up on one of the mountains.'

EN Recovery: 3/3

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I nod my head hearing pinball suggesting maybe doing the floor boss as it would make sense entirely for him to do so since if he could handle these mid-bosses alongside myself then damage wise he is completely fine and should be able to even compete with those like Zandra in the damage department possibly. Well if you're ready for the floor twenty three boss fight i say go for it i think you have what it takes to kick that floor down into nothing Pinball it shouldn't be like a insta kill or something overly worrying if t hings go alright. I say towards him with a grin upon my face as i then get up onto my feet as i see my energy get back up towards full as i then gaze towards pinball and nods my head as i start to make my way into the deeper parts of the dungeons. Also, go do that. Seeing the mountains over the fourth floor is rather beautiful. Itzal showed it to me once. It was a amazing sight something that i would recommend players do once and awhile. I say towards Pin with a small smile upon my face and a soft and happy look upon my face as i think upon that amazing memory i had with my friend.

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"They are," he agreed quietly. Pinball shook his head and stood. "Let's keep going, huh?" 

Their energy was full. 

Moving down the hall and into the next room, there was no tunnel. It appeared that The Gatekeeper was, ironically, the gate - keeping whatever this next boss was going to be locked inside. 

It was dark. Crystals that lined the walls pulsated softly, a deep blue that did little more than just barely allow them to see. Beneath there feet there was cobbled stone - cracked pavement and intricate carvings marred by the passage of time. Tall, foreboding pillars that stretched up into an unseeable ceiling above them, proving that they'd traveled deeper into the depths of this dungeon than Pinball had thought. 

And parallel to the entrance, maybe thirty or so feet ahead of their party, there was a throne. A giant throne - Hestia and Pinball could both sit side by side on it, and there would still be enough room to spare. But it was empty. 

Pinball was confused, and scared - where was it? All around him, there was an eerie silence, as unsettling as it was unbroken. He wanted to speak, but he found that his voice was caught in his throat. With a white-knuckled grip on his spear, he took a few steps back, staying as close to Hestia as he could without setting her off. He didn't want her to realize he was this nervous. 

Directly above them, there was a light. A single red orb, floating in the darkness. And then another one. Eyes. 


A huge, sharp hand embedded itself into one of the six pillars in the chamber. Twisted and gnarled, it was a revolting mixture of bone and sinew, working in tandem to hold together the four-inch claws on each of its five rotting fingers. 


Another hand, below the first now, much like the one before it. 


It crawled down slowly, whatever this creature was, a long, forked tongue lolling out of the darkness. Saliva oozed from the tip of it, falling and smacking onto the ground with considerable force where it then oozed and sizzled. 


A head. Similar to a dog's skull - blackened, with shreds of rotting flesh and gnarled veins of muscle holding it onto what looked like pitch black skin. Its eyes were burning pits of red energy, looking ahead at them. Its tongue swayed, and then the creature was still, watching them. Hungrily. He couldn't see the rest of the monster's form in the darkness, but judging by the size of its limbs Pinball could tell that it put The Gatekeeper to shame. 

There was silence. 

And then Pinball's spear glowed a bright purple. 

The teenager launched himself forward. 

With an ear-splitting screech, the beast rushed down the pillar, sending a resounding echo with each following impact. Pinball jumped, his speed quickened by Charge, and the two met on the ground, with a clash that sounded like a crack of thunder, an explosion of energy and ice and shadow. The Ancient Depravity reeled back from the force of the blow with a high-pitched whine, stunned by Pinball's Bull Rush - but the dent in its health was negligible. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN] // Charge! +5 DMG and Bull Rush!
Ancient Depravity: ID#124255 BD: 4+2= 6 (Hit!) ~ 20+5= 25*15= 375-133= 242 DMG + STUN

[H:1] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 82/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:0] Hestia: HP: 1,705/1,705  Energy: 154/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,658/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC 

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When entering into the room the only thing that could be called this setting is that of a foreboding nightmare the atmosphere was that of a oppressive force seemingly as i just raise my shield ready and waiting for whatever comes out from the darkness so i can then do my best to prepare for the onslaught that is about to happen. With what appears is just let out a low troubled chuckle as i gaze up towards the creature. Well then...if this is a dungeon boss i gotta say the mystery of what the floor boss was might be better off not known how tall or terrifying that thing might've been. I say as a light hearted joke as i then prepare for the combat that is about ot get started.

I let out a low whistle as i watch Pinball clearly just smack this thing into next century as i just grin and nod my head as i then quickly activate focused howl as i slam the pommel of my blade against my own shield as a loud gong like noise rings out across the battlefield as i gather the attention of the enemy as i just look towards Pinball with a smile upon my face and a look of absolute trust in his abilities as i start to move away from him to make sure the attacks and focus remain upon me and only me.

Action: Focused howl

H:1] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 82/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:5] Hestia: HP: 1,705/1,705  Energy: 146/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,658/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC 

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The sound of Hestia's shield filled the ruined throne room, sending out vibrations through the air that displaced dirt and rock. This got the creature's attention. Turning its angry stare to Hestia, its long, razor-sharp tongue licking its grotesquely exposed teeth -

- gave Pinball enough time to attack it. Boring into the creature's flank with an unrelenting fury, Pinball's spear scored strikes across its face and neck that he wouldn't have been lucky enough to make otherwise. It was effective, too - imbued by the power of Phase, his weapon punched glaring red holes into the Ancient Depravity's skull with unprecedented ease. Ice formed in the cracks, freezing the creature over, locking it in place, letting Pinball run quickly back to hide behind Hestia. 

Something he did shamelessly - er, well, not really. But as embarrassing as it might be to hide behind a girl, this was Hestia, and he didn't want to take any chances. Fighting unarmored against a monster like this was something he usually didn't do - and something that seemed horribly stupid. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN] 
Ancient Depravity: ID#124258 BD: 10 (Crit!!) ~ 20+2= 22*15= 330-66= 264 DMG + Freeze 

[H:3] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 69nice/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:5] Hestia: HP: 1,705/1,705  Energy: 146/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,394/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC [FROZEN]

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It's okay pinball there is nothing to fear i am going to keep the hate of the creature upon me during the duration of this fight nothing will touching you during this fight as long as i can help it okay? I say towards the spear user with a smile upon my face when i have him behind myself and armored body as i the nonce more raise the pommel and strike my shield getting the frozen creatures attention back towards me as i then once more move away from pinball so he can do whatever is needed while i keep the hate upon myself so that the beast doesn't hit me and then also pinball with some type of powerful attack.My familiar just flying right beside me ready to assist me in not being tossed around like a piece of paper tossed into the wind to never be seen again. The heavily armored feet just pounding against the rocky ground as i gaze towards the creature as i watch it burst out of the ice with a angry roar at the injustice while staring down towards me.

[H:3] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 69nice/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:10] Hestia: HP: 1,705/1,705  Energy: 137/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,394/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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Soon, the ice coalesced around the monster's form began to crack and shatter, and it freed itself from its frosty prison. But it was dazed, it shook its head. It was on the floor now, and it didn't look like a dog. It looked like a giant man, hunched over on all fours - but its body was black, darker than anything he'd seen before on a living creature. It eventually turned its head to regard Hestia and Pinball both with a blank, crimson stare. 

It didn't move. Rather, it watched. Waiting? It remained frozen in place even long after the actual effect wore off. Like a hunter waiting for its prey to make a move so it could pounce. 

Pinball nodded. "Alright," he said. Was his fear really that obvious? He did his best to try to shake it off. 

This glorified staring contest was hard on the nerves. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-2 EN/+1 EN]
Ancient Depravity: ID#124260 BD: 3+2= 5 (Miss!)  

[H:3] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 68/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:10] Hestia: HP: 1,705/1,705  Energy: 137/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,394/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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I look towards the large skeletal human just waiting for it to make a move as it just watches and waits like that of a hunter stalking its prey for the perfect moment ot strike out and slaughter all that it could get its reaches upon. Just keeping my shield up and ready to go i see the strike come as i grit my teeth keep my body braced for impact and feel my familiar trying to provide support as i feel the force of the impact as i get sent into one of the six pillars as i end up gasping for air and falls to one knee just taking deep breathes as i stares towards the large beast that seemingly should've just killed me upon the spot as i just grit my teeth and slowly get back up onto my feet. 'okay..that was a bit much. Hopefully the next hit won't hurt as much as that one did.' I think to myself more hopeful that damage can be dealt to it faster then what it could do towards me.

Action: Energize
#124261 mD:6+4=10 475-151=324DMG  Thorns:84

[H:3] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 76/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:10] Hestia: HP: 1,381/1,705  Energy: 128/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,310/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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The creature lumbered forward, its nasty claws scraping on stone as it approached. It raised its arm outwards, flexing, and then brought it across the front of Hestia's shield and literally swatted her what felt like a horribly long distance to the side. Pinball had no choice but to watch as Hestia slammed into one of the carved columns as a purple <<IMMORTAL OBJECT>> screen blinked into existence. She hit the ground, falling to one knee. 

Hestia had been damaged - it was a noticeable difference. 

The Ancient Depravity had watched her go, and now it made its slow approach towards her again. 

A deep, guttural chuckle filled the room, reverbating in the cave. Pinball frowned deeply. This wasn't right. They needed to kill this thing - and fast - or it would kill them first. Pinball ran right, going wide, hopefully setting himself up for another charge at it. He needed to get it before it hit Hestia again. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-2 EN/+1 EN]
Ancient Depravity: ID#124262 BD: 3+2= 5 (Miss!) 

[H:3] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 75/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:10] Hestia: HP: 1,381/1,705  Energy: 128/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,310/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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  • 1 month later...

Gazing towards the creature i just slowly get back up towards me feet with a small grin upon my face feeling rather lucky that even if it did chuck my hp i can tough through these hits for the most part as my hand glows with a green light as myself gets covered in a green light. My health rising only to get knocked away by the strike of the large creature as it knocks me away once more with a powerful strike the deep cackling echoing off the ruined walls of floor 19 as i just take a calming breathe and get back to my feet steadily and carefully watching as pin manages to miss his strike. Okay. Just stay calm this is still doable. I say softly under my breathe as i raise my sword and shield ready for round two of hestia pinball within the machine of this ruins of a civilization. Lowering myself slightly more towards the ground and shifting my weight slightly towards me left side i prepare for the attack hoping that i can switch my center of balance if need be swiftly to avoid being knocked off my feet to badly.

Action: Field medic
#127762 MD:8  475-151=324-79=245 DMG  (i heal for341-245=96)  Thorns:84

[H:3] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 75/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:10] Hestia: HP: 1,477/1,705  Energy: 128/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 1,226/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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The Ancient Depravity had stalked forward like a predator and they were its prey; despite its rapidly depleting healthbar, it was still in the clear - and it showed it. It licked its exposed teeth, its long, snakelike tongue dripping acidic spit that popped and sizzled when it hit the floor. Its glowing red eyes were practically glued to Hestia, and as it moved forward, its claws scraping against the floor, it lashed out, smacking her across her raised shield and dropping her health once more. Hestia's reaction was immediate, her hand glowing as it sent a wave of relief through the both of them, healing Pinball to full. 

Spinning into action, Pinball brought his spear across the creature's side before backpedaling and unleashing a flurry of spear slashes into it. Punching holes into its skin, and watching the frost coalesce across its leathery hide, Pinball knew he had landed a good blow. 

"Alright," Pinball nodded to himself, "now, time to get away..."


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN]
Ancient Depravity: ID#127894 BD: 10 (Crit+2) ~ 20+2= 22*15= 330-66= 264 DMG + FREEZE 

[H:5] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 62/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:10] Hestia: HP: 1,477/1,705  Energy: 128/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 962/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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I grin a bit when i see pinball land the freeze upon the creature as its body becomes covered in a thick layer of ice preventing it from being able to move as i just nod my head as i slam the pommel of my blade against my shield activating on instinct rather then what would be strategically sound. Following my gut rather then my brain upon this case as the resounding echo shoots throughout every space of the cavern. I then blink as i watch the ice quickly shatter apart as i then realize what i should've done as i shake my head with a embarrassed chuckle escaping my lips before i could even bother trying to hide the fact that i realized i had done goofed on that one. Sorry about that Pinball! But good strike nonetheless. I shout out towards the spear user as my only condolences and apologies from having messed up the rather simply principle of smack and run upon this beast.

Action: Focused howl  (FM: 1 turn)


#127940 MD:FROZEN

[H:5] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 62/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:15] Hestia: HP: 1,477/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 962/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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The Freeze effect didn't last long, and Hestia didn't attack it, instead opting to Howl to keep the heat off him. Which was good, but it was probably in their best interest to keep it rooted. Running towards it, completely ditching his short-lived intent to run away, Pinball brought his spear back onto the creature. Thanks to Hestia, it was all but too focused on the tank, letting the thin spearsman slip in through the cracks in its armor.

A flurry of slashes and stabs followed, ending in a decisive slam that caused ice to rapidly form and spread across the monster's body once more, locking in place. But not for long. Pinball spun on his heel, staggering backwards, his spear held firmly in both hands. If this was the real world, and if his hands weren't frozen to the weapon like they were, Pinball's sweat would have probably made the polearm unreasonably difficult to hold. 

"Hit it!"


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN]
Ancient Depravity: ID#127942 BD: 10 (Crit+2) ~ 20+2= 22*15= 330-66= 264 DMG + FREEZE 

[H:7] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 49/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:15] Hestia: HP: 1,477/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 698/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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Looking towards the creature i just let out a low whistle just genuinely surprised how pinball managed to get another critical strike against the thing to keep it down and rooted out of the fight as i look towards him with a grin as my blade ignites in a blue light. Rushing towards the giant creature with my footsteps thundering off the underground ruins as each step of heavy armor echoes loudly during my charge as i quickly strikes at its legs with my blade. The blade slicing through the frozen legs as once my blade finishes the sword art the ice shatters apart into nothing as the large beast lets out a shriek of anger as it backs away from myself and pin. Nice job Pin on being able to somehow freeze this thing over and over! I shout towards him with a tone of happiness and confidence.

Action: Legion Destroyer against depravity
#128207 BD:7-1=6  MD:7+4=11 (Froze)    16x11=176-133=43 DMG+24 freeze damage=67 DMG

[H:7] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 49/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:17] Hestia: HP: 1,556/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 631/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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Wait, no - it was dying. 

Chunks of rotten flesh hung from its gargantuan body, loose, hairy giblets hanging attached to its skin by a thread. Its skull was cracked, it huffed and puffed like it'd just ran a marathon; which was saying something, taking into consideration the beast's imposing figure and muscle. But the state of its health was undeniable. It was in the red now, having only just recently being dropped into the yellow. They were making progress. 

They could... "We can do it!" 

Pinball rushed forward, his spear aglow with the light of the same Sword Art he found efficient to spam over and over. Purple streaks of light and a trail of shadow followed as his spear tore into the monster's hide once more, ruthlessly shattering exposed bone and punching through its oversized ribcage. Pinball could practically run under it, if he wanted - but he didn't want to get too close. 

Besides, it was going to be dead soon. And the two had barely suffered any real damage. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN/+1 EN] 
Ancient Depravity: ID#128260 BD: 4+2= 6 (Hit!) ~  20*15= 300-133= 137 DMG

[H:8] Pinball: 995/995 HP | 36/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:17] Hestia: HP: 1,556/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 494/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC

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  • 4 weeks later...

(hestia is inactive so im finishing this myself, will still use their hate/track damage and such - ill be rolling for Ancient Depravity too) 

But maybe that wasn't as big of an advantage as he'd thought. 

The deranged creature showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, it only seemed to grow more hateful with every lost tick of its health bar. It bore down on Hestia's shield without mercy - and then froze. As the Ancient Depravity's claws dug into the tank's shield and the plated armor on her forearms, its jaw slowly unhinged, hanging open at an unnatural angle. From its gaping maw poured a thick black mist that quickly spread and encompassed the entirety of the dungeon. 

Stone pillars cracked and began to crumble as the black fog ate away, burning through stone and leather and metal indiscriminately. Pinball's health was no different. 

Quick to react, Pinball would unleash another attack. Afflicted with the Stun status effect, Hestia wouldn't budge an inch. The teen grit his teeth, definitely feeling the pressure - he couldn't falter here. He was the primary source of damage - and if he couldn't dish it out, Hestia wouldn't be able to take it. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN / +1 EN] 
Ancient Depravity: ID#131149 BD: 10 (Crit+2) MD: 9 (Crit!) ~ 20+2= 22*15= 330-66= 270 DMG + FREEZE + PHASE // 418-151= 267 DMG + Stun to Hest / 209 DMG Pin

[H:10] Pinball: 786/995 HP | 23/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:17] Hestia: HP: 1,368/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2

Ancient Depravity: 224/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC [FROZEN]

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His hits would land true. The third or fourth time, now (he'd lost count), the monster would freeze over, locking itself in place and buying the outgunned party of two just a moment of time. 

"Hestia!" Pinball cried, faltering. "Are you alright?!" The tank hadn't budged an inch, even though by now the Stun was fading. Had she been that unsettled by it? Whatever the case may be, she wasn't making a move on the thing. And if this kept up, it was going to be an issue. While the Ancient Depravity was on its last legs in terms of HP, Pinball was struggling to keep his energy in check. 

He reeled back, twirling his spear back into place as the ice around the boss cracked and shattered, gradually freeing the beast from icy stasis. Pinball grit his teeth. If there was a dental function in SAO that he had yet to figure out, Pinball might have to pay them a visit. 

This last hit would finish it, one way or another. He had one good Sword Art left in him. 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-14 EN / +1 EN] 
Ancient Depravity: ID#131150 BD: 4+2= 6 (Hit!) MD: 9 (Frozen!) ~ 20*15= 300-133= 167 DMG 

[H:11] Pinball: 786/995 HP | 10/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:17] Hestia: HP: 1,447/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2 [Stunned]

Ancient Depravity: 57/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC [FROZEN]

Edited just now by Pinball

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He rushed forward, and the spearsman and the Anciend Depravity met in a clash of flesh, bone, ice, and steel. 

When the dust settled and the color faded from their respective weapons, one shattered to dust, carried away into the distance by an invisible wind. Pinball stood victorious. 

The boy fell to his knees and took a deep breath. If this had been real life, he would have been sweating profusely. There was no words to describe the tension he'd felt in the last moments of that fight - but now, finally, it was over. Pinball ran a hand across his forehead, and, using his spear as a walking stick, pushed himself to his feet. 

He'd make his way over to Hestia, offering the tank an arm up. "Looks like we did it," he managed, smiling softly. "Got out alive, too." 

Pinball would help pull her to her feet and then, together, they would make their way out of the dungeon, dismissing the rewards screen. That was something to look at later, when they weren't in danger. The party of four-turned-two would walk past the throne, where a small tunnel had been roughly carved into the stone. It was the exit. Like most every dungeon, there was always going to be a way out at the end of it all. Just how games were. 

Well. Pinball wasn't really sure how much of a game this was anymore. 

"Let's get out of here..." 


Action Taken: Sword Art - [Vent Forth] [-8 EN/+1 EN] 
Ancient Depravity: ID#131151 BD: 4+2= 6 (Hit!) ~ 20*10= 200-133= 67 DMG

[H:12] Pinball: 786/995 HP | 3/96 EN | 20 DMG | 5 ACC | 5 EVA | 8-10/24 FRZ
[H:17] Hestia: HP: 1,526/1,705  Energy: 114/154 DMG:16   MIT:151  Thorns: 84  Eva: 0  ACC: 2  BH: 79 Heavy Momentum: 2 [Stunned]

Ancient Depravity: 0/1,900 HP | 475 DMG | 133 MIT | 3 EVA | 3 ACC [FROZEN]

Edited by Pinball
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