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[F05 - SP] Gathering Prizes Pt. 1 <<The Essence of Steel>>

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<<The Essence of Steel>>

This quest takes place on Floor 4
This quest is repeatable

Word from Information Brokers speaks of a mysterious Beast Skull found in the far north of the Frozen wasteland of Floor 4. A small party reported having struck the skull with a nearby bone, waking a huge beast in a nearby cave. This monster, identified as <Snow Beast>, was easily equal in health and strength to a Floor Boss, and is said to yield an incredibly rare drop upon death that will allow a player to enhance a single item, improving it's quality by one level.

-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)
- The Snow Beast must be defeated

Snow Beast Information:
<Snow Beast> is a Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 250
Damage per Attack: 160

Special Ability: Partial Phase- Snow Beast will always deal a minimum of 24 damage, even through Armor and Armor Abilities.


  1. Essence of Steel: an incredibly rare monster drop that allows a player to enhance a weapon, armor, or accessory and improve it's quality by one level. (Example, an Uncommon Weapon becomes a Rare Weapon.) Enhanced Gear is eligible for new Item Enhancements and must be approved through the Crafting Item Evaluation Topic.
    Note: This item CANNOT change a weapon's Tier. (Example, a Tier 1 weapon becomes a Tier 2).
  2. 1 Skill Point
Parties or Groups are encouraged, though only the player who takes this quest, and uses the Skull to awaken The Snow Beast will receive the <<Essence of Steel>> drop. That means ONLY ONE ESSENCE WILL DROP PER TOPIC.

Recommended Level: 25

It had been some time since Shield had ventured to Snowfrost, but it had remained much as he remembered. Snow was piled high on the rooftops of the sleepy little winter village. He turned up his collar as he trudged through the drifts of the main square, more out of habit than discomfort. After all, his Survival skill was more than enough to stave off the pangs of the cold. He made his way to th edge of town and glanced behind him one last time before leaving the relative safety of the safe zone. He had been down this path a handful of times before, and he remembered it well enough despite the amount of time since then.

He found the frozen creek, and wandered along the bank until he found what he was searching for. A large skull sat atop a stake that suspended the horned death's head, and a large bone club sat at the foot of it. Shield lifted the heavy implement and swung at the skull. The impact rung out like a dull, hollow thud, echoing down the frozen bed of the stream. The sound fell to silence, but a moment later, a growl and a rumble broke the stillness, and a great cat lunged from the bank, bursting from the hidden, snow-filled entrance to a cavern. It lunged at Shield, but he was more than ready, countering the attack with his sword and leaving a deep cut.


Passive - Recovery -  Craft: 6 [+3 EN] Cool Downs - Parry [0/1] Vengeful Riposte [0/3]

Action: Parry - Vengeful Riposte [-3 EN, Housing Bonus 1/3]

[H:0] Shield - HP: 1606/1630 | EN: 154/154 | MIT: 181 | BH:80 | EVA: -1 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18 | DMG: 2

<Snow Beast> HP: 101/250 | Dmg: 160 - min 24 dmg - ID# 109293 results: MOB: 8 [+1=9 - Hit! 160/2-181=24 min dmg, Riposte: 160/2=80 dmg, Thn: 69 dmg]


Edited by Shield
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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery -  Craft: 12 [+3 EN] Cool Downs - Parry [1/1] Vengeful Riposte [1/3]

Action: Attack > Snow Beast [-0 EN, Housing Bonus 2/3] - ID# 109294 results: Battle:1 - Miss

[H:0] Shield - HP: 1626/1650 | EN: 154/154 | MIT: 181 | BH:80 | EVA: -1 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18 | DMG: 2

<Snow Beast> HP: 101/250 | Dmg: 160 - min 24 dmg - MOB: 9 [+1=10 - Hit! 160+1-181=24 min dmg, Env Proc!] - ENV [18 - 0/4]

The snow beast let out a spitting yowl of pain and anger, swiping at the air in front of it and leaping back out of the way. Shield leaped forward, swinging his sword which missed by a mile. Seemingly out of spite more than anything else, the great cat lunged and bit Shield's arm. The damage was nothing to Shield now, hit level far exceeding the brokers' recommendations for stats to tackle this fight. Although it did not catch the damage from Shield's defenses, it did have a new icon appear on its health gauge.

Looking carefully to confirm, Shield spotted the familiar venom marker that cold him his specialty armor had done its job. "That's not quite game over, but you're going to be on your last legs by the time those toxins run their course. Sorry, kitty, but that essence you drop is going to be an important prize in the upcoming tournaments." Shield gave a little smirk and circled the creature. It let out its enraged call once again, but its desperate situation took away all the sting of the call, despite the ferocious intent.

Edited by Shield
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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery -  Craft: 7 [+3 EN] Cool Downs - Vengeful Riposte [2/3]

Action: Attack > Snow Beast [-0 EN, Housing Bonus 3/3] - ID# 109295 results: Battle: 2 - Miss

[H:0] Shield - HP: 1626/1650 | EN: 154/154 | MIT: 181 | BH:80 | EVA: -1 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18 | DMG: 2

<Snow Beast> HP: 14/250 | Dmg: 160 - min 24 dmg - MOB: 6 [+1=10 - Hit! 160-181=24 min dmg, Thn: 69 dmg] - ENV [18 - 1/4]

Shield paced further around the creature, his eyes calm and composed, and his otherwise stern jaw relaxing somewhat. The snow beast rotated slowly on he spot, its lithe, snowy body crouched low to defend and prepare for an attack. Neither of those intents worried Shield much, and he stepped in, taking a swing at the half-dead creature. The AI was impressive, creating a convincing show of recreating the mannerisms of a cornered animal. Despite being practically in the open, it was rare for a mob t actually turn to flee.

He leaped forward and took a few more swipes with his sword. The attacks once again failed to land, and the snow beast struck back, raking across Shield's shoulder with its great paw. It roared with pain, and a pattern of scratches and burns were left on the pad of the paw. Its health dropped down all the way into the red, only a thin sliver remaining to keep the monster up and attacking. Shield did his best to run some predictions in his head, and at the end, he straightened up and sheathed his blade.

Edited by Shield
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Passive [+1 EN] Battle Healing [+81 HP] Recovery -  Craft: 7 [+3 EN] Cool Downs - Vengeful Riposte [2/3]

Action: None

[H:0] Shield - HP: 1626/1650 | EN: 154/154 | MIT: 181 | BH:80 | EVA: -1 | THN: 69 | ENV: 18 | DMG: 2

<Snow Beast> HP: 0/250 | Dmg: 160 - min 24 dmg - ENV [18 - 2/4]


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