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[PP/Floor1] The First of the Dragons

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And after a few rounds of combat or so, the Emerald Hatchling was dead! "Good work, everyone~!" The small purple-haired girl never failed to keep a bright smile on her face as she watched the remnants of its form dissipate, but internally? It was a bit more complicated. She had dealt a total of 4 DMG. 4 DMG. Arabelle poked fun at Claude a lot for having a lower DMG stat than the optimal with his healer-scout-stealth-DoT build, but here she was - a dedicated DPS player - dealing only one damage per hit. Gosh, she was turning as whiny as the Other Girl. But it was d e p r e s s i n g. 
She was going to persuade Mishiro to reinstate her 100% friend discount later, and get herself some cake. 
Arabelle turned to fist bump her now second-favorite guildmate, but spotted him running over to the other member in his party. What was it now? The fight was over. Wasn't it typical to rejoice over their victory? Dismayed at their little celebration being spoiled by yet another one of the Other Girl's unnecessary theatrics, the small purple-haired girl strode towards the two. "Hey, what is it this time -" 
The Other Girl was on her knees with her eyes tightly shut. And she was shaking.
Arabelle knew this. Arabelle had seen her best friend do the exact same thing when she teleported the both of them to Floor 1's central plaza by mistake. And if it was someone as lame as the Other Girl, she probably wouldn't even have the skills to fake it. She was similar to Mishiro, in that way. That sincerity you wished was actually fake because it wasn't fair, people like that can't exist, they shouldn't because if so, why was she never - The small purple-haired girl looked at Dustin and she could practically read the emotions in his eyes. Concern, confusion, panic
Arabelle didn't like this negative atmosphere. What happened to celebrating their victory?
"Do you know what to do? Well, obviously, you don't. Stay back a bit, or you'll just make it worse." She held him by his sleeve and slowly pulled him a bit further away. "Trust me. I have some experience with this kind of stuff~. Surprised? I'll tell you what you can do if this happens again, but for now..." Arabelle looked over to the Other Girl. She didn't want to help, but the others would be mad. Call it a sense of guild obligation.
But as it turns out, she didn't have to act. The weird blue-haired girl stepped forward and began speaking to the Other Girl gently. She handled the situation decently, so Arabelle kept her space and accepted a cupcake from Dustin with a sweet smile. "Thanks. You really are the best." 
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The splitting pain that echoed throughout her head, made it impossible to think enough to breath. Jinx found herself short of breath, and her head pounded with every single one she managed to make. She knew what it was, and if he brain was working, she'd of told them she was having an overload, specifically of sound! It was too loud, the world itself was deafeningly loud it was impossible for her to focus! Slowly, she managed to breath, and breath properly. The pain wracked her body over and over, but slowly, the girl managed to start getting control of her breathing, and glanced up. Mace...Dustin...Arabelle...Gyras...They were safe, all of them were safe and alive. 

As was she, despite her splitting headache...she hadn't taken any real damage. It was just the noise it made...that had made her useless. 

"I'm ok...my overload...i-is...slowing down..." Jinx made no attempt to move from her position, even if she could talk...it would take her many moments before it was 'safe' for her to move around without her body aching, without tripping over literally everything... "I'm sorry...for being such a burden to you, f-for making you worry about me..."

The fight itself hadn't been that hard if she was honest with herself, but...even still, her inability to do anything, her uselessness. It didn't help the guild. 

Edited by Jinx
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Mace’s glare cut Dustin like a knife. Like a truck had hit him going 100 miles per hour. His heart had practically stopped as he looked at Jinx laying there. Arabelle’s words were there, but his body had decided nothing else was important. The girl’s eyes moved up and he couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault. I should just leave. It’s my fault she’s like this. Why am I still standing here? His legs spin him around and start carrying him away from the party, the girls and guy behind them still worried about Jinx. “I can’t believe she calls me her friend. I’m a monster.” He mumbles quietly to himself, pulling his hood up and hiding his hands in his pockets. I hurt her, I deserve the hatred they’re feeling towards me. He looks back for a moment, they weren’t that far away but he still felt wrong for just leaving them like this. “I shouldn’t be doing this, but it’s for the best.” His eyes filled with sorrow as he keeps walking out towards the town.

(OOC: Up to you guys to stop Dustin or let him leave...)



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Mace let's go of Jinx slowly "That's Good, and you are not a burden, you helped great protecting mister goof over there, Just take a breather and look to the things you did, protecting your friend over there and giving the other courage to join you," She said before standing up giving Jinx some air to breathe as Not trying to show off that she also was a bit affected by she wanted to help her. Mace then walked over to Dustin Grabbing his arm. 'You are not going anywhere," Mace said sounding angry quite a bit, "U are a real idiot with your timing," She paused letting go of his arm, "G...go over to her... I'm not her friend and you are, go do ... um what friends do," She said giving him a small push to Jinx in hopes he would be a good friend to her.  Standing now with a bit of distance from the group was really somewhere Mace felt good, She did not want to be the center of attention at all even if she knew how to help people in this situation. Looking over to the group Mace crossed her arms and placed her shield on her back as she looked at her own feet a bit, I would never be a good friend with any one of these people here, Mace thought as she looked down.


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Recap! The Other Girl was apologizing for being a burden to everyone. Dustin was calling himself a monster and straight-up walking away. Mace was faring slightly better, with her pulling back the now-hooded boy and telling him to talk to the Other Girl, but she was slowly inching away from the group. Arabelle tried to keep smiling. She really tried, guys. But right now, she was on the verge of palming herself on the face with a loud groan and running back home.
God, this had definitely devolved into a complete pity party with each round bringing a fresh batch of whining and "I'm a burden," "I'm a terrible person," "I'm not supposed to be your friend."
Arabelle didn't - they were supposed to be happy! Barely even a scratch on her team thanks to yours truly, and it's not like Dustin and the Other Girl were that close to dying. They came out all fine, right? - She didn't know. This was troublesome. This was boring and their incessant complaints were grating on her nerves. She wasn't a part of this. She'd gone and done her role of Paralyzing the dragon so it wouldn't get any attacks on her team, while the other pair wore it down.
Guild loyalty and obligation doesn't hold a candle to her impatience.
"That's no good~. Take a step back and calm down. Look at it objectively. Look at everyone's stats and the results of the battle. I wasn't lying when I said everyone did well today." Arabelle opened and closed her menus and she half-turned to the area's exit with finality. "Claude's calling me. Bye."
The small purple-haired girl held her hands behind her back and left.

Arabelle is bored and attempts to exit the thread. So cold!


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Jinx dragged herself to her feet, a little unsteady, but all in all, she was able to get up. Taking in many deep breaths, the girl placed her items on her body and inventory, looking around. IT seemed...everything worked out nicely after all. No one died, which was always a bonus? Mace, Dustin, Arabelle...all alive, partly because of her 'role' within the team. But, with the fight done...ARabelle seemed to wander off, and Dustin seemed to be doing the same while talking to Mace. 

The girl looked out across the fields, for her first time leading a group of people, that went rather well...even if she'd been crippled by the dragon. She was happy that she'd pushed through the pain, even if the splitting headache was still causing her grief now. It was a pain, a throbbing feeling, she was well used to at this point in her life. She'd have enough passive overloads to know the pain, and how to manage it enough to survive. 

@Dustin @Mace

(OCC: Will end the thread here unless people have something they wanna post in particular)

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