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[F1-PP] Every Story Starts Somewhere <<TFFLAF>> (RESTARTED)

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“Um, are you Zack?” Jade asked nervously. “I-I’ve come for the quest, um, the first, the first few lessons are free?” The buildings light was dimmed, the wood looked old and vintage, some exposed nails raised a few safety concerns. “Indeed, I am ‘Zack’. I can help you get started in the land of Aincrad. But first I need you to do is to bring me five tier one materials.” The man went on about the rest of the information about the quest. “O-ok…” She said, her voice calming. Ghost walked out of the building onto the paved streets of The Town of New Beginnings as a turmoil of voices filled the air around her, she wasn’t in her combat armor yet, she simply wore her casual getup. She looked into the sky, it was changing into a orange to pink gradient as it became dusk. She let out a long sigh before saying: “I just can’t talk to people today, can I? Not even an NPC? Hehe...” Jade tried to form a smile, but she couldn’t. Mind as well get this over with. She thought before heading towards what she though was the direction of the fields, she didn't make it that far without getting lost in the streets.


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Always lazing around like usual, Jun decided to do something with himself. 'I really should start on something.. I have been lounging around for far too long..' He glanced around the stores, window shopping to see if there were any gears that would be a good fit for him. He stopped for a moment and sighed. 'Why is there not a single active shop on this floor.. I should probably move onto the next floor, but right now.. I'm a little under leveled..' Before he took another step, he snapped his fingers. 'Lyle! I forgot that I need to help Lyle out with his portion! Maybe if Zackariah is still here, I could ask for directions!' He quickly rushed over to the blacksmith to get more information about Lyle, but there was already a player inside talking with him. He paused and waited to see what the player was doing, but he felt like he was being a creep stalking through the windows.. 'What am I doing? If I want to help, I just need to go out there and say something.. How do I even talk again?' As his thoughts were completed, he watched as the player exited the building. He held up his hand as he stuttered, "H--Hey!" He stood there as straight as a stick, "You look like someone who needs some help! I can help you out if you would like!" He added.


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The sudden statement made Jade jump. "S-Sorry... I didn't see you there." She paused thinking about his offer. "Sure..." Her voice was shaky. "...I'm, I'm collecting materials for a q-quest. I-I only need five, so it shouldn't be that h-hard." She laughed nervously, which was followed by an odd silence. "Let's go then..." She walked out to the fields in front of the Town, assuming the person who offered to help was following, carefully searching for Materials. That's when she remembered that she had something that increases the chance of finding something. She went through her inventory and put on a "White Dress" [+3 LD]. Her face was bright red. She resumed searching the field. Nothing. Its a shame really, it seems like no matter what she does, misfortune and bad luck seem to track her down where and whenever they can. She let out a irritated sigh before moving on.


ID# 111077 results:

 Battle: 2

 Craft: 8

 Loot: 7 + 3 = 10 | Fail

 MOB: 3


Edited by Ghost
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'Ah... The journey of finding five herbs.. Five.. It felt like years.. Anyways, I should probably help look around for her.. I know these items are untradeable, so I just let her do the gathering..' Jun walked beside her, when suddenly she wore a white dress. His eyes glimmer, as she slowly materializes her dress onto her character. Only wearing a steel chest piece, he looked more of a foot solider than someone who dress glamorously. "Haha.. Well when I was looking for the five herbs.. I was stress out of my mind! So maybe with someone to help tag along, it won't be so ba--" Before he could finish his sentence, he could tell the expression on her face that she was not successful on her first try. "Well.. Maybe next time you'll get it! Come on! It'll be getting dark soon!" He walks beside her and kept himself on high alert, there were still monsters roaming around the field, but he was not sure if they would engage on the both of them.


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Jade continued to search through the field. "H-Hey, don't laugh..." She said nervously. "...T-This is supposed to increase my c-chances of finding s-something." She tugged on the sides of the dress with her hands, looking down at the white fabric. She continues to search, remaining quiet. She didn't really know how to talk to people.She continued searching through the fields. Her face was still a bright shade of red which was harder to see in the orange light of dusk, she never wore anything like she was wearing in front of another person, not to mention a guy. I certainly jumped the bridge here did I? What was I thinking. Jade shook her head in disappointment. Still nothing, but at least she was making progress. She looked up, their were monsters everywhere, but they didn't seemed to be aggravated. Maybe the wildlife in the field was only aggravated when attacked like some games do in the tutorial areas? She didn't want to take her chances and did her best to avoid them.



 ID# 111079 results:

 Battle: 5

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 8 + 3 = 11 | Fail

 MOB: 4


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Jun quickly tossed his hands up, "No, no, no! I wasn't laughing! I didn't say it looked bad at all! This is the first time I have seen anyone in a dress like that.. Well.. I mean in this game.." He quickly responded. He sighed and followed behind the player, but still kept his eyes out for the herbs that they were looking for. "You know.. It is really difficult for me to meet people.. Well.. More like talking.. I know I am just rambling at the moment, while you're focused on the quest. But uh.. I just wanted to say it is nice to meet you!" He said in a soft tone. He smiled nervously, but he was glad that he got that out of the way. He felt a little weirded out that he never really said anything and suddenly the two of them are already out adventuring. Jun continued to scan the area for herbs, but from the looks of everything it seemed like it was another failure. 'If what she says is true.. Her dress should be able to help her locate these damn herbs.. I am at a disadvantage.. I don't really have anything like that.'


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"Y-you weren't laughing at me?" Jade asked. "I j-just kind of assumed that you were..." She looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact, like she does with most people. Jade listened carefully while he was talking as she was looking around in the grass for any materials. He reminded her of herself in an ironic way, it seemed neither of them knew how to talk to people, Jade flat out is usually too nervous to talk fearing that everyone hated her so she avoided talking as much as possible, he on the other hand seemed to enjoy talking, but he just couldn't arrange the words correctly and thought people would judge him based on it. But that's just Jade's guess, though this did bring a weak smile to her face for a second.  "I-It's a pleasure to meet you, too." She paused for a moment. "Uh... Hehe... S-sorry if this sound a bit odd, but we haven't been properly introduced, h-have we?" She stopped searching and faced him. "I'm G-Ghost." She forced her hand out in front of her, her arm resisting the attempt to make a friendly handshake every step of the way.


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"Of course not! There is no reason for me to laugh.. Unless I missed a joke.. And if I did.. It was a laugh!" Jun smiled at her, but shook his head. "You shouldn't assume something of people! But I mean.. I think I would be a hypocrite for saying that." He added, as the two continue to locate the herbs. The First Floor is massive and with just the two of them, it was going to take them a while to even locate a few herbs, let alone five. 'Maybe.. If I also had some equipment that had the ability to help me locate items faster, I would be more helpful.. But then again.. These items are untradeable..' He sighed, as he continued to walk along side his newly found companion. When the player in front of him stopped, he stopped behind her and she introduced herself to him. "Oh! I totally forgot about that too! My name is Jun.. It's very nice to meet you now!" He smiled, as he shook her hand. Now that the two of them had gotten their introductions out of the way, Jun took a few steps forward and turned towards Ghost. "Now that we are friends.. You can't go dying on me now. Alright? Friends can't let each other down!" He said proudly with a smile.


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She stayed silent, embarrassment visible in her posture, regretting what she said. She looked down to her right, her hair covering part of her face, hands at her sides. She typically does this when she thinks she has done something wrong. "I-I'm sorry!" She faced forward towards Jun, she showed signs of anxiety. "I-I'm an idiot..." She whimpered to herself. 

When Jun shook her hand, she flinched and once it was over she hastily had it back at her side. She looked shocked that nothing bad happened. "J-Jun, as in the month?" She asked politely. As Jun got closer to Jade, she took a single step back in response. "Friends?" She was confused, if they had just met could they be considered friends? This made her question the friendships she already held close to her for comfort, were they really friends or glorified acquaintances? The dying part didn't exactly get a response verbally, but in her eyes was a response: Distress. 

She remembered she spotted something when she looked to her right earlier, she picked it up and watched it glow a bright blue before vanishing into her inventory. "One down..." She spoke calmly. 



 ID# 111122 results:

 Battle: 1

 Craft: 11

 Loot: 12 + 3 = 15 | Success

 MOB: 3

@Jun (Sorry it took so long)

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Realizing the tone of the environment he quickly backed up, "Wait.. No I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundaries here! Just a player helping another player out with their quest!" He quickly responded with a nervous smile. He was used to being overly friendly with players he had met online, so he had to restrain himself from overacting as his pseudo character. He took another step back and began apologizing, "I don't mean to offend you at all! We should just continue with the search of the herbs!"

Jun began looking through the brushes to see if there were any herbs he could help point out. 'I mean should it be easier if I could help point it out?' Before he could finish his thought he saw Ghost pick up a herb and he nodded his head. "Nice job! We just need four more!" He exclaimed, as he continued to look around his area. There was no sign of any herbs and he took to the path and followed behind Ghost. "That's a good one, we finally got one down. For me it sort of took forever and I was just losing my mind." He jokingly commented with a nervous chuckle.

"Well let's keep this up! We can finish this before the mobs come trickling in!" He said, as he picked his pace up to look around the brushes ahead of them. The mobs were getting more aggressive as the sun slowly set, but they were still in the safest place possible.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"Y-you didn't offend me..." Jade started. "I-I thought I m-messed up and y-you were calling m-me out on it." Jade took a deep breath, a little joyed that it wasn't the case. Jade looked around for more materials, but unfortunately none to be found. Jade let out a sigh of disappointment before resuming her search. "T-thanks..." Jade said shyly, a weak smile forming on her face. She got on her knees and began rummaging through a bush, at this point, her will to keep the dress in good condition and to get the materials she needed were going in completely different directions. She couldn't find anything in the bush though, nothing but leaves, twigs and branches. Jade got to her feet, noticing the sun was lower then it was before, it was going to be dark soon. Jade was afraid of the dark, well, she wasn't afraid of the dark itself, she was afraid of what could be lurking within it. 


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Jun smiled at Ghost, knowing that he should really be more gentle with her. "Oh no! I really do need to learn to speak properly, it seems like I usually come out as blunt.." He laughs nervously before turning away and walks over to a brush nearby. He crouched down and placed his fingers, taking a deep breath. 'Okay.. I know I can just gather some materials while Ghost is doing her quest.. Maybe try and take a few swings at some monsters..' He took clenched his fist and slowed his breathing. The brush shattered before his very eyes and he stood up and took a step back. "Yeah.. I think I rather test out my combat.. But then again.. I don't even know what to do with this sword and this chestplate.." He said to himself, before walking over to Ghost and smiled at her. "Well.. I failed my own search, let's continue down the path!" He commented.

ID: 111736
LD: 12 (Failed..)


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  • 3 weeks later...

"I know how you feel..." Jade responded, she didn't know how to fight off monsters, what was the point of living in a combat heavy game if she didn't know how to swing a sword? Jade nodded as Jun suggested they head down the path further. She made her way down the path carefully, she didn't want a repeat of last time she was on a quest to collect items. The sun dipped further behind the mountains and trees. Night was coming. She thought about the phrase, where had she heard it before? She can't exactly pull up a search bar in here but she can try to concentrate. She thought for a minute, mumbling to herself quietly. "Night is coming, night is co- Oh." Jade remembered, her friend loved playing survival adventure games back in the real world, and she persisted that "Its fun!" and "You'll love it!", Jade played for a bit, but that was all she had time for. What was the game called again? She couldn't remember. She sighed and resumed her search, disappointed to find absolutely nothing, except for a small animal running away, it was probably a squirrel or rabbit.


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