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[F13-PP] Horseman vs Imbalance

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Stepping onto the floor with a grin upon his face having heard from rumors that their is a new quest upon this floor about fighting a embodiment of one of the apocalypses that humanity likes to talk about. 'War, pestilence, Death, Famine.'  While making his way forward he heads towards the last NPC in this game he would ever wish to talk to so far as he stares at the face of Miraak the little priest that tried to step unto the plane of the gods for the event. Now just being a polite NPC that is rather irritating to his eyes at the very least compared to the ambitious drive the man had before that he could at least respect even if the way the man went about it if this was real was ludicrous. With a small moment of thought mars would nod his head and quickly send out some messages to the group of people he feels could at lest handle this and might tolerate his existence.


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With the messages sent out he waits patiently with a new katana resting at his hip in a resting place the black haired now katana user waiting patiently for his allies if they wish to join him. The liger that accompanies the boy resting by his feet and as usual is bathed in a aura of flames to light up the local area and burn up any debris that could catch fire and the game would allow.

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After cooking for a couple of days straight trying to get the items she wanted to make for her customers, Neo was looking to take a break from it. Thankfully, just the oportunity had come along. Mars had sent her a message talking about having a new quest to do now with the event over. Debating whether ror not she should actually take the rapier she had gotten from it, She figured it might be the perfect chance to llearn more about it. As its home was on floor 13, it may become stronger there but she hsould be able to see the core of it better as well. Sending a message out to her newlywed husband, Neo made her way to Angel's point. As she walked out of the teleporter, Her deep blue sdcaled pseudodragon flew off of her shoulder and into the skies. He would probably be making some rounds before they actually began combat. It was always nice to have him around for the extra support he could provide.


TO: Hazado

    Got an invite with a +1 for a new quest on floor 13. Figured you could come along as well as we need to test out our new wedding rings in combat. Mars was the one requesting it, so it shouldn't be too bad.



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Haz got a message from Neo and he opens it fast Looking at it not just one but three times, wait I know that name Mars is the guy who helped me ... snap he knows my weakness well. Okay, who cares at the moment I going to help Neo at the moment and get to test out the rings Why not. He walks up to the teleporter and goes up to floor 13. on floor 13 he looks around to see Neo spotting the one and only person with two colors in her hair he walk up to her in his Full armor as he made sounds like a big tank, "Hello dear, Neo, you look good today," He said from under his helmet placing a hand on her shoulder before looking around to spot Mars as Neo said his name as the one making this quest do.

It took Haz not long to Spot Mars at all and he makes his way to Mars with his full armor and helmet on while walking with Neo up to Mars. He places his Garnet Spear on the ground and stands in front of Mars, "Good day Mate, Been some time," he said to Mars holding out his hand to Mars to greet him Yet again. "See you changed your combat style, Not wanting to get so close anymore or just want a Katana?" Haz asks him as he waits for Mars to accept his hand.

@Neopolitan @Mars

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A message? Usually he would ignore it. Swiping a lazy hand through the air, Pinball skimmed through the letter's contents in the fluffy grass he was snoozing on. A quest? He didn't want to do that. He closed his interface and rolled onto his side, letting his eyes slowly close again... 
But he couldn't ignore it like that! Not when it was from Mars! He sat up. He was worried about guards, or other players, but if it was just the two of them, and he guaranteed he'd take care of trouble if they were presented with it... well, Mars had never been too wrong about something before. Usually. He sat up, wiping the dirt off his pants, and strapped his sword to his belt. "Alright," he murmured to himself, nodding. "I'll come and see what this is all about...

He snuck his way towards the gathering place. Halfway through his approach, he realized he shouldn't be so blatantly walking up to people, and he crouched in the middle of his walk, sticking low to the ground and halfheartedly ducking behind low obstacles as he made his way forward. In the distance he made out three figures, and as he inched closer and closer he recognized their faces. Two of them, at least - Mars, Neopolitan, and then some guy he didn't recognize in armor. He winced. This might not end too well for him. 
What the hell is Mars thinking? 

Stealth: ID#111248 LD: 8 
Stealth Rating: 8

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He would look towards the large heavily armored figure and quickly go through a mental library of people that he has met that could fit the bill of whoever this person in front of him is. 'there is Cosi, but he wasn't the type to go full armor i believe last i checked in on him. There was that spencer kid it might be him if Neopolitan knows the kid. hmm..Definitely not Vigilon or any of the other people might be black besides that, or Hazado.' He thinks to himself forming a quick mental list as he would extend his hand and shake the armored figures hand politely with a confident smirk upon his face as he gazes at what he assumes are the area where the eyes are looking at him. Well Katanas got stronger so i chose the better option in the end plus they have a bit more variety at the cost of some of my time to use the curved sword enough to be able to use the katana. He says towards the man in front of him as he than quickly sets into a more serious look as he rests his left hand against the Katana's handle as if ready for something to handle. The quest. Fight some things that is all is known besides the fact it is supposedly meant to drop rewards that are unique. I brought a friend of mine he is waiting on the outside of the settlement for us. Keep in mind that he is my friend and ally you pick a fight with him you're picking a fight with me. He says in a dead serious tone when speaking of defending Pinball even if it isn't by name. With that finished he gazes towards the NPC of Miraak. "I require your assistance. Some time ago when I was under Artamiel's influence, I placed a powerful seal of corruption in what once was the largest city of this world. I understand now that it must be destroyed if we plan to put an end to the Corruption of this world. It seems that the Angel's power didn't lift it and we require to remove it directly" 

When hearing the explanation he just nods his head. Got it. Corruption, kill things, stop demons should be simple. He says sounding entirely calm before turning around and heading toward the exit of the settlement so the group can get the quest started and meet up with the spear user....or sword user not entirely sure in himself of which his rival is going to do. When they would arrive at the exit and he himself would exit into the wilderness Mars would simply say aloud. Come on Pinball we have some things to go murdering. Demons to be specific most likely. Not seeing the man known as Pinball but trusting he wouldn't ditch him for a quest to be completed to help the duo survive and get over his whole not using a spear thing.

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Neo let the two men talk with each other, not bothering to interrupt them. Mars also talked about defending someone else if they wanted to attack him. It wasn't too much of a worry to Neo, but was hoping Haz didn't want to attack them. After talking with Artamiel, who seemed a much simpler AI with the event over, Neo prepared to head out. Just before she entered her own stealth though, she heard Mars call out to someone in particular. Pinball. Hoping that this wasn't some sort of setup to weed out those who were helping Pin, Neo decided to just not get involved with anything surrounding him. Mars was defensive of him though, so Neo figured neither of them were trying to do any funny business. They were here for the quest and that was that. Activating her stealth skill, Neo began to blend into the many shadows that covered the thirteenth floor.

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Haz grins a bit as Mars talks to Miraak, it seems quite simple and easy not, Haz did not want to talk to Miraak at all and nodded just to accept that Miraak was now a new NPC of some sort and just let it slide by, "If it is defending someone I can do that, I'm quite strong now, Not like last time fighting that Banshee," He said to Mars before following him to the exit. He looks over to Neo wondering who he was meaning until he said out loud the name of the person that was coming with them. Haz knew the name met Pinball once or twice before and well heard about his turn, but was not sure what to suspect at all. Sure Pin was a Spear user but also skilled in other weapons for sure Knowing this Pinball is a strong guy.

"Mars, If I may Ask. How much do you trust me the last time we fought together in other battles, And how much do you trust me now. If Pinball attacks me I will not hold back, you just make sure he keeps his blade turn on the real thread here Mars," Haz said to him before taking off his helmet to show his face to Mars to show his true face, "I will do everything to protect Neo and myself If you make sure Pinball keeps his blade on the Thread I will also Protect him," He said before putting on his helmet again and following Mars again turning to Neo nodding to her, with the meaning, I will keep you safe.


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Pinball stepped out from 'round a building, his hand on his sword. His face was blank but stern, staring straight ahead at Mars. He walked forward, listening but not speaking to an indignant Hazado before he approached. He was pretty grumpy. Why the hell would Mars take these two out of all people? He felt a brief spark in his chest as he aimed those next words at Haz. 
"I don't need your protection, ass.
He stepped past him as Hazado donned his helmet once more, and walked over to stand beside Mars. He flashed him a look. We're gonna need to talk about this soon. I thought I was supposed to be keeping a low profile..? 
But he shook it off, and looked ahead. If this was as dangerous as Mars' tone had been implying, he was going to have to use... that. He glanced at the sword on his belt. 
It wouldn't suffice. 

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He would glance towards the spear user with a rather passive gaze before a light smirk graces his face as he spots his partner finally show up. I trust you to be able to do your job, and i obviously trust neo and you well enough to not turn in my partner on the spot if you would try to attack us. He says rather plainly towards the armored man and letting him take those words as he will before looking towards Pinball and giving him a nod of his head before setting out into the quest as the four players and the NPC known as Miraak who is programmed to be part of the party and follow the players towards the location in question set out from the town. Glancing towards his rival he would give him a rather flat look and shift his gaze back towards the blade and than back towards looking at his rival wanting to send a rather plain and simple message as the now katana using Mars would shake his head no after doing that simple action. Shifting towards the two other members of the group or at least their general direction. Haz you can handle engaging them if you have some kind of AoE i hope. We can than focus on just focusing down one target after that and destroying any targets we get with that method.

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Neo continued to remain in her stealth, letting the boys talk strategy. She knew that they wouldn't be needing too much if this quest was fit for their level. It was still best to prepare. Neo just planned to make sure that she would be able to be the backup or at least the second wave of attacks so that what was already low could get finished off. She hadn't figured out how to do the sneak attacks she had recently learned were possible for stealth users to accomplish, but there was still some bonus coming through to make it so that she could very easily connect an attack. Perhaps it was just the weapon she currently had. Either way, it should be an interesting time making their way to this seal. And hopefully at that seal she could further discern what her weapon had laying within its murky steel.

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Haz looks at Pinball as he comes out of hiding and stares at him wondering what made him like this from the Shy and awkward guy to the I don't care about anything just die, guy. He let's out a sigh and looks at Pin, "I hope you still remember fighting together, So for the love of everything that is still pure on this floor lets just clear this quest and part ways," He said to Pin as he got his 2 handed assault spear into his hand and looked over to the road ahead. He listens to Mars as he asks if Haz had an AoE attack, he just stated the clearest question as he was a long-range attacker meaning AoE was one of the things Haz was going to use for sure. "I do Have an AoE for sure, Just you kill the enemy faster than I take Damage. I would like to see the end of this for sure," He said to both of them before looking to the road seeing that they got a splitting ahead in the road and they needed to choose which way they went 


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He had barely ever talked to Hazado. But he had always found him annoying - he remembered meeting him at the beach. He just... talked too much. Thought too much of himself? Pinball couldn't really decide, but there was something about the guy that he hated. But then again, maybe hate was too strong of a word. Maybe he just found him obnoxious. 
Either way, when the armored man turned to address Pinball's passing comment, the teenager ignored him. Pinball and Mars shared a look, and he sighed, trying not to swallow as audibly as he did when he drank water. He knew it was coming. Pinball nodded twice, looking away from the leather-clad... swordsman, now. Formal martial artist? 

Pinball unsheathed the pale sword hanging from his belt. He flipped the blade in his hands, quietly looking between Neo and Haz. The sword's golden hilt and silver edges shimmered when the light touched it - and there was a fluid, almost water-like quality to the sword's blade when it moved. Then he sheathed his weapon and opened his inventory, scrolling down to the very last thing Pinball wanted to touch... he felt his heart start to race in his chest. His hands almost trembled as they hovered over the button that would equip Cold's Fervor... and then he scrolled past it, instead picking out a few items instead. He started to stuff himself, letting the others decide where they would go, and making sure to avoid eye contact with Mars. 
At least for the time being. 

Consumed: T2 Perfect Meal - Enhanced Apple Cider: +2 DMG (-20 MIT), +10 MIT [#110437]
Consumed: T1 Perfect Potion - Greater Burning Edge: +3 DMG [#106102]
Consumed: T2 Perfect Dessert - Enhanced Eye-Spy Cake: +2 ACC, +10 MIT [#106988]
{House Buff: Filling} Consumed: T2 Rare Dessert - Jailbreak Cake: +2 EVA -> +3 EVA [#106624]

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Looking towards the second spear user in the group the katana using fighter gazes towards Hazado and just nods his head at his words when it comes to killing things swiftly. Don't worry about things living for to long with four of us doing damage the mob of enemies we might encounter will die faster than whatever they could be prepared for. By the time we're done you won't even be below half health. He says with confidence to try and get the man to focus upon the goal as he than looks back towards the NPC that is following them silently as part of the quest as Mars than opens up his own inventory and takes out some items and downs them for a small buff. Downing the damage potion he would let out a small sigh after doing so with a small smirk to accompany that before looking towards Hazado. Take any buffs you need we're about to go into a fight probably that might be difficult since it is based on that event. He says as he than takes out a mitigation potion and tosses it towards the tank as the only chance he could get to use it. Focusing back upon the going to be spear using Pinball he just gives him a nod. Well Pin time to take out the spear i think we're going to have company soon in the form of enemies to kill.

Buff used

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buff gave

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Neo was about ready for the four of them to go out and face the mobs they needed to kill. It seemed for the moment that Miraak was just being quiet, another testament to his now simplified AI program. It seemed the game truly was ready to just let him pass from memory. Perhaps Sunova really did do a good thing when she asked for his redemption as well. Popping out of her stealth for a moment, she caught the glare from Pinball and handed Hazado some food from her shop. It might not help that much, but every little bit would count when it was going to be this dangerous. She edecided to also eat some of her own food from her shop to make sure that she was ready in case anything came her way.

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(Passing Spinach-Artichoke dip to @Hazado [+2 EVA])

(Eating Tofu burger [+2 damage, -20 MIT])

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Hazado did not really like the company of Pinball sure they met a bit weird but that was so far back and It seems Pin was still the same in his heart but just broken. It was not up to Haz to choice now, the bigger thread was to defeat the quest monsters they had to deal with for sure, Not only that Haz and neo knew both what the monsters could do as well did Mars. Last time was Chaos and now it was just the four of them sure to be something now, Pin had no idea what was waiting but the rest did and Haz just let it slide who cares if things end badly, he could teleport out because of the crystal he got from the Baldur guy. Mars spoke up and threw a potion to Haz catching it and taking it right away Apart from that Haz took also a potion of his own before getting something from Neo as well. He was at this point ready to go for is own look "Don't let is end like last time Miraak, Just make sure to heal us when you can," He said to Miraak with a demanding voice. Before waiting on Mars to choose the option on where to go now, "Your the party leader here Mars, Go say your speech if you have one so we can destroy these things," Haz said sounding a bit more aggressive then normal.

(Accepting Spinach-Artichoke dip, From Neo)
Rare T2  MIT potion +20 MIT From Mars)
(Taking Rare T2 MIT potion +20 MIT)
Spinach-Artichoke Dip +2 EVA)
1 Tier One Damage Potion +1 DMG)

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They got moving quickly. That was good. Pinball wasn't comfortable lingering so close to a settlement. Well, he wasn't really comfortable at all in this situation, but- hey, Mars was here..? He snorted. Ah, whatever. Maybe he'd be paid for his help. He glanced at Mars. 
No, that wasn't really Mars' style either. What the hell was he here for again? What would Mars invite him here for? Surely not for his company, no. That's stupid to even consider. Pinball was extra muscle, here to make sure that whatever they were going to be fighting was dead before it could deal any lasting damage on the party.  
So now that he knew why he was here, why was he here? 
Pinball opened his inventory one more time, scrolling down his items list and stopping when he saw his old weapon. He didn't even breath as he quickly equipped it, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. 

In a flash of blue light Tyrfing was gone, the sword blinking out of existence. Pinball took a step back away from the group, holding an arm outstretched. The air around his hand shimmered. Blue pixels accumulated in his palm, a bright orb that began to slim and extend from each end, and Pinball felt his fingers - against his will - slowly wrap around this newly formed staff. And in his hand, his spear flickered into being. He felt cold, black wood under the red leather grip that coiled around the entire length of the polearm. Pinball stared for a moment at the spearhead: a jagged, bright blue, almost translucent chunk of sharp ice. His voice caught in his throat, and he had to look away. 

Equipped: [T2 THAS] Cold Fervor: +2 Freeze, Phase, Cursed 
Unequipped: [T1 OHSS] Tyrfing: Absolute Accuracy 

{After Buffs) Player Stats: 

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House Buffs: 

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A grin crosses the katana user's face when he sees the spear come out the weapon that could've easily won the duel between the two DPS users back when they both first initially breached the tier two level gap and it was simple skill and some would say luck that won him the fight against his rival. 'Good one step closer. Now to make sure he keeps using that over and over. Best way to do that. Force him in more difficult situations.' He thinks to himself calmly while glancing towards Pinball before staring forward and seeing what looks like a small horde of enemies slowly making their way forward as he just nods his head seeing the group of four enemies as he crouches low his foot digging against the ground to get a good kick off the ground to sprint into battle without a moment's hesitation. We are here to kill these things and get some good loot to help with ALL of our continued survival. We are all getting paid equally as per the rules when doing quests or killing mobs with me. Now than. Lets kill these bits of code no time like the present as i would like to say. Time to clean these bits of code for the next party that makes their way through here. He says rather confidently until much to his surprise the ground starts to crack and tear itself apart as what looks like a armored figure bursts through it. The creature having pure red eyes and having bone like white armor that does indeed look like it is covered in hardened bone slowly rises to its full height its shoulders having skulls along it as it cracks a grin across its face. The blackened grin greets the group of players. Well than. The first to face off against the apocalypse. You're just delaying the inevitable. It says in a hoarse gravel like voice as it stretches its thin razor like fingers seemingly in a battle like stance before screeching to the skies as the horde of creatures behind this being suddenly stop and just observe for the moment. Well than. New enemy. Same plan. Haz. Meet Pinball's and my luck. We always get the weird strong ones seemingly even when not fishing.

#111750 CD:1 Greed incarnate
Mars: HP: 840/840     ENG: 84/84   DMG: 17  MIT:12   ACC: 4  EVA: 3    Savvy: 1(ACC when dodge)   Regen: 10 HP 3 rounds

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((OOC: Grumble, grumble, technically wrong order but whatever. Don't forget to roll for Miraak's ability as well Hestia))

While hiding in the shadows, Neo watched as some hulking monstrosity reached itself up out of the ground. This probably wasn't a part of the quest, but they would definitely still need to defeat it if they wanted to get to the quest objective. In fact, that was likely to be the moral of the story for most of this floor. Just get through enemies to get to the quest itself. Not wasting a single moment for her to become discovered, Neo quickly charged a sword art and started to swing at the Monster. Her blade seemed to do something, though the health bar of the creature didn't lower by much at all. Probably a much tankier foe than any of them were anticipating. After her attack, Neo quickly went to the side so that others could get its attention. She had a feeling that Mars and Hazado would need to be the ones to take the most of the attacks. Pinball didn't wear any armor, and Neo's wasn't worth all that much in terms of raw defensive power.

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Haz looks at Mars takes the long route to get something out of this, But Haz did not feel like it and knew something was going to happen and as Mars looks around He sees a shadow appear. It seems this monster they were going to face was quite strong But Haz knew this was going to be worth something as he started to grin under his helmet and starts to spin his spear in one hand and notes to himself. The monsters Name was Greed Incarnate and Haz thought a bit as Neo attacks the monster he grins even more. "Really, your Just a pawn to a bigger plan, and you are standing in our way." He looks at Mars, "No worry, My luck is not much better, but that is not going to stop me from trying and END this THING FOR GOOD," Haz says sounding quite a bit pushy and angry as well. as his spear glows a purple color and Haz starts to stab into the monsters Chest four times and pulls back grinning to himself before slamming his spear from above. He stands right before the monster with his loaming armor, slightly turning to Mars and Pin, "No worry, This thing is a pushover just like the thing in the cathedral, Just put him back into his place," Before waiting what this thing is going to do waiting for it to move and attack.

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It wasn't long before the group stumbled upon an enemy. Judging by the worried glances exchanged by his companions, though, Pinball figured that this was a mob that... was supposed to be a bit more dangerous than the rest. The fact that <<Greed Incarnate>> spoke practically confirmed his fears. That had always been more of a boss monster thing, right? Well, whatever. Neo attacked, followed by Haz, and Pinball saw now that it was his turn. He paused though, as Haz turned around to share a few words. Again, for some reason, he couldn't help but feel a bit agitated by the "tank's" words. 
"A pushover? Maybe I should back off and let you guys handle it, then. See how well that goes." He couldn't tell how strong this thing was just yet, but if he was right about the reason he was here, then... 
Pinball threw himself forward, though, his spear held tight in both hands. Dimension Stampede buried itself in the creature, the spear's jagged edge ripping through the monster's natural armor like it was butter. The familiar ease of wielding this weapon - the easiness of fighting when he used it - filled him again. He felt powerful. He felt whole. 
He felt, for the first time in weeks now, a purpose. 

Action Taken: Sword Art - [Dimension Stampede] [-13 EN] / Charge! +5 DMG and Bull Rush! 
Greed Incarnate: ID#112084 BD: 10 (Crit+2) ~ 27*15= 405-25= 380 DMG + Stun + Freeze!

[H: 1] Neopolitan: 780/780 HP | 68/78 EN | 15 DMG | 39 MIT | 3 ACC | 2 REC | 8-10 PLZ | 4 FLN
[H: 1] Hazado: 640/640 HP | 47/64 EN | 15 DMG | 92 MIT | 0 ACC | 2 EVA | Safeguard
[H: 2] Pinball: 980/980 HP | 85/98 EN | 20 DMG | 6 EVA | 5 ACC | 8-10/24 FRZ 
[H: 0] @Mars: HP: 840/840     ENG: 84/84   DMG: 17  MIT:12   ACC: 4  EVA: 3    Savvy: 1(ACC when dodge)   Regen: 10 HP 3 rounds

Greed Incarnate: 1271/2000 HP | 300 DMG | 50 MIT | 3 ACC [Stunned] [Frozen] 

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