Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 #1 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Upon entering the twenty first floor their is a range of emotions that cross myself as i do so. A sense of some small part of excitement of gathering a large sum of money again for myself, the chances of paying off some small part of my loan towards Neo for this stupid healing trinket, and than finally a loss of direction. Making my way out of the settlement i head towards the only place that would make sense to be able to try and settle all of these emotions and that is through one of two of the only options a player could possibly solve their issues really. Well..at least for what i have done with myself which is to battle, or to try and convey the emotions through music. Not feeling rather up to the task of putting such emotions to music though their was really only one option in reality for myself. HP: 1870/1870 Energy: 166/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Items used: x2 Accuracy item, T3 immolation potion, T3 field ration(120), spyglass, Water Canister, +1 damage Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #2 Share Posted March 16, 2019 As i make my way towards the destination i would open up my inventory and take out a few buffs for myself and quickly take them all to boost my chances of getting the biggest payout for what i have at the moment for my honestly low funds in every direction i could have. No mats, no col for what my level is, and only having my armor and my broken reputation for something to even barely call a name at this point for the frontlines. having felt the rather palpable lines being drawn fro what felt like what is going to be the tension of the frontlines for awhile during the raid meeting and now just finding the nearest punching bags for my misery. As i arrive into the area as if to make themselves appear four mobs appear as i disregard any really defining traits about them to focus more so on the fight. With wasting a moment i charge forward recklessly as i cut into them leaving behind a small light trail behind myself. My gaze unfixed and unfocused as i just go through the motions that the game gives me. The hits that strike at my form and tear through it being ignored the entire while not noticing how half of them had manage to strike with uncanny precision. Action: Butterfly illusion+Charge #113305 BD:10 25x8 =200DMG MD:10 98DMG #113306 BD:8 23x8=184 MD:2+4=6 98 DMG Thorns: 84 (268 total) #113307 BD:1 MD:8+4=12 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113308 BD:3+2=5 MD:10 98 DMG CD:11 +6 Hestia: HP: 1478/1870 Energy: 161/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 630/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 562/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 746/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 830/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #3 Share Posted March 16, 2019 I once more turn towards the enemy and see them all stand perfectly fine seemingly as the orange tint of what i would assume their health bars should be at don't appear as i just rush forward only putting in the most minimal amount of concentration to be able to strike true and as best as i can. My shining blue blade once more striking at each opponent as two more strikes land against what would be my skin instead of my armored form with precision unlike any other fights before this. Being only comparable to the dwarven queen that Zandra and i fought against alongside Pinball. 'Only few people i know i can trust seemingly. I can only trust in Zandra, Ruby, and Jomei. Those are the only ones who seemingly stand with me. They are the ones i would want to team up if it wasn't for the necessity of safety of Calrex's team.' I think idly to myself for but a moment as the frontlines drift through my mind. Action: Butterfly Illusion+Concentration #113309 BD:6+3=9 144DMG MD:9 98 DMG #113310 BD:8+3=11 144 DMG MD:10 98 DMG #113311 BD:6+3=9 144 DMG MD:7+4=11 98 DMg Thorns: 84 #113312 BD:5+3=8 144 DMG MD:4+4=8 98 DMG Thorns: 84 Hestia: HP: 1180/1870 Energy: 151/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 486/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 418/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 518/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 602/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #4 Share Posted March 16, 2019 The clangs of blade meeting blade rings out across the clearing as my sword strikes an equal amount of targets hitting me as my shield moves forward blocking the hits directed towards me. The haze of white and black being ignored from myself as the works of my familiar to keep me safe goes unnoticed as i just focus on tearing through the mobs within the blur to get stronger. To release any and all feelings against these groups of numbers the true mobs and creatures that don't deserve any mercy. The ones that don't display any feelings of worry, fear, happiness, DESPAIR when something that they clearly hold dear dies before them! My blade cuts deep into one as i think upon the dark elf that started this whole mess in the first place. The soft chime of metal hitting metal rings out as the necklace around my neck hits the armor i wear. Action: Butterfly Illusion (all rolls made up to this were for butterfly illusion. I can't believe i missed that up horribly.) #113313 BD:4+2=6 144DMG MD:2+4=6 98DMG Thorns: 84 #113314 BD:1 MD:1 #113315 BD:4+2=6 144 MD:10 98 DMG #113316 BD:3+2=5 MD:1 CD:9 +6 eng Hestia: HP: 1077/1870 Energy: 146/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 258/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 418/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 374/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 602/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #5 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Durares. The small dark elvish creature that had managed to create teh chaos of the frontlines, that than prompted my smaller group, which than prompted the collapse of trust in the first place. All of it lead back towards hirru, and Durares. the clanging of metal meeting metal going mostly unnoticed as only the slight amount of concentration being put into the fight is had as i go through the moves as only my unfair unending strength meets the levels of the monster. The loss of my health not even going noticed by myself as it has dropped into the yellow point of HP. What is the point of even fighting anyhow? Not like gathering anymore strength will be used that much. Though i should all the while try to do so to help out at least Jomei in making sure his friends are safe. Isn't that what i should be doing? I ask myself softly in a whisper. Action: Butterfly illusion #113317 BD:7+2=9 144 DMG MD:7+4=11 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113318 BD:2+2=4 MD:9 98 DMG #113319 BD:1 MD:4+4=8 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113320 BD:5+2=7 144 MD:5+4=9 98 DMG Thorns: 84 CD:12 +6 ENG Hestia: HP: 779/1870 Energy: 143/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 34/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 418/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 290/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 374/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #6 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Thinking towards Jomei's words i just nod my head as the image of my former guild leader talking ot me upon floor seventeen comes to mind as my body just continues through the movements of the fight. The blades that pierce my player model once more unnoticed as my curved sword moves and slices into the three beasts forcing most if not all of them into the red and on their last legs of hope. "Don't let the words of a few deter you from being a tank." it isn't that easy though Jomei. The job of a tank isn't to just take the hits. It is their job to try and make sure as many people can be safe. I can't do that if i am being met with such resistance from Shield, and his Azure Brigade. I can only hope you take my warning seriously. I say softly as i wonder i'll get a message about the frontlines at all. Action: Butterfly illusion #113321 BD:3+2=5 MD:10 98 DMG #113322 BD:5+2=7 144DMG MD:9 98DMG #113323 BD:5+2=7 144 DMG MD:6+4=10 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113324 BD:5+2=7 144 DMG MD:10 98 DMG CD:3 Hestia: HP: 481/1870 Energy: 133/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 34/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 274/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 62/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 230/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #7 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Once more my body moves forward and quickly follows up on the attack while the four mobs are close as my blade moves forward and quickly cuts through the three mobs and only leaving one with just enough health to survive the attack towards it. My body moving low towards the ground and quickly spinning up with the blade out to cut through all of them as i step side to side to deal the finishing blows to ones that managed to move just ever so slightly out of my range of being instantly hit. The screens for their deaths popping up as i flicker my attention to quickly remove those to avoid any distraction during this fight more than i already am. Gazing towards the last beast i raise up my sword and just raise a singular eyebrow to challenge the creature to try and do what the others couldn't. Not having the same bravado and confidence to my style during the fight. Action: Butterfly illusion #113325 BD:9 152 DMG MD:(he is dead) #113326 BD:8+2=10 144 DMG MD:3+4=7 98 DMG Thorns:84 #113327 BD:8+2=10 144 DMG MD: (dead) #113328 BD:9 19x8= 152DMG MD:7+4=11 98 DMG Thorns: 84 (dead) Loot mob rolls #113329 CD:1 LD:12+5=17 4 T3 mats, 1 rare T3 unidentified hand wrap, 1 rare T3 unidentified consumable, 2490 COL #113330 CD:4 LD:17+5=22 1660 COL, 1660 COL, 1 perfect T3 unidentified shield, 1 perfect T3 unidentified rapier, 2490 COL #113331 CD:3 LD:4+5=9 4 T3 mats, 1 uncommon T3 unidentified consumable, 2490 COL Hestia: HP: 378/1870 Energy: 133/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 34/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 46/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 62/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 230/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #8 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Seeing the creature charge me i glance towards my health and calmly raise my shield forward and activates field medic as a light green aura surrounds my form and the blade impact against my armor as the creature slams into the spikes against my shield. The thing having been moving too swiftly to be able to actually sidestep in time to dodge the dangerous weapon in the first place. The momentum having carried the beast into it face first and promptly bursting it into red pixels as the shield than falls limply by my side as my arm drops from a thrust forward position to just limply at my side. My blade being sheathed away for the moment as i than just sit down and start scrolling through my inventory for the various options of what i can use to quickly heal myself. Since energy won't really be a problem it is only the healing to keep up with what i am doing. Action: Field Medic #113332 MD:5+4=9 98 DMG Thorns: 84 CD:12 Loot mob roll #113333 CD:8 LD:7+5=12 1660 COL, 1660 COL , 2490 COL, 1 rare T3 unidentified hand wraps, 1 uncommon T3 unidentified consumable. Hestia: HP: 747/1870 Energy: 125/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 34/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 46/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 62/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 230/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Total loot: 8 T3 mats, 2 rare T3 unidentified hand wraps, 1 perfect unidentified rapier, 1 perfect unidentified shield, 1 uncommon T3 unidentified consumable, 1 rare Unidentified consumable, 16600 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #9 Share Posted March 16, 2019 hmmm. I probably won't find another good use for this item unless i start using it now really. I say softly to myself as i take out the a small herbal remedy looking thing and applies the first bit across my neck and a bit across my arms. I watch as the HP that i receive shoots up by a tiny bit by two times really. I nod my head at that and once more gathers a bit of the remedy to prepare for the next dosage as i have to wait for the health to tic up towards full before i can apply the next dosage of the nature's blessing. 'I wonder how those elves are doing with that anyway. I wonder if the game will do anything with that whole rivalry quest. I mean i did defeat the king supposedly in that quest, but i mean it is possible to continue it. There was an elven floor so they coudl've done something with it on floor twenty three possibly. Could be more options later as well.' I think idly to myself as the healing completed once more as i can apply the next dosage. Hestia: HP: 847/1870 Energy: 125/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Action: Nature's blessing (+45 HP healed)+30 outside combat+15 HP(water canister)= 90 HP per turn Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #10 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Applying the next dosage works just as well as the healing doubles from the base that it does as i wait patiently for the full healing to go through its animations as i stare forward into the rocky caves. What even is a Whorleater. And is it like a whirlpool eater, or does it mean world eater. if it is a world eater couldn't it just eat through those rock entrances that we would be surrounded by. I say softly to myself as a look of irritation crosses my face when i realize what i am doing once more as i look off towards the side and pounds the ground with my left fist a singular time. The persistent thoughts about things of the frontlines seemingly unable to leave my head or in this case what i think out loud the entire time even if i do know that i probably wouldn't be invited to the next meeting/fight. That even if i did i would probably reject doing so based on teh principle of Shield being their to try and form his group despite any warning i could give about it. Hestia: HP: 937/1870 Energy: 125/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Action: Nature's blessing (+45 HP healed)+30 outside combat+15 HP(water canister)= 90 HP per turn Out of combat=2/3 Field Medic=2/2 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #11 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Pressing my hand against my chest a light green aura surrounds my character model as my HP shoots back almost to full as my shoulders relax as i finally end up back in the green HP zone after the fight as all the varying sources activate. Including another rather helpful dose of nature's blessing keeping me from dying immediately, or in this case from being slightly lower in health being back to full than what i was a moment ago. Closing my eyes for a brief moment i look up towards the rocky ceiling of the twenty first floor as my hands rest gently against the ground as i lean back against them for support. Varying thoughts of the what ifs of Aincrad coming into my mind of everything i could've done differently to end up with a happier me then what i am right now. Hestia: HP: 1401/1870 Energy: 112/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Action: Field Medic+20% total HP+Nature's blessing (+45 HP healed)[Out of charges]+30 outside combat+15 HP(water canister)= 90+374=464 HP per turn Out of combat=3/3 Field Medic: 0/2 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #12 Share Posted March 16, 2019 I close my eyes as i let myself imagine various scenarios of the what ifs as they come to mind. The sight and image of a hestia fighting alongside hestia, Morgenstenr, and Hikoru as Chaos and Fearx fought against the guild. Trying to make a difference and maybe making a small one, maybe the possibility of being a Paladin in the absence of one of the members since near the end they started splitting off. The possibility of even being part of Stryder's guild since he was rather always open to new members, and possibly not losing his trust because of that. Of being able to stick around Pinball more and being a better positive influence instead of the stranger i was. To maybe have been able to prevent him from killing somebody in the end and thus having another person to stand by myself when things started becoming rough. Hestia: HP: 1486/1870 /1870 Energy: 166/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Action: Healing performer Crystal (mirror Mirror) 40 HP+30 outside combat+15 HP(water canister)=85 HP per turn Field Medic: 1/2 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #13 Share Posted March 16, 2019 The image of a hestia with silver and crimson armor appears for only a moment before being glossed over. The idea of ever being a Knights being not a possibility really in the end. The guild being just a big mystery with a missing leader, and the members just being as lacking in appearance when i first started leaving a bad possibility of joining up with them. Though the idea of even sticking around more to the various acquaintances and friends passes through my head.Various combinations of teams filling my mind. A successful Kimi, Hestia, and Spencer quadruple. A group of Kimi, Hestia, Ruby. Of Hestia, havok, and Kyoto. Reinholt, Black, and a few other new people that didn't really show their face against after the first time. All drift within my mind as the saddened reality of the game i am in once more reminded of. Hestia: HP: 1651/1870 /1870 Energy: 166/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Action: Healing performer Crystal (I may fall) 120 HP+30 outside combat+15 HP(water canister)=165 HP per turn Field Medic: 2/2 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #14 Share Posted March 16, 2019 I once more touch the center of my chest as a green light envelops me and heals me back up towards full as i get up towards my feet and looks forward with just a lost look within my eyes still. Knowing that no matter how many what ifs of a better future it probably would never come true in the end. The people always coming and going and never seemingly staying long enough to properly be able to work with them to the fullest extent. That no matter how hard one tries the rest just fade away until you have only those that manage to reach the frontlines. The ones who were abandoned by their allies and left alone to be by themselves. The entirety of the frontlines just being a group of people seemingly who have been betrayed, left alone, or abandoned others at some point seemingly being a rather easy thing to point out. Hestia: HP: 1870/1870 /1870 Energy: 151/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Action: Field Medic+30 outside combat+15 HP(water canister)=45 HP per turn Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #15 Share Posted March 16, 2019 'It's almost like some weird requirement to be on the frontlines. That to join or that eventually if you do join you'll be betrayed or hurt by somebody close to you and it'll turn your world upside down.' I think to myself as my body moves into action once more as the appearence of four more monsters occur as i rush forward blindly and manage to cut into more than last time i think from what my memory is telling me. My blade leaving trailing arcs of blue light to form into the beautiful and elegant image if one would view it from a top down perspective. The dance of blade and death being modeled through what would normally a graceful display being hindered by the heavy armor that i am wearing. I can't mope around though all the time. Don't they need like a third team to get enough people to contribute towards a success? I ask myself softly. Action: Butterfly illusion+Charge #113334 BD:6+2=8 23x8=184 DMG MD:10 98 DMG #113335 BD:4+2=6 184 DMG MD:1 #113336 BD:9 192 DMG MD:4+4=8 98 DMG Thorns:84 #113337 BD:1 MD:7+4=11 98 DMG Thorns:84 CD:2 Hestia: HP: 1576/1870 Energy: 151/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 646/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 646/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 554/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 746/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #16 Share Posted March 16, 2019 If i wanted to test it i guess i could use this floor boss as an example really. Though they do barely have any remaining members at this point though. Morg is gone, Aereth is gone, Hidden, Pinball, Teion, Telrenya, even Itzal. That leaves them with quite a few members just Missing in action due to one reason or the other that they could feel like not to be apart of the raid. i say softly towards my self as i than focus for a moment upon the enemies as i quickly cut into three out of four of them with a quick swings of my blade as the HP is reduced rather rapidly and with some very good attacks. The flash of the metal reflecting against light for only a brief moment before the red cut along the beasts followed. Which means if they are low with all those people missing it would just be poor taste on my part not to show up at that point. Action: Butterfly illusion+concentration #113338 BD:4+3=7 18x8=144DMG MD:7 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113339 BD:1 MD:9 98 DMG #113340 BD:10 20x8=160 DMG MD:9 98 DMG #113341 BD:9 152 DMG MD:10 98 DMG CD:4 Hestia: HP: 1278/1870 Energy: 138/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 418/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 646/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 394/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 594/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #17 Share Posted March 16, 2019 There is also the option of just not going i guess despite that. Test to see just how well the frontlines are without another third group. They have enough members their to seemingly pass through just fine as themselves. All they would need to do is go in with a slightly bigger team is all. I say softly towards myself to try and mainly just talk myself into not going towards the raid to just dodge out of being anywhere near shield and Baldur at this point. The duo of players leaving a bad taste in my mouth with how they act towards the natures of drops and such possibly that it is just pathetic really. With Shield and Beat being the only obvious offenders in the group, but Baldur having the sword which is rather powerful compared to others items being a not comforting thought with a powerhouse of such a group. Myself once more ignoring the multitude of hits clanging off of my shield as my body automatically goes to defend against them from pure force of subconscious training to do so and just being conscious enough of the fight to do this. Action: Butterfly illusion #113342 BD:1 MD:1 #113343 BD:2+2=4 MD:2+4=6 98DMG Thorns: 84 #113344 BD:2+2=4 MD:5+4=9 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113345 BD:7+2=9 144DMG MD:4+4=8 98 DMG Thorns: 84 CD:11 +6 DMG Hestia: HP: 1077/1870 Energy: 133/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 418/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 562/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 310/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 366/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #18 Share Posted March 16, 2019 I look forward towards the monsters that just remain as i quickly rush forward with my curved sword in hand as i quickly start going through the motions of the butterfly illusion. The sounds of my heavy footfalls echoing along the cave as my black hair whips around with each motion of the attack as i dance around the beasts with rather clumsy movements due to the heavy armor being rather impeding. The health bars on each of the creatures dropping into the red or just barely there as i feel the attacks from them slam into my armored form as i just take the hits and just maneuver my shield to puncture the beasts with the metal spikes along the shield. I should try to at least show up...i'll show up if anything it'll be for Jomei's sake to give him the decency to try and at least play nice at first. I say softly towards myself. Action: Butterfly illusion (2/3) #113346 BD:5+2=7 144 DMG MD:4+4=8 98 DMG Thorns:84 #113347 BD:6+2=8 144 DMG MD:8+2=10 98 DMG Thorns: 84 #113348 BD:7+2=9 144 DMG MD:6+2=8 98 DMG Thorns:84 #113349 BD:4+2=6 144 DMG MD:1 CD:8 +6 Hestia: HP: 876/1870 Energy: 128/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 274/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 334/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 166/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 222/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #19 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Looking towards the monster i once more continue the onslaught just pushing my armored form to just be continuously striking against the creatures as i for once don't feel an onslaught of attacks against me except for one hit that i easily knock away with my shield as i stare at the beast with just a apathetic look. My blade having cut through each of the creatures and leaving them within the red as i back away to give me some space once more to prepare for what i hope is just the final hit against this group of creatures. 'I promised i would protect the tier two players and i will do so. That is my goal, and i'll make sure they stay safe. With two healers it'll be really easy to do so anyway.' i think to myself as a idle thought thinking of the duo of myself and Ruby being in charge of protecting such a group as i nod to myself at that. Action: Butterfly illusion (3/3 CD for concentration) #113350 BD:6+2=8 144 MD:5+4=9 98 DMG Thorns:84 #113351 BD:4+2=6 144 DMG MD:1 #113352 BD:5+2=7 144 DMG MD:1 #113353 BD:9 152 DMG MD:1 CD:9 +6 Hestia: HP: 871/1870 Energy: 121/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 130/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 170/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 22/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 70/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
Hestia 0 Posted March 16, 2019 Author #20 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Seeing the shadows in front of me shift signaling the creatures moving i just raise my shield and slam the metallic spikes into some of them as their claws strike at my suit of armor as my curved sword lashes out and carves into the collective. Myself being showered in a hailstorm of red crystals as two of them burst right in front of me. I quickly refocus onto the two remaining that have backed away as i ignore the condition of my health and just upon the enemies in front of me as i keep my shield raised and close to my chest. Having my blade at my side and slightly lifted upwards past the shield as i stand tall with as sturdy of a stance that i can get like this. I vaguely hear the growls and snarls of the monsters in front of me as i stare at them with a passive and unimpressed look within my eyes as i wait for the trade of blows. Action: Butterfly illusion+concentration #113354 BD:1 MD:6+4=10 98 DMG thorns:84 #113355 BD:8+3=11 144 MD:9 98 #113356 BD:7 144 MD:dead #113357 BD:2+3=5 MD:6+4=10 98 DMG Thorns:84 dead CD:4 Loot rolls #113358 CD:1 LD:1+5=6 2 T3 mats, 1660, 2490 COL, 1 uncommon T3 unidentified consumable #113359 CD:3 LD:14+5=19 4 T3 mats, 2490 COL, 1 rare T3 unidentified trinket, 1 perfect unidentified consumable Hestia: HP: 670/1870 Energy: 112/166 DMG:18 MIT:151 Thorns: 84 ACC:2 Eva: -1 BH: 93 Heavy Momentum:(+6DMG) Rec:(+6 ENG) Stonewall: 25% DoT reduction Monster 1: 46/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 2: 26/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 3: 22/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Monster 4: 70/830 249 DMG ACC:3 Link to post Share on other sites
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