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[F11-SP] Way Over My Head <<Nature's Treasures>>

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Symphony closed her journal and finished writing. I think that's enough information on that giant annoying bird for now, she thought to herself. While she was on this floor, she decided to search for a chest. She had never done so before, and tried her best to find any clues or any drops around her. After searching for about 30 minutes, she finally decided to give up. She sighed and whistled for Cloak just to check up on him. She heard his call in the woods to her left. He didn't sound too far away, so she wasn't concerned at all. I'm glad he's finally getting out and getting exercise. They had both been cooped up for a week or two while Symphony had been researching and working on orders in her shop. The fresh air felt nice, and the new floor was quite an adventure. She began to hum quietly to herself. 


Roll ID#: 115701

LD: 10 (fail)

Loot so far: 

880 col
4 T2 materials
<<Unidentified T2 Rare Trinket>>

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Symphony searched a little more for materials to no avail. So she decided to sing instead. She stood against a tree, arms crossed against her chest, relaxed, and took a deep breath. From her lips flowed music and words of another world. She closed her eyes and let herself focus on the words the melody. She sang of her past life, of the friends she missed, of her hopes and dreams. After an hour or so of singing, she finally opened her eyes and sighed. She missed the other world. She began to wonder if she would ever return... Cloak's caws snapped her out of her memories, and she looked over at him, smiling. He fluttered over to her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek. "Awe, is my little man hungry?" she asked while getting out a bag of treats. She threw one in the air and watched him fly up and catch it mid-air. She clapped and threw a few more for him to catch. "Alright, no more for you, Cloak! We don't want you getting fat." She laughed and put the rest of the treats back in her inventory. 


Roll ID#: 115857
LD: 2 (fail)

Loot so far: 

880 col
4 T2 materials
<<Unidentified T2 Rare Trinket>>

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Symphony wandered down the path and over to a clearing. She spotted some moss hanging from a tree branch and threw her dagger up to drop it down. The moss fell and she put it in her inventory, then she ran and caught her falling dagger by the handle before it hit the ground. "Nice," she said to herself, proud that she had managed to pull that off. With her clutzy nature and everything, she had a higher chance of stabbing herself than of catching the dagger. Cloak cawed and flew above her in the air, searching for more materials for her while also keeping an eye out for enemies. Symphony smiled and whistled a thank you to him for his hard work. She looked up at the sky and noticed it was late afternoon. Just a little while longer and then we'll head home, she thought to herself. She didn't want to be stuck out here when it was dark. That's when even more powerful enemies spawned. 


Roll ID#: 115858
LD: 13 (+1 T2 material)

Loot so far: 

880 col
5 T2 materials
<<Unidentified T2 Rare Trinket>>

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Symphony sighed after searching for another 15 minutes. I can't seem to find anything, and it's getting dark, she thought to herself hopelessly. She would have better luck with buying materials from a merchant than from finding enough to keep herself in stock. She shrugged and decided to head back to the first floor to the tavern where she rented a room from. Looking up at Cloak, she whistled to head back in town and followed his lead as he led the way back from the air. He was her natural compass, which meant a lot to her. She had no sense of direction whatsoever on this floor. 

Once they reached the teleporter, Symphony put a piece of mint gum in her mouth so she wouldn't get nauseous when using the machine. She said the name of the first floor. The next moment, she was back on the first floor, her home in this game. 


Roll ID#: 115859
LD: 3

Loot so far: 

880 col + 440 col (1 page completed) = 1,320 col
5 T2 materials
<<Unidentified T2 Rare Trinket>>

Other Awards:
1 SP

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