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[F1 - R10 Tailor] The Crusty Bahrnacle

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"OH POOKIE-BAHR!" Oz called out loudly over the sound of the doorbell as he entered the shop. "I HAVE MORE WORK FOR YOU!"

By the time his eyes managed to find the crimson crusader, he was already scowling at Oz. Splendid. "You know," Oz started with a wry smile as he approached the counter, "I can't say I'm terribly fond of the goons you've been sending after me lately. I get being pissed, but come on. That's unnecessary."

He laid out two pieces of cloth armor, as well as a Gleaming Scale and a Demonic Shard. The implication was evident - these needed to be fused.


One Gleaming Scale and one Demonic Shard handed over to Bahr.

Submitting request to fuse the following items:

Name: Garment of Gluttony (+2)
Your Profession: Merchant
Your Rank: 5
Acquisition Roll ID: 227319B
Identification Roll ID:
#229309 LD: 19 Light Momentum
#229328 BD: 10 | CD: 8+1=9 | LD: 13 VampDef (1st Appraiser reroll)
#229329 LD: 19 Light Momentum (2nd Appraiser reroll)
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Light Momentum II | Vampiric Defense
Description: "In gluttony, as in love, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision."
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18214-f10-grandmaster-appraiser-youve-hit-the-jackpot/?do=findComment&comment=685931


Oath Raiment | T1 Perfect Cloth Armor | VD I | HB II
"Doth thee believeth it sage to perish? Nay, thee might not but persist."
Fusion ID: 226417
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684426


Garment of Gluttony | T1 Demonic Cloth Armor | VD II | HB II
"In gluttony, as in love, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision."
Fusion ID: 


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His eyes narrowed as he heard that grating voice booming over the doorbell, and a sigh escaped his lips. It seemed the green asshole was back. Wasn't a single, agonizing visit enough to get whatever the fuck he was trying to do out of his system?

He stared blankly as Oz explained something about "goons" that Bahr had supposedly sent after him, cocking his head in mild confusion. "Sincerely, I don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Maybe people are after you because you're a dick. I can't be the only one that hates you."

Then there was the items. No further word, no nothing. A silent request - no, demand that Bahr fuse the artifacts before him. Maybe if he did, it would get Oz to leave him alone once and for all.

Item Fusion:


Garment of Gluttony | T1 Demonic Cloth Armor | VD II | HB II
"In gluttony, as in love, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision."
Fusion ID: 230260
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=686387


Edited by Bahr
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As usual, Bahr was none too pleased by Oz's intrusion. But that was to be expected.

What Oz didn't expect was for Bahr to deny that he'd sent anyone after him. Now, why would he go and tell a lie like that? Strong, brooding red guy lies to save his own skin? Didn't seem like the type. For a moment, Oz caught himself entertaining the notion that perhaps Bahr was telling the truth, and hadn't sent anyone to pursue him. He dismissed the thought almost as soon as it began percolating in his alcohol-stained noodle.

"Much thanks for the services, Pookie-Bahr." With that, Oz collected his newly minted threads and made for the door with all the grace of a brain-damaged gazelle.

Oz acquires:


Garment of Gluttony | T1 Demonic Cloth Armor | VD II | HB II
"In gluttony, as in love, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision."
Fusion ID: 230260
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=686387


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This was her first time dealing shopkeepers that weren’t pre-programmed NPCs and she was clearly uneasy. In real life, she’d gotten accustomed to measuring people’s voices. She could immediately feel the pressure of the distaste he felt for her, yet at the same time she felt like she’d not done anything reasonably wrong. As he worked, Firefly did her best to stay small and quiet to not upset him further even if she was curious to see it done.

When he handed over the item, she accepted with a small still. His warning to keep herself safe did not come off as condescending, in fact, it was rather sincere from his tone. A wave of relief washed over her. “Th-Thank you.” She’ll sheepishly chirp out she equipped it. “I will keep myself safe. I can’t see the world with my newfound eyesight if I’m dead after all and you’ve made that significantly easier.” Her enthusiasm saw her out of the shop, ready to remove herself from the dredge back alleys of the Town of Beginnings.

Retrieving Item - Emerald Cape ID#229670

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"A couple of items for fusion," Star said. He appreciated the item as an appraiser, but it wouldn't have suited him in practice. At least, he didn't think so. He placed the two capes down on the counter for Bahr to look over and waited for a yes or a no. While he waited, he recounted his demonic scales and gleaming shards to make sure he had enough on hand.

He wasn't sure he had ever been to Bahr's shop. He found it difficult to find (as he did everything in the Town of Beginnings). It was a whole lot nicer inside than it was out.




Woodsman's Cape | T4 Perfect Cloth Armor | #226033a | HB, VAMP(D), MIT
Desc: A lightweight, hooded green cape made from a blend of wool and cotton.


Dracula's Cape | T4 Perfect Cloth Armor | #226791 | VAMP(D), LD, EVA
Desc: A long, pitch black cape. It's great for hiding from sunlight and from people you don't like.


Fencer's Regalia - Trepidation | T4 Demonic Cloth Armor | ###### | VAMP(D) II, HB, MIT
Desc: A thick and unassuming bit of attire that seems rather plain on first inspection. Beneath the exterior is a gilded filigree and trim that flares in a deep shade of green on every successive blow against the wearer, as if something trapped inside will see them to safety. The coat of arms to those who use precision over power, and finds those who hold others safety above all else.

-1 Demonic Shard, -1 Gleaming Scale, -1 Nametag 202723a


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Bahr inspected the garments, then poured over the form Morningstar had provided which detailed the desired final product. Bahr couldn't rightly say he didn't appreciate the direction Star was going with this, even if it wasn't really his cup of tea. But then again, was it Morningstar's cup of tea, either?

"An easy enough task," he decided, before retrieving both vestments and retreating to his little workshop in the back room.

After some time (and a bit of swearing, which may or may not have been audible from the showroom), Bahr returned with the finished product. It was a beautiful thing, but the crimson crusader regarded it with disdain. "Yeah, not as easy as I thought, actually. Some pieces didn't really want to fit... But I figured it out." He laid it upon the counter for his customer's inspection. "Think this'll do?"


Fencer's Regalia - Trepidation | T4 Demonic Cloth Armor | #231416 | VAMP(D) II, HB, MIT
Desc: A thick and unassuming bit of attire that seems rather plain on first inspection. Beneath the exterior is a gilded filigree and trim that flares in a deep shade of green on every successive blow against the wearer, as if something trapped inside will see them to safety. The coat of arms to those who use precision over power, and finds those who hold others safety above all else.


Edited by Bahr
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"Sorry for the trouble," Star said, grabbing up his new item. He looked over the stitching and admired the fabric. "Yeah, this looks perfect. My client will love it, I'm sure. Thanks. This is much appreciated."

He left with a wave, and headed way up to Coral for his next pickup. He had a triangle of stops, all in different places, and Coral was the last stop on his list. "Trinket, armor, sword..." Star muttered on his way through the rugged streets of the Town of Beginnings' underbelly. "Just leaves Wulfrin's shop and then I've got it all sorted out."

picks up:

Fencer's Regalia - Trepidation | T4 Demonic Cloth Armor | #231416 | VAMP(D) II, HB, MIT
Desc: A thick and unassuming bit of attire that seems rather plain on first inspection. Beneath the exterior is a gilded filigree and trim that flares in a deep shade of green on every successive blow against the wearer, as if something trapped inside will see them to safety. The coat of arms to those who use precision over power, and finds those who hold others safety above all else.

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