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[F1 - R10 Tailor] The Crusty Bahrnacle

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All Bahr could do was blink.

Was this chick for real? Did someone put acid in his coffee? What the fuck was going on here?

"First off, stop fucking with the merchandise," he chided, snatching a particularly expensive piece from her clutches. "These are not toys."

"Secondly, yes, I'd be glad to make something for you if it gets you the hell out of here."

He took a gander at the request form and, despite himself, could see the appeal. Wasn't his sort of style, but he wasn't going to squash anyone's exhibitionist dreams. A pull here, and pluck there, and the piece was made moments later. He put his tools away and held the clothing out for the petite woman to have.

"Make sure to tell all your friends the gruff asshole on the first floor makes baller threads."

CRAFTING ATTEMPTS 1-3 (08/10/2024)


Scrapping rolls 224972 and 224973

Name: Nekomata Regalia
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 224974
Roll: 10
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Evasion 3
Description: A provocative suit in black with red sleeves, matched with a rattling bell for a collar. A simplistic white bodice rocks on top on a leotard with skirt bottom. A singular pair of leather arm bands compliment a sight of thigh high cotton stockings. Doesn't leave much to the imagination, Meow~
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=683761


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The girl perks and fumbles with the startling bark from the shops owner. "eep~" is all that manages out of her, the littlest little peep as some expensive wears are torn from those clutches. Bladed nails might have torn the fabric, but she'd never know. The keeper proved his mastery with a flick of a wrist and snip here or there. The kitten watches on in awe, her eyes caught on the needle and thread more then anything else. Tail wagging as he drops that shit like a sack of potatoes into her clutches. To which she quickly strips down to her skivvies with zero regard for modesty and dons the new attire, having trouble slipping on a boot.

"Dank nyu, you one cool cat~ Keep on keeping on my dude. These some dope ass linens." Squirrelling around, she folds the boots and they seem to bend just fine in her deep hunch. And like a damn aristocrat she leaps out of the shop on all fours, skipping along one of the nearby shelving hanging from a windowsill and fucking up an entire line of flower pots.

Acquired |
Name: Nekomata Regalia
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 224974
Roll: 10
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: Tierless
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Evasion 3
Description: A provocative suit in black with red sleeves, matched with a rattling bell for a collar. A simplistic white bodice rocks on top on a leotard with skirt bottom. A singular pair of leather arm bands compliment a sight of thigh high cotton stockings. Doesn't leave much to the imagination, Meow~
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and a single spool of thread.

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Just as he reached for the door handle a young woman burst through the door on all fours, skittering about like an alleycat, leaping from a windowsill and bulldozing through an assortment of potted plants. He stood in the doorway for a moment, watching her disappear down the street. But if he was surprised, unnerved, or otherwise affected by the strange display, he did not show it. Pinball stepped inside and shut the door firmly behind him, stepping up to the counter and catching Bahr before he disappeared elsewhere. 

"I need a new cloak," he said, swiping the details Bahr's way. "Please." 

He kept it simple, partially because he didn't want to be a bother, and partially (perhaps more importantly) because he didn't care at all for the fancier stuff. 


Name: Black Cloak 
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: [Weapon, Tool, etc.]
Tier: 4 
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: Evasion 3 
Description: A dark hooded cloak made for comfort. 
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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No sooner had the annoying catgirl showed Bahr literally everything than she was off to the races and destroying his plants. He couldn't tell if the redness in his cheeks was a result of what he'd just seen, or the rage he felt boiling inside him for the destroy merchandise.

Oh, and her claws had ruined what he'd grabbed from her. Perfect. Juuuust perfect.

"I need a new cloak, please."

"FUCK!" came Bahr's booming retort has his head shot Pinball's way and his shoulders hunched. The dude was just so quiet, Bahr didn't even know he was there. How much of all of that had he seen? "Uh... Oh, it's you. Surprised me a bit. Nice to see ya."

He looked over the request form. Basic, didn't stand out. Just Pinball's style. "Yeah, I can do this. Give me just a few."

And sure enough, only a few minutes later, the garb was crafted. He placed it on the counter for Pinball to inspect. "Let me know if you need anything else."

CRAFTING ATTEMPTS 1-3 (08/10/2024)


Scrapping rolls 225013 and 225014.

Name: Black Cloak 
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 225015
Roll: CD10
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 4 
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: Evasion 3 
Description: A dark hooded cloak made for comfort. 
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=683796


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Pinball didn't even flinch as Bahr practically jumped out of his skin. He stared at him, unbothered, and figured that it probably had something to do with the weird chick who'd just scuttled out of his shop on all fours like an excited little cockroach. 

The order was placed and Pinball waited silently in the shop for it to be completed, seeing as he went straight to work on it. He didn't have any other place to be, and being indoors meant he didn't constantly have to be on the lookout for city guards who'd grab him and toss him out on his backside first chance they could get. 

Eventually Bahr came back out with his item in tow. Pinball stood and thanked him, asked if any payment was required, and when told otherwise, thanked him again. He equipped the item immediately, taking a moment to appreciate having something heavy across his shoulders again, and then with a final goodbye, pulled up his hood and left the shop. 

<<ACCEPTED x1 Black Cloak>> 

ty bahr 

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It had been a long time since her last encounter in these parts, the woman tried to avoid associating herself with this side of town. Yet, she'd like expand her business and build some more connections. There was a good reason, a merchant with an ear and a body who needed to buy. Acting as the middle man? Free money, for a little know how. But that started with finding contractors or associates who could provide decent wares. Down the walks of this slum, a singular sign stands out in stark contrast to its surroundings. "Well it certainly catches the eye..." The woman murmured under her breath, speaking toward her cat. "Best out here, unsure if they enjoy cats like I do."


The lazy reply from Felix as he flattens out, the fat ass pooling into a puddle. She'd wander in, being greeted by a bell. "Little stuffy, yet... This place clearly is a victim of its location." A sharp inhale of her cigarette holder before she exhales a waft of the stuff. "Fabric seems decent, wonder if the keeper has it imported or makes it themselves..." More whispering as thoughts come out under experienced breath. Carefully choosing the fabrics, with an eye for quality that most would not manage. The woman knew fashion, new taste and knew what to use to exploit her assets.


Cloth Armor (T4/Perfect) #1 | (Rec 2, LD 2)
Using the Name/Description from Below

Name: Eloquent Black Serpent - Oshun
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 10
Roll ID: See Above
Roll Result: See Above
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 4
Quality: Demonic
Enhancements: Recovery 2, Loot Dice 2
Post Link: Here
The tailors nightmare, this kimono is the compound work of a multitude of different silks where a single pattern alone would take most three days to accomplish. A deep maroon primary with gilded filigree, embellished long sleeves that seem large enough to fit nearly a whole person in. The ties a stark yet vibrant violet and transitions into a corset like wrap, although appears still bands of silk. This thing could easily dwarf a house in cost, for only those with the richest taste.

Demonic Shard (1) [Demonic Upgrade]
Materials | 178 (The cost of one house)

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Bahr looked at the design suggested, then up to the woman, then back to the design.

"You serious?" he inquired in disbelief. "That's it? Look, if you were talking to a lower-leveled tailor, I might understand the cost. But this won't take more than but a moment." With a final glance, he concluded. "And the bust size is wrong, too. Those are at least cantaloupes. I'll size it up a tad just so you don't suffocate yourself."

While the craft indeed may have taken a less experience sewer longer, Bahr was no slouch. His digits elegantly and effortlessly fingered their way through the fabrics the busty brunette had selected, and in a matter of a few minutes, the final product was ready for inspection. Sure, the system carried its weight when it came to heavy-duty crafts as such - but Bahr knew a few tricks of his own to speed things along. She'd find no flaw.

"Here. And please, if you're gonna try it on in here, use the system to get dressed. I've seen enough tits this week."

CRAFTING ATTEMPTS 1-4 (08/15/2024)


Scrapping rolls 226376 through 226378.

Name: Eloquent Black Serpent - Oshun
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 226379
Roll: CD12
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 4 
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: LD 2 | REC 1
Description: The tailors nightmare, this kimono is the compound work of a multitude of different silks where a single pattern alone would take most three days to accomplish. A deep maroon primary with gilded filigree, embellished long sleeves that seem large enough to fit nearly a whole person in. The ties a stark yet vibrant violet and transitions into a corset like wrap, although appears still bands of silk. This thing could easily dwarf a house in cost, for only those with the richest taste. 
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684381

Applying Demonic Shard to upgrade item quality to Demonic. Selection of Standard Enhancement applies.

Name: Eloquent Black Serpent - Oshun
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 226379
Roll: CD12
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 4 
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: LD 2 | REC 2
Description: The tailors nightmare, this kimono is the compound work of a multitude of different silks where a single pattern alone would take most three days to accomplish. A deep maroon primary with gilded filigree, embellished long sleeves that seem large enough to fit nearly a whole person in. The ties a stark yet vibrant violet and transitions into a corset like wrap, although appears still bands of silk. This thing could easily dwarf a house in cost, for only those with the richest taste. 
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684381


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Carefully, and heavily the woman plucks up the fabric. She'd run her hand down the seam and across the length. Her hand moves to her mouth and inhales heavily, allowing the smoke to travel where it may as she continues to evaluate the piece like an art exhibit. "Good needlework, hemmed and finished..." smoke trailing out of the corner of her mouth, as the woman would appear to be checking every inch and fiber of it. Not a single loose thread, or missed stitch. She'd look to the man, "Bahr wasn't it?" Vaguely recalling a visit from the man before. His appearance definitely differed, yet the voice gave him away.

Neatly folding it, it seemed to suit her golden fancy. She'd pull out this small bag and allow the kimono to be sucked in, before returning it to a space in her sleeve.

"The tightness is by design, I want the girls front and center and at attention. No point in this much weight if they aren't pulling any." She'd slink toward the door, allowing the light of day to pour through. "Truly a victim of location, you could give Anton a run for his money. I'll keep you in mind if someone needs a little fabric." just as conniving as ever, the black cat found some good string.



Name: Eloquent Black Serpent - Oshun
Profession: Tailor
Rank: 10
Roll ID: 226379
Roll Result: CD12
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 4
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: LD 2 | REC 2
Post Link: Here
The tailors nightmare, this kimono is the compound work of a multitude of different silks where a single pattern alone would take most three days to accomplish. A deep maroon primary with gilded filigree, embellished long sleeves that seem large enough to fit nearly a whole person in. The ties a stark yet vibrant violet and transitions into a corset like wrap, although appears still bands of silk. This thing could easily dwarf a house in cost, for only those with the richest taste. 
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Almost done. All that remained was to combine two more ingredients. There were other things, too, of course, which Oz could use to supplement his equipment. But he was beginning to run low on the materials to do so, and this seemed like the best bet if he was going for longevity. There were several others in Aincrad with builds far more powerful than he, but he wasn't going for power. He was going for survival.

"Bahr, my man!~"

The voice clattered over the sound of bell which chimed as the door swung open. There stood Oz, in all his rugged (read: disheveled) glory. He sauntered up to the counter and leaned against it, beaming from ear to ear as he stared into the amber hues of the man who was supposed to be sporting mismatched eyes. Had his intel been wrong?

"What have you been up to? Wait- don't tell me... Missing time and time again against floor bosses? Losing golden-haired goddesses to charming Irishmen? Mulling around in memory loss and self-pity while everyone around you gets on with their lives?"

The smile worn across Oz's visage betrayed the utter cruelty of his jabs, and the scowl worn across Bahr's indicated the intel had been right after all.

"Right, then. How about a change of pace instead? Got these threads here that I'd reaaaalllly like combined into one. As payment for your good deed, I won't spread word far and wide about your lingering crush. You know, the one that Scarlet might not be so happy to hear about."

With that, the vestments were presented - along with a Gleaming Scale, of course. Oz wasn't a monster.


One Gleaming Scale handed over to Bahr.

Submitting request to fuse the following items:

ID: 225112-A (T1/Cloth Armor/Perfect)
226161    Vampiric (Def)
226159    Risky
226162    Holy Blessing
Equipment Type: Cloth Armor
Name: Oath Raiment (+2)
Description: "Doth thee believeth it sage to perish? Nay, thee might not but persist."


ID: 224616-C (T1/Cloth Armor/Perfect)
226171    Risky
226172    Evasion
226170    Holy Blessing
Equipment Type: Cloth Armor
Name: Soulless Silk Tunic (+2)
Description: "Worry not of your wounds. They are only temporary. Glory is eternal."


Oath Raiment | T1 Perfect Cloth Armor | VD I | HB II
"Doth thee believeth it sage to perish? Nay, thee might not but persist."
Fusion ID: 


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As the grimy verdant-clad goofball approached the counter and called his name, Bahr failed to conjure any recollection of him. He eyes the stranger precariously for a moment, before uttering, "Do I know you?"

Bahr's inquiry went unanswered, but the words that came tumbling from his interlocutor's lips shortly thereafter made it clear. This guy knew Bahr. In ways more intimate than probably anyone else in Aincrad.

Just how had this guy come across such accurate and poignant information?

Bahr didn't say another word, but could feel the veneer of confusion slip from his expression and find itself replaced by quiet rage, contempt, and longing. It was pathetic to allow himself to be so controlled by this nobody who he'd just met, but what choice did he have?

People had found their peace. If it meant Bahr would have to ruminate in his misery at the hands of this bucket-hat sporting buffoon to preserve that, so be it.

"Coming right up."

Item Fusion:


Oath Raiment | T1 Perfect Cloth Armor | VD I | HB II
"Doth thee believeth it sage to perish? Nay, thee might not but persist."
Fusion ID: 226417
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684426


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CRAFTING ATTEMPTS 1-3 (08/16/2024)


Scrapping rolls 226468 and 226469.

Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 226470
Roll: CD12
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect 
Enhancements: MIT 1 | EVA 2
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684471


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she doesn't look like she belongs here on this side of town but she doesn't appear lost either -- at least until she takes notice of the scene before her. the crusty bahrnacle's shop owner, standing behind the counter, handing back an item, stares down the man across from him with a dark scowl. tension lies thick in the air, and she immediately knows to avert her eyes to the floor at the first hint of either (or both) of the men turning to investigate the sound of the doorbell. she's clearly preparing to turn, politely apologize, and exit the situation when the men disperse on their own.

on his way to the door, the troublemaker passes her. lavender eyes follow as soon as he has his back turned, emotionless and appearing to hold no judgment. what a strangely colored hat.

anyway, she'll make this quick.

"entitled customers," mishiro says sympathetically, guessing on her impression alone. given her entry, she also guesses the subject warrants some acknowledgement. she takes her place across bahr at the counter and unfolds the slip of paper she had in her hand. it is a copy of the shop's order form, already filled out in her neat cursive script. "still open? i have a custom order."




Name: White Cloak
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: Mitigation II, Evade I
Description: A white hooded cloak made for comfort.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]

PAYMENT: 3,375 col -- sent.


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"Much obliged, Sunshine. See, was that so hard?"

Watching one of the big bad Frontliners squirm brought much delight to Oz, who took a moment to revel in the contortions of Bahr's visage. Though Oz rarely spared any sympathy for the other fools trapped in this floating prison, this was especially true for Bahr. As he saw it, if this guy had been paying a bit more attention to Conciliatior - his long-time info broker - she would still be around right now. Instead, she was missing.

As the two men stared each other down, the bell chimed, signifying a newcomer to the tense abode. A wayward shift of grey hues would reveal, a smaller woman, seemingly timid, eyes cast downward so as to avoid contact with the two men. His eyes shifted back to Bahr, and with a smirk, he concluded, "I'll be seein' ya."

He collected his fusion and went on his way.

Oz Acquires:


Oath Raiment | T1 Perfect Cloth Armor | VD I | HB II
"Doth thee believeth it sage to perish? Nay, thee might not but persist."
Fusion ID: 226417
Source: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684426


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"See, was that so hard?"

You have no idea.

Though Bahr kept his mouth shut, so as to not invite more provocation or threatening from his interlocutor, his face said it all. He'd never been the sort to be capable of properly hiding his emotions. Strewn across his visage, the amalgamation of things he was feeling, and his intent, were abundantly clear.

Were we not here, I'd be hurting you as much as you just hurt me.

Then, a newcomer. The doorbell chimed, an announcement of their arrival. A petite woman, perhaps a bit straightlaced, but with a good eye for fashion. A welcome interruption.

"I'll be seein' ya." With that, Oz turned to make his exit.

"Yeah, can't wait," came Bahr's flat response. Perhaps it had been spit a bit more forcefully than he had met. Such things were bound to happen whilst bottling up that sort of emotional pressure.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, steeling himself for the next interaction. This woman had done nothing wrong, and he'd need to be careful not to allow his lingering irritation seep into the following interaction. 

"Entitled customers," she started, and Bahr nodded, appreciative of her understanding. "Still open? I have a custom order." There was a slight temptation to close shop instead, but she was quite polite, and her soft-spokenness helped to ease a bit of the lingering tension. Certainly more palatable than whoever the fuck that just was.

He retrieved the parchment from her and inspected it, slowing down to reread it again after finishing the first time. He cast her a knowing glance, then back to the paper, then back to her once more. He'd seen a very similar request just recently. Just what did he have to do with her?

"This shouldn't be a problem. Just give me a few moments."

As promised, the craft didn't take long. It was easier when you'd had some recent practice on a virtually identical craft. He set the vestment upon the countertop, an offering to his new customer.

"Whatever it is you have planned, take care of yourself. And him."

CRAFTING ATTEMPT 1 (08/17/2024)


Name: White Cloak
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 226846
Roll: CD11
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 3
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT 2 | EVA 1
Description: A white hooded cloak made for comfort.
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=684633


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despite it all, the tailor remains professional. she likes that in people. there is a moment where it appears as though he would ask, and not minding at all, she's already reviewing the usual script she has in her mind. but that too passes, and he's soon excusing himself to his crafting area, leaving mishiro some time to wander about the shop's interior and absentmindedly inspect the clothes on display.

the wait doesn't take long.

she takes her new cloak and the pristine white fabric spills into its full length as she unfolds it. as a light armor class, it is heavier and more durable than its copy and the clasp that keeps the entire thing secured is much tighter to compensate. mishiro inspects it for a few moments longer, careful to keep the edges from brushing the floor, and decides she's satisfied.

"whatever it is you have planned," bahr says, "take care of yourself. and him."

and him.

such words are rare in this place. a small, grateful smile touches her lips. "thank you."

she folds her new cloak over her arm and leaves, her thoughts already turning to an excursion into the desert.


-> claiming: white cloak

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  • 2 weeks later...

Siren left the Cathedral in the Town of Beginnings and walked around a bit, she squinted and looked at the sign above. "The Crusty Bahrnacle..? Well... this is the first shop I've come across that isn't run fully by NPC's so what's the harm." 

She walked in and was amazed by the decor that lined the shops. She looked at the armor hanging around. "I guess I'm in the right place. Uh. Hello??" She approached the counter. "I'd like to place a custom order for some light armor?" She places a little notepad on the counter. "I'm not sure how much I need to pay."

* * *

Name: [Tailor can choose]
Item Type: [Light Armor]
Tier: [1]
Quality: [Perfect]
Enhancements: [MIT II, EVA I]
Description: [Tailor can choose]

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There was skepticism in Bahr's eye as he inspected first the custom order form, and then the woman who had given it to him. Based on what she was wearing, basically anything would have done better. He waved his hand through the air as though to dismiss the notion of payment.

"Always on the house for noobs."

With that, he retreated to his crafting room in the back and got to work. Within only a few minutes, he had a craft which fit the criteria for her request. He brought it out to her for inspection, laying it across the counter.

"Red seems your color. We can always tell our own."

CRAFTING ATTEMPTS 1-4 (08/31/2024).


Scrapping rolls 229130-229132.

Name: Crimson Raiment
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 229133
Roll: CD10
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: MIT 2 | EVA 1
Description: Don't let them see you bleed. It will only embolden them. If you can't prevent it, make sure they at least won't see it.
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=685841


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Siren inspected the man's craftmanship. "This is really nice, thank you kindly sir. I feel mighty awful for just taking it from you, but I'll come back to you for some more gear at some point." She winked at the shopkeep and picked her armor up. She equipped it using the system and twirled around. If you listened close enough it almost sounded like there was a magical girl translation theme playing in the background. Angel made a cute pose at the end. "Man, you are so right. Red is my color." She looked at herself in the mirror. Mainly checking out her bust and butt. "Man! I look good. You are definitely gonna be who I come to from now on. Consider me a return customer." She winked at him and headed out the door.

* * *

Siren is picking up 
Crimson Raiment | T1 Perfect Light Armor | MIT II | EVA I | ID: 229133
[desc.] Don't let them see you bleed. It will only embolden them. If you can't prevent it, make sure they at least won't see it.

* * *




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Scarlet would take a step into the much more pleasant environment offered in the tailor’s space than the grimy backstreets she had to weave through to find the place. The colors were always the first thing she’d noticed. Vibrance and tone, the sign outside was that, making it rather difficult to read probably for someone who only has 1/10th experience of using their vision.

She would inspect the cases of various wares sold by the person who owned the shop, seeing if something particular caught her eye but unfortunately there was nothing in the Tier 1 Perfect section for her to use. After greeted or once she’d realized there was nothing she could use, whichever came first, she would wave and open her menu looking at a note she’d written down before. “Um, hello.” She would greet then begin speaking like she was reading that note verbatim and struggling with it. “I am looking for a Light Armor piece with… oh, uh Perfect Light Armor that has two Evasion slots and one mitig- mitagation.”  Her words were stiff and she was clearly nervous.


Name: Emerald Cape
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: [Leave Blank]
Roll: [Leave Blank]
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA II; MIT I
Description: Despite the name, it’s not actually a shade of green or has an inlaid emerald accents. This dark cape is actually meant to compliment the green outfit worn by its user.
Post Link: [Leave Blank]


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More people, more people. So many people, lately. And this one had a name that stuck out like a sore thumb.

His eyes narrowed as she struggled to spit out her order, unfocused eyes scanning some sort of note it seemed she had made for herself. Something about the practice, and her, pissed Bahr off. Perhaps it was because she'd had the audacity to use that name. Not like she would have known any better.

For a moment, he considered barking at her to use the order form that was plainly visible from where she stood. But she was a low level, and Bahr had decided long ago that he'd do whatever he could to help the noobs get more appropriately geared up to survive out there. Even if he did harbor (admittedly illogical) disdain for the woman, she still qualified.

"Sure. First one's free. After that, you pay."

It took more attempts than any piece had taken him in recent memory. He could only chalk it up to lack of focus. But, eventually, he managed to cobble together what she'd asked for.

"Here," he spat sourly as he tossed the garment onto the counter between them. "Don't die."

CRAFTING ATTEMPTS 1-10 (09/03/2024).


Scrapping rolls 229661-229669.

Name: Emerald Cape
Your Profession: Tailor
Your Rank: 10
ID: 229670
Roll: CD10
Item Type: Light Armor
Tier: 1
Quality: Perfect
Enhancements: EVA II; MIT I
Description: Despite the name, it’s not actually a shade of green or has an inlaid emerald accents. This dark cape is actually meant to compliment the green outfit worn by its user.
Post Link: https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17882-f1-r10-tailor-the-crusty-bahrnacle/?do=findComment&comment=686090


Edited by Bahr
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