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The Basics
 Username: Oscar
Real name: Oscar Lugos
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'9''
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Gold
Blood Type: Pixels









Initial impressions of Oscar paint him as a stern, direct individual navigating conversations with the grace and acumen of a charging elephant. He doesn’t shy away from saying exactly what he thinks. Despite that, he always carries himself with a certain air of respect. Despite his bluntness, he’s surprisingly tactful. Though he loathes the idea of not getting his true thoughts out in the air, Oscar realizes that in some situations, it’s best to skirt around it. A skill learned through profession, not one that came naturally to the man.  He will freely admit that he doesn’t make a good first impression. Yet he’s resolute in the goal of being true to himself that he refuses to “correct” the behavior. Those worth keeping around wouldn’t be put off by a couple misplaced phrases.

A pillar of strength and will to those around him, Oscar holds fast to his principles. A simple logic is behind his words, wisdom earned from both his checkered past and his salvation. He believes life can’t be viewed in black and white, just different shades of gray. Machiavellian in his dealings, Oscar believes firmly that the ends justify the means. If harm in the short term will lead to a larger positive gain, he will pursue that option.

His sense of self is readily apparent. Staying true to himself chief among his desires, Oscar displays his personal sense of style and flair for the world. From his manner of dress to how he flows in combat, every aspect of his aesthetic is equally crucial. Dress, like compassion, is not to be understated. Oscar pursues excellence as a hunter pursues their quarry. He takes great pains to ensure that everything he touches is just so and in line with the mental image of how he thinks it should be.

Despite all of his shortcomings, Oscar carries himself with a genuine warmth. A natural affection for the people around him. He truly wants nothing short of the best for those he chooses to surround himself with. A naturally charitable soul, Oscar will move heaven and earth to make life just a little bit easier for someone, even a complete stranger. Altruistic by nature, guarded by nurture, Oscar often finds himself at odds with himself. His survival is paramount only to the survival of his friends. Fearless in the face of danger, yet hyper aware of his own mortality. A dissonant state of being that, at times, tears him apart inside.

It is this same dissonance that birthed in him feelings of inadequacy and stokes his own deep-seated fears of abandonment. For all of his strength of will and kind charisma, Oscar teeters on the brink of his own destruction. One solid push one way or the other and even he doesn’t know where he’ll end up.


Oscar came into this world same as anyone: screaming, crying, and covered in blood. The manner of his birth, ultimately, is irrelevant. Equally irrelevant? His early childhood. Though Oscar was thrown in the crucible of the world that would ultimately mold him into the man that he would become earlier than most, the first near-decade of his life passed without incident. He had loving, doting parents. He wanted for nothing. They went above and beyond to instill in Oscar a ravenous hunger for knowledge that would carry him through his formative years. The last remnant of their love for their only son before they were tragically ripped away from him.

A car crash took both of his parents and landed him in the hospital for some time. Comatose, Oscar could do nothing as the rest of his family descended like vultures and picked apart his parents’ estate. By the time he had awoken, there was no one awaiting him in the hospital room. Just a dark, sharp emptiness. Before even being told what had happened by a social worker doing her best to be sympathetic to his plight, Oscar somehow felt a deep chasm within himself. A jagged, bottomless hole that could only form from the sudden loss of a loved one.

But for Oscar, it was more than that.

His father had been a banker, his mother a doctor. Between the two of them, they had managed to amass quite a fortune for him even in the short time he had been alive. But, they had neglected to create legal safeguards around those funds. So when they died, their siblings drained them dry. They didn’t even leave enough in their accounts to pay for their funeral expenses. And, with his parents’ money gone, the rest of his family had no need for Oscar.

For the remainder of his adolescent years, Oscar bounced from home to home. In this time, Oscar was overcome with such rage that he wasn’t very adoptable. He was rebellious and headstrong. He went to school infrequently, studying on his own in the quiet of the library. Ultimately, he grew tired of the dance and took to the streets. 

Being young and homeless in any major city isn’t without its inherent risks. Oscar carved out a meager living by bumping elbows with low level criminals. He’d handle simple yet exceptionally risky tasks for them. Toss a gun. Move some drugs. Through clever maneuvering, Oscar was able to keep himself out of any formal gang initiation. He was also very clear that he would do anything to hurt other people. Even broken, there was a light that shone through. The individuals that he dealt with didn’t take kindly to him drawing a line in the sand and through beatings and threats tried to push him to cross that line. Oscar never did.

He got close though.

A man had slighted one of the men he worked for. Oscar didn’t get the full story, but had been significant. Somehow, Oscar had wound up with the group that was told to go rough the man up. What they hadn’t been told was that the man they were sent to assault was a war veteran. Retired Army Major. Ranger. A real warrior, not a blowhard street rat who relied on numbers instead of skill.

It was the worst beating Oscar had ever taken.

In fact, the beating had been so profound that when word from the group got back to Oscar’s associate, the man disavowed the vendetta he had with the Major. For most, the story would just end there. Or, at the very least, be more of the same. Oscar was young and could take a punch. He’d bounce back and be back on the streets in no time. It was in this moment that Oscar felt some small spark flicker in his chest. Staring at the man through bruised, half-swollen-shut eyes he clocked a flash of something in his expression.

In the end, Oscar wasn’t sent back out to the streets. It was the man he had been told to harm that took him under his wing and cared for him. True to form, Oscar bucked the man’s attempts at charity. But, that’s the thing about kindness. You can fight it. But all you’re doing is breaking the dam bit by bit. When that dam breaks, it will swallow you. You’ll emerge from that deluge of warmth transformed, standing in stark contrast to your former self.

It would not be a stretch to say that Oscar owed his life to that man. Of the many conversations they had over the five years Oscar was in his care, the one that never came up was why. You don’t need to reason to help someone. You just do it. The Major was a hard man, but he had a battlefield wisdom and a surprising level of intelligence. He loved the outdoors, something Oscar quickly took to. Many conversations, deep and heavy discussions at that, took place deep in the forest in the light of a campfire.

The Major lifted Oscar from his anguish. He sent him off to school. He treated Oscar like the son he never had. And then, like his parents before him, the Major passed. In stark contrast to that tragedy, however, the Major’s passing was peaceful. Expected. He’d lived a long life and had spent as much of it as possible enriching the lives of others. With his death, that calling fell to Oscar.

He studied psychology, working with children in similar situations as he’d been. His method of help was akin to a brick to the face, but most of the time it worked. And then, Oscar met Tyson. The universe had a sense of humor. Or at least, it sought balance. A young man afflicted with the exact conditions as Oscar. Only he lacked Oscar’s restraint. Oscar came into his life and changed it forever. Or, rather, Tyson came into his life. With a gun. Demanding his car.

Most people have a rule about not hitting kids. It’s perfectly rational. Absolutely the correct way to conduct your life, really. 

But when that kid has a gun, they’re a threat.

And when that kid gets too close with it, they’re an idiot.

Oscar ate a bullet to the shoulder, but the kid was the one they carted off in the ambulance first.

After that incident, legal trouble ensued. But Tyson’s strongest advocate was Oscar. He paid the court fees. Hired the best attorney he could. In the end, Tyson got off with probation. Pulling some strings with the social workers of the city, Oscar managed to get Tyson placed into his care. And thus, the cycle began anew. Oscar passed the same lessons the Major had taught him down. The same code of conduct. The same simple wisdom. Tyson was wilder than Oscar had been. His hurt ran deeper. But eventually, Oscar helped the boy turn his life around.

It was in that period that Tyson’s passions ignited. Tech. Science. Video games. Hours were spent with the boy gushing about the newest tech being developed, an amazing discovery, or some game mechanic that had either earned his admiration or his ire. When Sword Art Online was announced, Tyson literally would not shut up about it. A blend of all of the things he was most passionate about in this world was just too much.

And so, Oscar moved heaven and earth to grab two copies and the necessary equipment. They waited - Oscar patiently, Tyson on bated breath - for the release date. And then they logged in.

They both jumped in with gusto. Oscar had never been one for video games, but he found a certain affinity with this one. They played for hours with equal enjoyment. Towards the end of their first outing, Tyson had found his health almost entirely depleted. Locked in mortal combat with a boar, Oscar and Tyson tried their best to fell the enemy. Yet, it proved too elusive. It struck Tyson, depleting his health bar. In the next instant, Oscar was warped to the town square.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Oscar anguished over the death of the boy who had been like a brother to him. What he hadn’t realized was that the boar hadn’t completely depleted Tyson’s health bar. He survived with one health and was teleported to the square. In the ensuing chaos, Tyson was unable to find Oscar. Isolated, Tyson fell back into bad habits. While Oscar mourned, Tyson thought himself abandoned again. All of the rage he kept contained bubbled to the surface and he threw himself into self-destructive habits.

Eventually, Oscar was able to venture out again. He found new friends and those new friends convinced him to check the Monument of Life. Oscar had felt that seeing Tyson’s name on that wall would put the final nail in the coffin. Yet, Tyson’s name was not there. Grief now replaced with worry, Oscar resolved to find his adopted brother. Before he could even begin the search, strange men attacked him and trashed his shop. He immediately suspected Tyson. He knew what such an act meant. The message it was meant to send.

Now, Oscar finds himself at odds with himself once again. His principles placed to the ultimate test. Should he dredge up his past and, with it, the skills necessary to meet Tyson on the field of his subversive conflict? Or should he remain true to who he thinks himself to be?





Oscar knows his strengths. Perhaps more importantly, he knows his weaknesses. Above those two, he recognizes that strengths and weaknesses are malleable. Shifting. Applying ones focus to a weak area can turn it into a strength. Neglecting an area where one thrives can cause it to become a weakness. He's aware that further progression as a human is a juggling act that few people have a true knack for. Yet he's able to take it all in stride.

Driven to reach his maximum potential, Oscar is no slouch. One could consider him high-strung. They might be correct. But no one ever died from too much motivation. Quite the opposite, really. He does his best to spread that motivation to others. Seeing people reach their potential is a reward unto itself.

A fundamentally charitable man. Not many people would be willing to take in someone who had just shot them. Then again, Oscar isn't most people. He has no use for the material beyond what he needs to subsist comfortably. Living in excess is a road that leads to ruin. The best way to put his excess to use is by helping make sure that those around him have enough.






Morally Grey
Oscar doesn't see things in black and white. He sees the big picture. An evil act that leads to less suffering than the alternative is still an evil act by most people's reckoning. Despite that - and true to himself - he will take the course of action that leads to the least amount of suffering. If he gets branded a renegade in the process, so be it.

Oscar doesn't mince words. Time spent adhering to social niceties is time not spent dealing with the problem. For a man who sees the world in terms of problems and solutions, it's a point of infinite frustration. Both for him and anyone he deals with. Thankfully, Oscar's able to turn this off around people he has a fondness for provided there isn't anything stressing him out.

Oscar isn't one to share too much about himself openly. At least, not at first. Or at second, for that matter. It takes a bit for Oscar to feel like he can let his guard down. Even when he does, the walls don't completely drop. He keeps even his closest friends at arm's length. Mostly out of a sense of self-preservation. Ironically, he very much needs the help of others at this point in his life. Old habits die hard and Oscar's convinced he can handle it all himself.


The Story Thus Far...



After being trapped inside the game, Oscar made a point to fly under the radar. Still in a state of shock with both the revelation that his ward had been killed in a freak accident and that this would be his new prison for the foreseeable future, Oscar elected to remain inside the main city for quite some time. The most likely time for him to be killed would be when everyone was still in a panic. Eventually, things died down. Slowly but surely, the Town of Beginnings became more and more desolate. As more Floors were unlocked, more Players left the safety of the city. A few people were too stubborn to leave, however. One of them was a alchemist named Paul and his daughter Grace. A middle-aged gentleman who entered Aincrad much in the same way that Oscar had, Paul was one of the few high-ranked Alchemists in the early days of Aincrad. There was no shortage of people making special trips down to the first floor to stock up on supplies. Thus, Paul and Grace found themselves shorthanded. Oscar entered Paul's employ and worked with Grace gathering supplies and helping the shop remain stocked. He was paid well for his time and he found himself really enjoying his time with Grace.

Things were not to last, however. Paul had entered Aincrad to spend what little time he had left with his daughter doing something they both loved. Paul was terminally ill, already committed to the hospital when he first donned his NerveGear. Eventually, Paul began to act strangely. Physical exhaustion wasn't possible, but given the weak state of his body when he entered the game, it was putting a strain on his mind. One day, out of the blue, Paul ran out of the shop screaming like a maniac. He ran straight up to a powerful mob and was immediately slain, Oscar and Grace watching in horror as they had pursued him. The next few days were a whirlwind. Word got around and what little life the Town of Beginnings still had died with Paul. A few weeks later, Grace called Oscar to meet. Without a word, she passed ownership of Paul's estate of Oscar and disappeared. Oscar never saw her again, but he never saw her name on the Monument either.

Eventually, Oscar decided it was time to help the Frontlines. Though he loathed them for abandoning those who still remained on the lower floors, the best way he could think to help them was by helping to clear the game. He met great friends and even made enemies early on. One such friend was Jason. Jason was a normal guy who played video games in his down time. He had just married and his wife was due to give birth soon. He'd been stuck in Aincrad for so long that he missed his daughter's birth. Oscar got along well with Jason and it served as a reminder of why he had resolved to push the floors. Reinvigorated, Oscar progressed swiftly. Due to the speed of his rise, he caught the attention of several prominent Frontliners, adding them to his ever-growing list of aliies.

But, behind the scenes, Oscar's ward was scheming. From what he saw, Oscar had abandoned him. That reignited the same feelings of rage and resentment that fueled him on the streets. He set about creating an organization of Player-Killers and assassins and brought that to bear against Oscar and his friends. The first shot was fired when Oscar's go-to Info Broker Conciliator was abducted. He and Bahr were able to rescue her in the nick of time with some unlikely help from Pinball. Things were quiet until Oscar decided to undertake a quest he missed on Floor Three. He reunited with Jason there, who was forced to lead him into a trap. The idea had been for them to prove a point by beating Oscar close to death. Instead, they elected to kill Jason in front of him. Seeing his friend snuffed out so unceremoniously awoke something in Oscar. In retaliation, Oscar hunted all five members of the hit squad down in the forest and killed them. A new goal was then set before him. He would hunt down each and every Player-Killer in Aincrad. A mammoth undertaking and one that placed him at odds with his closest friends and his Guild. But Oscar always tended toward the darkness and someone had to mete out justice to the wicked.

Of course, that's all fine and dandy until life comes and punches you in the face.

Things were never simple. Oscar took steps to shore up his defenses and eliminate his vulnerabilities. Chief among them was the Orphanage on Floor One. He had taken the children there under his wing - an act that made them into a target. So, in an effort to grant them the means to escape danger, he made sure that they at least had the ability to stealth. His fears came to fruition when Tyson's men abducted the caregivers and the children right from under his nose. Oscar flew to their aid with the company of two of his most dependable allies - Freyd and Lessa. The battle was hard-fought. And it came with the revelation that it was Tyson's Guild of Player-Killers that kept worse Guilds at bay. Realizing that Tyson was not fully beyond redemption simply through the act of stemming the tide, Oscar showed a rare mercy. He took the boy under his wing, intent to guide him.


Edited by Oscar
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raven3.thumb.jpg.7477aa13a2e279937486bb330bb62c10.jpg COMBAT PARAMETERS
LEVEL - 34 [P.57]
HP - 960
EN - 128
DMG - 23
ACC - 3
MIT - 127
EVA - 1

      +8 DMG
      +2 DMG
 +1 ACC
 +4 to AOE Multipliers, +2 additional EN cost

      +40 MIT
      +1 DMG
     ➥ +15 MIT, +15*TIER HP

+12 DMG


Battle Healing Rank 5
 Restore 5% of Max HP at the beginning of every round.
Increase Maximum Energy by 20.
Searching Rank 5
Effect: +5 LD, +5 Stealth Detection
Description: Increases your perception, making it easier to find treasure, detect hidden creatures, and increases your chance of obtaining better loot from monsters.
     ➥ Searching Mod: Tracking
     ➥ Searching Mod: Night Vision
     ➥ Searching Add-On: Reveal
Lockpicking Rank 3

+1 LD per rank when picking the locks on chests.
     ➥ Lockpicking Add-On: Dismantling
+2 Hate vs (up to) 4 Targets
     ➥ Howl Mod: Focused Howl
Fighting Spirit
Generate +1 Additional Hate
Allows the user to instantly equip, unequip, or swap any equipment in their battle-ready inventory.
Extended Weight Limit

+2 additional Battle-Ready inventory slots.







» WELL RESTED: -1 Energy cost for the first three expenditures in a thread
» HARD-WORKING: +2 EXP per crafting attempt, +1 crafting attempt
» TASTY: Turn 2 identical food items (same quality, tier, & enhancements) into a Lesser Feast.
» RELAXED: Increases HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts
» ADVANCED TRAINING: +2 SP to a thread. Limit one use per month.
FILLING: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps.
» COL STASH: 5% Bonus Col from monster kills and treasure chests
» DECOR - SPOOKY AMENITIES: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage take from DoT each turn by 5%.
» SQUEAKY CLEAN: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 25% (rounded down)



Cost: 10 SP
Requirements: Any Rank 5 Weapon Skill, Quick Change Skill
Effect: Choose two Weapon types. Declare one as Primary and one as Secondary. The Secondary Weapon now shares all Weapon Skill Ranks, Mods, and Shifts as the Primary Weapon. If Quick Change is used to switch between the two weapons types, Quick Change's effective Cooldown is reduced by one turn.
Description: Adaptability is a crucial skill in combat. Those experienced in battle understand that sometimes, a single weapon doesn't cut it.


Edited by Oscar
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>> <<HESTIA'S FLAME>> (+1 CD)



» <<Kyūketsuki>> T4 DEMONIC KATANA
     ➥ PHASE

     ➥ HOLY
     ➥ HOLY
     ➥ PHASE
     ➥ BLIGHT

     ➥ BLEED
     ➥ BLIGHT
     ➥ BURN

     ➥ +20 MIT
     ➥ +20 MIT
     ➥ +20 MIT

     ➥ EVASION
     ➥ EVASION

     ➥ QUALITY
     ➥ QUALITY

     ➥ LOOT DIE
     ➥ LOOT DIE
     ➥ LOOT DIE



>>  3x <<EVASION DOG>> [+2 EVA]
>>  3x <<FOCUSED DOG>> [+2 ACC]
>> 11x <<LIQUOR OF LIGHT>> [+3 DMG]



>> UNIDENTIFIED T4 PERFECT WEAPON - IDs:  , 225518-3, 225520-1, 225520-2, 225520-3, 225528-1, 225528-2, 225528-3, 225534, 225535, 225546, 225549-1, 225549-2, 225555, 225566-1, 225566-2, 225566-3, 225573, 225582-1, 225582-2, 225592-1, 225592-2, 225592-3, 225598-1, 225598-2, 225599-1, 225599-2, 225599-3, 225600-1, 225600-2, 225600-3, 225605-1, 225605-2, 225623-1, 225623-2, 225623-3, 225624-1, 225624-2, 225624-3, 225656-1, 225656-2, 225656-3, 225658-1, 225658-2, 225658-3, 225673-1, 225673-2, 225673-3, 225675, 225680, 225694, 225695-1, 225695-2, 225696-1, 225696-2, 225720-1, 225720-2, 225884-1, 225884-2, 225884-3, 225885, 225926, 225932
>> UNIDENTIFIED T4 PERFECT ARMOR - IDs: 224645, 224680, 224715, 224727, 225501, 225506-1, 225506-2, 225507-1, 225507-2, 225549, 225556-1, 225556-2, 225558-1, 225558-2, 225582, 225591-1, 225591-2, 225605, 225606, 225649-1, 225649-2, 225675, 225695, 225696, 225697-1, 225697-2, 225720, 225885, 225890, 225898-1, 225898-2, 225899-1, 225899-2, 225917-1, 225917-2, 225927


Edited by Oscar
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  • 1 month later...

Estate Name: Oscar-Meyer Mansion
Floor Location: Floor 7
Plot Size: Estate {Safe Zone}
Rooms: 11/15 | Yard: 3/3
Main House: Master Bedroom - Oscar  | Master Bathroom - Oscar | Living Room - Oscar & Cordelia  | Expanded Workshop - Chef's Kitchen - Oscar | Dining Room - Oscar & Cordelia | Basic Kitchen - Oscar | Expanded Workshop - Chef's Kitchen - Cordelia | Guest Room - Spooky Amenities - Oscar | Attic (Bedroom) - Oscar | Expanded Workshop - Pharmacy - Warren | Living Room - Warren
Yard: Mega Slime Farm - Oscar | Mega Slime Farm - Cordelia | Mega Slime Farm - Warren
Initial Application: Here R1 R2


Edited by Oscar
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  • 5 months later...


2.6 (Legacy)


2.6 SP Count
Total SP: 384
Available SP: 7
Used SP: 377

+5 SP for Character Creation
-5 SP for Curved Sword Mastery Rank 1
+4 SP from <<The First Few Lessons are Free>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17981-f01-pp/
+3 SP from <<Earning a Living: Cook>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17983-f01-pp/
+2 SP from <<Katana Acquisition>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17987-f01-sp-a-strange-old-man/
-5 SP for Katana Mastery Rank 1
+3 SP for <<Feeding Your Enemy>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17994-f06-pp/?page=2
+5 SP for <<The Second Lesson, Is Also Free>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/17993-f01-pp/
-10 SP for Fishing Skill
+ 2 for <<Challenge of Olympus>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18006-f17-sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-578905
+10 SP for Refund of Fishing Skill
+3 SP for <<The Third Lesson, Is Actually Free>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18007-f01-pp/?page=2
-8 SP for Katana Mastery Rank 2
+4 SP for <<The Gemini>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18012-f06-sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-579154
-10 SP for Katana Mastery Rank 3
+3 SP for <<The Fourth Lesson, Is Actually Free>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18016-f01-sp/?page=2
+6 SP for <<Training Your Friend>> 
-0 SP for Familiar Mastery: Accurate Rank 1
-8 SP for Familiar Mastery: Accurate Rank 2

+2 SP for <<The Venomous Warg>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18036-f02-pp/
+3 SP for <<Calming the Soul>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18062-f06sp/
+4 SP for <<Long Live the Queen>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18061-f02pp/
+2 SP for <<The Traveler>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18116-f05pp/
-12 SP for Katana Mastery Rank 4
+3 SP for <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - The Emerald Hatchling>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18011-f01-pp/
-3 SP for Survival Skill
+3 SP for <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18120-f02pp/?do=findComment&amp;comment=581278
+1 SP for <<Dragon Hunter Anthology - The Emerald Hatchling>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18131-pp-01-w-oscar/
+6 SP for <<Avalanche> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18144-f03-sp/
+5 SP for <<A Case of Wurms>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18147-f07sp/
-15 SP for Katana Mastery Rank 5
+5 SP for <<The Monkey King>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18152-f08sp/?page=2
-5 SP for Light Armor Mastery Rank 1
+4 SP for <<The Search for the Hoya>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18157-f03sp/
+4 SP for <<The Guardian of Fire>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18145-pp-09-w-oscar/
+4 SP for <<Blood in the Sand>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18063-pp-f5-alive-in-death-valley-«blood-in-the-sand»/
+4 SP for <<Treant Rivalries>> YUI'S GRACE CONSUMED http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18161-f03sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-581981
-15 SP for Katana Mod: Ferocity
+2 SP for DHA2 http:// www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18132-f02-pp-dragon-hunter-anthology-2-x2/?page=2
+1 SP for <<Nature's Treasure>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18172-f11sp/?page=2
+4 SP for <<Deforestation>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18066-f06pp/
+5 SP for <<Bloodstained Land>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18189-f05sp/
-10 SP for Familiar Mastery: Accurate Rank 3
+1 SP for <<Nature's Treasure>> 
+50 SP for Refund of Katana Mastery Rank 5
+15 SP for Refund of Katana Mod: Ferocity

-50 SP for Two-Handed Battleaxe Mastery Rank 5
-15 SP for 2HBA Mod: Ferocity

+1 SP for <<Event - Avenging the Hot Dogs!>>http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18223-event-f01-avenging-the-hot-dogs/?page=2
+4 SP for <<Lord of the Seas>>http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18211-f12sp-dance-with-storms/?page=2
-8 SP for Rank 2 Light Armor Mastery
+2 SP for <<Essence of Steel>>http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18236-f04sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-583186
+1 SP for <<Event - An Axe-ellent Time!>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18238-eventf01sp-an-axe-ellent-time/?page=2
+4 SP for <<Butcher of the Sands>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18171-f05pp/
+2 SP for <<Worn Out Welcome>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18178-f03sp/
+4 SP for <<The Night's King>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18346-f04sp/?page=2
+5 SP for Refund of Curved Sword Mastery Rank 1
-10 SP for Light Armor Mastery Rank 3
+3 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18257-f07-pp-we-may-stumble-and-fall-but-shall-rise-again-it-should-be-enough-if-we-did-not-run-away-from-the-battle-mahatma-ghandi/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-588644
-9 SP for Light Armor Mod: Athletics
+8 SP for <<The Lich's Calling>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18512-f14sp-the-lichs-calling/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-588738
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18510-f02-pp-is-it-edible/?page=2
+18 SP for Familiar Mastery: Accurate Refund
+3 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18566-f08spuncomfortable-noises/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-589909
-0 SP for Familiar Mastery: Damage Rank 1
-8 SP for Familiar Mastery: Damage Rank 2
-10 SP for Familiar Mastery: Damage Rank 3

-15 SP for 2HBA Mod: Precision
+5 SP for 2019 Halloween Event <<A Midsummer Bite's Dream>>
+3 SP for Earning a Living w/ Ceres http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1859
+4 SP for <<Absolute Zero>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18375-pp-04-w-oscar/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-591721
-12 SP for Parry
+4 SP for Escape http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18680-f03sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-591781
+4 SP for Arabian Nights - The First Night http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18683-f05sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-591848
-8 SP for Parry Mod: Justified Riposte
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18213-event-f1halloween-event-19-something-wicked-this-way-comes/?page=6&tab=comments#comment-591990
+5 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18679-pp-10/
+3 SP for <<Let There Be Light>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18122-f02sp/?page=2
+5 SP for Reward Adjustments to <<Absolute Zero>>, <<Worn-Out Welcome>>, <<Let There Be Light>>
+8 SP for <<Raging Rhino>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18778-f24sp/?page=2
+4 SP for <<Witch of the West>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18755-pp-22/?page=2
-12 SP for Light Armor Mastery Rank 4
-15 SP for Light Armor Mastery Rank 5

+3 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18785-pp-10-w-oscar/?page=2
+3 SP for <<Arabian Nights: The Second Night>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18820-f07sp/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-595243
+1 SP for New Year Event - http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18627-nly-f11-new-life-years-festival/?page=6
+6 SP for Gift from Father Wuotan http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18678-nyl-pp-f11-of-following-ones-fortunes/
+3 SP for Fighting Fish http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18848-pp-16/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-597495
-8 SP for Meditation
+6 SP for <<Arabian Nights: The Third Night>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/14170-f13-third-night/
+5 SP for <<Bane of Blood>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18803-f15-pp-blood-bane-eclipsed/
-5 SP for Battle Healing Rank 1
-8 SP for Battle Healing Rank 2
-10 SP for Battle Healing Rank 3

+10 SP for <<Hidden Village>>http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19067-f21sp-hide-n-seek/?do=findComment&amp;comment=599416
+4 SP for <<Ferocious Foe>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/18800-f09pp-so-just-an-angry-bear-then/?page=2
-12 SP for Battle Healing Rank 4
+5 SP for <<The Colossal Shadow>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19016-pp-19-w-oscar/
+5 SP for <<Pouncing Puma>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19107-pp-20-w-oscar/?do=findComment&amp;comment=600499
+6 SP for <<Shocking Stallion>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19116-f22pp/?do=findComment&amp;comment=600624
-15 SP for Battle Healing Rank 5
+8 SP for Refund of Meditation Skill
-10 SP for Fishing Skill
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19136-e3sp-f21natures-treasure/?tab=comments#comment-600782
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19152-e3-sp-f21gone-fishin/
+6 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19237-e3spf21more-spiders-i-guess/?page=4
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19283-e3f21pplast-minute-eggo-blitz~/?do=findComment&amp;comment=604466
-5 SP for Two-Handed Battleaxe: Finesse Mod Rank 1
-3 SP for Two-Handed Battleaxe: Finesse Mod Rank 2
-2 SP for Two-Handed Battleaxe: Finesse Mod Rank 3

+10 SP for Refund of Fishing Skill
-8 SP for Meditation
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19122-e3-easter-2020-eg-egg-n-eggys-wondrous-shop-of-wonders/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-606522
+8 SP for << The Nemean Lion>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19103-f17pp/?page=3
+4 SP for <<Return of the Queen>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19392-f02spmore-bugs-fantastic/
+8 SP for <<Gatekeeper of Fire>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19485-f09-spyou-light-my-mornin-sky-with-burnin-love/?do=findComment&amp;comment=609312
-5 SP for First Aid Rank 1
-8 SP for First Aid Rank 2
-10 SP for First Aid Rank 3

+5 SP for <<Snake Out of Water>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19547-f16pp-the-big-danger-noodle/
+8 SP for <<Betrayal of the King>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19089-pp-f21-aint-nothin-but-a-corn-dog/?page=3
-12 SP for First Aid Rank 4
+9 SP for <<The Ultimate Showdown>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19576-the-ultimate-showdown/?page=12
+13 SP for <<Easter Special Dungeon>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19651-special-dungeon-pp-nuking-the-chocolate-factory/?page=2
-15 SP for First Aid Rank 5
-2 SP for Extended Mod Limit Rank 1
-3 SP for Extended Mod Limit Rank 2
-5 SP for Extended Mod Limit Rank 3

+7 SP for <<Keep Calm and Ki'Raion>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19657-f19sp-look-at-that-thing/
+4 SP for <<Bandit Camp>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19938-pp-09-bandit-camp-red-crystal-machinations/?do=findComment&amp;comment=620476
+50 SP for Refund of <<First Aid>>
-5 SP for Searching Rank 1
-8 SP for Searching Rank 2
-10 SP for Searching Rank 3
-12 SP for Searching Rank 4
Expertise applied, Searching Rank 5 requires no SP cost.
-15 SP for Sprint and Acrobatics LA Mod
-5 SP for First Aid Rank 1
-8 SP for First Aid Rank 2

+7 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20013-spf22-galaxy-destroyer-but-im-not-a-thss-user-night-about-the-galactic-lake/?page=2
+4 SP for <<The Iron Guardian>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19984-pp-09-vengeful-victims-of-villainy/
-10 SP for First Aid Rank 3
+7 SP for Tanabata Event http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19852-ev-22-tanabata-celebration/?do=findComment&amp;comment=621784
-10 SP for Fishing Skill
+4 SP for Nihilim Contribution
+2 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/19794-f21-sp-nt-one-million-club/
+3 SP for <<DHA3>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20092-f03sp-last-minute-cramming/ [Plot Progression]
+5 SP for <<King of Lakes>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20086-f22pp-the-fresh-king-of-floor-22/
-12 SP for First Aid Rank 4
+4 SP for <<DHA4>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20093-f03sp-the-hunt/ [Plot Progression]
+10 SP for Fishing Refund
+5 SP for <<Just for the Halibut>> http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20106-f18pp-he-be-lurkin/
-15 SP for First Aid Rank 5
+10 SP for http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20044-f21-tier-3-boss-raiding-the-reaver/?page=7
+4 SP for Sundered Spire Contribution
-15 SP for Field Medic

3.0 Changelog


414 SP (Level 76) Converted to 432,500 EXP (Level 31, Paragon 45)

Total SP: 200
Spent SP: 200
Available SP: 0

-30 SP for War Hammer Mastery Rank 5
-30 SP for Heavy Armor Mastery Rank 5
-22 SP for Searching Rank 4
Rank 5 Searching obtained via Attic(Bedroom)
-10 SP for Charge
-8 EXP for Energist
-10 SP for Parry
-13 SP for Combat Mastery: Damage Rank 3
-10 SP for Scouting Familiar

-6 SP for War Hammer Mod: Ferocity
-4 SP for Heavy Armor Mod: Impetus

-6 SP for Heavy Armor Mod: Iron Skin
-5 SP for Parry Mod: Justified Riposte
-10 SP for Charge Mod: Bull Rush

-30 SP for Katana Mastery Rank 5
-30 SP for Heavy Armor Mastery Rank 5
-30 SP for Battle Healing Rank 5
-30 SP for First Aid Rank 5
-22 SP for Searching Rank 4
Searching Rank 5 Obtained via Attic(Bedroom)
-13 SP for Combat Mastery: Damage Rank 3
-8 SP for Energist
-4 SP for Katana Addon: Ferocity
-4 SP for Katana Addon: Stamina
-10 SP for Katana Shift: AoE Specialist
-4 SP for Heavy Armor Mod: Impetus
-6 SP for Heavy Armor Addon: Iron Skin
-6 SP for First Aid Addon: Field Medic
-3 SP for Searching Mod: Night Vision




 Lessons Tutorial Questline
☆ «Dragon Hunter Anthology» Questline [«1», «2», «3», «4», «5», «6», «7», «8», «9», «Judgement Day»]
 «Feeding your Enemy»
 «Training your Friend»
☆ «Earning a Living»
☆ «Redemption»
☆ «Scents of the Wild» [Ferocious Foe, Leeching Nightmare, Fighting Fish, Colossal Shadow, Pouncing Puma, Shocking Stallion]

☆ «Gatekeeper of Fire»
☆ «Secret Medicine of the Forest»
☆ «Breaking the Unbreakable»
☆ «Let There be Light»
☆ «Long Live the Queen»
☆ «Return of the Queen»
☆ «Venomous Warg»
☆ «Elvish Rivalries»
☆ «Escape»
☆ «Search for Hoya»
☆ «Treant Rivalries»
☆ «Worn out Welcome»
☆ «Absolute Zero»
 «Essence of Steel»
☆ «Avalanche»
☆ «The Night's King»
☆ «Arabian Nights: First Night»
☆ «Butcher of the Sands»
☆ «Bloodstained Land»
☆ «Blood in the Sand»
☆ «The Traveler»
☆ «Calming the Soul»
☆ «Deforestation»
☆ «The Gemini»
☆ «Arabian Nights: Second Night»
☆ «Case of Wurms»
☆ «Monkey King»
☆ «Bandit Camp»
☆ «Burning Phoenix Feathers»
☆ «Guardian of Fire»
☆ «The Iron Guardian»
☆ «Wail of the Banshee»
☆ «Lord of the Seas»
☆ «Arabian Nights: Third Night»
☆ «Cleansing the Corruption»
☆ «The Lich's Calling»
☆ «Bane of Blood»
☆ «Snake out of Water»
☆ «The Swashbuckling Buccaneer»
☆ «Challenge of Olympus»
☆ «Herculean Labor: The Nemean Lion»
☆ «Just for the Halibut»
☆ «Keep Calm and Ki'Raion»
☆ «Betrayal of the King»
☆ «Hidden Village»
☆ «Trouble in the Mines»
☆ «King of Lakes»
☆ «What we Fight For»
☆ «Witch of the West»
☆ «Escaping the Underdark»
☆ «Search and Rescue»
☆ «Ugzeke the Almighty»
☆ «Incognito Antics»
☆ «Incognito Assassination»
☆ «Raging Rhino»



<<Companionship>> w/ Jevi - https://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/20352-f24-pp-companionship-oscar/


Edited by Oscar
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